View Full Version : E6 I need more prefixes for this Question so (Starfinder E6 DMhelp)

2018-09-01, 05:19 AM
DM of mine wants his next game to be less of a Rocket Tag
Experience and I suggested E6. But it also means a lot less options
when it comes to actual choices.

So thought, hey Gestalt might work?
Then i tried to experiment to see what would happen if you had
players only have one half of The Gestalt be just the Base Classes,
and the 2nd Half would be gained afterwords as long as you qualify
for it in the first half. One of the issues is that i was trying to see
how things would balance and Non magical still sucks. So then I
tried to combine a few of the base classes like Swash and Rogue
and Fighter (Zhent) and Samurai, and Ranger and Scout and...
Then I noticed that there are far to many skills for Skill Monkeys
to be of much use at all and then... Basically I really started to
understand that this game is not very non-caster friendly and way
way to much work to even try to fix alll the different issues.

So at the last point i managed to get Skill Groups that would
reduce the number of total skills to about 21 and then checked out
Pathfinder and its derivatives for like ideas. Found Starfinder, it
has about the same number of skills and relatively the same kind
of different class groups. So now i'm exploring different ideas on
what to do, starting with just moving to Starfinder since the
number of items for Starfinder is currently low enough to not need
worry about anything past level 6 anyways. Was wondering if
anyone had some personal experience with how the general
gameplay was for low level Starfinder and how things generally
balance out currently. Especially if there are some low level
campaigns and one shots to look at for general gameplay