View Full Version : Conversion of Haunting of Harrowstone from Pathfinder to D&D 5 (complete)

2018-09-01, 12:19 PM
Hello! Wanted to share the project I've been working on for the past few weeks. Just completed it last night. It is the classic Carrion Crown adventure, Haunting of Harrowstone, converted from Pathfinder into D&D 5.

I know a lot of people talk about seeing those old adventure paths converted. After spending a long time looking for a conversion I finally decided to just make one myself, since no one else was tackling the project in any sort of shareable effort. I'm planning on tackling the rest of the adventure path, too, and I'll be running a group on Twitch to play through each conversion.

This is not my attempt to solicit sales. If anything, I'm more interested in feedback (and unbridled adoration:smallwink:). While you can support my efforts by purchasing the PDF at the link below, if you are interested in simply reading and giving me feedback, PM me and I'll send you a link where you can view the product for free.

EDIT: Files were taken down off of DMs Guild, probably for some sort of misguided copyright fear. You can find the conversion for free right here:


2018-09-04, 12:10 AM
Free link to the file added.


2018-09-24, 03:54 PM
Just wanted to post a revision update. Several revisions have occurred over the last month:

Revision history:

1.02: removed images due to broken links, changed the Lopper's reaction to fire, added hitpoints for Splatterman's rats.

1.03: changed lockpicking checks

1.04: adjusted some stats, changed the leveling suggestions, clarified some rules

1.05: added in suggested stats for Kendra

1.06: fixed some formatting issues that caused key text to be cut off.

2018-09-28, 10:09 PM
Hey, for anyone who would like to see this conversion in action, I'll be DMing a live stream of D&D 5 Carrion Crown using this conversion tomorrow (Saturday) from 6pm-9pm (PST). You can watch at the channel below and can keep up with the game's schedule there, too.


Our three players:
... Vidar, the human cleric whose mentor has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
... Niida, the half-orc barbarian, who abandoned her tribe for a life of solitude and fears failure above all else.
... Tyrael, the elven arcane archer, who was saved by professor Lorimor in her youth and fell in love with his daughter before abandoning the two of them to pursue her own quests.

Now the three return to Ravengro to bury the professor and begin an adventure the likes of which will take them into their deepest nightmares.

2018-09-29, 11:51 PM
Of the two adventure paths I actually managed to play through from the start, Carrion Crown was perhaps my favorite (Rise of the Runelords isn't far behind, though!), and after giving a cursory glance for your conversion, I must say I'm impressed. Well done! Looking forward to see the rest!

2018-09-30, 06:58 AM
EDIT: Files were taken down off of DMs Guild, probably for some sort of misguided copyright fear.

Besides that (I think it should be fine, considering you haven't included actual text of the adventure, only conversion notes), DMsG doesn't allow you to publish your work elsewhere. May be related to that too.

2018-10-04, 03:09 PM
Of the two adventure paths I actually managed to play through from the start, Carrion Crown was perhaps my favorite (Rise of the Runelords isn't far behind, though!), and after giving a cursory glance for your conversion, I must say I'm impressed. Well done! Looking forward to see the rest!

Thank you! I'm going to open a new thread soon to host them all as I complete them, as I just finished Carrion Crown 2: Trial of the Beast. I'm always open to feedback.

Besides that (I think it should be fine, considering you haven't included actual text of the adventure, only conversion notes), DMsG doesn't allow you to publish your work elsewhere. May be related to that too.

Yeah, I contacted them and they said because it was originally a Pathfinder product. It's possible I'd have better luck on Drive Thru RPG, but I'm not positive. To be fair, the conversion does reference names and concepts that are owned by Paizo. Regardless, I'll always have them available for free! I don't need to get paid for them :)