View Full Version : Rise of the Rakes Episode 1: Dirty Deeds

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2018-08-29, 10:05 PM
Erelhei-Cinlu. To some the name conjures horrific images; to others, visions of dark glory; and to yet others the drow city is merely home, a home in which demons roam, slaves of many races toil endlessly, and few even among the dark elves dare walk the streets without a poisoned hand crossbow always at the ready.

Yet not all is dark here. Above, the ceiling of the great cavern known as the Vault of the Drow glows faintly with multicolored phosphorescence. The fact that the city is home to much unique art, craft, and culture is not lost on either the fashion-conscious drow or the rare green-cloaked visitors who dare seek within the city that which would be unlikely to exist anywhere else. There are even those among the residents who dare spare a thought for the well-being of another, something which so often invites betrayal.

The Snake and Weasel in the Ghetto of Outcasts is one of the more tolerable eating and drinking establishments around. It attracts a relatively nonviolent clientele by discouraging brawls, crime, and mayhem within its walls. The owner, the half-drow Plenius Greysoul, enforces the rules through his bugbear and half-ogre bouncers.

There a small group of drow now begins to gather in a private room. Most have been brought here by whispers of a lucrative job offer, a dangerous one no doubt, but without uncertainty there can be no opportunity.

Ulfur Aleneld has been instructed to covertly gather a group of freelancers to help rescue a male drow named Tsaennor from a gang known as the Dark Bones. Tsaennor is of your House; he has been to the surface and might know something valuable. You are authorized to spend a maximum of 15k gp on this task, if needed. But note: Do not reveal that your House is behind this; the Dark Bones' sudden rise suggests that they received support from someone powerful and until more is known about it your House must not be implicated in any attack on them.

2018-08-29, 10:27 PM
Vazarkos Houseless (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1675964) walks into the tavern, having taken care of business, and sits down at a table, his back to a corner. When a waiter comes by, he orders his usual, a cup of fine Drow wine, and slips a couple golden coins to the waiter as a tip. His eyes wander, and he relaxes, as much as a Houseless male could be expected to, at least.

2018-08-30, 12:00 AM
Rhylton enters the tavern and, with suspicious glances at the clientele, makes his way to the private room rented for this purpose. He needed a new job, and this was supposed to be a good one, but was there a catch? Who was he kidding, there was always a catch.

Once in the room, he'll stand near the door, with his back to the wall. One hand rests casually on the hilt of his rapier. There he'll wait patiently for the meeting to begin.

2018-08-30, 01:13 AM
A heavily tattooed Drow woman follows the lead of what appears to be a tiny, slackjawed infant cyclops head. It is clearly not the abberation's servant, rather, it is her herald. She isn't seeking attention, rather she is cautious.

Her clothing is an impressive work of tailoring-. It shouldn't be possible to evoke modesty practicality with that little amount of cloth. But the tattoos are both functional and advertising. Not for her body, but her craft. She is a mistress of ink and needle as well as the arcane runes that she can bind in that medium.

No one doubts that she is really named Slyvia, though she claims the surname Simulic, also. What house that may be is unclear. Students of nobility are unaware of her being any higher than the lowest of Drow women.

She orders small beer and gives the waiter a tip commensurate with more of something stronger, but makes it clear from her mien that any further gratuity would be unlikely.

2018-08-30, 01:15 AM
A heavily armed and cloaked individual walked in. When he, as it turned out, removed his cloak, people could also see a nice mithral breastplate armour, bulging with muscles. After ordering a glass of wine, Ulfur moved on to the private room, nodding to the people already there and taking a seat, making sure his weapons were readily available. Sipping his wine, he waited for the meeting to start.

2018-08-30, 04:06 AM
Eerz walks in the Snake and the Weasel, he hasn't eaten anything decent in weeks. He is stout and muscular for a drow. He carries a study belt with two shortswords and a spiked chain across his chest. He wears no armor and has the general looks of a thug, or a bar brawler.

Last time he was here, he got into a fight. Surely they remember.

Two things catch people's attention. His bright red cloak, pitch black on the inside. And a long cavalry lance with runes all over.

He approaches the bar.

I'd like some food. I just won this at the cards tables. Plenius, do you know of someone who might be interested? Also, I'm here for the job

He acts like a loudmouth, moves like a thug and he is well in his 160's: a loser, and a loner. But, then again, If you live that long in this city, you must have something.

2018-08-30, 10:06 AM
Plenius may be only half drow, but his movements are agile and his demeanor confident. The proprietor is clad in leathers and, like most, armed, in his case with a rapier and a hand crossbow.

"Eerzt, is it? Remember, any more brawling and you'll be banned from the place. Stew's fresh, three silver.

A magic lance? Unusual. Awkward in close quarters, but one of the lizard riders might want it. Leave it with me and I'll get it properly identified and ask around for a buyer. And take a finder's fee, of course.

Job? I'm not hiring. Oh, you mean that job. You want to see him."

Plenius takes the lance and puts it behind the bar, and points out to Eerzt the muscular drow in mithral breastplate who sips and sits in the private room.

2018-08-30, 10:55 AM
Thank you Plenius. Here, three silver. And it wasn't me but your bugbear buddy who started. How's he doing? Not on dutty today? Or you have no use for a blind bouncer. I have heard this place's retirement plan is better than the food... Oh! Maybe that's why the stew is fresh.

He doesn't want to push Plenius any further.

No brawling today. And let me know what you get for the lance, though I could take a little gold in advance.

He walks towards the muscular drow, eyes surveying the rest of the tavern.

Eerz D'Arxale. Mind if I sit down?

2018-08-30, 11:15 AM
"If you're here for the job, please do," Ulfur said, pointing to one of the chairs. The guy looked a bit threadbare, but his weapons looked in good repair and that was the important thing. There were now four people and from what he expected there would be five. He decided to wait a bit more. He was a bit surprised to see a female drow in the group, but she wasn't bad to look at, although the tattoos were a bit distinctive. Well, that was her problem, not his.

2018-08-30, 11:19 AM
All of this banter, posturing, and tacit threats of violence were, well, kind of endearing. It meant her colleagues were both confident and hungry. She was, too, but a proper lady learned to conceal her ambitions. At the same time, being a member of the nobler gender, her confidence in her abilities could be presumed as a courtesy, without need of proof like a man might require.

Watching that proof was kind of fun, too. Hehe. But, business. She was a lady of business, and she knew these men from prior jobs. The fact that they were alive and willing to work together meant they were men she could do business with, however like joking boys she might pretend them to be in the privacy of her mind.

Yes, sit. There may be virtue in patience, but there is no profit in standing around waiting for something to happen

2018-08-30, 01:16 PM
Araxae walks in with the drink she secured from the bar in one hand, and her other hand hidden on the small of her back, just about as far from the hilts of her weapons as possible. Aside from her shield and the weapons dangling for her belt, she is dressed as though for a social call. Silken blouse, loose pants belted to show off her hips, copious amounts of jewelry.

She walks up to the table of gathered drow, smiling. "Hi! I'm Araxae, pleasure to make your acquaintance; I heard you needed people for a job?"

2018-08-30, 01:26 PM
"Very well," Ulfur said looking at everyone in turn, "We should be all here now. I'm Ulfur and I represent some people in the city. One of our associates has gone missing and I would like you guys to accompany me to try and find him back. I can tell that this might bring us into conflict with a new group here called the Dark Bones. Any questions so far?"

2018-08-30, 01:38 PM
"I don't suppose you'll just up and tell us who we're working for?" She smiled to blunt the sarcasm a little bit, and took a sip of her drink.

2018-08-30, 01:55 PM
"That is not relevant at the moment," Ulfur said, ignoring the sarcasm, "and also my 'employers' value their privacy."

2018-08-30, 02:02 PM
"You don't say." She lets her eyes wander over the table, waiting to see if anyone else has anything to add.

2018-08-30, 02:06 PM
Eerz listen to Ulfur's explanation and smiles at Araxae's comment. Secrecy is the drow bread and butter, tiresome secrecy and intrigue. As if it mattered, whatever you do in this city is going to get you enemies, even if you don't give a darmantle's tooth about them.

And a job is a job.

What's the payment? And what can your bosses do for us when we are done?

He looks around. He must be the oldest, by a few decades. Although guessing the tattoed drow age is almost impossible.

2018-08-30, 02:11 PM
Who you are is your business, but anything you can tell us about your associate or what they were doing when they disappeared may prove important.

How sad is it that the least professional person here is a woman? Slyvia thinks to herself. Well, frankly, though she would never admitted it, Slyvia found the cageyness from her new employer annoying and pointless. It isn't like she cared about his secrets or his mistress's intrigues. The bottom line is the bottom line

2018-08-30, 02:16 PM
"I can offer you 1500 gold each," Ulfur said, "in gems of course. 500 now, the rest upon completion. And of course all items and other valuables we find during the course of our activities will be divided by the number joining. As to afterwards, if that gang proves to be troublesome, I'm sure my employers can get you out of the city unseen and bring you to another city. Your payment should be enough to live there until you find another job."

"I have a description of my associate," he added, "he has information my employers seek, so the idea is to bring him back alive."

2018-08-30, 04:30 PM
Vazarkos heads to the bar. "What's this about a job?" He asks the bartender, more curious than anything else.

2018-08-30, 07:36 PM
The bartender sizes up Vazarkos, then points him towards the door of the room where the other drow gathered.

2018-08-30, 07:59 PM
He tosses the barkeep a few gold coins, then goes to the door, and walks in, closing it behind him."Apologies for the interruption.
The name's Vazarkos, and I'm what you would call... a troubleshooter." He says, bowing respectfully.

2018-08-30, 08:27 PM
She nods to the troubleshooter. Another fighter is good, unless they are paid as a group.

"Rescue, not assassination. Harder to accomplish, but less likely to start a feud. No one wants to admit to kidnapping, after all.

I have magic specialized to combat other Drow practitioners, and I know a few useful things, besides. You have done well to seek me out. While I will not insult you by haggling over your offer, I must insist that you secure food and lodging for our group. We should assemble anything we need before you tell us anything outsiders shouldn't know, and then, for our collective protection, we should stay together until the situation is resolved."

Heh! No hard tack and bedroll tonight! she thinks. You can get anything if you sound reasonable and appeal to security. And this would cost more than she could probably haggle out of his pocket in gems.

2018-08-30, 08:53 PM
"That's good. I loathe killing unnecessarily. Makes cleanup much too messy." Vazarkos says. "And agreed. An agreed upon headquarters will allow for flexibility in gathering information." He looks around, taking in the crowd. The woman was clearly prepared for Drow. "I'm a specialist with daggers." He pulls a dagger, sheath and all, from his hip and sets it on the table. The sheath is clearly custom, because it seems to mold to the knife within, a slight form that seems to phase in and out of reality in place.

2018-08-30, 11:44 PM
Rhylton, who had been quiet until now, speaks up. "I specialize in getting into places where I don't belong." He says with a smirk. "Hard to keep me out, though. I have a small knack with magic, too." He explains. "Now, what can you tell us about this gang and how they operate?"

2018-08-31, 01:56 AM
Eerz scoffs at this presentation routine.

He is in dire need of cash. But he agrees with the tattoed drow.

Come on, Ulfur. Your house, yes let's Imagine you work for a house for the sake of the argument, their purse cannot be so tight when someone's life is on the line. And we are no newbies.

We want a larger share of any magical loot than you. After all, your house's glory goes first for you. And I'd like access to some of your House's spellbooks. I don't need to know who you work for. Just see the spellbooks and grimoires.

He eats some of the stew

Plenius was right. The stew is quite nice today

2018-08-31, 09:49 AM
"I can secure food and lodgings," Ulfur said, "don't expect the best inn in the city, but it will be good enough. As to the gang, they are quite new in town. So far they do the more logical things, like protection rackets, slave and drug trade and things like that. I know where one of their buildings is, here in the quarter of outcasts. They might have others, but this is most likely the largest."

After another sip of his wine, he looked at Eerz.
"Who I work for I will neither confirm nor deny," he said, "a house, a rival gang, the temple guards, whatever. The main reason we ask you to help out is discretion. A group of, for want of a better word, adventurers, will give less comment than a group in gang or house colours for instance. That's also the reason there is no glory in it for me, as we don't want to advertise. As to your request for spells, let me know which spells you want and I'll see what I can do. I can't make any promises at this point though. But as a sign of good faith, I'll open my own spellbook for any of you who wish to copy a spell. It's not all that extensive I admit, but I'm sure it contains something you don't have yet."

Yes, he thought, the big, strong fighter also knows some spells. Not many, I admit, but enough to keep you guys guessing.

2018-08-31, 10:07 AM
Count with me. It can't be worse than spending a few days in the arena beating lizard riders. What do you know about the subject? Why would someone snatch him?

2018-08-31, 02:03 PM
Vazarkos nods in agreement. "Have these treacherous ruffians, in their immense skulduggery and betrayal, demanded a random?" He asks. "If so, where did they say to deliver and to whom, if anyone?"

2018-08-31, 04:56 PM
"No ransom call has been made," Ulfur said, "and as to what our target knows, he has been out scouting. Where I don't know. So I assume it's information he has and information we want. So, any more questions?"

2018-08-31, 05:12 PM
Not no my part. Where shall we meet again?

2018-08-31, 09:17 PM
"I'd be interested in looking at your spells." Rhylton says. "So we don't know what our target knows? Was he just captured because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

2018-09-01, 08:29 AM
Eerz salutes the young Drow.

Count with me. I'll go and get ready. I guess until further notice I can be contacted here trough Plenius. When you have a place for the headquarters, let me know.

He then leaves the table and the bar.

I'd like to roll for gather info, about Ulfur and about expeditions to the surface lately. [roll0]

2018-09-01, 09:33 AM
"I assume that he stumbled upon something he wasn't supposed to see," Ulfur said to Rhylton.

When Eerz accepted, Ulfur nodded at him and then looked at the others.

2018-09-01, 10:54 AM
"I'm in. Certainly better than petty crime, and business is slow right now. Vazarkos says, nodding at the Drow making this request. "I have some... contacts of my own, and I'll be doing some inquiry with them."

2018-09-01, 12:25 PM
Very well, I would also like to learn any arcane spells you might be willing to share.

Otherwise, I'm ready when you are. I think I will just get lunch while I wait. I will, of course, pay the tip.

Slyvia is physically frail and knows very few illusion or summoning spells. Spells she might find particularly useful are summon monster, animate dead, and mirror image

2018-09-01, 06:32 PM
"I'd also like some time to gather some information about our enemies and target."Rhylton says. "Should we meet you back here? And when?"

Gather Information [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [roll1]

2018-09-02, 05:15 AM
"Let's meet back here tonight at 8," Ulfur said, "and yes, please do use your contacts or other means to find out as much as you can about this gang. More knowledge is Always good. But please do try and be discreet. I'll try the same and I'll also will see about getting a base and inform about learning spells."

He looked at Araxae, the only one who hadn't given him a clear yes or no answer.

2018-09-02, 07:56 AM
"I'm in." She raised her drink in a toast before throwing the rest of it back, rising to leave the meeting.

2018-09-02, 10:06 AM
"Very well and thank you," Ulfur said, "as I said, I'll be back her tonight around 8. See you later."

After handing out the advances he gave a nod to all he left the inn and taking care that he wasn't followed, he went back to his house where he reported.

Arriving at the house, he waited until he was brought to the person who assigned him this task.
"I've found a group of five people. With me that will be six. Some of them will also be putting out feelers on the gang, but is there in the meantime anything more that you can tell me about the location of Tsaennor or the Dark Bones? Also, some of them requested access to spellbooks to copy spells. I've said that I would see what was possible, without making any promises, except for my own spellbook, limited it might be. Lastly, I would also need a location we can all stay where we won't be overheard. Do we have a safehouse or an inn we control I can use? No great luxury, but something nice would be great."

2018-09-02, 10:10 AM
Vazarkos stands up and nods."I must take my leave, then. Be safe, and may your wits be as sharp as your blades, and your blades sharp as your wits." He returns the indecisive-seeming implement to his right hip.

After receiving his initial payment, he heads to the Ghetto of Performers, and heads to a familiar building, one of no windows and enchanting individuals, the walls ceiled in lead and filled with debauchery, a house of surprisingly good repute in an ill region, The Last Kiss. He walks in, and sits at a table, awaiting one of the numerous women or men that raised him here to come by. He's dismissed temporarily the glamer on his chain shirt, revealing the symbol of a pair of lips with a vertical scar on the right side.

2018-09-02, 02:40 PM
As you head back towards the House compound, you notice that a hobgoblin - a slave on some errand, no doubt - is heading in the same direction. The creature doesn't seem to be following you but as luck would have it would see where you are going. Do you just proceed as usual?

2018-09-02, 02:49 PM
Ulfur will walk around the block to see if the hobgoblin followed and then if not, enter the compound after doing a tour around the block.

2018-09-02, 05:42 PM
Rhylton accepts his payment and hits the streets, searching for information. He'll hit the wine bars and dives, putting coins in hands and buying drinks and food for people he might call friends, or aquaintences at least. He focuses on the ghetto of outcasts, where Ulfur told him the gang operated.

2018-09-03, 04:42 PM
Rhylton buys a few drinks in various taverns (spending [roll0] gp in the process) and chats up the locals, subtly steering the conversation towards the Dark Bones. He confirms what Ulfur has said about them, and also hears that the gang tends to keep to itself, although a tavern called The Bottomless Pit has become known as a Bones hangout. It is not one of the spots that Rhylton is familiar with - that is to say, it's new - but he does find out its location.

Vazarkos waits for a while and greets some people he knows. Among them is Jhulae T'sarran, an experienced drow madam and one of his mentors. Through conversing with her, he learns that a drow man named Velkyn Rhomduil is one of her regulars, and he is in the Dark Bones, but she doesn't know his current whereabouts.

Playing it safe, you allow the man to evade you. You didn't learn anything notable.

The hobgoblin keeps going his own way after you turn aside; just a coincidence after all.

Back at House Aleneld, you report to Matron Xalyth Aleneld herself, as it was she who assigned you the mission and the matter is clearly a secretive one. The old Matron is still reasonably fit and only her large pet spider remains in the room as the two of you discuss the matter.

She tells you "Very well, proceed as you are. I have attempted to scry Tsaennor without success. Of course even a rope trick spell, renewed as needed, could block that, so it means little as yet. The Goddess is silent on the matter but that could mean many things, usually that we are to impress Her with our own initiative. I've given you what information I have.

On spellbooks, it is risky to let others access our magical knowledge. If you have a few specific requests, then I will see if old Nadas can help you out, without risk of letting his whole book be copied or stolen.

Your little posse can stay at The Sobbing Drunk. The owner is in my debt, which I arranged for just such an occasion."

2018-09-03, 05:08 PM
Vazarkos nods. "Thank you, madam Jhulae, for your information." He tosses her a couple gems. "For your time."

2018-09-04, 01:05 AM
Rhylton makes his way back a little before the agreed time and checks the private room to see if any of the rest of their happy little band had returned or stayed.

"I learned a few things." He reports, casually.

2018-09-04, 03:21 AM
After his meeting, he went to the Sobbing Drunk to arrange things with the owner and to make sure the rooms and inn were good enough and also to arrange practical matters like rooms and food. While he was sure that it would be fine, he wanted to see for himself. And then he could also check the surroundings and some routes to and from the location as well. Afterwards he walked past the building that was the suspected HQ of the Dark Bones. No stopping, no more than a casual look that he also gave other buildings and people and for the rest letting his peripheral vision do the trick.

Again making sure that he wasn't followed and taking a few detours just to make absolutely sure, he arrived back at the inn a bit after the agreed upon hour.
"Good," he said when Rhylton announced that he had news, "but first we're going to relocate. I have arranged for us to stay at the Sobbing Drunk inn.
The name doesn't sound like much, but what's in a name, right?"

When everyone had arrived he brought them to their new base of operations.
"So, what have you learned," he asked when they were installed without they could be overheard.

2018-09-04, 04:49 AM
At their new location, Rhylton makes sure the grab some food and a good drink, all on his employer's dime, before settling down to tell the others what he'd learned.

"From what my contacts could tell me, they're a bit of an insular gang, keep to themselves." He reports. "They tend to hang out at a bar called The Bottomless Pit. I'm not familiar with the joint, but I can tell you how to find it."

2018-09-04, 05:48 AM
Eerz returns to Plenius' tavern a little earlier than the rest. He seems upset.

He didn't have enough time to go to the outcast's ghetto and get some information at the gambling tables, having lost part of the afternoon chasing an elusive clue.

It seems you drow has vanished in thin air. We should scheme something to get the gang's attention, it would be of tremendous help if we knew more about your allly's activities in the surface.

He takes a look about the new digs.

2018-09-04, 09:39 AM
Vazarkos joins up with the group shortly thereafter, leaving his regards with his mother, he joins the group at the old pub and follows behind them. Once he arrives, he tosses a couple more gems to the barkeep, and orders a bottle of fine Drow wine, aged some fifteen years. Going home always made him feel nostalgic, and one of these days, he was going to bump into his mother when he went for information. That was going to be... Fun. "Nice digs. A little... On the nose, namewise, but otherwise nice. I have a name. Velkyn Rhomduil. He's one of the Dark Bones, according to my contact."

2018-09-04, 02:36 PM
Slyvia sips her wine at the bar. She is a specialist, a professional. Her job came later, let the boys do the skullduggery. It wouldn't do for a proud woman with pretensions to social mobility to be outdone by baseborn boys. Which she would have been, because she hadn't a clue how to gather information discreetly and effectively

2018-09-05, 04:45 AM
I don't have knowledge local, but I'm a gambler, so I'll roll profession gambler to see if I know the spot from having gambled there. [roll0]

What's the plan? Shall we go there undercover? Buy a few drinks I the bottomless pit and ask to join the gang?

2018-09-05, 06:57 AM
Araxae turns up a while later, dressed much the same, although this time around she's wearing flat shoes and a dark cloak.

"I don't know, the group sounds quite thuggish to me, as it were. Would we even make plausible candidates?"

2018-09-05, 07:01 AM
"Better a good inn with a weird name than a weird in with a good name," Ulfur remarked, "I must say that the name Velkyn Rhomduil doesn't ring a bell, but The Bottomless Pit does. If I'm not mistaken, it's a gambling tavern. I've also passed by what, if not their HQ, is at least a building they use and indeed, the bugbears outside were wearing gang colours. As to the plan now, I think if we just show up all six and ask to join, they might get suspicious. And as you say, not all of us will fit their profile, although that might just be a front. My employers have of course tried to scry for our missing associate and they were unsuccessful, so there's at least one person with magical talent in the group. I think we can best search for that Velkyn guy and see what we can get out of him in the way of information. Any of you have Divination magic we can use to track him down, or learn extra information once we have him?"

2018-09-05, 07:04 AM
Araxae can scry, but since that was already attempted, she remains quiet about it.

2018-09-05, 07:23 AM
My divinations are not good for the task, even more, when a caster from a House has tried and failed.

I do suggest going to the Bottomless Pit, throw some dice, play some cards. That would raise fewer suspicions than straight out trying to join the gang. However, we are bound to draw attention. We strike quite a motley crew. It would be best if we went in groups. And Ulfur, that martial look you got about you? It gives you away.

Eerz is getting ready to go. He prepares his equipment and dusts his bright red cloak.
He weights the pouch with the gems and takes some of them.

I feel like placing some bets.

2018-09-05, 11:44 AM
"I probably won't be the first soldier to go into a tavern to gamble," Ulfur said, managing to keep most of the sarcasm out of his voice, "but if we do that, it's best not to go all in one group, but solo or in smaller groups. I can even be a bodyguard who escorts some ladies who think they need a bit 'rawdier' entertainment. That way looking around wouldn't arouse to much suspicion. Vazarkos, can you describe this Velkyn?"

2018-09-06, 02:07 AM
Rhylton sits back and listens. Staking out the Bottomless Pit was a good plan. Do some drinking and gambling, try not to cause trouble, or draw attention to yourself. Listen. Learn.

"That building they use, after we get some information from the Bottomless Pit, should we stake it out? I might be able to get in unnoticed, especially if there's a distraction."

2018-09-06, 09:18 AM
"A stakeout on that building might be difficult," Ulfur said, "It's a fortified freestanding villa in a better part of town. It's going to be difficult to maintain a watch on it without giving away that we're doing so. I think we best check out this Bottomless Pit first and then see what we can learn there. And search for this Velkyn guy."

2018-09-06, 11:48 PM
Vazarkos shakes his head about the description. "She didn't give me one, and my contact's time is extremely valuable." He says.

2018-09-07, 12:33 AM
Vazarkos gets a look from Rhylton. How valuable was her time that she couldn't waste a few sentences on a description of this guy? Oh well, nothing for it, then.

The rogue shrugs. "Into the Pit it is, then. How should we split up? I don't mind going solo if I need to."

2018-09-07, 02:24 AM
We should show up alone, in pairs at most. I'm going now. See you in the place.

Eerz uses a prestidigitation trick to dust ff his cloak and leaves the inn.

2018-09-07, 05:59 PM
Slyvia perks up at the thought of a night on the town on someone else's expense.

I will retire to my room to freshen up. she finds an empty spot and opens her portable pit to her storage area and seeks out her cosmetics and good clothes. Her Beholderkin watches from the mouth of the portal

2018-09-08, 03:08 AM
"As a bard you should be fine on your own," Ulfur said to Araxae, "I'll play the bodyguard of Slyvia, so I can look around differently than regular patrons. Everybody else just is on their own. And pretend not to know the others, okay?"

He waited until Slyvia was back from her dressing up party.
"I'll pretend to be your bodyguard," he said, "Makes certain things easier for me to do and to look at. And I can also be the one who carries your money, as is often the case."

2018-09-08, 11:29 AM
As you make your way to the Bottomless Pit, you see a typical variety of drow and non-drow in the streets, including a group of koa-toa in the green robes assigned to visitors in the city. The fish-men point up to the dome of the Vault while hissing and grunting in their native tongue.

The Bottomless Pit proves to be a large tavern with no logo displayed outside. At the door, a troll bouncer wearing a chain shirt and bearing a large battleaxe grunts, but lets you pass. There are a few bugbear servants inside who no doubt also act as bouncers.

Inside, most of the patrons are drow of either gender, though there are a few who appear to be horned tieflings. About a dozen drow sit at the tables eating or drinking, while a similar number are actively engaged in gambling. The games of choice seem to be Naut'kyn (a form of poker), and Orbbcress (a form of roulette). There is even one table where the Shelza Ir strategy game is being played.

About half of the drow here bear the symbol of three crossed bones. Like the rest, they are armed.

The place is dimly lit with glowing fungi in three of the corners. The most dramatic décor is in the corner to the far right, where you see a deep hole averaging perhaps 10' wide. The floor of the place is uneven stone, possibly the natural bottom of the Vault, and the slant deepens towards the gaping hole which appears to be a natural feature. From where you stand, you can't see the bottom of the hole. Despite its presence, none of those here seem overly concerned about it.

2018-09-08, 04:48 PM
Slyvia looks around. This will be fun. She orders something mildly alcoholic and and heads over to the Shezla Ir table. She can't abide the randomness of Orbbcress, but the boys, being better at dealing with their own kind and the arts of skullduggery, might do better than her at the Naut'kyn tables, where the action probably is.

Shezla Ir was a game that might appeal more to men who fancied themselves intellectuals, and such men were the kind with whom she got along best.

She looks at the players, then the board. She looks to see if a man in gang insignia is playing and who seems to be winning before she says anything.

2018-09-08, 08:33 PM
Eerz tries to keep ahead of the others, going in by himself. He has never been to the Bottomless Pit. A strange occurrence, since he has practically lost at every single gambling locale of the city.

Once inside, Eerz goes to the Naut'kyn tables straight as a poisoned crossbow bolt.

He asks the croupier what's the entrance fee and waits for the croupier to introduce him to the game. Luckily he only brought 250gp in gems.

From the table, he sees the group coming in. The tattoed, female (Sylvia? Slyvia?) looks sharp in that gown. Varzakos fits the place seamlessly, and Ulfur strikes an odd figure.

2018-09-08, 09:35 PM
Vazarkos walks in soon after Eerzt, and goes to the bar, and starts watching the crowd, ordering a glass of wine and whatever meal is available.

2018-09-09, 08:20 PM
Rhylton waits a bit before entering the Bottomless Pit. Once inside, he orders a glass of wine from a server and wanders over to take a look at the pit. It probably wasn't truly bottomless, but it was a curiosity for sure.

2018-09-09, 08:34 PM
At the Shezla Ir table, a female drow is playing against a male drow. Both wear the crossbones symbol. They appear about evenly matched right now. There are two other male drow at the table, who don't wear the symbol; they are following the game and placing bets, something the players do as well. When Slyvia walks over, they all size her up, but don't initiate conversation.

At the Naut'kyn tables, several drow and a couple of the tieflings are playing; it's a mixed gender group.

The male croupier tells Eerz "Ante is one gold. Rake is ten percent. If there are any threats voiced or otherwise, the rakes rise to twenty percent."

Vazarkos is given some sort of mushroom dish along with his wine. "Five silver."

Rhylton is charged two silver for the wine. He approaches the pit, but can't really lean over to get a good look without risking falling in as the floor slopes towards the hole. From where he stands, he can't see the bottom.

2018-09-09, 09:11 PM
At the Shezla Ir table, a female drow is playing against a male drow. Both wear the crossbones symbol. They appear about evenly matched right now. There are two other male drow at the table, who don't wear the symbol; they are following the game and placing bets, something the players do as well. When Slyvia walks over, they all size her up, but don't initiate conversation.

At the Naut'kyn tables, several drow and a couple of the tieflings are playing; it's a mixed gender group.

The male croupier tells Eerz "Ante is one gold. Rake is ten percent. If there are any threats voiced or otherwise, the rakes rise to twenty percent."

Vazarkos is given some sort of mushroom dish along with his wine. "Five silver."

Rhylton is charged two silver for the wine. He approaches the pit, but can't really lean over to get a good look without risking falling in as the floor slopes towards the hole. From where he stands, he can't see the bottom.

Vazarkos passes him a gold coin. "Keep the change, and thank you." He takes a deep whiff. This place may have been a literal hole in the Underdark, but he was still curious about the food.

2018-09-10, 12:34 AM
Ulfur had been following Slyvia around like a bodyguard. As soon as he entered, he started looking around for security, at least the visible part of the security as he was quite sure there was a magical component as well.
"Something to drink, mylady," he asked Slyvia when he had finished his check on the security. After she gave him her order he went to the bar to get it, in the meantime looking out for other things happening there.

2018-09-10, 07:27 AM
Eerz cracks his fingers and sits down at the table, forking out the 1gp.

After a few rounds, he tries to make smart talk.

The surface dwellers have some good games similar to these. Is hard to get to the nice towns, you know, being drow and everything. But, once there you can play for real gold.

He is betting over the odds, trying to get attention as a big spender. And sweating as he gets a gambling rush.

2018-09-10, 09:49 PM
The male drow bartender takes Vazarkos' gold and tells him "Thanks." The food seems passable, though certainly nothing special.

Ulfur looks around, judging the security measures. The bouncer at the door may be a mere troll, but he is keeping a sharp eye on everything and looks tougher than most. There are three bugbears guarding the place as well, with morningstars and studded leather armor. On the far wall from the outer door there are a few slits near the ceiling which might be nothing, or might function as arrow slits. An inner door leads to the kitchen area in that direction. Of course, the patrons themselves are all armed, with rapiers and hand crossbows being common.

When Eerzt mentions surface dwellers, a hush falls over the other players at his table. It is very rare for any drow to have been to the surface - and such business is always a risky and sensitive matter. Memories of how the now disgraced House Eilservs' failed attempt to carve out a colony on the surface using giants as troops led to an invasion of the Vault by a group of powerful adventurers from the surface and triggered a civil war are still fresh among the drow, although many houses now send spies and secret agents on the long, dangerous journey to the surface, and slave raids continue.

A drow woman at the table who wears the symbol of the three crossed bones tells Eerzt "You may call me Shurraenil. Tell me of yourself and your adventures on the surface."

ooc: Eerzt: Roll Profession (gambler)

2018-09-11, 01:13 AM
With the drink, Ulfur goes back to Slyvia and stands behind her as a bodyguard would do. But that doesn't mean he doesn't keep his eyes and ears open to conversations at the tables around him. Especially those where a lot of Crossed Bones are sitting interest him. He might figure out who Velkyn is. And maybe pick up some useful information about the captive or something else his house could use.

listen: [roll0]

spot: [roll1]

2018-09-11, 05:28 AM
Eerz bows his head to Shurraelil.

The name is Eerz.
It was long ago, when I was a young Drow. We and the lads went on a hunting expedition, trying to get some elven skalps, you know, the usual stuff younglings do. We got ambushed and most of my unit was killed. I wandered, hurt and lost , first on the surface, then back on the underground. Unable to come back to the city. One night in the surface I saw a caravan of performers, I stalked them. It was a mottley crew. I walked forward to them. OH! the look on their faces! probably thought I was going to kill them. Instead I joined them, We visited some of the big cities. I was part of the show. I was in Nyrond and Keoland, and had some good fun in Iuz. Long time ago.

He tells the story with the air of a melancholic old man talking to a young woman, almost pathetic. and keeping the details vague. All while barely loking at her.

He pauses.

Looks her in the eye.

What is your interest in the surface? Personal?

2018-09-11, 08:27 AM
Vazarkos starts eating, confident that the food isn't poisoned, and nods. "So, anything of interest happen recently?" He asks, interested in the local rumor mill as much as anything else at the moment. A well-informed leader was a well-prepared leader, after all.

2018-09-11, 01:42 PM
Slyvia places a bet on the man with a smile and a wink at him. A compliment and a boost to his ego might pay dividends.

As she sits, she affects interest in the game, but she is more interested in any conversation. She decides to wait before saying anything substantial, though.

2018-09-11, 07:43 PM
The conversations that Ulfur overhears seem typical enough: Some are talking about the Shezla Ir game, while others are talking about the fights at the Ceremonial Arena in the Ghetto of Savages. It sounds like a giant has been scheduled to fight in the Arena, and they are wondering who will face him.

Shurraelil replies to Eerz "Sounds like you fit in with the surface dwellers. I am always interested in a good true story, since you never can be sure that knowing something won't prove useful. Was that your experience?"

Eerz might be somewhat distracted by the conversation, as by now he is down by a total of ten gold after losing some rounds.

The bartender tells Vazarkos "Oh, the usual. What's new? If you ask me, it seems like every day there are more non-drow anywhere you look. That'll be trouble, mark my words."

The man playing at the Shezla Ir table takes Slyvia's wink as an invitation to speak. "Interesting ink."

2018-09-12, 06:42 AM
Eerz tries to pretend the loses don't affect him.

He keeps the conversation going

Well I fit in for a time. I never grew accustomed to the sun. Hideous thing. But then Eclavdra had this plan with the giants and beign a drow in the surface became even harder. Any kind of tolerance, even in the rather wild Iuz, was erased. I came back. And I became a mercenary.

The surface dwellers are often at war, but they are pretty good at joining forces against a common enemy.

Have you been to the surface?

2018-09-12, 06:59 PM
Thank you! It's mostly my own work . Advertising, as it were. I am accepting commissions, as it happens. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself, and I'll think if there is anything in my private stock you might be interested in?

she would go as far as it takes if she thinks she can get any useful information. Or if she can lure him back to the base. Or if he is attractive and she can't find some more useful way to fish for information

2018-09-12, 10:26 PM
Shurraelil tells Eerz "I've never been there, but from my experience down here, surface dwellers are even poor at being slaves - too insubordinate. Are you currently employed?"

The man playing at the Shezla Ir table is in decent physical shape, and seems agile. He replies to her "I'll have to think about it. I'm still on the rise, you might say. Common stock, but so what? The Bones is working out for me so far."

2018-09-13, 10:48 AM
Not wanting to outright lie, not a good idea among paranoid drow. Particularly when you are not so good at it. He decides to omit the truth

I am open to offers. I have noticed the "uniforms". Are you a gang or a sect?

2018-09-13, 10:55 AM
Vazarkos shrugs. "Makes it easier to blend in when everyone's focused on the foreigners among us. Certainly makes for interesting times." He says between bites of the dish. "Also, my compliments to your cook. It is an excellent dish." He says, and adds in his mind, 'Certainly better than whorehouse chow.'

2018-09-13, 04:52 PM
Shurraelil tells Eerz "We are an organization. I'll tell you what … See that tough-looking drow behind the tattooed woman? If you can defeat him, I'll see to it that you receive an appropriate offer of employment."

2018-09-13, 10:04 PM
Curious, Rhylton pulls a copper piece from his coin purse and flips it into the pit, listening for a sound, if it hit the bottom. It mifght grab someone's attention, but maybe new patrons were often curious. Perhaps it was good luck?

2018-09-14, 02:51 PM
These "Bones" seem like a quality outfit. What do you do for them? all smiles. She is genuinely interested. She even has some attraction and more than a little fellow feeling for the man.

2018-09-14, 05:23 PM
Eerz looks up, he sees Ulfur, standing like a proud bodybuilder. Then he lowers his head and scoffs

He is a kid playing though. I mean no offense to you, especially not in your place. But I am not a thug who picks random fights with weaklings for the amusement of the patrons. Only in the arena. I am sure there are other ways I can prove my worthtiness.

2018-09-14, 06:18 PM
When Rhylton tosses a copper piece into the pit, he listens curiously for when he'll hear the clap of metal on stone. The sound never comes.

The man playing at the Shezla Ir table replies to Slyvia "I do what's needed. Often I'm a middleman. I can procure things if you want, for a price of course - drugs, slaves, whatever. What do you want?"

The bartender tells Vazarkos "You may have a point. I'll pass the compliment to the cook, sure." He goes over to pour a refill for a drow woman.

Shurraelil smiles. She tells Eerz "Perhaps. But I didn't specify the details or give a time limit. You can challenge him to the Arena if you want, or find some other way to do it."

2018-09-15, 01:40 AM
Hm, interesting, Rhylton thinks.

He makes his way back over to the bartender and slides over a gold piece. "If a man were looking for a job around here, who's the best person to ask?"

2018-09-15, 03:19 AM
Ulfur kept looking around like a bodyguard would. He noticed the team members chatting with various people so that was good. If they weren't betraying him, but those were things that you could plan for, but never really anticipate. He kept on the look-out and kept his ears open for any useful information, including figuring out who this Velkyn guy could be.

2018-09-15, 12:11 PM
Well, right now I'm just shopping around, but I will keep you in mind. she smiles and winks.

Well, she thinks, I don't think that asking this guy if he can sell me information about my employer is a good move, but it would tell me something.

She resolves to flirt with the guy for at least the end of the game, then try to get in on the next round. If she can't seduce him into an ambush by then, she will try to trick him into revealing information only the target would know, thus comprising his location. But first...

She addresses the woman he is playing with with as much formality as would be considered sincere.Excuse me, {female honorific} I hope I have not intruded on you too much.
Might I have the next game with my new friend, and soothe any ill feeling with you by buying the next round. Unless I am out of line. If so please accept my apologies

2018-09-15, 03:12 PM
The bartender takes Rhylton's gold and replies "What sort of a job? Do you cook? I don't think there are openings for that right now."

The female Shezla Ir player moves a piece on the board and tells Sylvia "It's usual to ask to play the winner. Or do you lack confidence in your abilities? In any case, I will let you do as you asked."

2018-09-16, 08:05 AM
Eerz places a last bet. Then he offers the drow a drink at the bar.

I'm a gambler, that much is obvious. But I like knowing the odds. Tell me, this little club of you. What are you? A gang? a cult? You seem very interested in my tales of the surface. If I were to beat up that though looking kid, what would I get from your organization?

2018-09-16, 03:42 PM
Shurraelil accepts Eerz's offer of a drink at the bar.

"All that you need to know right now is that the Bones have a use for talent and recognize its value. You talk a big game. If it's just hot air, or if you are squeamish about doing what's needed, you won't get far with us. But if not, then we are a good team to join, one that is growing and gaining power in this city. I don't make the decision to hire, but I can put in a good word for you, and that word will make the difference without a doubt."

2018-09-16, 08:27 PM
It is an offer worthy of consideration. It surely seems the Bones control a few good places in the city. And a loner like me could do good in a group like yours. But I don't like uniforms. Would you be open to a freelance collaborator?

What really intrigues me is your interest for the surface. Any drow worth her salt should know that attracting the surface dwellers' interest to our small and protected community of hatred is not well looked upon by the families. Not after what happened to the vault.

He drinks slowly, alcohol is not his thing. Later on, he'll catch some dark fungi smoke somewhere.

How could I prove my worth? And to whom, other than you? You surely aren't naive, when an old geezer like me comes here, he kind of expects to find employment offers.

2018-09-17, 02:11 AM
Rhylton smiles. "No I can't cook." There was a reason he had magical rations. Well, that and you couldn't poison them. "I was thinking something more interesting. And what's with the bones around here?"

2018-09-17, 04:49 PM
Outmaneuvered. Blocked, even. There is a reason I'm a mage. Slyvia thinks and curses silently.

Of course, you are correct. she reaches to her purse for her bet. She places the coin down in a way she imagines might be vaguely seductive. Whoever wins the next game, she tries to communicate to the hapless male that she is adding herself to the ante for this one. Or, more to the point- he is now a pawn in a contest between the women.

Here is my bet, I'll play with whoever wins.

2018-09-17, 08:54 PM
Shurraelil sips the wine that Eerz bought for her. "Not all of us display it openly. As for the surface, it was you who brought up the subject. Just what do you think your worth is?"

The bartender tells Rhylton "You might want to speak to Shurraelil" and indicates the woman sipping at the bar next to Eerz.

The man playing Shezla Ir says "Good" and makes his move, sacrificing his own minor piece to one of his major pieces. The endgame is approaching, with most pieces having been removed from the board, but the outcome remains uncertain.

2018-09-19, 04:53 AM
Eerz thinks: This is dangerous. A small city to make new enemies. And these thugs are planning something dubious, perhaps they ant to recruit foreing help to take on the ruling houses. Stupid idea. But if I join them I'll learn more about their operations and maybe find the whereabouts of the missing drow.

When can I meet your boss? I offer expertisse on the surface, a sharp sword and a sharper mind. But I'm not a thug, get it straight. I find no pleasure on empty violence. Though killing is something I do as well as any drow, you know, it's in our blood.

2018-09-19, 08:47 PM
Shurraelil replies to Eerz "Doing as well as any other drow, does not impress me. If you really are an experienced fighter, as surviving to your age in this business suggests, then you'll have to prove it. Only then would I bother to introduce you to the boss. It's embarrassing to the organization if your on our business and you fall prey to any kobold who decides to ambush you."

2018-09-19, 10:21 PM
"Ah." Rhylton looks over and notices she seemed busy talking to Eerz. He'll ask the bartender what she's drinking and order a cup to be given to her, by the bartender of course, he would be certain not to touch it, lest she fear poison. Once the drink was offered, he'd appear before her with a short bow.

"Excuse me, Mistress Shurraelil," Rhylton says respectfully, "I am told you are one to speak to about the possibility of employment?" He asks, hopeful.

2018-09-20, 05:02 AM
I see you have no sense of humour.

Eerz looks at Shurraelli

Count me interested. Let me know if you have any use for my abilities. Ask Plenius about me.

He bows and as Rhylton approaches, he waves goodbye and whispers at Shurraelli's ear.

I'll leave you to your work. There are thugs a dozen in this barrel.

He proceeds to leave the place. Making sure nobody is following. If needed he will use magic or maneuvers to move faster and silently.

2018-09-20, 05:52 PM
"As you wish" Shurraelli tells Eerz.

When Rhylton approaches her she replies "Perhaps I am. Who are you and what sort of work are you qualified for?"

2018-09-21, 04:06 AM
While Slyvia is playing, Ulfur started asking around for Velkyn, saying that he heard that that was the man to contact to get some 'herbs'. If really needed, he would buy a small amount of something more common (with no intention to use it) just to establish his bona fides.

2018-09-21, 07:03 PM
The man playing at the Shezla Ir table makes a move and smiles. The game isn't technically over, but the advantage is now clear. The woman looks at the board and says "Don't expect me to go easy on you again" as she stands. The gamblers at the table collect or abandon their bets as required.

The winning man starts to collect his pieces and tells Sylvia "I'm eager to see what you have. My name is Ranaghar by the way."

As far as he can tell, Eerzt is not being followed.

One of the men wearing the Dark Bones' symbol tells Ulfur "Velkyn Rhomduil? He's more of a slave catcher, but you may be in the right place. Maybe I could help get what you want."

2018-09-22, 03:08 AM
Nobody seemed to follow.

But in this drow infested places, you were never really safe...

Eerz tied to find a good spot to watch over the place. He may be needed if a brawl started below. Hadn't he spent his alter self spell before he would have gone in again under disguise.

Eerz uses shadow jaunt to move away and then a hide action followed by ms and will try to pick a spot to watch over the bottomless pit.

Move Silently[roll0]

2018-09-22, 06:17 AM
"Slave catcher, interesting," Ulfur said, "good to know."
It didn't help him identify the guy, but at least he now knew more about him and that would facilitate the search.
"I was looking for caustar," he said to the guy, "I don't need large quantities, just a bit of an edge at times."

2018-09-22, 08:48 PM
"I have a knack for getting into places where I don't belong, and getting out again unseen." Rhylton explains to the drowess.

2018-09-23, 12:05 PM
The guy talking to Ulfar says "I could probably get that for you. How many doses? Say, sixty gold each."

Shurraelli tells Rhylton "I see. Maybe I could find work for you. Would you be willing to take a hands on job assessment test?"

2018-09-23, 12:14 PM
"50 gold," Ulfur countered, "and five doses should be enough for now."

He didn't really need poison, although it coould be useful at times.

2018-09-23, 12:28 PM
Vazarkos watches and listens.

2018-09-23, 01:32 PM
Well, let's see... I think I should take you back to my workshop, so you can get a less obscured view of the merchandise.

Let me tell my bodyguard not to wait up.

She cojures some ink with her Shadowcaster fundamental and scribbles a note. She has her Beholderkin deliver it to Ulfur

I am going to have some fun with my new friend. Then I'll keep him entertained with some stuff untill after we all "have breakfast" with the principal. Then, if he is a gentleman and cooperative, I'll send him home rejoicing. Otherwise, he'll still tell us something about where these people are, so to speak. -Slyvia

2018-09-23, 09:58 PM
Rhylton nods. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" He sips his wine, waiting for her to explain. Of course there would be something like this, you couldn't just get in on reputation alone. And in his line of work, a reputation was a bad thing to have.

2018-09-24, 06:07 PM
The guy talking to Ulfur tells him "Fifty-five, and that's my final offer. I can get it for fifty, but I don't work for free."

Ranaghar tells Sylvia "That's an offer I could hardly resist."

ooc: Sylvia: make a Bluff check

Shurraelli tells Rhylton "I'll name an establishment, you will obtain a particular item from it tonight. Agreed?"

2018-09-24, 07:05 PM
The male nods. "Agreed. What does your heart desire, my lady?"

2018-09-24, 08:31 PM
She replies to Rhylton "I'll show you. Ready?" She gestures to two of the Bones men and they prepare to leave with her as well.

2018-09-25, 01:27 AM
"55 sounds reasonable," Ulfur said, "deal."

He looked up when the familiar of Slyvia arrived with a message. He quickly read it and then turned back to the guy he was dealing with.
"When and where," he simply asked.

2018-09-25, 09:31 PM
"Here, tomorrow" the poison trader tells Ulfur.

From his perch outside, Eerzt sees Rhylton leaving the place with Shurraelli and two Bones men.

Ranaghar tells Sylvia "Why don't I show you my pad instead."

2018-09-26, 03:14 AM
"I will be here," Ulfur said, finishing his drink and leaving the inn after Slyvia. He would follow here at a distance, if only to know where she lived.

2018-09-26, 04:02 AM
Eerz decides to follow Shurraeli and Rylton.

He turns invisible and shadows them.using the rod of lesser extend. Invisible for 12 minutes. After that i'll try to keep my distance. and use Track instead.

2018-09-26, 01:53 PM
Okay, that sounds fine.


New plan:. Screw him silly, then send my familiar for help once he is asleep.

2018-09-26, 10:36 PM
Shurraeli leads the way as she and Rylton, accompanied by the two Bones men. Pedestrian traffic is fairly light here and now, but even so, there are groups of drow and others out and about.

Eventually the group passes an establishment with a sign on it that says 'Fine Weapons'. The place is currently closed.

Soon after Shurraeli tells Rylton "Inside that weapon shop there is a dagger with a green hilt shaped like a dragon. Obtain it before the place opens. Can you do that?"

Meanwhile, Ranaghar leads Sylvia to his 'pad' which proves to be a room at the top of a small tower. There are two Bones men lounging below in a common room. Ranaghar's place has comfortable furnishings and a small bath area. The man himself is in good physical condition, though his moves are fairly standard. He displays a deep interest in Sylvia's canvas. Afterwards, he shows no signs of falling asleep.

ooc: Ulfur: Make Hide and Spot checks.

2018-09-27, 12:26 PM
Slyvia cuddles the unusually competent gangster. A man this difficult to manipulate or lure into an ambush is a man with potential. Unfortunately, that is a long term concern. In the short term, she should really find some way to get word to the others, or escape, without raising suspicion.

2018-09-27, 04:38 PM
Ulfur notices a man peering out of the middle floor of the tower that Sylvia entered; and he's been spotted.

2018-09-28, 02:04 AM
Rhylton shoots a glance at the two men summoned to follow them, but covers any worry with a smile. "Lead the way." He bids Shurraelli as he falls into step beside her.

2018-09-28, 06:54 AM
Knowing he has been spotted, Ulfur continued down the road. Seeing him walk here was as far as he knew not the issue, as he was just walking along the public road. Showing undue attention to the building could be an issue, so he continued and tried to get a better view on the building from another side. The main problem was that Slyvia was inside and he had no way to contact her. Maybe he should spend some resources in learning a sending spell. Something to discuss next time he was in a position to discuss magic resources. Or simply buy a scroll and use that to scribe the spell in his own book.

2018-09-28, 09:21 PM
Rhylton nods. "Alright. I think I can do that. What do you know about the building?"

2018-09-29, 09:57 AM
Shurraeli tells Rhylton “Only that the owner lives above the shop. I haven’t been upstairs.”

As Ulfur circles around the tower, he realizes that the Bones compound that he saw earlier is a few blocks away.

Ransghar tells Sylvia “You are welcome to sleep here or leave if you wish, but now there is other business that I must attend to.”

2018-09-29, 10:42 AM
Eerz is worried the invisibility spell vanishes. He can't make what the conversation between Rhylton and Shurraeli is.

2018-09-29, 11:15 AM
Ulfur chose a nice spot where he could see without being seen himself. It was sort of logical that the members lived close to their HQ, although that was probably for the higher members. He hoped that Slyvia was okay, as there was not really a way for him to figure out what was going on inside.

2018-09-29, 05:39 PM
Slyvia gives him a peck on the cheek and begins to dress herself.

I must leave, sadly. My familiar needs it's dinner, and there is nothing for me here without you, anyway.

She heads out the door. She waits to see if anyone is paying attention to where she is going. If not, she might try snooping around.

2018-09-29, 09:25 PM
A smirk plays across Rhylton's face. "This should be interesting then."

He'll approach the shop to case the place, looking for defenses and locks, and a potential way in.

2018-09-30, 10:24 PM
As she and Ranaghar leave, Sylvia notices that one of the guys on the middle floor is peering out the window. If she snoops around, the man might notice that.

Rhylton passes by the shop, taking an appraising look. The front door is undoubtedly locked, and the window on the ground floor is barred. There are two windows on the second floor, and they are not barred.

OOC: What is everyone else doing? No reason to hold that up ...

2018-09-30, 11:57 PM
Rhylton rounds the building taking in all the potential entrances. Was one of the windows in an alley where he could operate unseen? Was there a back door that might provide a more opportune route?

2018-10-01, 09:19 AM
I can't believe I get paid for it this... thinks Slyvia, amusedly, as she heads out if the building.

She tells her familiar, in the Deep Speech, to let her know if it sees anything or anyone important.

2018-10-01, 08:52 PM
"Good bye. I'm a regular at the Pit, you know." Ranaghar heads towards a building a few blocks away that Ulfur knows to be the Bones' stronghold.

Rhylton circles around the block. There is no traffic there right now, but watchers are always possible. There is a back door and an upper floor unbarred window.

2018-10-01, 09:13 PM
Seeing no one around, Rhylton casually walks up to the back door and casts detect magic, to see if there were any wards. If he finds nothing, he'll break out his thieves' tools and begin trying to unlock the door.

2018-10-02, 09:43 PM
Back at the Bottomless Pit, Vazarkos finishes his meal. The others in Ulfur's employ have left the place, leaving him alone. Glancing around, he notices a drow man entering the establishment. The man is one that he recognizes from somewhere … Thinking about it, he realizes that when he worked as a bouncer, he had to throw this guy out of the pleasure house for abusing the staff. The guy goes up to the bar and orders a strong drink. As of yet, he doesn't seem to have recognized Vazarkos. He does not wear the Bones symbol, and has a pair of short swords.

Meanwhile, Rhylton hears a click as his tools unlock the back door of the shop.

Ulfur sees Sylvia in the street.

2018-10-03, 01:20 AM
Seeing the man still watching the street from the building, Ulfur decided not to talk to Slyvia so he wouldn't break her cover in any way. So he stayed out of sight of the man watching the street for the Bones and followed her at a distance for now.

2018-10-03, 06:21 PM
When Sylvia's beholderkin familiar points out Ulfur to her, Slyvia signals "all clear on my end, no quarry caught" in Drow Sign to Ulfur.

2018-10-04, 03:07 AM
Rhylton smiles and slowly pushes open the door, looking around, presumably, the back room of the shop. His detect magic spell still active, he keeps checking for the possibility of alarm spells or the like, and quietly starts his search for the dagger Shurraeli described.

2018-10-04, 09:20 AM
Vazarkos orders another drink. "Interesting times, huh?" He says to the newcomer, not bringing up old wounds if he can help it.

2018-10-04, 10:26 PM
When Rhylton opens the door, he sees what looks like a large storeroom with closed cabinets lining the walls. Another door is on the far side of the room, and it's open. The most notable feature in the room though is the large footpad lizard which hisses towards Rhylton. This massive lizard has a scaly blue hide. Its wedge-shaped head is filled with teeth as long as daggers. Instead of claws, the lizard’s feet end in sucker-like disks.

ooc: Rhylton to act

Meanwhile, the man at the bar tells Vazarkos "They usually are. Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?"

2018-10-04, 11:27 PM
Rhylton tries to see if the lizard is chained up, and thus less of a threat. If it's not, that's going to be a problem. The thief will try to skirt past the lizard and through the open door. If he's quick enough maybe he can shut the door in the lizard's face. He didn't know what was on the other side, though, except presumably the shop front. He draws his rapier and makes a run for it.

2018-10-05, 12:40 AM
Ulfur signed back: 'Okay, will return to base' and then went back to the inn they were using as headquarters. He would wait there to see who would return and what they had to say. He didn't have that much information at the moment and he hoped that the rest had better news.

2018-10-05, 06:03 PM
Slyvia signs affirmation and begins to head back. Once there, she starts pouring a bath. Luckily, she doesn't travel far without her portable hole with buckets and soap stocked in it, but she would use the plumbing here if it is more convenient.

2018-10-05, 10:22 PM
The large lizard is not chained up. As Rhylton tries to run past it, it lunges at him with its daggerlike teeth!

attack[roll0], damage [roll1], grapple [roll2]

2018-10-05, 10:27 PM
Vazarkos shrugs. "You know what they say, every knife looks the same." He says, and drinks.

2018-10-06, 03:13 AM
Rhylton grits his teeth and tries not to cry out as the teeth sink onto his leg. He takes this opportunity to attack with his rapier.

attack [roll0] crit on 15+

crit confirm [roll1]

damage [roll2] and [roll3] electricity

2nd attack [roll4]

crit confirm [roll5]

damage [roll6] and [roll7] electricity

Edit: Ack those attacks should be +4 higher, I forgot to add my dex mod to my to hit on my weapons for some reason.

2018-10-06, 06:56 PM
The man at the bar tells Vazarkos "No, I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. Oh well. What work do you do?"

The lizard catches Rhylton in its jaw, hurting him badly. His rapier is too long to use effectively from this position so Rhylton stabs it with his short sword. The giant lizard shrieks as the sword draws blood, but it's not hurt that badly. It clamps its jaw down harder, hurting Rhylton badly.

ooc: damage [roll0]

"Down!" The noise apparently has awoken the proprietor of the shop, as he begins to race downstairs after his shouted command.

The lizard seems confused but opens its mouth, allowing its prey to escape.

2018-10-06, 07:14 PM
"I'm a troubleshooter by trade." Vazarkos says. "Why do you ask?'

2018-10-06, 11:37 PM
"Damn it." Rhylton breathes, pulling away from the reptile, limping back quickly. He'll then drop a Darkness spell on the door, hoping to obscure himself and the area beyond the door. He'll try to hide in the shadows, laying in wait for the owner.

Hide [roll0]

2018-10-07, 12:34 PM
The man at the bar tells Vazarkos "Well, I'm between jobs right now. Thought I might try getting in with the Bones. Do you know of anything?"


In the dark room, Rhylton hears someone approach the door. The giant lizard fixes its gaze on Rhylton … shadows or no, the creature sees him for sure.

The man calls out "Who is there? Answer, or I'll unleash the beast."

2018-10-07, 07:12 PM
Vazarkos smiles. "I can offer you some assistance, but, I need something first." He pulls out a bag of gems. "Walk with me, talk with me." He gets up.

2018-10-07, 08:39 PM
Eerz heard some kind of animalistic screech coming from the shop Rhylton had been casing.


The man replies to Vazarkos "Alright" and follows him.

2018-10-07, 10:21 PM
Vazarkos leads his soon-to-be ally (hopefully) to a tavern in the Performer's Quarter. He walks in, and goes to the barkeep. "How much for a private meeting room?" He asks. "I've confidential business with my guest. Extremely confidential."

2018-10-08, 01:36 AM
Rhylton waits in the darkness, considering his next move. He could leap at the proprietor, being able to clearly see through the darkness himself, and possibly kill him, but that lizard... another bite from that thing and he'd be a goner, he could feel it.

Slowly Rhylton stands up straight. "Alright, let's talk."

2018-10-08, 05:19 PM
The barkeep tells Vazarkos "Two gold."


The storekeeper tells Rhylton "You're not who I expected. Just a thief I take it. Why shouldn't I let the lizard feast?"

2018-10-08, 11:42 PM
"Because I can tell you who sent me after your goods." Rhylton says, "And you can avoid further damage to your beast, and maybe even you. Hells, maybe I should just purchase the damnedable thing from you, if the price is right."

2018-10-09, 04:35 AM
Vazarkos tosses him five gold, and, once inside, sits down. "My associates and I are looking for information and intelligence on these Dry Bones ruffians, something about an important individual having vanished with them being implicated." He sets the bag of gems down, and opens it, making certain that his guest/interviewee sees them. "Funnel us information from them and I'll see to it that more of these," sliding half the gems from the bag to his guest, "are funneled your way."

2018-10-09, 05:22 PM
The storekeeper tells Rhylton "Lucky for you that I like to keep a clean shop. So who sent you, and what are you after?"


The man across from Vazarkos takes the offered gems. "Spying, eh? Sure thing. So how do I contact you?"

2018-10-09, 11:53 PM
Vazarkos nods, and gives him the information of a fence he has a good relationship with. "Tell him that you've a message for a knife in the dark, and he'll make sure I get it. Vazarkos says, retrieving the bag after assume that I have your complete discretion?"[ /COLOR][/B] He says, making note to go to the fence in question and grease his pockets, too. "Is that a fair deal for someone of your abilities?"

2018-10-11, 05:33 PM
The man tells Vazarkos “Yes, that sounds good to me.”

2018-10-13, 02:54 PM
Eerz watches carefully. Waiting for Rhylton to come out. As a unit they are really uncoordinated, typical Drow. No concentrated effort whatsoever. If the rogue takes too long then Eerz will go to the base. Perhaps the others have been luckier.

2018-10-13, 08:05 PM
Vazarkos salutes. "See you later." He stands up and leaves. He heads to a dark alley, and knocks thrice on a door, then twice more. "The knife in the dark has a point."

2018-10-13, 11:56 PM
"A dagger, with a green hilt, shaped like a dragon." Rhylton tells the shopkeep. " The lady who hired me asked me to retrieve it from you. Will you sell it to me?" He moves towards the back door, ready to slip out if things go south.

2018-10-14, 05:24 PM
The shopkeeper tells Rhylton "Hold it right there. Don't try to leave unless I say so.

That dagger is a masterwork one. It will sell eventually, so why should I sell it to a thief? And who is the woman you spoke of?"


The door before Vazarkos opens ...

2018-10-14, 05:39 PM
Vazarkos walks in, and sits down at a table across from another male drow. "Greetings, Zaelahn. I have a request. I've got someone coming by, he'll use my knock. He'll be giving information to be relayed to me and me alone." He slides the remainder of the gems to Zaelahn, and smiles. "I assume that will be a good first payment for your discretion?"

2018-10-15, 12:06 AM
Rhylton freezes part way to the door."She's the one who wants your dagger. It would make things easier for me if I could have it. And hey, you make a sale, isn't that what you want? I'll tell you more about her, sell me the dagger, why don't you? I'm good for it."

2018-10-15, 11:55 AM
Zaelahn replies "Greetings, Vazarkos. You know you can count on me." He smiles.


The shopkeeper tells Rhylton "The dagger will cost you double the price. And don't think you can send someone else to buy it, I will take it off display and sell it elsewhere rather than fall for that. I don't like being messed with. It's disrespect, and that matters more than money."

2018-10-16, 02:35 AM
"Right, masterwork dagger, double the price. So that'd be 604? Let's say 605, for the trouble of cleaning my blood off the floor. You sell me the dagger, and I'll tell you who sent me, and we part ways." And he was sure as hell getting this purchase charged to his employers.

2018-10-16, 05:50 AM
"Thank you, Vaelahn. There'll be more where that came from later." Vazarkos says. "As an aside, what do you know about these Dark Bones ruffians?"

2018-10-16, 05:43 PM
The shopkeeper tells Rhylton "For a thief, you don't seem all that strapped for cash. Very well. Do you have it on you?"


Zaelahn replies to Vazarkos "They've certainly made a name for themselves, but I have no personal involvement with them. Ruthless, of course, that's to be expected. Whoever their leader is, they aren't willing to tell in casual conversation. I'd rather stay independent. Any reason that you asked?"

2018-10-17, 02:16 AM
"I'm usually better at this. Good guard lizard you've got there." Rhylton comments. "I've got enough on me, if you don't mind accepting a few gems." The rogue will take his coinpurse and count out the right amount of gold and gems onto the top of a convenient box, before stepping away, to let the shopkeep see and count it.

2018-10-17, 08:38 PM
The shopkeeper approaches cautiously, and keeps the lizard at his side.

"Well, guess I would have been better off killing you and taking your stuff, but a deal's a deal. Speaking of which, your end's not done yet, until you tell me about the woman.

Old Kyanite is quite the guard, yes. Of course, she hates being cooped up in here all day. Once in a while I have to take her out of the city, explore the caverns a bit. That can be dangerous, but sometimes you find something of value, too. Funny thing is, that's how I picked up that dagger you want."

2018-10-18, 03:13 AM
"Oh yeah? Where'd you find it?" Rhylton asks, conversationally. "The woman, by the way, is Shuraelil. She works for a group called the Dark Bones."

2018-10-18, 09:01 PM
He says “Hmm, she’s been to the shop.

It was somewhere in the tunnels near the road away from the Vault. It’s like a maze there. Maybe I could find the spot again, but I don’t plan to try.”

He goes in to another room, then soon returns with a dagger, the hilt of which is carved to resemble a green dragon, and hands it to Rhylton. It comes with an ordinary scabbard.

“If I catch you here again don’t expect to be given any mercy.”

2018-10-20, 08:37 AM
Vazarkos nods. "You'd have to be to make your name here, especially if they're as fresh as they are. Thank you for your time, Zaelahn." He stands up, and salutes the fence before leaving.

2018-10-21, 05:28 PM
The following day, the group gathers for breakfast in a private room at their new headquarters, the Sobbing Drunk Inn.

2018-10-21, 06:45 PM
"Any news on your part?" He addresses the group. "I have an agent looking to join their ranks."

2018-10-22, 06:57 AM
"I know that the guy we're looking for is specialised in finding back runaway slaves," Ulfur reported, "and I go back to the bones' inn later today to collect some poison I ordered. So I have a reason to go back there, but nothing more. Maybe one of you can pretend to have a runaway slave and need him/her back, so we can come into contact with the correct person."

2018-10-22, 08:12 AM
They seem to be extremely interested in the surface. Not a healthy obsession for the ruling families. Nobody wants another raid from the surface dwellers in the city. My overall guess is that they are planning or looking for allies to try and seize control, at least subrepticiously, of the city. They seem ambitious, and they boast about violence and intimidation. But, isn't that a drow thing?

He thinks a bit more.

My gut tells me it is not the runaways slaves what matters to them, but the knowledge those runaways slaves might have. I also thing that your man, the missing drow, might be dead alredy by now. Tortured. It would be of great help if you could be less secretive about what that individual knew.

2018-10-23, 05:20 AM
"I'm not being secretive," Ulfur replied, "the thing is that I simply don't know. He had gone to the surface, or at least that was the idea, but what he has seen there I don't know. We want to know, which is why we need to find him back."

2018-10-23, 04:18 PM
Slyvia doesn't really want to admit she accomplished nothing but getting a nigh-anonymous fill up from someone who might not have even had useful intelligence. She gets up earlier, being energized and well-rested. She is sipping on a pot of tea and trying to look as inconspicuous as her arrogance and pride can let her.

When the eyes of the room draw to her, she says I had a plan to lure a man back and press him for information. But he was too clever for me, among other virtues... Hey, I'm an abjurer, not a spy she grins audaciously.

2018-10-27, 06:09 PM
Last night, when Rhylton emerged from the shop bearing the dagger he'd been told to steal, he didn't see the Bones members around.


A knock on the door of the room where the group is meeting proves to be that of a waiter, who bears a tray of fresh scrambled eggs with mushrooms. He leaves it on the table, asks if there are any requests, then departs.

2018-11-05, 05:31 AM
Rhylton will take a bit to search for the Bones members in the nearby area, and even returns to the Bottomless Pit to find Shuraelil. If she doesn't appear he'll return to the Sobbing Drunk to nurse his wounds.

At breakfast the next morning he's looking surly, and tucks into the eggs and mushrooms in grumpy silence while the others talk. After a bit he breaks in.

"Well, I ran into some trouble last night, doing a job for the Dark Bones lady. Got her the dagger she wanted, but she disappeared on me. Had to bloody pay double for it. Blasted reptile. None of you know any healers around, would you?"

2018-11-05, 07:08 AM
"Not directly," Ulfur said, "most temples probably provide some. But if it's urgent, I have a potion with me that you can use. I always keep one on me for emergencies."

2018-11-06, 09:28 PM
Rhylton will take a bit to search for the Bones members in the nearby area, and even returns to the Bottomless Pit to find Shuraelil. If she doesn't appear he'll return to the Sobbing Drunk to nurse his wounds.

Last night, after emerging from the shop, Rhylton did not find Shurraeli at either location.

2018-11-09, 09:27 PM
"I've survived the night without bleeding out, so I should be able to walk myself to a temple. Though with what they'll probably charge me, I'll wish I lost the leg instead." Rhylton grumbles, going back to his breakfast.

2018-11-10, 06:57 AM
"So you have that dagger that might give you a way in," Ulfur said to Rhylton, before turning to Slyvia, "and so do you, although in a different manner. I've become a client, which is a third way in. We'll just have to push in now I guess."

2018-11-10, 09:52 AM
Sounds good. I will need to go shopping if I want to impress my new friend. I should pay a visit and give him my calling card.

my thought process is this:. In a rigidly matriarchal society that allows anonymous hook-ups as a normal thing, giving the man a formal invitation to call her is a high compliment and a sign that he is considered partner material.
Giving out that kind of access without sampling the merchandise would be a sign you think he is out of your league. Either way, this is the equivalent in a pre-phone society of calling the next day.

2018-11-17, 05:15 AM
"Very well," Ulfur said, "do you need a bodyguard for that? I only have to be back in the evening, and I can probably be a bit late for that."

In fact he was planning on being a bit late to see if he could get an appointment with their slave catcher.

2018-11-17, 09:25 AM
Slyvia goes back to the Bones' headquarters in her best, and new, dress. If this goes wrong, she might have to reimburse the client. She feels every inch the beautiful, grand lady she knows she deserves to be. She goes up to the door guard. Please forward this to my good friend, Rhansghar.

2018-11-17, 10:13 PM
OOC: So Rhylton is going to a temple of Lolth, right?

OOC: I assume that Sylvia goes to the Bottomless Pit rather than to the Bones' actual headquarters, or does she?

Currently, a bugbear is stationed at the door of the Pit; he wears studded leather armor and bears a morningstar.

"Ranaghar, my lady. Sure thing." The goblinoid has no doubt been trained to be polite to drow customers, and clearly knows who the man in question is. Though Sylvia's fine dress is wasted on him, the drow inside certainly notice. Ranaghar is not currently there.

A drow man answers the door of the tower where Rhanagar lives; he wears a chain shirt and bears a rapier.

"Ranaghar, my lady. Sure thing. He's not here right now." He looks her over; Sylvia's fine dress is not wasted on him.

2018-11-17, 11:25 PM
I assumed she would go to the headquarters, but I admit I may not have thought through the implications. She had been there by invitation before, after all

2018-11-20, 02:35 AM
Rhylton will travel to a convenient temple of Lolth, and try to get some help, hopefully without paying too much out the nose.

2018-11-20, 04:10 PM
Ulfur went back to the inn where he had agreed to meet the guy with the poisons. He was half an hour late however. Looking around as he entered he spotted the guy and went that way.
"Sorry I'm late," he said as he sat down, "I've spent all my morning looking for an escaped slave. Really annoying that is. I've just dropped by to pick up the goods and then I'll have to go at it again."

2018-11-21, 10:53 PM
Temples of Lolth can be found in many areas of the city, but the Ghetto of Outcasts is one of the exceptions. Of course, there are private chapels in certain places there, but for the purchase of healing, it is necessary to travel to one of the better areas of the city. The Ghetto of Performers is halfway across the city, but it's Rhylton's best bet. It takes a long time to walk through the crowded city and he has to detour to avoid a dangerous-looking vrock demon that seems to be wandering the streets, but he does find a small temple of the Spider Queen there. The priestess there looks on him with contempt, but takes his coin and heals him.


The poison seller nods to Ulfur. "Your own fault if you let him escape. Lucky for you I'm still here. I have the goods right here, if you have the coin.

You know, if you really need help with that, I know an experienced slave tracker. He's one of the top Bones guys. But I'm sure he wouldn't work cheap."

2018-11-22, 12:32 PM
Ulfur handed over the agreed upon sum and got a package in return. He just put it in his pocket.

"Might not be a bad idea to meet the guy," he said, "where can I find him and what's his name?"

2018-11-23, 08:59 PM
The guy replies "Velkyn Rhomduil. He lives at our HQ. For five gold, I can ask him to meet you here at the Pit."

2018-11-24, 04:40 PM
"Sure, that would be nice," Ulfur said, "Of course, if it is easier for him, I don't mind going to him instead of he coming to me."

2018-11-24, 09:50 PM
"No, best if he comes here. I'll see if he's there, or at any rate pass the word along." He holds out his hand for the coin.

2018-11-25, 02:47 AM
Grumbling about more lost gold, Rhylton makes his way back to the Bottomless Pit. Hopefully Shuraelil would be there now, or at least, someone might know where she is.

2018-11-25, 12:14 PM
"Sure, no problem," Ulfur said, putting the 5 gold in his hand. While waiting he ordered another glass of wine.

2018-11-25, 04:27 PM
After taking the gold, the man leaves.

Shurraenil* comes in and orders a drink.

It's been mangled many times, mainly by me, but that was her name as originally introduced :smallredface:

Soon after, Rhylton arrives. Shurraenil waves him over.

"So you made it out of there after all. Did you succeed?"

2018-11-25, 11:28 PM
"I got your dagger." He pulls the dragon-hilted dagger out, slowly so as not to seem threatening, and sets it on the table in front of her.

2018-11-26, 12:50 PM
Shurraenil takes the dagger. "This is the one all right. Very good.

Well then, you passed the test. Come with me, and I'll introduce you to the boss. Are you ready now? And what type of work do you see yourself doing for us?"

2018-11-27, 05:18 AM
"I'm not picky." Rhylton says to her. "I know a little magic, know a little about locks, know a little about fighting. Coin is my biggest interest."

2018-11-27, 10:07 PM
"No doubt. Alright, come with me. You too, Hurzas" Shurraenil says.

A young drow man nods; he wears studded leather armor, and has a rapier and hand crossbow. He joins her and Rhylton as they head out. He tells Rhylton "I agreed to join up recently, too. What's your name?"

She leads them to the Bones' villa, which is a large building; bugbears patrol outside. The main entrance to the villa is blocked by large metal gates. The bugbears recognize Shurraenil and let the group approach. She makes several hand signs - there must be a watcher somewhere inside - and the gates swing open; four Bones drow guard the door inside. She leads on to a room off to the right, where there are several benches and chairs. She unlocks a box and takes out two Bones symbol which she hands to Rhylton and Hurzas. "Wait here."

Soon she returns with another drow woman who is tall, and wears a stylish outfit rather than armor, and bears a scythe.

The newcomer says "Hello, Rhylton, Hurzas. I am Gurina Tuin. You may think of me as the Matron of our little club. Shurraenil tells me that you are ready to join us. If you decide to back out now you may do so, but know that if you join us and learn our trade secrets, there is but one way out.

As new members you will receive a base pay of ten gold per week. That is in addition to any side work you may drum up by invoking the Bones' reputation, and bonuses you may receive for completing various goals and assignments. Generally you will report to Shurraenil and work with her team. You can request a transfer if there is a problem, but refusing an order from me is grounds for termination.

Your first assignment is simple: The two of you will find a buyer for some human merchants we recently captured, then deliver the slaves and collect the payments. You may each keep ten percent of the proceeds. Agreed?"


Back at the Bottomless pit, a muscular drow man wearing studded leather armor walks in. He has both a longsword and a short sword. He looks at the bartender, who nods towards Ulfur. His movements are quick and precise.

He approaches Ulfur and says "I heard you wanted to speak with me."

2018-11-28, 10:58 AM
"If you're Velkyn Rhomduil then yes," Ulfur said, pointing to the chair opposite him, "do you want something to drink?"

2018-11-28, 10:58 PM
"Rhylton." The thief introduces himself to Hurzas.

Inside the villa his eyes flick around, noting security measures and what he can on the layout.

"Sounds simple enough." Rhylton replies to Gurina Tuin. He pins the Bones symbol to his cloak. "Can we see these slaves, get an idea of how much their worth?"

2018-11-29, 10:38 PM
The Bones' leader Gurina Tuin replies to Rhylton "Sure, Shurraenil will show them to you. Anything else?"


Velkyn Rhomduil takes a seat and replies to Ulfur "Just water now, thanks. We are to talk business after all."

2018-11-30, 02:04 AM
"Of course," Ulfur said, giving the order to the barkeep. As soon as Velkyn had his drink, Ulfur started.
"I've heard that you are good at finding back slaves who 'wandered off'," he started, "unfortunately I have such a slave. A lower drow who's family had debts. I have a description of course and I think I know which gate. Is that enough information? I'm also willing to join you of course. While I'm certainly not the best tracker around, I do know the basics and I'm a good fighter."

2018-11-30, 01:57 PM
Slyvia goes to her usual spot, unfurls her portable hole, and assembles her tattoo stall. It's the waiting game now...

2018-11-30, 10:42 PM
Velkyn replies to Ulfur "It's a start. A sketch would be better. You should probably come with me, yes. Make me an offer."


A few drow inquire about Sylvia's tattoos, but for most, the interest seems casual.

A male drow asks her "Hello. What are your prices?" He appears to be a warrior, since he wears a chain shirt and has a greatsword.

2018-12-01, 05:16 AM
"Yeah, actually. Are there any other benefits? Place to live, food, that sort of thing?" Rhylton asks.

2018-12-01, 07:20 AM
"Well, I can't do scetches myself, but I might know someone who can draw one based upon my description," Ulfur said, thinking that if the tattoos on Slyvia's body were an indication, she would be able to make a scetch of a man based upon a description.

2018-12-01, 07:59 PM
The Bones' leader tells Rhylton "In due time, perhaps you'll get room and board, but not to start. Good luck." She leaves.

Shurraenil says "Alright, let's go see those slaves."

She leads the two new recruits on a walk to a large building in the Ghetto of Chattel, which is patrolled by Bones drow and bugbears. It contains numerous barred cells. In the one she shows you to, three human men squat miserably on the stone floor.

Shurraenil says "These humans thought they could make some coin by stocking up on our famous poison and bringing it to the surface for sale. Needless to say, they are basically useless creatures. But you should be able to pawn them off on someone."


Velkyn Rhomduil tells Ulfur "That's fine. It may help. But more important I think is not letting the trail grow cold. We should head to the gate without delay and see if we can find anything. If not - and chances are against it - then have the sketch made and arrange for me to get it. We then play a longer game. But I get ahead of myself. Make me an offer."

2018-12-02, 03:25 AM
Rhylton bangs on the bars to get the attention of the merchants-turned-slaves. "Get up, the lot of you." He says in Common. "I want to take a good look at you."

The drow thief will look them over and try to guess at how much they're actually worth.


2018-12-02, 06:06 AM
"Very well, you're the expert," Ulfur said, "and it would be stupid to get expert advice and then ignoring it. As to the offer, how about 230?"

He was in a bit of a hurry, so he gave a reasonable price in the hope to get this over with quickly. Now that he had seen the man, he could find him back if needed, or even scry on him and try to figure out things that way.

2018-12-02, 01:00 PM
The merchants reluctantly rise. They are a bit scrawny for slaves, and even if they have other skills, they are certainly not to be trusted. Rhylton guesses that a fair price might be 50 gold apiece at best.


Velkyn Rhomduil tells Ulfur "That, with half payment up front, plus expenses if needed. And we'll revisit the issue if this drags out.

Alright, tell me about the slave."

2018-12-02, 03:11 PM
"That can work," Ulfur said, producting a gem worth a bit more than 100gp, "this should work."

Then he proceeded by giving the description of Tsaennor while looking at Velkyn to see how he would react.

2018-12-03, 02:30 AM
"We might get 50 gold each for them." Rhylton decides. "They're a bit thin. Smart, to be sure, but not to be trusted." Not smart enough, though, to avoid being captured.

2018-12-04, 09:51 PM
Shurraenil says "That's about what I'd expect, but it's not just about them. Let's see what kind of salesmen you are. Do you know where to start? I mean, there's always Menagerie Square, but you could think of something else. But that's your problem, not mine. Here is the key to this cell. You know your assignment. Look for me at the Pit when it's done with." She hands Rhylton the key and walks off.


Velkyn asks Ulfur "What was the name of this slave, and how did you come to own him?"

2018-12-06, 09:17 AM
"His name is Quenthel," Ulfur said, using a name of a friend of his who had died a couple of years ago, as he wasn't sure which name Tsaennor had given to the Bones, if any. And besides, he could always claim that the slave had not given his real name to his captors. Which slave would?
"I got him some years ago by means of compansation after he attacked my fiancee," he added, "in any case, I hope you can help me with this."

2018-12-06, 08:32 PM
As far as Ulfur can tell, Velkyn takes his story at face value, displaying no unusual reaction.

"Very well. Let's go to that gate he left by."

He stands up.

ooc: Does Ulfur go there with him?

2018-12-07, 07:06 AM
"Okay, sounds good," Ulfur said, standing up as well and after paying his bill, following Velkyn. He tried to signal to any of his compatriots who were still in the inn, just in case.

2018-12-09, 10:29 AM
Ulfur and Velkyn rise and leave the Pit.

Vazarkos sees Ulfur trying to signal him while heading to the door. It looks like Ulfur may be in over his head and hoping for aid ...

Ulfur and Velkyn head towards an exit gate to the city ...

2018-12-09, 10:38 AM
Vazarkos gets up a few moments later, and follows the two drow leaving the establishment. He keeps his distance, following stealthily behind the duo.


2018-12-09, 11:18 PM
The Great Gate, a massive fortress, is for non-drow and for drow commoners the only way in and out of Erelhei-Cinlu. When survivors and retainers of the fallen House Noquar tried to flee the city several years ago, the Great Gate was the scene of a ferocious battle. Yugoloths and bugbear troops killed almost all the Noquars, but in the process, the structure was badly damaged.

Since then, the Great Gate has been rebuilt, stronger than before. Atop the entryway is a massive jet statue of Lolth, crouching in spider-drow form. Two giant statues of drow, one male and one female, flank the entrance at ground level. Heavy black iron gates and a massive portcullis can be closed and secured, allowing troops in the gatehouse to rain bolts, alchemical substances, and offensive spells down upon attackers.

The gates are normally open, but squads of drow guards interrogate anyone wishing to enter the city, issuing guest cloaks to visitors as needed. Taxes, tariffs, and “discretionary fees” are imposed as the current watch commander sees fit; the city has no formal tax code. However, the drow realize that taking too much from visitors will discourage trade and reduce House Tormtor’s prosperity.

Leaving the city is much easier, and Ulfur and Velkyn have no trouble in doing so. Vazarkos follows at a distance, trying to blend in to the traffic, which consists of all manner of races, though mostly drow.

From here the path leads to many possibilities, such as fungi forests or the strongholds of various groups within the Vault. If not strayed from, the path leads past the Black Tower to the exit from the Vault, which leads to the larger Underdark and potentially the route all the way to the sun-drenched surface.

Velkyn tells Ulfur "We need to find out which way he went, and asking around seems the only way. You don't think he would try for the surface, do you?"

2018-12-10, 02:32 AM
Rhylton looks to Hurzas. "Ready to begin?" He asks thinking about where the best place to begin would be.

2018-12-10, 07:59 AM
"I haven't really thought about it," Ulfur said, a bit surprised, "I would certainly hope not, but I can't dismiss the possibility. It would be the best way to get away from here, don't you think?"

2018-12-10, 01:58 PM
Velkyn says "Perhaps, but a dangerous move. I would know. The route is long with many false turns, and encounters with driders and other monsters are common, and most surface dwellers are hostile. If he tried it alone, he's already as good as dead.

But he may have thought to join a caravan heading out, and those have to check in at the Black Tower. The guards there have a list of people to arrest if seen, but that requires a document from a noble house or the Temple, and a sketch. So if you can get those, the sooner the better, and have that sent to the Tower.

For now, there's a merchants' base about a mile or so away. He may have sought shelter there. Let's inquire."

He leads the way to the compound. He's clearly been there before as he greets the guards and chats them up a bit before turning to the business at hand. The guards deny that any such runaway drow has been at the compound, and say that no caravan has come through lately.

Velkyn takes his leave and heads back in the direction of town. He tells Ulfur "I believe them. Your guy have any special skills? He could be anywhere in the Vault by now, and even for us, wandering around without guards could be risky.

At this point, if I had to bet, it would be that he hid out for a while then snuck back into the city. As a drow, he could have done it without too much trouble. You get the documents sent to the Tower just in case, if you can. Meanwhile, I'll put the word out to the Bones to be on the lookout. We might find him or we might not. I made no guarantees. But he faces a choice - risk recapture here, or risk death out there. Which choice he'd make probably depends on how you treated him. Not judging, just saying."

If Ulfur has no objection, they'll head back to the city and Velkyn will go back to the Bones' headquarters.

2018-12-10, 02:08 PM
Rhylton looks to Hurzas. "Ready to begin?" He asks thinking about where the best place to begin would be.

"Sure, I guess. Menagerie Square?"

Rhylton can't think of a better starting point at the moment. Hurzas and Rhylton draw their weapons and open the cell, and get the prisoners shackled.

Menagerie Square’s name reflects the drow attitude toward slaves. To most dark elves, slaves are mere animals — possessions just as homes, swords, pets, or cattle are. Menagerie Square abounds with buyers, sellers, guards, and hordes of slaves. Transactions take place by auction, direct negotiation, or bargaining, or as part of prearranged sales. Once a slave is sold, trained branders use hot irons to sear the mark of the new owner into the creature’s flesh. Slaves who have multiple brands are mistreated even more than usual, because the marks are proof that previous owners were disappointed in their performance and cast them out.

A female drow, flanked by two male guards, eventually offers 120 gp for the three human prisoners.

She says "I doubt they are even worth that much. Deal?"

2018-12-10, 02:26 PM
"Okay, sounds like a plan," Ulfur said as they walked back to the city, "I'll see about that sketch. Where can I find you if I have extra information?"

2018-12-10, 02:56 PM
“Leave word at the Pit. It will get to me soon enough.”

2018-12-12, 01:31 AM
"Okay, thanks," Ulfur said, before going back to their own inn where he would wait for the rest of the group, while having something to eat.

2018-12-12, 01:49 AM
After Velkyn goes on his way, Vazarkos joins Ulfur. "Fine day for a stroll, eh?"

2018-12-12, 03:15 AM
"175." Rhylton counters, going higher than they're really worth, hoping to pull her up a bit to something close to the 150 he knew they were worth.

2018-12-12, 11:15 AM
"Indeed," Ulfur said, before lowering his voice that he wasn't audible to anybody else on the busy street, "that's the guy we were looking for. Now we just need to get him alone somewhere and 'ask' a few questions."

2018-12-12, 11:28 AM
Vazarkos nods and keeps walking. "Indeed. I should see about inquiring with my agent later, too."

2018-12-12, 10:48 PM
"175." Rhylton counters, going higher than they're really worth, hoping to pull her up a bit to something close to the 150 he knew they were worth.

The chained men shift and shake their heads, obviously realizing the situation and distressed about being sold as slaves.

“One forty five, and I already regret saying it” the drow lady says.

2018-12-13, 03:34 AM
That was probably as good as Rhylton was going to get. "Deal," he says. "If you've got the cash on you, they're yours."

2018-12-13, 11:03 AM
"Perfect," Ulfur said, "now I'm going to get something to eat."

2018-12-14, 08:53 PM
That was probably as good as Rhylton was going to get. "Deal," he says. "If you've got the cash on you, they're yours."

"Very well." The drow woman produces fourteen platinum coins and five gold ones from a sack, and hands them to Rhylton.

She then takes custody of the humans, instructing her guards to brand them. They shriek as this is done.

As they walk away, Hurzas tells Rhylton "Ah well, that was about what I expected to get. That was easy enough. Maybe too easy. I why they gave us this task. But, oh well."

2018-12-15, 02:33 AM
"Grunt work, I imagine. Just something to get our feet wet." Rhylton replies. "Let's get back so we can get paid, hm?" The thief will steer them back towards the Bones' headquarters.

"How'd you get into this job, Hurzas? What led you to the Bones?"

2018-12-16, 09:25 AM
Hurzas replies “I’m from a commoner family, we make pottery. Boring and pays poorly. I needed more action and more pride. So I joined small gangs, learned to steal, with mixed success. Some of my buddies got killed. But the Bones are a large, powerful gang, right? So with them, we can get powerful too, I hope.”

2018-12-16, 12:55 PM
Ulfur waited in the inn with something to eat and drink untill all people arrived back.
"I was in luck," he said when everyone was there, "I spotted and had a chat with the guy who captured the person we're trying to find. He turned out to be a slave catcher and I told him that I had to catch an escaped slave. We did some searching but of course didn't find anybody. I said I would bring him a scetch. My idea is to make a scetch of the person we need to find as that's the description I've given anyway and when I go to see him, you will keep hidden and we try to take him alive and then see what he knows?"

2018-12-16, 02:22 PM
I like this plan. I can start work on the drawings, and I can prepare spells to ambush the slavers more effectively.