View Full Version : Darvin & Andrezitos - Doomsday Dawn

2018-09-02, 11:21 PM
A recap of our adventure so far:

You traveled for three days through the wilderness without any eventful occurrences. On the fourth day you arrived at the base of Pale Mountain. You were ambushed by Hyenas and a Hyaenodon in the tall grasses, but fought them off. You avoided the ambush of an Ankheg, and Rangerito nearly lost his animal companion to its vicious acid attacks, but Catherine slew the beast before it could cause further harm. You came across the river crossing to discover a group of gnolls camped there. You attracted their attention - and their domesticated giant scorpion - when you drew too close, but fought them off. You traveled a short distance and rested for the evening.

On the fifth day you began your ascent up the slopes of the mountain. You came across a battle where a group of gnolls had been decimated. It didn't take you long to discover what monster had did this, as you were beset by a manticore. You slew the beast, and continued up the path to the tomb. There you encountered the remnants of the gnoll tribe cowering from the manticore. After showing them that you killed it, they left peacefully, unwilling to battle with such powerful foes. You began your exploration of the tomb, discovering two rooms filled with elementals and another room filled with a strange device that represented all four elements that seemed to be locking a large set of doors. You defeated the water and earth element, unlocked those components of the locking mechanism, then camped for the night.

On the sixth day you decided to challenge the fire and air elementals. After a heated battle you defeated them, but were seriously injured in the affair. After successfully unlocking the doors, you decided against pushing further.

It is the morning of the seventh day and you fought your way through the mummified undead who held guard here. You freed the janni, Mabar, who had been held in stasis in this room. He explained to you that Tular Seft betrayed him, and fell towards studying dark and terrible things. He showed you the secret entrance to his burial chamber, where Catherine investigated a strange mirror of darkest blackness. She was beset by visions of some alien entity, and will remain frightened for 24 hours from the experience.

You have found the following items:
* The countdown clock (L bulk), a magical item of unknown origin that you were sent here to find
* 30 ancient tomes (each of L bulk) that could be quite valuable
* A magic scimitar
* A magic staff
* a scroll of gust of wind and a scroll of stoneskin
* The mirror is no longer magical, but remains a very ornate item that is quite valuable, but it is large and heavy (bulk 4)

Mabar awaits outside of the tomb. He has nothing to offer you but his gratitude for saving him from his stasis.

But before we go any further, a few minutes have passed since the mummy fight... and Terral and Catherine aren't feeling so good anymore. You take a -1 penalty to charisma-based checks and DCs.

2018-09-03, 05:46 AM
A recap of our adventure so far:

You traveled for three days through the wilderness without any eventful occurrences. On the fourth day you arrived at the base of Pale Mountain. You were ambushed by Hyenas and a Hyaenodon in the tall grasses, but fought them off. You avoided the ambush of an Ankheg, and Rangerito nearly lost his animal companion to its vicious acid attacks, but Catherine slew the beast before it could cause further harm. You came across the river crossing to discover a group of gnolls camped there. You attracted their attention - and their domesticated giant scorpion - when you drew too close, but fought them off. You traveled a short distance and rested for the evening.

On the fifth day you began your ascent up the slopes of the mountain. You came across a battle where a group of gnolls had been decimated. It didn't take you long to discover what monster had did this, as you were beset by a manticore. You slew the beast, and continued up the path to the tomb. There you encountered the remnants of the gnoll tribe cowering from the manticore. After showing them that you killed it, they left peacefully, unwilling to battle with such powerful foes. You began your exploration of the tomb, discovering two rooms filled with elementals and another room filled with a strange device that represented all four elements that seemed to be locking a large set of doors. You defeated the water and earth element, unlocked those components of the locking mechanism, then camped for the night.

On the sixth day you decided to challenge the fire and air elementals. After a heated battle you defeated them, but were seriously injured in the affair. After successfully unlocking the doors, you decided against pushing further.

It is the morning of the seventh day and you fought your way through the mummified undead who held guard here. You freed the janni, Mabar, who had been held in stasis in this room. He explained to you that Tular Seft betrayed him, and fell towards studying dark and terrible things. He showed you the secret entrance to his burial chamber, where Catherine investigated a strange mirror of darkest blackness. She was beset by visions of some alien entity, and will remain frightened for 24 hours from the experience.

You have found the following items:
* The countdown clock (L bulk), a magical item of unknown origin that you were sent here to find
* 30 ancient tomes (each of L bulk) that could be quite valuable
* A magic scimitar
* A magic staff
* a scroll of gust of wind and a scroll of stoneskin
* The mirror is no longer magical, but remains a very ornate item that is quite valuable, but it is large and heavy (bulk 4)

Mabar awaits outside of the tomb. He has nothing to offer you but his gratitude for saving him from his stasis.

But before we go any further, a few minutes have passed since the mummy fight... and Terral and Catherine aren't feeling so good anymore. You take a -1 penalty to charisma-based checks and DCs.

- Catherine, wow, fairest armored lady, your cheeks are starting to rot! (Rangerito has a crude sense of humor)

2018-09-03, 02:26 PM
With Rangerito's remark, Catherine instinctively touches her cheeks.
It's indeed with an unhealthy consistency. You all can see that her hands are still shaking, the experience with the mirror too traumatic even for a battle hardened woman.

"I... I see. So this might be what my colleagues call a 'mummy rot'. Let's... not worry about that right now."

It's weird to see Cath acting in a such way. So far she displayed a very toughened up atitude about pretty much anything. She looks like she's trying to cope with the experience, a visage of helplessness can be seen on her face.

She quick checks Terral to see if he has a solution to the rot, but it seems he is being affected by the same curse.

"We cannot afford to waste too much time here, our mission is almost finished, all we need to do is retrieve the clock. We are not the only ones interested in that clock, so I advise we make haste."

One last looks at the djinn. She nods and, in Ancient Osirian, says what she heard before leaving for the mission:

"What you seek you shall find, djinn."