View Full Version : Paladin multiclass tips.

2018-08-27, 10:13 PM
I was invited to a house game, and decided to play a paladin 2... And something else to help it, i was thinking of going paladin 2,warlock 8 to start with... But yeah i never played an warlock in my life. I know the basic combo of burning slots, eldritch smite, smite, armor of agathys. But i would love some help choosing what to do, and if it's even worth to smite or should i focus on cantrips and utility spells on the warlock and going hexblade with a weapon is just not worth it? Or do i ditch warlock completely and go paladin 5 instead?

On a secondary issue also i was in a small community of Brazilians who like D&D 5e... And recently we came across a guy who posts builds several times mentioning a combo, involving magic jar and a steed... I noticed that his posts most of the times mentioned the god build of the 'sorcerer king'. I want to ask, do you also have an issue with this stubborn fellow?

2018-08-27, 10:36 PM
I was invited to a house game, and decided to play a paladin 2... And something else to help it, i was thinking of going paladin 2,warlock 8 to start with... But yeah i never played an warlock in my life. I know the basic combo of burning slots, eldritch smite, smite, armor of agathys. But i would love some help choosing what to do, and if it's even worth to smite or should i focus on cantrips and utility spells on the warlock and going hexblade with a weapon is just not worth it? Or do i ditch warlock completely and go paladin 5 instead?
Personally, I find that Warlocks have too few spells per short rest to really synergize well with Paladin levels unt-

On a secondary issue also i was in a small community of Brazilians who like D&D 5e... And recently we came across a guy who posts builds several times mentioning a combo, involving magic jar and a steed... I noticed that his posts most of the times mentioned the god build of the 'sorcerer king'. I want to ask, do you also have an issue with this stubborn fellow?

Oh no.

Get inside, my friend, and quickly- it is time that you learned of the tale of LordDrako.

I'd like to tell it myself, but I have an assignment due at midnight...

2018-08-27, 10:41 PM
Personally, I find that Warlocks have too few spells per short rest to really synergize well with Paladin levels unt-


Oh no.

Get inside, my friend, and quickly- it is time that you learned of the tale of LordDrako.

I'd like to tell it myself, but I have an assignment due at midnight...

Yeah felt the same... Also warlock spells are mostly damage focused and i would rather have the utility since i can burn slots to deal damage, so should i go sorcerer instead? Or straight up 10 level paladin, the rest of the party is 2 fighters, 1 wizard, 1 barbarian. That's why i am thinking of going a more utility class.

I bet it's a long one... By the way his posts go.

2018-08-27, 10:46 PM
Do Paladin/Cleric. Or something like that.

2018-08-27, 10:55 PM
Do Paladin/Cleric. Or something like that.

Oh that one does sounds fun, paladin 5/cleric 5 does seem fun. Tips on spells i should take?

2018-08-27, 11:37 PM
My first recommendation is to just go pure Paladin. They are excellent as single class builds and just get better and better each level up. Grab a Sword & Board and pump your STR and CHA and you are good to go.

If you want to multiclass, try to get at least to Paladin 6 so you get the Aura of Protection and probably level 7 for the Aura improvement depending on the Oath.

1 level of Hexblade gets you CHA based attacks and EB. But you will need Warcaster to take full advantage of it.

Sword or Valor bard also have a lot of synergy.

2018-08-28, 12:31 AM
Tip #1: Don't.

Paladins are very strong single class, and have excellent capstones.

2018-08-28, 02:50 AM
Yep my best tip is don't multiclass at all. Paladins are already possibly the strongest class in the game. No need to multiclass them.

2018-08-28, 02:52 AM
Multiclassing as a Paladin is fine but not necessary. If you're going deep into Paladin, level 6-7 is usually the first cutoff point.

Dipping Paladin is usually for access to Smite, which Warlock already kind of has. Doing that in reverse (dipping Hexblade) would make a lot more sense.

2018-08-28, 05:56 AM
I bet it's a long one... By the way his posts go.

Yeah, it's a very long one. The way I heard, it goes back literally years and years. The person in question is mental. If you ever find his/her (not quite sure which but if I had to guess, his) posts anywhere, don't engage with them. Just ignore him and, if possible, report them to the moderators of the forum/media wherever you found them. I'm no expert, but it seems he's just looking to get attention, in a very weird way. I guess he's a perfect example of an internet troll. With issues.

2018-08-28, 09:37 AM
Welp, off I go to find LordDrako posts!

I hope its worth the hype!

2018-08-28, 09:48 AM
Welp, off I go to find LordDrako posts!

I hope its worth the hype!

What I think should be mentioned is that you probably won't find many with that nickname (at least in these forums) as the person has been banned repeatedly and always uses a new account, until he gets banned again.

2018-08-28, 09:49 AM
Welp, off I go to find LordDrako posts!

I hope its worth the hype!

If by hype you mean 'OhGodWhy', then yes, he'll live up to it. His 5e threads have been rightfully nuked, but there's some 3.5 stuff around.

OP, a small(1-2levels) Hexblade dip for paladin is useful, but if you want more slots to smite with, I'd pick sorcerer instead. Favored soul in particular is rather flavorful. However, there's nothing wrong with going straight paladin either. If you're multiclassing, the Paladins breakpoints are levels 2 (smite), level 6 (save-aura), level 7 (oath-aura) and 11 (pretty much all decent Paladin stuff apart form the cap-stone). If you're going past level 2, I'd got to at least Paladin 5 before multiclassing so you've got that extra attack.

2018-08-28, 10:58 AM
I was invited to a house game, and decided to play a paladin 2... And something else to help it, i was thinking of going paladin 2,warlock 8 to start with... But yeah i never played an warlock in my life. I know the basic combo of burning slots, eldritch smite, smite, armor of agathys. But i would love some help choosing what to do, and if it's even worth to smite or should i focus on cantrips and utility spells on the warlock and going hexblade with a weapon is just not worth it? Or do i ditch warlock completely and go paladin 5 instead? I'd say 2 paladin if you get extra attack (Pact of the Blade), or 6 paladin for extra attack and the aura.

Warlock's have Eldritch Smite from XtGE now. Paladin 2 isn't so great for them. I'd say if you're going 2 paladin, you might as well ditch the Paladin and go pure Warlock Hexblade + Pact of the Blade.

On a secondary issue also i was in a small community of Brazilians who like D&D 5e... And recently we came across a guy who posts builds several times mentioning a combo, involving magic jar and a steed... I noticed that his posts most of the times mentioned the god build of the 'sorcerer king'. I want to ask, do you also have an issue with this stubborn fellow?
It's not you, is it? :p

2018-08-28, 12:36 PM
Welp, off I go to find LordDrako posts!

I hope its worth the hype!
You won't find many- the vast majority of them have been deleted by moderators, and he's been banned countless times, coming back under a different name/account each time.

If you haven't found one yet, here's the first thread he made here (back when he posted on the 3.5e subforum): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?414050-Who-is-better-Optimized-Wizard-or-Optimized-Sorcerer-Yes-Sorcerer-is-a-GOD

Currently, he reappears about once a month or so.

Keep in mind that a lot of the "tricks" that he uses/mentions don't work, both in 3.5e and 5e.

One of the quotes in my signature happens to be from him (the "'No' means 'yes'." one). It was from one of the few times that I tried to reason with him to get him to stop (to little effect). The thread that it came from hasn't been nuked, surprisingly, although at least one of the images that I posted to try to communicate with him have since disappeared.

2018-08-28, 02:36 PM
I'd say 2 paladin if you get extra attack (Pact of the Blade), or 6 paladin for extra attack and the aura.

Warlock's have Eldritch Smite from XtGE now. Paladin 2 isn't so great for them. I'd say if you're going 2 paladin, you might as well ditch the Paladin and go pure Warlock Hexblade + Pact of the Blade.

It's not you, is it? :p

But not really he got banned in my community too after we called bull**** on his gloomweaver combo, he started saying that no one ever would get to his level in there and said and then said that a GM(Not game master, a mod on the facebook group) couldn't build like him xD. Also weren't wizards considered better overall in D&D 3.5? At least when i played there was a consensus that all casters were great but well... Wizards were the greatest or is it just my table and friends that think that?

But yeah i decided to ditch warlock after the talk with everyone here, and go for paladin 7, divine soul sorcerer 3. Giving me access to a few paladin spells a few cleric spells, a few sorcerer spells. The plan will be go for paladin Oath of the Ancients, and divine soul sorcerer. Since most of my friends are frontline fighters, if the campaing progresses more i will probably be finishing paladin 11, sorcerer 9.
One stupid question since i will only get two attacks, i can buff a fighter weapon instead of mine with element weapon right?

2018-08-28, 02:48 PM
One stupid question since i will only get two attacks, i can buff a fighter weapon instead of mine with element weapon right?

Yep, you can. Elemental weapon has a range of touch, not self, so you can buff someone else.

2018-08-28, 02:52 PM

I knew it! :smalltongue:

One stupid question since i will only get two attacks, i can buff a fighter weapon instead of mine with element weapon right?

Yes, you can buff any nonmagical weapon with Elemental Weapon.

2018-08-28, 03:00 PM
"DrakeHelm wins, My sorcerer use Ice Assassins.
My sorcerer easily can use your influence to get scrolls and items.
Your wizard need know if i am a thread and find me, my sorcerer is unfindable."
Well i think my engrish is bad but drako does seem to win that fight. XD
But yeah thanks, having two fighters will be better to just buff their weapons instead of buffing mine.

2018-08-28, 03:04 PM
"DrakeHelm wins, My sorcerer use Ice Assassins.
My sorcerer easily can use your influence to get scrolls and items.
Your wizard need know if i am a thread and find me, my sorcerer is unfindable."
Well i think my engrish is bad but drako does seem to win that fight. XD
But yeah thanks, having two fighters will be better to just buff their weapons instead of buffing mine.

Hahahaha! That gave me a good laugh. :smallbiggrin: