View Full Version : Player Help The Aegis - A Few Questions

2018-09-02, 02:52 PM
Hi y`all!

Since a player is going to make an Aegis for an upcoming "2 Player Group Game", and none of us has any actual experience playing it (and I am the only one who, for 2 sessions, saw it played^^) we decided to clarify some stuff beforehand.

1.: The most obvious: The Aegis gets quite some Power Points....but as far as I can see from the SRD, not a single Psychic Power or other CLass Feature (sans one) to use them on. Is boosting his suit by a bit (up to 5 additional Mod Points at Level 20?) really the only Class Feature needing PP?

2.: Multiclassing with an Initiator and boosting Maneuver Choices with the Suit Ability rocks, no Question. But which one would you choose, and why? Remember, we are only 2 people, and the other Character needs to be a Caster....^^

3.: In your Epxerience, how much Money does an Aegis "save" due to his Suit in average Play?

And lastly, which caster would you recommend to team up with? (its very likely Clerics and Druids will not exist in the Setting, as the DM mentioned An Age after the Gods vanished and left Nature devastated" and the DM hates Summoners, otherwise we are pretty open, atm even for SoP :) ).

Thank you in advance for your Help!

2018-09-02, 03:33 PM
1 If you do get Initiators Soul sleeping goddess is always one of your disciplines and a lot of it's maneuvers can be improved by spending powerpoints

2018-09-02, 05:34 PM
1.: The most obvious: The Aegis gets quite some Power Points....but as far as I can see from the SRD, not a single Psychic Power or other CLass Feature (sans one) to use them on. Is boosting his suit by a bit (up to 5 additional Mod Points at Level 20?)?

Is it what? Worth it? Useful? Yes.
I've only played an Aegis to level 9 but the flexibility and customization is excellent, and being able to add abilities on the fly thanks to your PP fueled mods is immensely useful. Will you be using all your PP in combat? Unlikely. Will you be using it to enhance your suit to do a wide variety of things that pop up during an adventure? IME, yes. Remember, the augmentation only lasts a few rounds so you can quickly burn through your pool of PP.

As for money saved, you can save just a ton. Since you can add all sorts of useful abilities to your suit you can save money on potions and items to give you flight, allow you to breathe underwater, ability to carry people with you, protection from energy, etc. But the flexibility comes at a cost - you can't do it all at once and your augmentation only lasts a few rounds and will eat up your PP if you rely on it too heavily.You will probably find that the abilities you get are not quite as good as having dedicated items or spells from casters, but being able to pick abilities on the fly, to have effectively short-duration potions for free and being able to switch between abilities will save you money. Exactly how much depends on the game you play and what sort of support you get.

As for casters, the time I played the Aegis we only had a bard as a caster, so I was semi-utility as well as tank (flight and water breathing came in very handy).

2018-09-03, 06:23 AM
THats what I thought. So the best bet would be to concentrate on the 1-2 things the Aegis Player sees as necessary o matter his Suits config, check.

As for a Bard....well, we are going to be a 2 man Group. Which makes Bards less than optimum, so I am still open for Caster suggestions. :)

Also edited the OP, forgot the end of the sentence ^^

2018-09-03, 10:20 AM
Clerics are good support casters. They have some decent buffs, good protection spells and healing. As an Aegis you will be in melee all the time and while DR does take care of a lot, you will need healing. Lack of Haste will be a pain but I would choose a cleric over a wizard as support for healing alone unless you will have tons of wands and downtime to use them properly.

2018-09-03, 10:22 AM
At times I am wondering if people actually bother to read my posts.....

See the OP for Clerics, Druids and Summoners, again. ;)

2018-09-03, 10:55 AM
At times I am wondering if people actually bother to read my posts.....

See the OP for Clerics, Druids and Summoners, again. ;)

I read it yesterday and forgot in the mean time. Anyway you said "likely ... will not exist" not "do not exist" so technically my advice is still valid. :smallwink:
I assume that no clerics also means no Oracles or Warpriests or Shamans or any other divine caster.
A bard with healing would be nice, but apart from that a wizard or sorcerer with the right spells. They have nice buffs and protections even if they lack healing.

2018-09-03, 11:05 AM
OK, got him on the Line.

oracles will work (refluffed as having been "inspired" by etover Divinity hwhich Mortals are not meant to handle, hence the Spells.
They are for now the only allowed "Full Divine Casters", partials that do not necessarily require a god still work (Paladins for Example), and it looks likely we will be allowed to use SoP Classes.

2018-09-03, 12:16 PM
If your buddy would be ok with psionics instead of magic vitalist might be good? They get 9th level powers and healing abilities, but i'm not real familiar with the class. Im assuming it's an option since you're playing an aegis, otherwise your healing options are bard, SoP, and UMD. As an aegis you get UMD as a class skill and Unlock Psionics can boost it a little, and there's the Pragmatic Activator trait to base it on Int if you wanna dump charisma, but y'all would have to be real careful until you can find or make healing items.

2018-09-03, 01:40 PM
For using Power Points, you have Augment Suit as you mentioned, also a number of customizations use PP:

Crystallized weapon treats your weapon as Deep Crystal, so you can spend 2pp as a free action to get 2d6 bonus damage on your next hit. Use this, or get an actual Deep Crystal weapon if you don't use the other options

The Power Stone Repository/Harness Power Stone line lets you treat a power you have a Power Stone(aka scroll) of as a power known and manifest it like normal. Picking up Power Stones of even first level powers like Minor Metamorphsis, Expansion, Inevitable Strike, or Vigor can go a long way to boost your combat capability.

Initiator's Soul from PoW:Expanded lets you pick up manuevers, including Sleeping Goddess maneuvers which can use PP to augment them.

2018-09-09, 11:13 AM
OK, that clarifies the Aegis part of the Question.

Now for the other one: we have 90+%ish decided that it`ll be a SoP Caster, to augment the reliability (again, its a 2 Characters group), but none of us know a whole lot about it.

Which Caster and SPheres would you guys recommend, and why?

Thanks in advance!

2018-09-20, 02:44 PM
No one?

Sigh, ok then, trial and error seems to be my only recourse....

2018-09-20, 04:00 PM
In addition to Sleeping Goddess Maneuvers, Suit Augmentation, Feats, and Powers gained through Power Stone Repository, an Aegis can turn PP directly into damage dice with the Empowered Blast (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis/astral-suits/) augmentation.

As far as SoP, I have no experience, but there should be some guides around here. Google says: Yup. Here ya go. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?434247-the-Orrery-a-Handbook-to-the-Spheres-of-Power)