View Full Version : DM Help Red Hand of Doom on a grander scale? (spoilers)

2018-08-31, 04:44 PM
(TL;DR Version)

Red Hand of Doom is an amazing adventure, and one of the best features of it is the idea of the adventurers being on a timer. The players must defeat the enemy by this day OR ELSE.
Here is the trouble I am having:

My homebrew setting spans ~1900 miles, whereas Elsir Vale ~300

I can't focus down to ~300 miles because my players really like exploring my setting and will probably be bummed getting stuck in one area

Fitting the adventure into 80 days, and making it seem plausible that the army would take so long to summon Tiamat by then

(Everything else)
When I told my friends that I was going to be running DnD for them, they were excited, and asked what kind of game they would be playing. I took some time to answer, and what I came up with was a campaign pitch doc (thank you Matt Colville). I gave them descriptions of a few games that I would be interested in running, and they got to choose. They decided on something I called "The Crushing Grip of the South."
I did not call the campaign "Red Hand of Doom," but they do have an idea that it is going to be a campaign where they have to fend off an enemy that is going to destroy the country if it is not stopped.
We have been playing for a while now, and have reached third level, and I have begun seeding the ideas that hobgoblins and dragons are getting up to something (as well as the Ordning breaking but they don't have to deal with that if they don't want to).
Then the players did what players do...they decided to go somewhere far into the distance. Not too far, mind you, but just far enough to be an inconvenience.

Originally my setting was built for Storm King's Thunder with my own twists, and the lands were built to be adventured through in order to defeat the giant lords that could easily wipe the country out, and when my players

I realized I had a problem when I really started thinking about how I was going to run my players through such a large area and still make it seem like this war-band is threatening to the entire country.
