View Full Version : Out of Their Element: It Came From the Sky!

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2018-09-02, 11:24 PM
The flash of light that blinded your eyes fades. Everyone's head hurts, though that's fading quickly. More pressing is the sounds of combat very closeby. And far more shocking are your new forms.

The defense of Aerweaer has gone poorly. The invaders dropped on the Matoran's heads, taking up positions on every rooftop and hill with a good view. With strange weapons, they rained down electric bolts on anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the open. They were not as accurate as a sharp-eyed Matoran with a disc launcher, but they didn't seem to run out of lightning either. Within an hour, the outer grounds were overrun and the Temple besieged.

Twice the enemy assaulted the gates and twice they were driven back. But then, their massive ship parked itself overhead. Lightning rained down, scorching even stone. Any coherent defense disintegrated. Turaga Mewn disappeared, taking some of the guard with him. The Captain of the Guard, however, was entrusted with a mission. He was to gather one of each tribe of Matoran and head to a small shrine that few knew existed. There, he was to place a particular smooth stone on the altar and find Aerweaer's last chance against the invaders.

In the chaos the Captain of the Guard, a Po-Matoran named Awek, found you out and dragged you along, willing or not, with an Onu-Matoran miner and Ta-Matoran smith whose names you never got to ask. But however you got here, the fact remains: you, out of all the possible choices, are now Toa, heroes like those told of ancient times and faraway places.

2018-09-03, 08:35 AM
"Woah." Naumer looks down at himself. He's so tall now, and he feels stronger than before. "Are we... Toa?"

2018-09-03, 03:24 PM
"It appears so." Arakas takes a deep breath to steady herself. Toa. Her. It was a daunting task, although she was currently more concerned by the extra height than the extra responsibility. Hearing the sounds of battle outside, she begins to make preparations for combat, planning out how to channel her newfound abilities, in accordance with the stories of old. "Um, Awek. Does this shrine have a weapons cache? I know we're toa now, but I'd still like more than a cloak to defend myself with."

2018-09-03, 05:58 PM
Awek grunts and staggers to his feet. "So that's what this place does," he says. The literal-minded Toa is unflappable. Not even the sudden transformation seems to have left much of an impression on him. He reaches for the stone on the altar, but it crumbles to dust the moment his fingers touch it. He withdraws his hand like it was stung. "That..uh, that was an accident," he says.

The shrine rumbles, but not enough to throw anyone off their balance. The altar pushes itself up and becomes a pillar. Six alcoves carved into the bottom hold six weapons, still hot to the touch. They glow with power, though it is quickly fading. The same force that made you Toa seems to have made these tools as well.

Awek looks down at the cudgel he wielded as Guard Captain, now pitifully small. He stows it away in his backpack and hefts a massive warhammer. The newly christened Toa of Earth takes a massive shield and matching spear while the Toa of Fire picks two shortswords.

"Before we march out, shouldn't we know each other's names? Mine's Tidran," the Earth Toa says, raising his spear in a salute. A friendly smile graces his lips. "And if ya had told me a week ago I'd be a Toa, I'd have laughed so hard I'd roll off the side of a cliff and into the depths of the Mine."

"Ruhki," the new Toa of Fire says. She concentrates for a moment and both blades ignite in flame. "Alright. I'm ready." She does not look ready. 'Wide-eyed and scared' would be a much more accurate description.

2018-09-03, 08:31 PM
"I feel like I could do a thousand flips!" Naumer does a backflip, then picks up a long sword with a thrusting point, holding it in one hand. "I'm Naumer."

2018-09-03, 10:33 PM
This existence is different, yet familiar. No. It is more than familiar. It is right. Her gaze travels to each of her new companions. Each one is imprinted into her memory as a friend and comrade: a being to be trusted. Then, she joins them in selecting her armaments.

Or, perhaps, it is more accurate to say that her armaments chose her. She finds herself drawn to the closest recess of the pillar and the tools there enshrined: a spear and brass knuckles.

"My name is Vihlu." She retrieves and readies the spear. "And it is my honor to fight by your side."

2018-09-04, 01:40 AM
Arakas nods to herself as she commits the names to memory. Then she reaches the alcoves, selecting the last of the weapons, an ornate white pickaxe. A little doubtful, she makes a mental note to acquire a disk launcher when she has the chance. Arakas. Sorry if I forget your names a few times."

2018-09-04, 10:18 AM
“Chat on your own time. The invaders aren’t stopping just because you’re doing a sharing circle,” Awek snaps. He looks at Naumer and frowns. “Wait, I know you from the guard reports. You’re that--Ah forget it.” He hefts his new hammer. To everyone, he says, “Just...follow me and try to act like you’ve been in a fight before.”

He kicks the shrine door open and leads the charge out into the chaos of battle. It seems a small group of Matoran saw the guard captain headed this way and tried to follow. Unfortunately, they had poor luck. An invader patrol spotted them and chased them down. A little ways up the path, a Ta-Matoran leads a desperate resistance from behind a stony barricade, facing at least five of them and their electricity-spewing weapons. Down the path, three of the invaders have taken to the skies and are tormenting a Le-Matoran, shooting all around him and laughing in harsh, guttural voices as he desperately dodges out of the way.

“Split up,” Awek says, “Fire, Earth, you’re with me. Air...hit those flying ones with a tornado or something. The rest of you, go with him!”

Tidran (Earth) gives Naumer, Vihlu, and Arakas a cheerful wave before jogging after the Toa of Stone. Ruhki simply turns and dashes for the enemy, a war cry on her lips.

The three flying enemies are focused on their ‘game’ and have not spotted the danger they are now in. They move slowly, lazily drifting backwards and forwards. Easy targets.

For the first round, your three targets get no active defenses. The only penalties against you will be the ones for distance, which can be offset by spending up to three seconds aiming. Each second will give you a +1 modifier. Waiting all three will cancel out the -3 for distance. Up to you, but do know that the first round that they are attacked in will alert them to your presence and they will get to attempt a defense from there on out.

2018-09-04, 10:59 AM
"I'm that what now? Come on!" Naumer sheathes his sword and follows Awek out and sees the invaders. He raises his hands and fires two bursts of air at them, one at the leftmost and one at the rightmost.

2018-09-04, 11:45 AM
Vihlu stops behind Naumer.

Her eyes narrow as she studies the situation. When Naumer fires, she charges forward to cover the Matoran.


2018-09-04, 01:02 PM
Apparently, the only thing needed to take the black-armored foes out is a stiff breeze. The buffeting winds, striking with a force rivalled only by a hurricane, crack through their armor and strike the invader’s vulnerable flesh. One falls immediately and the other spins out of control. His skill with flying is not enough to stop him from slamming headfirst into the ground.

Arakas has only one target remaining to him, who has barely begun to raise his weapon by the time the Toa of Ice makes his attack.

Still on round one, but wanted to give you the outcomes of your actions before Arakas went so she didn’t make a redundant attack.

The Le-Matoran looks up in awe as Vihlu appears over him. “T-Toa?” he stammers in surprise.

2018-09-04, 02:20 PM
Arakas focuses on her target, getting a feel for the distances. Wait for it. Wait. Now. Her weapon whips forward, send forth a burst of cold that solidifies into several icy shards on it's way towards the last attacker.

2018-09-04, 02:41 PM
The three shards shoot out from Arakas’ pick. They whistle through the air and hit the invader square in the chest, piercing through and sending it hurtling backwards, down the slope of the mountain. It is not a threat anymore. A little ways up, Awek sends the last of the invaders hurtling off a cliff with a mighty swing of his hammer. The battle was short.

A mere ten minutes ago, these beings seemed terrifying, insurmountable. But now, they fall before you like paper. Such is the power of Toa.

The Le-Matoran stares at you in awe.

2018-09-04, 05:34 PM
"Yes. Toa." Vihlu says as she turns to face the Le-Matoran. "And now, we must get you to safety."

She scans their surroundings, taking in the overall situation. Where do they go from here?

2018-09-04, 06:00 PM
"That was easy! Too easy..." Naumer grins. We're Toa!! This is awesome!"

2018-09-04, 06:28 PM
"Do we even know where safety is?" Asks Arakas. She's still in awe of the groups newfound powers, but its dampened how little knowledge she has of the situation. Instinctively, the Toa of Ice begins to try and reason through all this. "Why do you think we're being attacked?"

2018-09-04, 09:15 PM
The current situation offers very few options in terms of security. The shrine is about an hour's jog from the Grand Temple, and it was a hard jog. Trees and rocks surround the group, providing natural but flimsy shelter from any future attacks. In Vihlu's opinion, the best option for the Matoran is the shrine right behind her.

The Le-Matoran rises slowly and dusts himself off. His eyes fall on Naumer and go wide. "Wait, wait, wait, it can't be. Naumer? You're a Toa now?" A grin splits his face. "Well this is bright-happy news!"

Ruhki strides towards them, arriving just in time to hear Arakas' question. "Does it matter? We're totally gonna wipe the floor with these guys!"

2018-09-04, 09:51 PM
"You're not curious? A whole new culture, unlike anything we've seen! Shouldn't we try to find out all we can about them" The words come quickly, before Arakas has a chance to refocus herself. "Well, after we get the matoran to safety, that is."

2018-09-04, 09:56 PM
"You bet I'm a Toa! This is the best-happy news!" Arakas' comment unnerves him somehow. "They're trying to kill us, I don't think we want to learn from them. Now let's go kick some butt!"

2018-09-04, 09:59 PM
"The shrine." Vihlu points it out to the Le-Matoran. "Go there quickly."

She turns back to the others and hefts her spear.

"Distant water puts out no flame, yes." A moment passed before she realizes her present company. Vihlu winces. "No offense. We cannot aid the Matoran from here and there will be time enough for questions after the battle."

Back into the fray.

2018-09-04, 10:58 PM
The other two toa lumber up, the Matoran they saved behind them. "You can study their remains," Awek grunts, "We're going to be leaving plenty of those lying around, if this skirmish is any indication." He raises a fist and the stone reaches up to bind the one invader still alive (though currently unconscious). He grunts. "That should hold him. Now come on, we've got a hike."

"Right then," Awek says, "Obey the Toa of Water, you lot." Dutifully, they all file into the shrine. A few of the more enterprising ones begin setting up defenses and barricades in case another assault should come. One or two have even armed themselves with the invader's fallen weapons. The Toa leave them as well defended as they could be right now.

The hike back down the mountain gives the new team some time to talk. Time that Tidran, the new Toa of Earth, is more than happy to fill. He seems a cheerful sort. Frank and outspoken, but cheerful. "I worked in the Mine before this," he says, "I hauled the most out of anyone. Alright, that's a slight exaggeration, but I was one of the best ya know. Not just metals either. I found a whole vein of glowstone once. Got a week off just for that. Didn't know what to do with myself, though, so I snuck back onto my shift."

Ruhki chuckles. "Oh I know what I'd do with a week off." She moves with an odd, half-skipping gait, though it carries her very quickly across the ground. "I was a smith, so it was my job to take all that metal you dug up and make something useful out of it. Course I wasn't the best smith. They had me making nails, bolts, that sort of thing. But in my spare time, I'm a firedancer."

Firedancers were performers, mostly Ta-Matoran for obvious reasons, who were known for incorporated fire and torches into their routines. Whenever there was a festival, they were always some of the first entertainers called upon to bring smiles to Matoran everywhere.

2018-09-05, 08:33 AM
"I find that fitting." Vihlu says to Ruhki.

The time has come for more proper introductions, so she contributes hers: "I never had the talent for dancing. I worked at a Ga-Matoran temple, where there was always work to be done, tending to the sick and injured. I have learned much of healing, medicine and internal stability in that time. Elder Harhra was most thorough in my education."

She continues moving along with the others.

2018-09-05, 02:34 PM
"I am, er, was, an airship mechanic. Now I'm a Toa!" This is a lot of fun for Naumer. He jumps up and flies in a loop, then returns to the ground. "Wahoo!"

2018-09-05, 03:07 PM
Arakas glanced at Awek, hoping he would try and break up the sharing circle again. When that didn't happen, though, she decided just to go for it. "I worked in the archives. Cataloged animal behaviors, mostly. You know, pack structures, migration patterns. That sort of thing."

2018-09-05, 04:03 PM
"Yes...Naumer?" Tidran says, taking time to make sure he got that name right. "We're all Toa now."

Unfortunately, Awek does not seem eager to either join or halt the conversation. He marches along, a dark look on his face, thinking of the battle. Ruhki clears her throat. "So...what cool mask powers did you get? I got Teleportation."

"Infravision," Tidran says.

"Regeneration," Awek grunts. He touches a scorch mark on his shoulder, which now shows no sign of wounding. "We need to make a plan. One other than just charging in," he mutters, more to himself than anything.

2018-09-05, 05:01 PM
"My mask power is... kinda hard to explain." Arakas chimed in, before her hearing catches Awek's muttering. "I could use it right now, to scout. Would that help us come up with a plan?"

2018-09-05, 07:28 PM
"I have the Mask of Healing." Vihlu says; in doing so, she realizes that she isn't breathing. This was a definite biological oddity given that it wasn't imposing any limitations upon her. She made a note to pursue such matters at a more appropriate time.

In response to Arakas, she says: "Your abilities may indeed prove useful to our potential plans. Although, to do so we must properly account for any limitations. Is there anything of your prowess you can share?"

2018-09-05, 08:09 PM
"Okay, I'll try to explain." Truth be told, Arakas only knew what her mask did from reading the stories of ancient heroes who used it in the archives. "It's called the Mask of Spirit. So, I can go places, without actually being there. I mean, I am there, but nobody can see or touch or hear me."

2018-09-05, 08:49 PM
"And I think we all recognize Naumer's mask," Tidran says with a chuckle. He gives the Toa of Air a hearty pat on the back that almost knocks him off balance.

Awek slows to a halt and turns to Arakas. "That's...actually exactly what we need. What's the range on it? Can you scout out the Grand Temple from here?"

2018-09-05, 09:27 PM
"I don't think it has a range, but I won't be any faster than usual." Arakas tried to think of the quickest route to the Grand Temple. "It'll be safe for me to go scout it, but you guys will have to guard my body for about an hour or so."

2018-09-06, 07:45 AM
"Your trust will not be misplaced." Vihlu says.

She looks to Awek. As the most experienced, he would be best suited to determine whether such is an acceptable delay.

2018-09-06, 10:19 AM
Awek tenses at that limitation. “Well,” he says, “We can’t make a plan without information. But it’d be no good if we arrive too late.” He hefts his hammer and starts marching forward. “So here’s what we do. We get closer so you’re not going over the same ground twice. Then, we find a good hiding spot and stand watch while you scout. Any objections?”

2018-09-06, 10:55 AM
"No. We should get the Matoran to safety as well." Naumer moves to scoop up the Matoran. "I can wind-fly them to the shrine, then rejoin you."

2018-09-06, 01:47 PM
"I have no objections." Vihlu says.

She continues walking behind the others.

2018-09-06, 02:18 PM
Arakas shrugs slightly as they walk on. "I'm fine with that."

2018-09-06, 07:38 PM
And so the newly formed team heads out, drawing near to the center, both literal and metaphorical, of their home. Smoke rises from the Grand Temple. In the time they've been running, embracing their new destiny, and fighting, the massive ship has moved low over the city. It looks as though they're loading something right now.

Awek leads the way into a narrow dell and small cave. He slams his hammer down and crosses his arms. "Well, here we go. Time for you to scout. Report back when you have something of note."

2018-09-06, 08:02 PM
"We will protect your physical existence during your spiritual travels." Vihlu tries to provide some reassurance. "Of that, you have my word."

She surveys the area, attempting to work out what can be done to, ahem, hide the body. She'll explain her ideas as she does so.

[roll0] VS 15

2018-09-06, 11:43 PM
"Okay. Here goes." Arakas takes a deep breath, and... falls lifeless to the floor.

Oh wow, that's a weird sight. She thinks, observing her own body from where her spirit floats invisibly. She doesn't take time to muse on it, instead flying over to the Grand Temple, taking note of the enemy forces' positions.

2018-09-07, 09:01 AM
Arakas sets off at full speed toward the village. In ten minutes, she reaches her destination. Patrols of the invaders move through the streets, checking each of the houses for any lingering Matoran. The houses belong to the few Matoran deemed privileged enough to live so close to the Grand Temple. Priests, groundskeepers, and the best crafters. Now, the honor seems a dubious one at best.

She heads through the town and through to the Temple. The tribute is half-gone. The invaders are busy loading it up in boxes and putting it on their skiffs. Once loaded, they fly it up to the mothership. When they come back down, the glowstone is gone.

No one notices her and, this far into the conquered area, their posture is relaxed, almost casual. A pair of guards make a lazy loop around the arena, weapons held loosely and chatting with each other. As they pass, Arakas hears them laughing. One says something in a strange language which the other finds hilarious. They both pause while the second one recovers his wits.

This is all you get from just walking around. You can definitely spot more and investigate different areas, but that will require a perception check.


The area the team is currently hiding in is a good hiding spot, but it can always be better! With the help of all the Toa, save Awek who is on watch, a quick camouflage net goes up over the cave entrance, shielding them from outside eyes while allowing them to see out, more or less.

However, as they are waiting for Arakas to return, a rumble builds in the earth. It is one that Naumer knows well, despite not having much experience piloting one. It is a Matoran crawler, their answer to land transportation. A six-legged vehicle that moves much like a bug, they are slow and unwieldy, but reliable. This one seems to be exceeding its recommended safe speeds by at least a factor of two. The pilot is either very skilled or very foolish, possibly both.

2018-09-07, 10:55 AM
"Crawler! Coming this way!" Naumer warns. "Coming very quick-fast."

2018-09-07, 12:39 PM
They're taking the glowstone. Why? Arakas wonders. The invaders look pretty lax right now, so she figures she has time to dig a little deeper before returning. Probably best to take a closer look at the Grand Temple.

2018-09-07, 03:24 PM
Darkness was not high on her list of desirables. But she could manage. Vihlu stays close to the entrance where the light was brightest.

At Nauner's warning, her eyes turn to the recesses of the cave.

"Thus begins the question. Is the crawler pursuing prey or fleeing as prey?" She moves to better cover Arakas' form and move it aside if need be. "We should signal that we are here. Perhaps we could light his path?"

2018-09-07, 08:22 PM
The first question that comes to Arakas' mind: where did the Matoran go? There are no signs of them, alive or otherwise, in the Arena. She thinks she would see some sign of them, even if they were all crammed in a few rooms in the basement. But she can't find them anywhere. However, there is one spot they could be. One spot that could hold quite a few of them.

She looks up at the airship hovering overhead.


"If it's moving that fast and hasn't caught it's target yet, then the driver is doing a very poor job," Awek says, "Ruhki, send them a signal."

"Right," she says and move to the entrance. A flame flickers on and off in her hand, relaying an old Matoran signal for 'friends' typically used by sailors. The vehicle comes to a screeching halt. "Well...I stopped them. Who wants to volunteer to check if they're friend or foe?"

2018-09-07, 09:02 PM
"I'll do it!" Before anyone can respond, Naumer jumps into the air and flies toward the crawler.

2018-09-07, 09:23 PM
Under the circumstances, it was dangerous for Naumer to go alone. He should have taken one of them with him.

"Ruhki, perhaps the two of us should accompany him?" Vihlu asks. "I have but a candle with me to counter the darkness. While remote, I do not treasure the possibility of fighting blind."

2018-09-08, 01:43 AM
Arakas was feeling pretty confident about the idea that the matoran were on the enemy airship, but not that confident about sneaking onto an alien airship alone, spirit or not. She had been pretty lucky on this scouting trip, but luck was bound to run out sometimes. She decides to investigate the outside of the airship, trying to find a way the team would be able to ground it, and then after that take a quick peek inside.

2018-09-08, 11:16 AM
"Wait, Naumer, maybe that's not the best...aaaaand he's gone." Ruhki sighs. "Yeah, let's go after him."

Awek and Tidran stay behind to guard Arakas' body. Up at the top of the little ravine they've found themselves in, a group of ten Matoran are piling out of their vehicle and staring at the three of them in awe. "Toa?" one asks, "Here?"

As for their vehicle, the hard stop at high speeds seems to have snapped two of the legs. it's not going anywhere.


The airship hangs suspended in the air through unknown means. A few holes in the bottom glow, but that means nothing to Arakas. The only way onboard, it seems, is to ride one of the skiffs up to it. However, doing so would put her on the ship itself. That could be very dangerous.

2018-09-08, 12:45 PM
I've pushed my luck enough. Arakas thinks, casting a baleful glance up at the airship. The toa concentrates, as her mind snaps back to her body, finding herself on the ground, and slightly tangled in her cloak.
"They've stolen the matoran, and their stealing the tribute. It's being sent up to that big airship they came from." She says, for the moment not noticing half the group isn't present.

2018-09-08, 02:08 PM
"Yes. Toa who have come to help." Vihlu says. "And to that end, we must know your circumstances. Are you being pursued? Are any injured?"

She surveys the crab and their surroundings for injury and threat. Bringing the Matoran along with them is beyond foolhardy. The only course of action is to send them to the shrine with the others. It made a natural rally point for any survivors.

2018-09-09, 12:16 AM
Arakas pops back without any problems, surprising both Tirdran and Awek. The Toa of Stone brandishes his hammer, but lowers it when he realizes what happened. He listens carefully and nods. "Right. That's gonna have to be dealt with. But right now we have new arrivals. The others went out to meet them."


"Yes!" the lead Matoran says. He slides down the ravine. "A strange vehicle, it...rolled after us! But it wasn't as fast as we were. It'll be here soon."

2018-09-09, 06:30 AM
"Then we had best not be here when it arrives." Vihlu replies.

She gestures back down the ravine. "Let us join the other Toa down the canyon. What can you tell us about this vehicle? Can you describe its appearance and capabilities?"

Assuming that the lack of reported injury means that there are none, she'll help marshall the Matoran along, taking care to keep her eyes alert for danger all the while.

2018-09-09, 03:10 PM
"Um..." The Matoran are uninjured, just scared. Unfortunately, that makes getting information out of them more difficult than it normally would be. "It was a box but it had these...things on the side. Round things that rolled it forward. It didn't walk!"

"And," another chimes in, "it zapped anyone who got too close to it! If you stayed back, it threw lightningbolts at you!"

Herding them into the cave is fairly easy. They enter right as Awek was about to step out. "Report," he orders.

2018-09-09, 08:42 PM
"These Matoran were the source the disturbance. They were fleeing from a weaponized vehicle of some sort. It rolled on 'round things' and boasted close and long-range electric, offensive capabilities." Vihlu reports. "And the enemy crawler was following them. We are about to witness this spectacle firsthand."

She guides the Matoran into the cave and begins giving them instructions to the Shrine.

2018-09-10, 01:55 AM
Arakas stands up, and, upon hearing the news of incoming foes, adjusts her cloak to offset over her left shoulder. "These guys sure use lightning a lot." she noted.

2018-09-10, 11:37 PM
"A fact I find very disconcerting." Vihlu observes. "And all the more reason we should prepare for our foe's arrival. I recommend that we stop this monstrosity here. We cannot allow it to approach the shrine."

2018-09-11, 01:37 PM
"We'd better be quick-ready to fight. It could be here soon!" Naumer flies up to any sort of elevated ledge he can find in the cave, even if it's a tiny crack, and balances there.

taking advantage of Perfect Balance

2018-09-11, 02:04 PM
“Wait, I think I can do something,” Tidran says. He extends one hand and takes a deep breath. Nothing happens immediately, but as he concentrates, a portion of the cliff gives way. A three foot section. It slides down the side and settles peacefully at the bottom.

“Impressive,” Ruhki says with a bit of snark, “That vehicle is still coming. So unless you hope to collapse the cliff on him, that’s not going to do much.”

Naumer finds his perch near the top of the cave, out of reach but not in any better tactical position. After all, the cave is inside the ravine and the tank will appear at the top of it.

2018-09-11, 02:59 PM
Arakas watches Tidran's work interestedly. She has an idea. A long shot, but a shot nonetheless. "Wait. Awek, Tidran, could you guys bring the ground up? Enough to make them get out of their vehicle and fight us on foot?"

2018-09-11, 07:14 PM
"I'm hesitant to engage this foe blindly. Beyond that it can defend itself at all ranges, we have no idea of its size and scope. It's girth may be too large for Tidran to reliably ensconce." Vihlu comments. "If this is your desired course of action, I shall follow. But may I suggest that we use the crawler as bait to lure the vehicle to the edge of the ravine and then allow Tidran to drop it to its demise?"

2018-09-12, 07:49 PM
Tidran and Awek exchange uneasy glances. "I'm not sure," Awek mutters, "This is quite...new."

"I can bring the cliff down, though," Tidran says, "Working together, I think we could get it on it's back for ya. We just gotta lure it close enough to the edge."

Ruhki presses her lips together. "Right. Anyone else feel really confident about their dodging skills? Because if not, I'll step out and be a big old distraction."

2018-09-12, 08:20 PM
"I can do it! I can wind-fly away when it gets close!" Naumer is excited.

2018-09-12, 11:49 PM
"I shall defer the assignment of bait. I am not the fastest of us." Vihlu opines. "If Naumer is confident, I have no objections."

She'll begin scanning the cliff side for potential places of ambush.

2018-09-13, 06:19 AM
Arakas cracks a smile at Naumer's enthusiasm. "Flying is probably best, if we do bring the cliff down." She notes, stepping reasonably away from said cliff, eyeing where the foreign vehicle will be coming from.

2018-09-13, 10:34 AM
No one objects to Naumer’s offer. Ruhki looks a little relieved, to be honest. In short order, the Toa of Air finds himself outside, watching as a metal monster of a vehicle hurtles through the forest towards them. It runs down trees, bushes, and anything else unfortunate enough to get in its way. Twice the size of a typical crawler and covered in metal plates, it is an intimidating sight. But Naumer is not here to be intimidated.

2018-09-13, 10:57 AM
Naumer leaps into the air as soon as it gets close, ready to fly away.

2018-09-13, 11:10 AM
Naumer twists through the air, narrowly dodging the lightning bolts hurled at him as he lures the vehicle closer to the edge.

2018-09-13, 11:30 AM
Vihlu waits at the bottom of the ravine and prays for Naumer's success.

2018-09-13, 11:32 PM
The vehicle bears down. The top turret swivels towards Naumer and sends one crackling burst of lightning right at it. He twists aside, barely avoiding it. Yet it still comes, sending bolt after bolt until it reaches the edge of the cliff, almost too close to dodge. His armor feels a little singed after the close calls.

"Now!" Awek says. Together, he and Tidran thrust out their hands. The edge of the ravine rumbles and cracks. The drivers barely have time to register what's happening before the whole cliffside comes down underneath them. The vehicle tumbles over on itself, landing upside down in front of the six Toa. Something sparks fitfully, but nothing stirs.

2018-09-14, 08:34 AM
"Excellently done." Vihlu tells the others.

She approaches the upside-down tank and examines it. Perhaps there is an area where the armor plating is thin or an indication of where the pilot's cabin is? It would be preferred to ensure the occupants were completely incapacitated before leaving the area.

2018-09-15, 02:53 AM
Arakas follows cautiously behind Vihlu, hoping to get a better look at their foes. Her left hand twitches slightly, as she readies herself to call on a power she has devised, one to capture people alive. Well, alive and freezing.

2018-09-15, 11:31 AM
There appears to be a hatch on top of the tank, which is currently wedged against the ground and inaccessible. No one can get in, but no one can get out either. However, if the Toa wish to take anyone prisoner and interrogate them, they will have to find a way inside. Like digging a hole with a Toa of Earth, for instance.

2018-09-15, 12:16 PM
"It appears that their offensive vehicle has become a cage." Vihlu comments. "Perhaps we should leave them in it and go rescue the others? Every moment delayed is a moment the enemies defenses grow stronger."

2018-09-16, 10:40 PM
Arakas disagreed. "I'm not so sure about that. When I went to scout, the enemies didn't seem to be strengthening their defenses at all. We have time for a look inside." She know it probably was smarter to leave the tank where it lie, though. It for sure didn't have matoran in it. "I'm sorry. That was untoalike of me. The safety of the matoran comes first."

2018-09-16, 10:53 PM
"I don't think they can get out of there quick-fast. We should try to get an airship up to their vessel." Naumer glides down to where the other Toa are discussing.

2018-09-17, 07:23 AM
"There is no shame in sharing your opinions. There is strength in studying different viewpoints." Vihlu comments.

"Yet, I find this news more disconcerting. If they are not fortifying their defenses, then are they not planning to stay?"

2018-09-17, 10:36 AM
“They aren’t fortifying their position?” Awek says in surprise, “That’s real dumb of them. And it means word of our existence hasn’t reached them.”

“So far, none have escaped us,” Ruhki says, “How would they send word to each other?”

“Er, telepathy?” Tidran says.

“I don’t think they’re telepathic, Tidran,” Ruhki says with a chuckle.

2018-09-17, 01:22 PM
"That's true. Remember, they don't know we have any toa at all." Arakas points out, resisting the urge to get in a jab at a certain green fellow. She fails. "Well, unless they heard you yelling all over the place that you're a toa, Naumer."

2018-09-17, 02:10 PM
"These creatures have weaponry and vehicles with which we are unfamiliar. It is possible that their ability to communicate may differ as well." Vihlu contemplates this possibility. "Which means that we may not be as a great a secret as we assume. Perhaps we should hurry."

2018-09-17, 02:43 PM
"Right! We should be going, not loud-talking!" Naumer takes off toward the area where the Matoran keep their airships. "At least I do something!" He responds to the insult in kind.

2018-09-18, 08:02 AM
Any further discussion is abruptly cut off by Naumer's rapid and sudden departure. "To the airships then," Awek grunts, "This can only go well."

The airships are kept at a number of 'ports' around the small civilization. Wherever a group of Matoran have settled, there also you can find a space cleared for airships to take off and land. The largest collection of them are right near the temple, but that would require fighting past some more of the invaders and drop any hope the toa had of keeping their existence a secret. A little further away, there is a maintenance station for vehicles and airships that might not be occupied yet. But it is farther away.

2018-09-18, 10:41 AM
Vihlu takes a quiet look at the other Toa.

She follows Awek and Naumer's lead but keeps to the company of her own thoughts.

2018-09-18, 10:42 PM
Naumer flies toward the more distant hangar. He figures since he can fly twice as fast as anyone can walk, he can get there and scout ahead then get back to the group while they're still on their way.

2018-09-19, 02:40 AM
I do things. I just haven't yet. Arakas thinks as she walks along with the group. The toa of air's comment doesn't sit right with her, even though she invited it, and she is relieved when he goes to scout ahead. The toa of ice had been wanting to suggest going for the maintenance station, but hadn't brought herself to actually do so.

2018-09-19, 10:09 AM
Vihlu slows her walk to draw near Arakas.

"Your earlier scouting efforts have proven most helpful. We now know that we can catch them off guard and that may tip the scales in our favor."

2018-09-19, 10:33 AM
"And he's gone," Awek says, glaring at Naumer's rapidly disappearing form as the Toa of Air flies away, "We should stick together, right now especially."

"I'm sure he can't get into too much trouble," Tidran says, though he doesn't sound very sure at all.

Meanwhile, Naumer flies low over the land, making great time towards the maintenance station. But just because it is, most likely, still free of invader influence doesn't mean there aren't other dangers.

Naumer, I need a stealth check from you, if you would be so kind.

2018-09-19, 03:51 PM
As Naumer flies, he realizes too late that he's right beside a Nui-Rama nest! But the insects don't seem to have noticed him. Those that do are too late to catch him. But it is a good remind that other dangers are out there beside the invaders.

He arrives at the landing site to find it abandoned. A few airships lie there, in for repairs. Of the three he sees, two have their engines disassembled and one is down to one of the two float-discs that should keep it in the air. It's up to him which one he thinks is their best bet for repairs.

2018-09-19, 07:32 PM
Since he made it here, and it seems safe, Naumer will take out his toolbox and try to remove the float disc from one of the airships without an engine, then attach it to the ship with only one disc.

2018-09-20, 01:52 AM
The reassuring words are not lost on Arakas. "Thanks for saying that. It makes me feel better, really." The toa of ice walks on, now starting to scan her surroundings. It wasn't something she did often, usually being cooped up in the archives.

2018-09-20, 01:20 PM
Vihlu nods. "You are welcome, although I speak but the truth."

She addresses the group at large. "If I may, what are our objectives? What are we attempting to do with this venture?"

2018-09-20, 03:23 PM
Realizing the repairs will take too long, Naumer takes back to the air to go rendezvous with the rest of the team.

2018-09-20, 06:07 PM
"We have to protect the matoran. Their on that big airship, so we need to get one of our own to fly up to it." Arakas pauses for a second, thinking. "Wait, once we get to the matoran and all the glowstone, how do we get it back down?"

2018-09-20, 08:46 PM
"Oh that's simple," Tidran says with a smile, "We bring the ship down low and jump off."

Naumer flies back the way he came, hoping to run into them on the way back. Fortunately for him, Awek is looking out for him and waves him down as he passes. "

2018-09-21, 10:07 AM
"Let us hope we can learn to fly the ship." Vihlu says.

2018-09-21, 02:28 PM
Naumer descends. "There are several damaged airships at the station. It will take some time to fix one." He then takes off again, heading back to the repair station.

2018-09-21, 06:13 PM
"Naumer's job was listed as a pilot," Awek growls as the Toa of Air approaches. "I would assume he knows how. That is not why he came to my attention, though. That was for his other...habits."

Naumer talks quickly and is on his way before anyone else can say anything, much to Awek's rising annoyance. "That....blasted...GRRR!" He hefts his hammer and strides with renewed determination for the repair station. "Come on, let's go track him down again."

The group arrives about a half hour later and finds Naumer in the middle of repairs.

2018-09-22, 01:04 AM
When they arrive, Arakas is able to express the sentiment she had been in the middle of turning into words when Naumer had flown off again. "Do you need any help with the repairs? Admittedly, I don't know much about airships, but I can lift things or something."

2018-09-22, 04:07 PM
"I am not mechanically minded, but I am willing to assist you if needed
Otherwise, I shall keep watch." Vihlu says.

There are limited options to be useful s at the moment.

2018-09-22, 07:29 PM
"No thanks sisters, I got this covered." Naumer waves off the aid and continues to work on the airship's lift disc.

2018-09-23, 07:58 PM
"Very well."

Vihlu will leave Naumer to his work and go keep watch for approaching enemies.

2018-09-23, 08:15 PM
Awek's anger has been steadily rising. He grips his weapon like it's the last thing holding him above a bottomless pit and his eyes bore into Naumer's back. "So what," he says slowly, coldly, "Do you expect us to do while you're repairing?"

2018-09-23, 09:03 PM
"Maybe look around for weapons or equipment you need?" Naumer suggests.

2018-09-24, 03:47 AM
"Oh, thanks for reminding me about that." Arakas exclaims, shuffling off to one of the sheds to look for a disk launcher. After all, hers was still back at home, since she didn't expect an alien invasion to happen when she woke up in the morning.

2018-09-24, 10:23 AM
Awek grouses under his breath at that response. “Oh, just ‘look around for equipment’. Sure, sure, that sounds like a great use of our time while invaders are making off with everything we hold dear. Blasted le-mato…” He pauses. “...Blasted toa of air and his...air-headedness.”

“Eloquent,” Ruhki says with a teasing smirk.

“Shut up,” Awek grunts. But, despite his complaining, he moves to look through the tools and spare parts held in storage, looking for anything of note.

Arakas does not need to look hard at all to find a nice disk launcher. It’s nothing fancy, but it will fill her needs. In addition, she finds three regular discs and a Disk of Force, a rare item that shoves the target it strikes backwards.

Force Disk: This launchable piece of ammo does damage as per other disks. In addition, the target struck must make a ST contest or be flung backwards. The distance and opposed force of the ST check depend on the disk’s power according to the following chart.

1: ST 4, 1 meter
2: ST 6, 2 meters
3: ST 8, 3 meters
4: ST 10, 4 meters
5: ST 12, 5 meters
6: ST 14, 6 meters
7: ST 16, 7 meters
8: ST 18, 8 meters
9: ST 20, 9 meters

This one is a level 5 one (ST of 12 and the ability to hurl targets 5 meters backwards.)

Awek doesn’t turn up anything particularly suited to his talents, unfortunately.

Soon, the airship is repaired and ready to take off.

2018-09-24, 04:40 PM
When the noise of repair ceases, Vihlu drifts back into the group. In doing so, and sensing tension among the group, she briefly places a hand upon Awek's shoulder. It's a calming gesture of support.

"Is it time to depart?" She asks.

2018-09-24, 07:56 PM
With a flourish, Naumer presents the repaired airship. "She's ready to wind-fly!" He clambers into the cockpit, although he's much larger than he used to be. "What're you waiting for, get in!"

2018-09-24, 11:14 PM
Arakas is moved by Naumer's enthusiasm, but stops just as she is about to enter the airship. "Wait. Shouldn't we have a plan for what we're going to do if they notice and strange airship in the sky and start shooting at it?"

2018-09-25, 10:18 AM
"Then we pray Nauner's flying skill is as great as his enthusiasm." Vihlu says. "For both will be needed to pursue this rescue. We shall have to trust our fellow Toa."

She prepares to board the ship and put her words to action.

2018-09-25, 02:12 PM
“We have a plan,” Awek says, “We hit them harder. For every bolt of lightning, we’ll return fire with our powers. Now come on and stop delaying.” The team loads up into the airship, a fairly simple transport affair with a small, matoran sized cabin designed to fit four. With Naumer at the controls, it can fit one. The rest have to go in the cargo hold.

2018-09-25, 03:07 PM
Though she settles into the cargo hold, Arakas is not quite convinced by Awek's plan. Namely, the part where they have to shoot back while being in a cargo hold. "Naumer, try flying really really fast." She whispers as she passes him.

2018-09-25, 03:22 PM
Vihlu finds a place in the cargo hold without comment.

She was not one to fight at long range, thus her contributions to any return fire would be minimal.

This did not seem the proper time to reveal that objection.

2018-09-25, 03:28 PM
"Is there any other way to wind-fly?" Naumer laughs, taking the controls and lifting off into the air. He steers the airship toward the larger vessel, pushing the throttle as far as it will go. "YEE-HAAA!"

2018-09-27, 02:52 AM
Once Arakas gets used to the speed she takes the time to load her new disk launcher, choosing an unpowered disk. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She liked having plans, knowing things. Now, every time she figured something out, she was left with a nagging feeling that she still didn't know what comes next. For now, it was that even if the rescued the matoran and the glowstone, the airship would probably still be in the sky, and full of enemies. And if they brought it down, it wouldn't do the Great Temple a whole lot of good.

2018-09-27, 03:01 PM
The ship takes to the air! Plan or no plan. United and ready, the Toa prepare to face their first major adversary! A moderately efficient automatic targeting system.

As they near the mothership, Naumer sees electrical charge build up across the hull. Time to dodge!

I need three piloting rolls from you, bc. And, if anyone has anything they think could help shield the ship, feel free to use it now.

2018-09-27, 09:00 PM
Arakas tries to keep her eyes focused on the charging electricity as Naumer dodges. If any of the attacks land, she'll try and bring up a wall of ice to soften the blow. It won't be much, but it'll be something.

Should I make the active defense roll now, or wait for you to tell me too?

2018-09-27, 09:54 PM
Much like Arakas, Vihlu prepares to erect a wall of water. Should any attack look to strike the ship, she will erect the barrier to attempt a block.

She put more stock in Naumer's flying skills.

2018-09-28, 09:31 AM
Fortunately, Naumer’s skill with flying is just enough. Bolt after bolt whizzes past, but none strike the ship. It zips forward, passing through the danger unscathed save for a few superficial burns.

Now, they just need to find a place to land. There is the hangar where all their landers are coming and going, but they could also go for the top of the ship and potentially break into a place with little security.

2018-09-28, 01:54 PM
"Hah!" Naumer excitedly pumps his armored fist in the air while steering the airship toward the top of the larger vessel. The hangar would be full of enemies, after all. "I'm wind-flying to the roof of the ship! We can find a way in from there!"

2018-09-28, 07:35 PM
Vihlu nods to Naumer and the others, not quite trusting herself to speak.

She was learning a valuable lesson: a lack of breathing did nothing to prevent airsickness.

2018-09-29, 10:17 PM
Naumer lands the ship right on top of the other one, but it seems the pilot is not too fond of that idea. The moment he touches down, the ship banks sharply to the left, throwing the Toa off-balance. Tidran simply wills the ship to hold his feet in place, but everyone else will need to try and keep their balance lest they start sliding and fall off.

Acrobatics checks, if you please.

2018-09-30, 06:02 AM
A pitching airship did nothing for airsickness, either. Vihlu attempts to roll with the ship and maintain her footing. Perhaps there are outcroppings by which to secure herself?

They truly should have seen a maneuver like this coming. But there was little use in bemoaning spilled liquids.

[roll0] VS 14

2018-09-30, 06:48 AM
Her knuckles whiter than usual from Naumer's flying, Arakas starts to think of a plan to get inside the ship as they touch down. Instead, they are all thrown for a loop as the ship banks left, completely catching Arakas by surprise. Not that she was that good at these kinds of balancing acts anyway. As she feels herself starting to slide away from the group, she draws her pick, hoping to try a last ditch maneuver.

2018-10-01, 09:41 AM
Arakas is unsure how well the pick will work against the metal side of the enemy airship, but it would be a simple matter to freeze it or herself to its side, if she prefers that. Vihlu, however, would just slide faster if she used her powers. Naumer keeps his balance, but now he has a choice. Both Tidran and Vihlu are sliding off. He can fly, but he probably doesn’t have the strength to hold onto both of them.

2018-10-01, 10:12 AM
Vihlu twisted about in place, seeking for some means of halting her freefall. Perhaps there was some protrusion or antennae with which to arrest her plummet? An access hatch perhaps?

Granted, she would still be suspended hundreds of feet above ground, but that wasn't her immediate concern.

[roll0] VS 15

[roll1] VS 14

2018-10-01, 02:13 PM
Arakas takes a closer look at the hull, and decides that hammering a hole into probably won't work. Instead, she summons her ice powers, to freeze herself to the hull. She wouldn't be able to move, but she also wouldn't fall off.

2018-10-01, 05:02 PM
Naumer watches the falling Toa. As he sees Vihlu snatch a protrusion on the side of the ship, he dives to catch Tidran, reaching out with his arms to grab the falling Toa of Stone.

2018-10-01, 09:13 PM
Vihlu grabs hold of a metal hook on the outside of the hull, possibly for mooring it? It seems to be the wrong shape, but it has to be used for something. Arakas freezes herself to the hull and Tidran catches Naumer's hand. All six Toa have survived the initial trial. Not too far away, they see an odd, metal door that is rounded instead of rectangular, as one might expect.

The ship begins to rise.

2018-10-02, 12:11 AM
Feeling better about her imminent survival chances, Arakas decides to wait until Naumer is finished saving Tidran to free herself. Instead, she uses her mask again, spirit form rising upwards quickly to get a topdown view of the hull. She didn't want anymore unwelcome surprises like that.

2018-10-02, 08:48 AM
A grunt escapes Vihlu as her shoulder wrenches underneath the impact, but her arm holds.

"Is everyone alright?" She asks.

Once she knows that everyone has avoided a freefalling fate, Vihlu begins surveying her surroundings. Is there any means of reaching the circular doorway from her present perch? Regardless: "I may need some assistance...."

2018-10-02, 10:46 PM
Naumer flies to the door and drops off the Toa of Earth, then flies down to pick up Vihlu. "I've got you, sister!"

2018-10-03, 12:57 AM
Arakas soars above the ship and quickly discovers the crew's plan. Doors are being sealed, windows barred. The whole thing is going on lockdown as they rise higher and higher into the air, moving faster with each passing second. They're going to get so high that there is no air and then the Toa will be in trouble.

"I'm good!" Ruhki calls over.

"Better now," Tidran says, clinging to the little safe space Naumer dropped him in. "But I'll be even better when we are back on the ground!"

Awek, however, is frowning at his feet. "This can't be metal," he says, "It wouldn't have reacted to my powers if it was, right?"

Ruhki shrugs. She's found a railing and is using it to work her way over to a door. "Metal or not, want me to see how well this holds up to a welding torch?"

2018-10-03, 02:07 AM
Arakas snaps back to her body. This whole this was taking an unexpected turn. It seems the invasion was complete, and the invaders were leaving. Hopefully, with six stowaways. She yells out to the group from where she's still stuck. "Awek! Come get me while Naumer is helping Vihlu and Ruhki opens the door. We gotta get inside, now!"

2018-10-03, 08:20 AM
Vihlu takes a moment to further anchor herself to her new perch. She wants a solid hold upon the ship for what comes next.

"The composition of this ship is but one more mystery for another time. Perhaps the answer lies inside?" Vihlu says to Awek. To Ruhki: "Yes, please. While I may no longer breath, I am reasonably sure that I still require oxygen, which according you Arakas is in short supply. I shall assist you if you shall direct me on where to cut."

While keeping a firm grip, Vihlu will follow given any instructions. She mentally reminds herself to achieve balance, visualize the result and... she drives a blade of water into the side of the hull.

Water Blade
[roll0] VS 19 (15 Skill + 4 All Out Attack)

[roll1] - 1 / Corrosion - Armor Divisor (2)

2018-10-04, 12:40 PM
Vihlu's blade strikes the side of the hull and leaves a long scratch on it, but otherwise it is unharmed. "Feels very thick. Doubt we'll get through here." Awek says, steadily clomping his way over towards the door. He extends a hand to Arakas, offering to help her get to the little outcropping where Ruhki currently stands driving her fiery blades as deep into the door as she can. To Naumer, he shouts, "Grab Vihlu! She and Ruhki can get that door down between them."

2018-10-04, 01:21 PM
Arakas grunts, firing a trio of shards through the ice that connected her to the hull. They sliced through it, leaving her free to grab Awek's hand and follow him to the door.

2018-10-07, 05:50 AM
Vihlu will accept Naumer's help to the doorway.

Sorry for the confusion. I thought Naumer taking V to the door was assumed since he already went to help her.

You okay, bc?

2018-10-09, 12:47 PM
Ruhki directs the assault at where the door meets the side. They have little hope of opening it before the ship speeds up enough to buffet them off if they try to cut through the door itself, but they can make a go at what holds it shut. And so they do, hacking it apart. Then, working together, Tidran and Awek force it open.

“Inside!” Awek orders. The six of them pile in as the wind picks up in strength and intensity. Awek slams the door shut behind them and, for the moment, they are safe inside a small (cramped, actually) room with one door leading outside and one leading further in.

"Well!" Tidran says cheerfully, "That was exciting."

2018-10-09, 02:43 PM
"Indeed." Vihlu says. "It's a far cry from our previous life."

She tries to test the inner door. May it not be locked. In such tight confines, forcing it open may be troublesome.

"Perhaps we should press on before the enemy discovers us?"

2018-10-09, 11:12 PM
"Well let's go fast! They must be stopped!" Naumer impatiently reaches for the door to open it, drawing his sword with a flourish as he does so.

2018-10-10, 12:54 AM
"Naumer, please listen to me." Vihlu says in a quiet, firm voice-- not unlike that of a disapproving mother.. "The reckless fish is caught unawares. Will you work with us by moving quickly but not impulsively? If we work in concert as one I believe that we will find success in our endeavors to rescue the Matoran. Can you do this for me?"

She had no wish to assert authority, yet some things needed to be said on occasion. This appeared to be one of them.

2018-10-10, 10:30 PM
Awek has no such qualms about authority. He places a hand on Mauler’s shoulder and frowns down at him. “If you want to charge ahead, we cannot stop you. But you will put yourself and us at risk. Do you understand?”

2018-10-10, 10:56 PM
"Fine, fine, slowpokes." Naumer sits down, obviously uncomfortable with the lack of action. "So what're we gonna do."

2018-10-11, 01:54 AM
"Balance speed and caution." Arakas answered. She attempts to gesture at the door they just passed through, but is unable to, due to the cramped quarters. "First, we find somewhere with a little breathing room. Maybe beyond that door?" For a second, she considers using her mask again, but with the way the ship is moving, it's probably her spirit would be left to look at a pile of air.

2018-10-11, 07:40 AM
"Thank you, Naumer. I know we'll rescue the Matoran if we cooperate with one another."

Vihlu attempts to open the doorway.

2018-10-12, 12:08 AM
"Wait," Awek says to Vihlu, "Let me stand in front." He puts his hand to the wall and wills the odd stone to take on the shape of a crude shield. Holding it in front of him, he nods to the others. "Alright. Open it."

The door opens easily and into a wide hallway where three invaders have set themselves up behind a hastily erected fortification made from boxes and cargo pallets. They open fire the moment they can see through the door, but Awek's shield will take the blows. He steps back, allowing the others space to get around him. "Take them down!" he orders.

They are only five meters away, though they are behind a barricade.

2018-10-12, 01:13 AM
I believe I go after bc, but I'm posting now to save time.

Arakas nods and snaps off a volley of shards at the invader on the left.

2018-10-12, 09:02 AM
Ever cautious, Vihlu takes a moment to survey their situation. If there is nothing interesting, then she'll begin the process of conjuring a sphere of water.

I wouldn't worry too much about turn order. It shouldn't matter too much as long as we all post in between GM posts.

[roll0] VS 15

IQ for Create Water:
[roll1] VS 15

13 FP Remaining

2018-10-12, 04:28 PM
Naumer flings projectiles of air at the nearest two enemies. "Hi-yah!" he cries.

innate attack: [roll0], [roll1]
TN 16
[roll2] crushing damage
[roll3] crushing damage

2018-10-13, 10:04 AM
Arakas' three shards slam into the first invader. Though they don't penetrate as deeply as they did against the scouts from earlier, they are still enough to knock this one down and put him out of the fight.

Vihlu notes that this barricade was made from things that were lying around in the hall, which means they knew the Toa were coming out this way. Also, the barricade was well-assembled, despite how quickly it was put together. However, she has her water now. Time to put it to use.

The first of Naumer's shots strikes true but isn't a knockout and the invader ducks below the second. But Tidran and Ruhki dash out and run at either side, preparing to flank around and come at them from behind. Both pay some mind to defense, though, and prepare to dodge the fire sure to come their way while Awek moves forward to provide cover to the ranged brigade. And good thing too. Ruhki dodges the two shots sent her way, but Tidran takes both to the chest. He's fine, though. His new form seems much more resistant to damage.

2018-10-13, 03:19 PM
While she has a sphere of water, Vihlu isn't entirely ceartain what to do with it. The extent of her combat experience is ceremonial and artistic. Learning to properly utilize her new abilities is a challenge for one so steeped in tradition.

Thus, she decides on a distraction. She utilizes her powers to arc her creation through the air (like water through a fire hose), intending for it to crash atop the attackers and buy Ruhki and Tidran the necessary time to complete their maneuver. Perhaps it would knock an attacker down? There was only one means of finding out.

Control Water
[roll0] VS 15

2018-10-14, 01:23 PM
Well, if it ain't broke. Arakas begins to throw out another volley, but reconsiders, instead following the undamaged invader with her eyes. She wanted to see her fellow toa in action. Aimin' for this round.

2018-10-14, 11:13 PM
Naumer, lacking the patience of Arakas, hurls more projectiles of air at the creatures.

Innate attack 19
[roll0], [roll1] crushing
[roll2], [roll3] crushing

2018-10-15, 05:05 PM
The invader dodges the first bolt, but puts himself right in the way of the second. It slams into his chest but doesn't down him. The second one has a face full of water now and begins to convulse and spark wildly. He's not doing anything this round. However, the one that Naumer hit continues to fire at Ruhki and catches her flat-footed. Fortunately, the shot mostly reflects off her armor, even if it is metal. She returns the favor by ramming a burning blade through his helmet, offing him.

Tidran lumbers into position and menaces the last one with his spear. "Ya best surrender," he says. The invader swings his weapon towards him, squawking something in his alien language.

2018-10-15, 07:36 PM

Vihlu charges. She needs to get within melee range to provide any lasting contribution to the battle.

"Surrender, now!" There's enough bite in the bark to be recognizable in any language.

Movement Maneuver

[roll0] VS 12

2018-10-16, 01:36 AM
Well, no sense in wasting good aim. Or getting offed by someone who should be surrendering. Arakas throws ice at the last target, but this time, it's a single mass seeking to stick to the invader and entangle him.

2018-10-18, 02:05 PM
Naumer throws more air bolts at the last invader. "It's over. Stop fighting already." He intentionally arcs them over the creature's shoulders.

2018-10-19, 11:12 PM
The invader doesn't quite seem to grasp what they are saying, but with six Toa raging around him, he throws himself to the ground and tries to avoid everything, preferring to try and hide rather than face the inevitable.

vs. 12

But regardless of whether or not he's entangled, he soon has both Tidran and Ruhki menacing him. He drops his weapon and raises his hands.

Awek grunts. "Good work, everyone. Secure him, and..."

A loud, blaring noise suddenly fills the hallway.


2018-10-20, 01:28 AM
"On it!" The invader securely secured, Arakas starts to follow up on Awek's next command, taking out her disc launcher while looking around for whatever is causing that racket. "Do you mind if I shoot the disc instead of throwing it? I think that might work better."

2018-10-20, 09:57 AM
Vihlu's gaze turns toward the ceiling and source of the noise. There is little she can do for the racket.

Instead, she turns her attention to the invader. While these are far from clinical conditions, and there was precious little time for a full exam, Vihlu tries to draw what conclusions she can from a quick study. Any information on these creatures could only be beneficial.

[roll0] VS 14

2018-10-20, 04:48 PM
"Do whatever, just get it to stop!" Awek snaps.

The source is not hard to find. An odd cone comes out of the wall, sending the blaring alarm throughout the ship. A simple disk is enough to nearly cut it in half. The squawking fades, now only coming from sources further down and far away.

The invader is a strange creature. Its metallic hide seems to be removable, though without more time it's impossible to pull it off and see what it looks like underneath. What she can tell is that it seems to be more organic than bionic and has blue skin.

2018-10-20, 09:20 PM
"Interesting." Vihlu says.

She draws her spear and turns back to the others. "I suggest that we forge ahead. These creatures were prepared for our entrance. To delay further gives them more time to prepare. Further, these creatures' cries do not seem inclined to cease."

2018-10-21, 06:49 PM
Arakas elects not to shoot the cone, but keeps her disk launcher ready. "I think it's a signaling system, like how rahi call to each other. Shooting it now won't do any good. We have to either move or start fortifying."

2018-10-23, 10:57 AM
Naumer leaps up and flies down the leftward passage, all the way to the place where it corners, checks around it, then, if nothing is there, will fly back.

2018-10-23, 09:27 PM
Tidran and Ruhki mirror the sentiment. Awek nods in assent. "Yep, no sense in--" Naumer shoots off ahead again. The toa of stone takes in a sharp breath and lets it out slowly. "Waiting," he says through a clenched jaw. "Looks like someone has decided to get a head start. Let's follow him and save him from whatever trouble he runs into."

The end of the hall leads to another one that goes back a few meters before joining with a wider one that runs parallel to the side of the ship. Naumer can easily hear feet pounding the hard surface and the shouts of more invaders approaching. Are they going to have to fight the entire crew right here?

2018-10-23, 10:36 PM
Naumer attempts to pull open one of the side doors. "Let's quick-hide! Now!" He whispers forcefully.

2018-10-24, 11:16 AM
Vihlu studies their surroundings once again and attempts to decipher them. Surely, there must be some situational weapon they can use for attack, fortification or escape?

"You suggest that we hide six Toa in a single room?" Vihlu says. She shakes her head. "When our enemies begin searching for us, we would have our backs to the wall. I recommend that we make our stand here. Surely, with our elemental abilities we can find some advantage."

[roll0] VS 15

2018-10-24, 11:14 PM
Arakas digs her feet in on her current position, not wanting to get caught out halfway by the invaders. "Awek, your powers work on the ship. Could we close of the hallway with them? Or at least make some fortifications?"

2018-10-24, 11:28 PM
Naumer pulls the door open and reveals a room full of invaders. After a moment, he realizes it's only their uniforms. They are, unfortunately, not big enough for a Toa, but they could provide a hiding spot for one or two.

Vihlu reaches out with her senses and hears something very familiar to her. Under her feet is the sound a rushing water. Perhaps a large pipe. With enough force or with Awek's help, she could get to it and then there would be no shortage of fuel for her metaphorical fire. Down the hall, the number of voices seems to be growing. It's at least fifteen now, maybe more.

Awek grunts. "I was thinking we open something up instead of closing it off, but I can give us more time." He reaches forward and closes the corridor in front of them, leaving only the one behind. At least the invaders now will have to go around to reach them.

2018-10-25, 08:16 AM
"Awek, please assist me." Vihlu says. She marks a spot on the floor where the sound is loudest.

"There is water under here, perhaps a pipe. Earlier, one invader began to spark and experience something akin to a seizure when struck by water. If that trait is common to his kind, then, if we can access this pipe, we have the means of gaining crowd control."

2018-10-26, 11:39 PM
Awek frowns and looks down. "Alright," he says, "Makes sense to me. Let's get set up then. When they come down that corner, we'll hit 'em with everything we've got. Take them out quick so they don't do the same to us."

2018-10-27, 07:11 PM
"I truly hope this works." Vihlu says.

As she prepares for the coming assault, Vihlu risks a look at the others. "I am open to other suggestions or improvements."

2018-10-27, 11:24 PM
"If this doesn't work, we'd better run away quick-fast, water-sister!" Naumer looks poised, although whether it is to fight or to flee is unclear.

2018-10-28, 12:34 AM
Water causes them to seize up? Good to know. Maybe... Arakas begins studying the ceiling, muttering under her breath. If she could find a suitable spot, they might be able to hose down the invaders from two directions. "Ruhki, can you thaw something from a distance?"

2018-10-29, 01:59 PM
Ruhki seemed a little unsure, but the toa of ice ignored that. With a grunt, she focused her power, conjuring a large slab of ice. She then lifted it up to the ceiling and froze it in place. "That should serve for now. If all else fails, it'll still hurt whoever it drops on." She called, returning to the safety of the blocked off hallway portion.

11fp remaining

2018-10-29, 07:13 PM
With Awek's help, Vihlu prepares the water line to erupt on command.

Truly, she would never have anticipated a situation such as this.

2018-10-30, 12:28 PM
In the short time given to them, the Toa prepare their defense. Awek weakens the floor, preparing to shatter it at a moment’s notice. Tidran pulls apart the barricade and remakes it facing down the hall. Ruhki takes a few moments to meditate, calling on her power of flame and preparing to strike the ice with everything she’s got.

Then, the first head pokes around the corner. A formation swings around, three wide and an unknown number of ranks behind. The three in the front hold up shields in front of them, forming a wall. They have spears, but the ones behind them have those strange electric weapons. They pause for a moment, taking in the tactical situation and preparing to advance.

“Hold,” Awek says. The Toa crouch down to prevent from being targeted. The first ranks of the enemy pass under the ice.

Awek’s hammer swings down, shattering the weakened floor in front of the Toa’s barricade. Water gushes out. “Go!” he orders.

Ruhki pours all the heat she’s gathered into the ceiling. The ice will crash down in a mere moment. But before that happens, there is an opportunity to cause yet more chaos.

2018-10-30, 02:34 PM
Vihlu steps forward. With quiet focus, she gathers the water and guides it into three tendrils. Her intent is for the tendrils to snap into the air and descend upon the invaders vertically, bypassing their shields.

Control Water
[roll0] VS 15

2018-10-30, 09:49 PM
Staying low to the ground, Arakas fires a trio of shards low at the middle shield-bearer, hoping to catch his legs.

2018-11-01, 10:15 AM
Naumer arcs two projectiles of air into the invaders' ranks, trying to fire over the shields to hit enemies in the second row.

2018-11-01, 06:51 PM
The water bypasses their shields nicely. The first row is fine, but those behind them suffer the same reaction as the first. They spark and convulse for the time being, unable to retaliate.

The middle shieldbearer's sad attempt to get out of the way fails. The ice shatters on his shield, sure, but the fragments strike him just as hard. He goes down.

The one Naumer aims at wasn't struck by water and dodges aside. He returns fire with a snap shot at the Toa of Air's head, but misses wildly. Those few that aren't shorted out, dive for cover, but then the ice falls from above and crushes half of them.

"Quick! Push it!" Awek bellows. He and Tidran throw their shoulders against the block of ice and send it sliding down the corridor. It crushes the remaining invaders. Only two manage to get out of the way by virtue of still being around the corner when it struck.

A silence descends on the ship. Then, a voice comes from the same cones that the alarm did, one that the Toa can understand. "Very impressive, metalskins! You've earned my respect as capable warriors. I think I'll fight you myself."

2018-11-01, 08:09 PM
Arakas looks at the destruction with wonder, than at herself and her comrades. "Such power... How come Turaga Mewn never used that shrine earlier? Think of what we could've accomplished!" The toa of ice is caught up in the rush of the moment, and not carefully considering the implications of what she's saying. Also, she completely ignores, or didn't hear, the mysterious challenge from the speakers.

2018-11-01, 08:20 PM
Vihlu frowns at Arakas' wonderings, but says nothing.

"Should you be able to hear us, where shall we meet you for this battle?" She asks the air.

All of her senses are alert for danger. A foe is not one to be trusted and there may yet still be invaders with which to deal.

2018-11-01, 11:59 PM
"Metalskins?" Naumer asks incredulously, mainly in a rhetorical fashion. He moves to a fallen invader and attempts to take one of their strange weapons, without being seen doing so.

2018-11-03, 03:13 AM
"Naumer, have you never noticed your skin is made of metal? Everybody's is." Chimes in Arakas in response to the rhetorical question. "Anyway, what's our move now?"

2018-11-03, 10:43 AM
"Yeah, but what's their skin made of, if not metal?" Naumer finishes slipping the alien weapon into his pack.

2018-11-03, 10:46 AM
"A blue-tinted organic compound." Vihlu says quietly in answer to Naumer's question.

2018-11-03, 05:23 PM
The voice does not reply at first. But after a long moment, he says, "Do not worry about that. I will find you, wherever you run aboard my ship. If you continue to damage it, I won't come alone." With a click, the conversation ends.

Awek rolls his shoulders. "Expect an ambush," he says.

"If we have time," Tidran interjects, "I'd like to see what they look like under their armor, if they don't have normal skin."

2018-11-03, 07:29 PM
Vihlu defers to Awek on the question of time. Between tending to friends, engaging foe and the implications put forth by the mysterious voice, she is beginning to feel fatigued.

She'll assist in removing the armor if the okay is given.

2018-11-04, 01:26 AM
"Ooh, yeah. That sounds like it be really cool!... And useful. It'd be useful too, to help us know how to fight this guy." Arakas is pretty confident they have enough time. After all, it sounded like the bad guy was coming to them. And with the way Awek was, another research opportunity like this could be a long time away.

2018-11-04, 05:41 PM
Naumer goes to the other rooms along this corridor, opening them and checking for anything useful.

2018-11-05, 09:24 AM
"Might as well know what we're dealing with," Awek muses. He looks Arakas over. "You're some sort of researcher, right? Look them over. Vihlu, help her. The rest of us will stand watch and try to secure this location or scout out another."

I will need a Perception check from Naumer and whatever forensics or analysis skills you think apply, Arzanyos. DKS, if you want to assist, you can add that to Arakas' roll.

2018-11-05, 11:12 AM
"Yes, sir." Her words are genuine acceptance of Awek's authority, not mockery.

Vihlu nods to Arakas. "You have the lead. I'll follow your direction and add what medical observations I can."

Since they weren't about to butcher an invader in the hallway (at least, that was Vihlu's assumption) she settled for establishing the basics of their attacker's biology. Given how strange and alien it was, she made certain to take her time and double-check her work.

Yuppers. I'll assist, here.

[roll0] VS 15 (14 Skill + 1 Extra Time)

Diagnosis for the heck of it.
[roll1] VS
15 (14 Skill + 1 Extra Time)

2018-11-05, 01:08 PM
Arakas nods, and settles down to examining the invader. "Thanks, Vihlu. I'm not the best at determining injuries, so you could help with that." For her part, Arakas prods around, inspecting the invader's body, and recording her findings for better use.

2018-11-06, 01:01 PM
What the two discover is...interesting. Revolutionary for Arakas, mildly interesting for Vihlu. The invader is mostly organic under his(her?) armor. It seems as if they have a core structure made of mechanical parts while the exterior is biological in nature. An in depth study would require much more time and a proper lab, but they are unlike anything currently known to exist.

Naumer's quick search does not discover much, though he does find a hatch in one room that leads both up and down to different levels.

2018-11-06, 11:54 PM
"This is fascinating." Arakas chirps as she finishes up her notes. "It seems that only their innnermost parts, their 'core', is mechanical. The rest of them is biological, like our organic parts. I wonder how they survive with so little metal to protect them?"

2018-11-07, 12:23 AM
In response to Arakas' question, Vihlu taps the invaders' removed armor plating.

"Unknown at present. I now understand our mysterious opponent's taunt of 'metal skin'."

She rises and prepares to move. "We should seek a more favorable place of battle. Awek, have you found anything?"

2018-11-07, 11:50 AM
"Ruhki? Naumer?" Awek shouts, "What's the report?"

"More hallways," Ruhki calls from the end of their current hall, "Endless hallways. Lots of hallways. A maze of hallways. Don't want to go down them alone."


2018-11-07, 12:32 PM
"I found some kind of doors in the ceiling and floors. Hey, that rhymes! Doors, floors, doors, floors " Naumer calls back.

2018-11-07, 12:49 PM
"It... most certainly does." Vihlu's words come slowly.

She shakes off her mounting concern about Naumer's antics and refocuses on the others. "Which way should we go? Traditional command structures would place the leader of this vessel above the others. Yet, this culture is alien to ours. Regardless, I should prefer to face our adversary where we have more liberty of motion."

A wide net gathered close fish.

2018-11-08, 04:12 PM
"I could scout, look around while intangible. If you guys think that would help." It seemed to Arakas that the ship couldn't possible be all hallways. After all, they needed a place to store the matoran.

2018-11-08, 04:15 PM
Awek is about to order something, probably to 'open the doors in the floors and other places to see where they lead' when he pulls up short and turns to Arakas. "That...would not be a bad idea right now," he says, "Check and see if you can find out where we need to head next."

2018-11-08, 04:28 PM
Arakas takes a moment to position herself against a corner so as not to flop uselessly to the floor, then uses her mask once more. In spirit form, she will follow the hallways for signs of the invaders, and try to glean from them any useful locations.

2018-11-08, 06:23 PM
Vihlu moves to stand guard Arakas.

She stays alert and ready for anything.

2018-11-08, 06:39 PM
Arakas zips through the walls like they aren't even there. Which, for her, they aren't. She quickly explores the area around their current location. The area they are in is a mess of hallways, connecting with each other at random. But past it, through a single door, is the rest of the ship, which is far more normal. The area they are in is designed to delay and confuse boarders, so it would seem.

She finds several of the lightly armored invaders running to one specific room. Floating through the door, she sees, well, a massive lifeform sitting in a steel chair while the invaders strap armor and weapons to him. His entire body is obscured by the very thick armor he's wearing. She has no idea what he looks like under all that.

2018-11-08, 07:24 PM
Snapping back to the rest of the toa, Arakas stands back up and starts to ramble. "So, the good news is that the entire ship isn't a maze, it's just this initial section, and once we get through it, then it's a lot more normal. The bad news is that I think I found the room with the guy who was talking to us in it, and he's really big, so we should probably have a plan to face him. And no, I couldn't get a good look at him, he had too much armor on."

2018-11-08, 08:17 PM
Vihlu starts in surprise as Arakas returns to her body. That was... sudden.

"Do you know anything of his combat abilities? Or a means of reaching him?" She asks.

2018-11-08, 09:39 PM
"The invaders were strapping things onto him, armor and weapons. I'm not sure, but I'd guess they're the same type of lightning guns they all use." She takes a moment to think back. "As for how to find him, it won't be that hard, once we get out of the maze. Which we probably should do."

2018-11-08, 10:11 PM
Vihlu nods.

"Then let us be off?" She looks to the others for confirmation.

2018-11-09, 02:28 PM
“I’m of half a mind to fortify this section and wait for them to come to us,” Awek says, “But we don’t know what they can do here. They might drop this part of the ship off the side, and us with it.” He hefts his hammer and strides forward a few steps before stopping. “Arakas, lead the way to this door.”

2018-11-09, 03:28 PM
Nodding, Arakas begins to lead them through the mess of random hallways, to the door to sanity. She keeps her cloak at the ready, expecting an ambush.

2018-11-09, 08:32 PM
Vihlu follows after Arakas. Her spear is at the ready and her senses are alert. Should they be attacked, she will respond in kind.

[roll0]VS 15

2018-11-11, 11:55 PM
The halls are eerily silent, save for the Toa's footsteps. With Tidran along, there is no hope of stealth, only spotting the enemy before they attack. Fortunately, they reach the door to the interior without incident. The moment they step through the door, though, Vihlu's ears pick up the sound of heavy, clomping footsteps advancing towards them, growing louder with each one.

2018-11-12, 12:14 AM
Vihlu raises a hand, signaling the others to wait a moment. She takes a breathe to steady her nerves... and abruptly comes to the realization that she can no longer do so.

Fear suddenly claws at her. A day ago, she was an aid at the temple treating injury. Now she was on an alien ship-- No. No, steady. The course is committed. The Matoran need them. There would be time enough for terror later.

"Something quickly approaches." She informs the others. "It sounds quite large."

2018-11-12, 10:43 PM
"Does it sound like one big thing, or several smaller things?" Arakas queries. She keeps her left hand on her cloak, drawing her pick with the right. "If it's the big guy, we should probably just go through and face him, but if its an ambush, we can confuse them from in here again."

2018-11-13, 12:57 AM
"A single, large one, I believe." Vihlu says. "Although there is always the possibility of error. Can you not hear it?"

2018-11-13, 01:28 AM
Arakas shrugs. "I can hear footsteps, but they just sound like footsteps to me."

2018-11-13, 08:00 AM
"What are we waiting for? Let's get 'em!" Naumer paces impatiently. He'd much rather be flying out to find the source of the footsteps.

2018-11-13, 10:04 AM
“Has no one ever told you,” the armored invader’s voice booms from another speaker, “That patience is a virtue, Toa of Breezes?” A chuckle rumbles through the halls. “Six newly-made Toa. My masters will reward me greatly for your capture. This venture might just turn a profit after all.”

“And as for you, Toa of Mist, the currents carry much to you and you perceive much that others would miss. But currents can also drag those that rely on them down into the depths, never to be seen again.”

Awek curses under his breath. “From now on,” he says, “Assume the enemy can overhear anything we say. That said, fan out and expect an ambush.”

“Ah. The inflexible, unbendable Toa of Pebbles,” the invader says, “Be careful. Stone may be strong, but it can still be broken.” Awek’s face grows dark.

The sound of heavy footsteps grows louder until everyone can hear it. From around the corner up ahead, slow and steady but with an air of inevitability, the massive armored figure that Arakas saw before steps into view and turns towards them. He offers a salute. The Toa have the initiative.

2018-11-13, 11:38 AM
The sheer size of this creature. Vihlu closes her eyes for a moment and collects herself. Destiny has chosen her for this task, so she is capable of fulfilling it. The river flows steadily onward, parting around some obstacles and overcoming others. It always reaches its destination. The same will be true for her should she remain balanced and even. Eyes open, she listens to the creature's words.

They are designed to provoke reaction-- to stir emotion. A taunt for Naumer, the implication of hindrance for her and a threat to Awek. His hesitation in attacking. Is this simply over-confidence or something more?

"Who are you and your masters? What quarrel have you with us?" Vihlu says as she approaches the creature.

[roll0] VS 15

Full movement this round.

2018-11-13, 01:28 PM
“You don’t even know, do you?” their enemy says, “Of course you don’t. Your little civilization sits on the biggest deposit if Dutritium within two months of travel, and that’s if we went full speed the entire time. And you use to make lamps, lamps! ‘Glowstone’, you call it. Ha!”

No new actions, but talking is free, so to speak.

The sound of the massive weapons he holds in each hand whirring to life echoes down the corridor. “We are the Rakghul, the ravagers! And we are the ones who will have the glory of killing your creators, the ones you call the ‘Great Beings’. Come and face me, if you dare!”

2018-11-13, 03:47 PM
Well, that description sure didn't sound friendly. Time to take a page out of Naumer's book. Wordlessly, she snaps her pick forwards, sending shards of ice at the large invader.

2018-11-13, 04:28 PM
Naumer quickly responds, whipping up two bolts of compressed air to hurl at this "Rakghul" while he's still talking.

2018-11-13, 11:35 PM
Ruhki joins the attack with a burst of fire. Tidran and Awek charge ahead with Vihlu. But all the attacks splatter across the enemy's chestplate harmlessly. He chuckles slowly and lowers his weapons in Vihlu's direction.

"My turn," he says and unleashes a torrent of electricity towards her. Fortunately, her armor deflects and absorbs it. The sheer amount of it is, in a word, disconcerting. Without her armor, she would have fried.

2018-11-14, 01:50 AM
A hand snaps up to shield her eyes from the electrical current. Vihlu shudders as she survives the encounter.

Breathe... Can't breathe... Don't need to breathe... Focus!

Now was not the time for cowardice. Vihlu called to mind the kidnapped Matoran and the threats this Rakghul has made. Steady now. Find stability and strike.

Vihlu steps forward. A blade of water forms about her hand and she drives it at the Rakghul. It was time to see how resilient his armor was.

Water Blade
[roll0] VS 15

[roll1] - 1 / Corrosion - Armor Divisor (2)

2018-11-14, 04:39 AM
Arakas' eyes narrowed. He didn't even try to defend. He just let his armor absorb everything. Well, no armor is impregnable. For the sake of the matoran, this one better nor be. She quickly scans the massive Rakghul, looking for any weakspot.

Perceptioning. If that doesn't take my action, I'll also aim at whatever I found.

2018-11-14, 10:19 AM
Naumer reaches out, feeling the air around him and trying to follow it to the air between the huge enemy's armor and skin. He pulls at it, trying to pry the armor off from the inside, but sadly it proves ineffective.

2018-11-14, 05:35 PM
Ruhki disappears from her spot and reappears behind the Rahkgul captain and prepares to strike! Awek's hammer comes down on the enemy's shoulder and Tidran stabs at his side, but both attacks merely bounce off. Even Vihlu's attack deflects off harmlessly, leaving only some minor scouring behind.

"Your armor is thick," the Rahkgul growls at Vihlu, "But I know how to get through it."

He puts the tips of his weapons together and electricity begins to spark between them.

Arakas, unfortunately, does not see much, but she does see that the armor is thinner at the chinks. Much thinner.

The Captain charges an attack and EVALUATES Vihlu. Also, for a -3 to your skill, you can halve his DR by aiming at the chinks.

2018-11-14, 05:43 PM
Arakas smiles as she notices the chinks in the captains armor, but before she can do anything about it, he starts to charge up an attack to try and get through Vihlu's armor. Not this time. Acting quickly, she sends a mass of ice towards the weapons, hoping to delay the assault.

So wait, does percepting take an action?

2018-11-14, 05:59 PM
Naumer throws two more air projectiles at the cracks in the armor, relying on his excellent aim to hopefully injure the huge foe. "You want to break someone? Hit me!" He launches himself into the air above the other Toa.

2018-11-14, 08:27 PM
Vihlu stands her ground and meets the invader's gaze. Let him do his worst. She will evade.

She hopes.

Perception is a gray area. It can represent your natural ability to pick out important details or a dedicated attempt to find something. So Arakas could, say, be taking aim and spot a conveniently place weak point.

Taking an All Out Defense for +2 Dodge

2018-11-16, 11:08 AM
I'm going to say you got your aim in, Arzanyos. Btw, I keep messing up your username and character's name and have to check everytime.

Naumer's bursts of air just don't seem strong enough to break through this armor, at least not the torso. Even the little gaps in it are too thick. There are other areas he can go for, though.

Arakas' burst of ice strikes just as the weapons are about to unleash their full fury on Vihlu. Instead of firing, they emit a high-pitched whine. In a panic, the captain throws them directly at Vihlu’s feet. The whine grows in pitch and volume. It’s going to explode any moment.

“Get back!” Awek shouts. He and Tidran back-pedal while Ruhki disappears from view once more.

2018-11-16, 11:59 AM
Vihlu does not need to be told twice. She throws herself backward as quickly as possible, attempting to get clear of any impending explosion and land on her feet.

Well, folks, it was nice knowing you.

Acrobatic Dodge
[roll0] VS 14

[roll1] VS 16/12 (9 Base +2 All Out Defense +3 Retreat +/-2 depending upon Acrobatic Dodge Check)

2018-11-16, 12:25 PM
Naumer whips up a windstorm, trying to hurl the weapon back at the Rakghul while flying away from the impending blast.

2018-11-17, 01:33 AM
Well, that went better than expected. Now back to plan A. Arakas returns to her aiming once more, this time trying to pick out the one spot least likely to be guarded. The captain's eyes.

Just aimin'

2018-11-18, 12:48 AM
Vihlu leaps aside with grace and alacrity known only to the Ga-Matoran and Toas of Water. She completely avoids the impending explosion. Naumer's gust of wind knocks the weapons right back at the Captain. "What the--?" he manages to get out before it blows up and throws him backwards. He slams into the wall and slumps forward, stunned for a moment.

Arakas has a clear shot.

2018-11-18, 01:39 AM
Arakas resolved to have a long conversation with Turaga Mewn about the place of honor in the toa code. After she rescued him. Putting those thoughts aside, she sent a flurry of shards at the captain's eyes.

2018-11-18, 06:51 AM
There was no time to congratulate herself on not dying. Living itself would have to be reward enough.

Vihlu rushes forward, approaching the General once again. The opportunity presented should not be wasted.

2018-11-18, 11:39 PM
Naumer swoops back and tries again to pry at the Rakghul's armor using his air control. If he can just get that chest plate off, it would be so much easier to beat this guy.

2018-11-19, 09:27 AM
Awek and Tidran charge alongside Vihlu, flanking her on either side. “You go left,” Awek orders Tidran, “We’ll hammer him from all sides.”

Ruhki reappears behind the Captain and prepares to strike. She is in his blind spot, so as long as no one alerts him he won’t see her attack coming.

The Captain’s breastplate groans and buckles, but remains stuck to his chest. The pressure is just enough to distract him. He glances down at it and, when he looks up again, there are three shards of ice coming right for him. The first and third punch right through the visor. He lets out a yell of pain and staggers around, blinded.

“Alright!” he bellows, “If that’s how you want to play!” Electricity courses over his armor, flowing towards his gauntlets. He takes a wild swing in Vihlu’s direction, but it whiffs because he is having a hard time seeing right now.

2018-11-19, 10:57 AM
Vihlu ducks beneath the General's swing. The sight of electricity forming about his gauntlets prompts her to stop and size up the current situation. No pun intended.

"We do not have to carry this battle any further. You have been injured, blinded and lost your weapons. Should you surrender now, then perhaps we could come to a solution amiable to all of us?"

Evaluate This Turn

[roll0] VS 10 (12 Base -2 Disturbing Voice)

2018-11-19, 08:06 PM
As Vihlu tries to negotiate, Arakas begins a backup plan for a nonlethal solution, moving into melee range with the captain, and trying to find the least armored spot on his legs.

2018-11-20, 01:26 AM
Naumer doesn't stop trying to pry the armor off of the captain. He doesn't believe the diplomacy will work anyway.

2018-11-21, 11:42 AM
Naumer's power works this time. He blows out the sealed environment of the Captain's armor, creating some large holes in the breastplate. (DR reduced by half.) "Gah!" he shouts and stumbles backwards. "I've had just about enough of you!" His gauntlets charge up and he raises them both above his head. "Have some of this!"

He slams them down and a wave of electricity hits Awek, Tidran, Ruhki, and Vihlu.

All affected targets take 1 damage, penetrating all DR, and must make an HT roll to avoid stun.

With a roar, Awek returns the favor, bringing his hammer down. He swings wide and buries it in the wall instead. Tidran jabs at one of the new holes, but his spearhead is just a little too wide to fit in the one he chose. Ruhki, however, shoves one of her swords rights in and fills the inside with fire for a moment. Smoke leaks out of the holes in the captain's armor, though he doesn't react anymore. He seems to be done talking and settled into grim determination.

2018-11-21, 12:31 PM
Vihlu seizes up as the electricity rolls through her. The pain brings a grimace.

"Very well, then." She says.

The Toa of Water takes a step forward. Matching determination with determination, she drives another blade of water at the invader's broken chestplate.

Innate Attack: Water Blade
[roll0] VS 17 (15 Base, +1 Evaluation, -3 Vitals +4 All Out Attack)

[roll1] (Corrosion / Armor Divisor 2)

Current HP: 12 | Current FP: 13

2018-11-21, 02:42 PM
Arakas takes a gamble, jabbing at the captain's torn armor with a spike of cold energy. She wasn't quite sure of the technique, but it should knock him out if it connected.

2018-11-22, 11:19 PM
Naumer sees the newly created holes and smiles at his handiwork, firing more projectiles at the gaps in the armor.

2018-11-23, 06:27 PM
The armor, though battered and increasingly less effective, still holds up to some of the abuse. Arakas' attack goes wide, but Naumer and Vihlu's strike true. Awek and Tidran batter and beat on him, hammering and denting the armor a bit more, deforming it. Ruhki's twin blades catch on the armor, not quite penetrating. She decides to go for a different target next time.

With a roar that is weakening, the captain rips the spikes out of his eyes. Through the shattered visor, a single red orb glares out at them. He can see again.

2018-11-23, 06:46 PM
Seeing the captain regain his sight, Arakas decides to take up a more defensive position, backpedaling rapidly while sending a flurry of shards in the captain's general direction.

2018-11-23, 08:08 PM
Although common sense screams at her to vacate the area, Vihlu stands her ground.

Once again, she conjures a blade of water and attacks. This time however, the target is different. She takes aim at his right knee.

Water Blade / Innate Attack
[roll0] VS 13 (15 Skill -2 Targeting Right Leg

[roll1]-1 Corrosion, Armor Divisor 2

2018-11-26, 10:38 AM
Naumer opens fire on the newly revealed eye with two more air bursts. "Hah! Take this!"

2018-11-26, 09:55 PM
As all the Toa unite in one, last flurry of attacks, the Captain tries to dodge and finds his feet will not move fast enough. They team beats on him, hitting him with strong, repeated blows. Not even his amazing endurance and thick armor can hold up forever. With one last groan, he falls back, unconscious on the ground.