View Full Version : Computer Dungeons and Dragons

2018-09-01, 02:25 AM
Hi guys, I am new new here and do not know anything about games. I plan to buy my friend a gift and I know he likes very much to play Dungeons and Dragons. He usually plays online with his friends... I wonder if buying him a new set of dice would be a good idea?

Thank you all,

2018-09-01, 08:53 AM
Probably not, if he usually plays online.

Are you more focused on "you want him to have something that he'll like," or "you'll want him to have something that he'll know you put thought into"?

If the former, my advice would be an amazon.com gift certificate, he can certainly get something D&D related that he wants with that. If the latter, you'll need to find out more from him first.

2018-09-01, 10:24 AM
Ask completely innocuously what character is he playing and what he looks like ("hey so I'm kinda curious about what it is you're doing") and then get a commission from an artist you find cool to draw the character.
1) Online players like to have pictures of their character on whatever outlet they're using (Roll20, Discord, online forum, whatever)
2) Very malleable budget-wise - if you're strapped for cash but still want a token of appreciation, ask for a simple pencil head sketch; if you're an oil sheik from Qatar, sky is the limit and send me some cash as well;
3) it's going to feel personal

about the only reason this wouldn't work would be because he's the Dungeon Master who doesn't control just one character.

2018-09-01, 11:58 AM
Ok, thank you guys :)

2018-09-01, 02:36 PM
Does he play actual Dungeons&Dragons using something like Roll20/Discord or one of the various DnD flavored online video games? If it's actual DnD, he might like books or boxed adventures. I think Wizards of the Coast (or maybe DrivethruRPG?) is selling craploads of decades old books as pdfs for pennies these days, a trove of DnD stuff like that might be cool.
If they're playing video games, you're gonna have to settle with gift certificate/Steam present sort of things (assuming the games they're on have that sort of stuff).