View Full Version : DM Help Player vs. DM arms race - a good thing?

2018-08-28, 12:33 PM
I have a long-running campaign and I have always used mostly easy/sub-optimal opponents and monsters. I have a new player now that knows how to "win the game", meaning that he manages to easily kill/avoid/rout my monsters. He is a team player and works closely with other players which makes him even more formidable.

The question is: Now that my game is running on easy mode, should I toughen up the monsters, which means that the new player will - most likely - come up with something to counter the challenges, or should I accept the situation and change nothing?

Mike Miller
2018-08-28, 12:36 PM
Standard answer seems to ask the group what they like / want. If they all like it the way it is, keep it up. If they want more challenges, then up your game.

2018-08-28, 12:45 PM
You should definitely ask your group. How much challenge people like differs wildly between groups.
Personally i like challenging combat and expect the DM to optimize monsters to a level similar to the party (and do the same as a DM), but it's not that way for everyone.

2018-08-28, 12:54 PM
Racing with your arms gets tiring fast. I suggest racing with swivel chairs instead.

Kidding aside, I third asking the players, but keep in mind that your enjoyment matters too. Are you enjoying how it works?

2018-08-28, 01:07 PM
If you don't feel like asking your group, or you think they aren't experienced enough to give an answer other than, "I dunno," you could always just tell them before you start an encounter OOC, "Guys, I'm going to try a harder encounter this time. Be prepared." I usually warn my players something bad is coming a couple sessions in advance.

2018-08-29, 02:44 PM
Knowing your group, they're used to dying so go no holds barred. Worst case scenario, everything goes as it used to and best, the whole party is challenged and you get some epic stories to tell.

2018-08-29, 05:55 PM
If you don't want to talk to the whole group about it, you should at least talk to the new guy and make sure that this -won't- escalate into an arms race if you do crank up the difficulty. Some people won't optimize responsibly and you have to handle that differently.