View Full Version : Pathfinder Curse of the Crimson Throne Vigilante

2018-08-29, 08:35 AM
Hello. I am joining a Curse of the Crimson Throne game and I am planning to play as a Vigilante. It has just been a while since I played and my creative muscles are a little weak, and I am having a little trouble thinking of a good backstory for him.

For his Social Identity: I was thinking about playing either a merchant or noble, someone who is a little well off and is more interested in building connections and wealth for himself. Ultimate Goal is to remove the restrictions on guilds being formed for laborers and craftsmen and create one himself, and profit as much as he can off of it.

Vigilante Identity: This is where I am drawing a bit of a blank. I am currently debating between a Teisatsu (Though I have to admit I am more doing that because it is a better stalker, and I cannot think of a solid reason he'd have learnt ninja techniques in a city like this), Avenger since the party is currently a magus and a witch and going a bit beefier might be smart, or possible a caster type (cabalist, warlock, zealot) because a gish could be fun and I like the utility of spells.

Though ultimately I'd prefer to think of something that makes sense and is a cool character over just power gaming, it is more fun when I enjoy the character not just am strongest, though I am not sure how optimal the rest will be.

2018-08-29, 09:20 AM
If you end up going rich noble who runs around as a ninja at night you are basically building Batman. Not a thing wrong with that, but that is effectively the character. Teisatsu is really good though and holds its own as a martial.

The cabalist is going to have the witch spell list and int based casting, making you somewhat similar to the witch. The warlock less so to the magus, but still some, while the ranged bolts offer the party ranged damage. Both would be easy enough to pass of as learning magical stuff in secrecy on your downtime. Zealot would add a unique fluff, and you could practice a hidden or controversial religion not considered appropriate, making your vigilante identity a monster. Serial killer is also fantastic if you wanna go that route thematically. Being a vanilla avenger archetype is perfectly fine as well, particularly if you want to be the hero of the people and all.

If your character genuinely cares about the little guy, a bellflower harvester would be good, but the social identity won't work for that part of your theme.

2018-08-29, 09:28 AM
Hello. I am joining a Curse of the Crimson Throne game and I am planning to play as a Vigilante. It has just been a while since I played and my creative muscles are a little weak, and I am having a little trouble thinking of a good backstory for him.

For his Social Identity: I was thinking about playing either a merchant or noble, someone who is a little well off and is more interested in building connections and wealth for himself. Ultimate Goal is to remove the restrictions on guilds being formed for laborers and craftsmen and create one himself, and profit as much as he can off of it.

Vigilante Identity: This is where I am drawing a bit of a blank. I am currently debating between a Teisatsu (Though I have to admit I am more doing that because it is a better stalker, and I cannot think of a solid reason he'd have learnt ninja techniques in a city like this), Avenger since the party is currently a magus and a witch and going a bit beefier might be smart, or possible a caster type (cabalist, warlock, zealot) because a gish could be fun and I like the utility of spells.

Though ultimately I'd prefer to think of something that makes sense and is a cool character over just power gaming, it is more fun when I enjoy the character not just am strongest, though I am not sure how optimal the rest will be.

Im not sure if you've read though the player's guide, a free PDF offered by Paizo that goes with every Adventure Path the release. Considering that Curse was one of their first AP's it does leave a little to be desired. I am currently GM'ing a Curse game and we have a Vigilante playing as a Doctor as their Social Identity, and the Stalker type as their Vigilante identity. They kind of wish they would have gone with the Beefier build but its because his social identity got stepped on last session by a mystical healer (magic beats mundane almost every time).

As far as which Vigilante persona would be best, i would discuss with your GM because there could be some pretty cool reveals later in the story. Based on party comp alone, i would recommend the Avenger to kind of help balance out the damage soak and ability to deliver. If played right, your magus will become unstoppable around 9, unless the GM gets a real good whack, and the Witch who should be hovering and cackling their butt off, should never see combat up close. I can guarantee you that if you don't have a melee fighter that can take a hit or two there are couple of events that can quickly turn from nasty to a pile of PCs on the floor.

I'd be happy to give you more if i can, but i am trying to be intentionally vague so as not to give away spoilers.

Best of luck getting a good second identity!

P.s. a big problem that my vigilante had was dealing with having a party who didn't know that both alter egos belonged to the same person. We spent a good 4 sessions with only 1 other member of the party knowing they were the same person. Its a decision you have to make, do you want the party to know or do you try and keep it a secret?

2018-08-29, 09:49 AM

I have long since come to terms that if I play a teisatsu that I'll be batman. I might not admit it out loud to the party to avoid jokes, but I will know.

Hmm, Serial Killer is one I hadn't really looked at. I do know one of the party members is evil, so it isn't like I will have to worry much about that side. He could go a bit more... Joker over batman, or I guess Bat Who Laughs, in that he is much more evil. Kill rivals and start to try and find reasons why they should do, present himself as an avenger, Punisher style.

I have to admit, the biggest draw to me for Cabalist and Warlock is the tattoo ability, hiding wands in my wrist seems amazing.

Bellflower is definitely out for me. He isn't the kind of person who cares about others because he wants everyone to be happy, he cares about others because it benefits himself and society. Basically he believes in humanitarian work because he sees a healthy society as a productive society, and by extent, one who is willing to spend more. I am thinking lawful neutral for his alignment in this regard.


I have taken a read through the Player's Handbook, but nothing jumped out to me as inspiring for my backstory, besides the fact that trade guilds are illegal. But don't spoil anything for me, but if you have advice on things that would be useful to have in my character, let me know. I know for instance caring about the city is important, so my character has his base there and will be very reluctant to move.

What do you think about a more defense focused stalker (or stalker archtype as will be the case) build? My hesitation on the beefier build is that it seems a little standard, I'll be hitting things hard while I'm a Vigilante and honestly Barbarian is my favorite martial class and it just seems better at that. I haven't played a Vigilante before though, and don't know if that is the case. Could I just pump dex and focus a bit more on not being hit and more debuffing and still be a decent build?

P.S. I actually would love some advice on how to play thing. Both in character and out. In character I am not telling anyone right away that they are the same. But is it worth trying to hide it out of character? Or just accept people will probably figure it out OOC quickly, given I'll have two characters?
IC what are some good ways to avoid suspicion that I am the same person? The whole super hero "Huh, weird that I'm never around when the Mighty Avenger is" seems a little weak.

2018-08-29, 03:42 PM
I have taken a read through the Player's Handbook, but nothing jumped out to me as inspiring for my backstory, besides the fact that trade guilds are illegal. But don't spoil anything for me, but if you have advice on things that would be useful to have in my character, let me know. I know for instance caring about the city is important, so my character has his base there and will be very reluctant to move.

What do you think about a more defense focused stalker (or stalker archtype as will be the case) build? My hesitation on the beefier build is that it seems a little standard, I'll be hitting things hard while I'm a Vigilante and honestly Barbarian is my favorite martial class and it just seems better at that. I haven't played a Vigilante before though, and don't know if that is the case. Could I just pump dex and focus a bit more on not being hit and more debuffing and still be a decent build?

P.S. I actually would love some advice on how to play thing. Both in character and out. In character I am not telling anyone right away that they are the same. But is it worth trying to hide it out of character? Or just accept people will probably figure it out OOC quickly, given I'll have two characters?
IC what are some good ways to avoid suspicion that I am the same person? The whole super hero "Huh, weird that I'm never around when the Mighty Avenger is" seems a little weak.

1.) the defensive striker does work, i would suggest two weapon fighting with something like tonfas they give a block bonus and it stacks, i believe, which is great for when you need to get in close and are scared that a meaty fist might be enough to put you down. you can fight defensively to get the bonus, after level 1 it shouldn't be too hard to hit, even if you're doing so.

2.) in regards as to how to play: i would not worry abut the OOC interactions, it may be easier to just tell the players and let their characters deal with figuring out the identity. I believe its each player's duty to arrive at the table with a "willing suspension of disbelief," this should allow for you to enjoy the character and for the other payers to have a "mystery" to try and solve regarding the party. it isn't worth the extra effort to try and hide you are playing two different characters because, yes, they will figure it out rather quickly. I think its a great way to work on a inner party story. they try and figure it out, you keep trying to cover it up; a slip-up occurs and you have one party-member-confidant that slowly envelops the rest of the party. As for how to handle the vigilante theme i would watch a ton of super hero moves/shows, like all of them. this is my normal way to flesh out a character. i do a ton of thematic research and build something out of the trope that exists. My Player's current Vigilante, prior to party reveal always had an appointment or some other official matter that took the Social Guise away, then the Vigilante would just appear at the next location the party was planning to infiltrate if they need the vigilante, or conveniently the Doctor didn't have any patients that day and could go in their social guise.

A final note on interactions, don't let it get you too down if your identity is revealed earlier than you would like. Most hero's would prefer to go their whole life with their secret identity never revealed, but that a good story does not make. If you get revealed earlier than anticipated, go with the flow and see what exciting story opportunities present themselves.

I would recommend making solid connections with Key NPCs as they will be a constant in the story for you to go to for advice and work. i would go further and give your GM a few background NPCs so they have a few details to feather in throughout the adventure. two more texts i would recommend checking out would be Cheliax: the infernal empire; and a Guide to Korvosa. There is a lot of GM material in here but the do have segments for PCs as well. if you are having trouble finding these texts i have Pdf versions i could send you to help.

3.) here is a character sheet form the player's level 1 Vigilante if you'd like to look at it for examples. its in a google folder but should be easy to see. drive.google.com/file/d/1ys1eFmNnRniI_bzVEBMEB35JL_X_22eE/view?usp=sharing

2018-08-29, 06:29 PM
I really like serial killer for a couple of reasons. The first being that it makes the stalker what it should be by giving it proper sneak attack and not some knock off, and the second is that gives you a way to be an evil murderous sociopath but turn it off, fading into the background. The Movie Mr. Brooks is a good example of this-professional who serial kills as a hobby, a classic "the guy you least expect". When you are not in an area where you need your killing power, you can be a neutral alignment and just blend in, using your normal skills normally.
You can really turn this up to the max with the obscurity trait-it is renown but backwards; your social identity is so bland you blend in. You can still be the ambitious business type, but you are just like any other merchant or noble vs a Tony Stark eccentric billionaire.

Mechanically, a serial killer is a very strong frontliner. You keep the medium armor and you can go dex or strength builds with plenty of utility. Unlike a rogue, you have access to any martial weapon you want to use, making a 2 handed power attack+sneak attack a totally viable thing. You can do dex with lethal grace and light armor, 2 weapon fighting. Getting studied target effectively gives you full BAB at 4th level, meaning that even without the creepy killer part, you end up as a plain good fighter.

The spell tattoo power is incredible, you are right on that. I think the ranged ability of the warlock and the different spell list would be the most variety mechanically. Being able to two weapon fight with the bolts and they get arcane strike you can fill the ranged damage role of the party. I think the cabalist is a bit too unfocused as a class personally, and again tromping on the witch spell list. The bleed in melee is nice and combos well with the magus for a flanking buddy, but a serial killer or any avenger build works just as well or better.

Thematically, a cabalist is going to generally lock you into darker aspects, while a warlock is more open. Magical child gives you a very awesome utility familiar and while the summoner spell list is meh, you can still make a decent melee build out of it. Of course, it is pretty much locking you into Sailor Moon or a similar trope...