View Full Version : What are some (good ways to find) good D&D 5e solo gamebooks?

2018-09-03, 01:00 PM
Obviously DnD is a social game, it shouldn't be played alone, you can always find people, blah blah blah. The truth is, sometimes you have time to play the game but other people don't, or sometimes you are far away (distance-wise, in real life) from your party, and you still want to play DnD. So, occasionally, it is nice to have a way to play DnD solo, and a good way to do this is with specially designed solo gamebooks.

I use a variety of characters. They are mostly level 4, and they are designed using regular sources (like Unearthed Arcana, orcpub, PHB). None of them are designed for specific campaigns. I am looking for solo gamebooks to suit this, but more specifically:

- The book should work for any normal 5e character, independent of class, race, playstyle, etc.
- It should probably be made mostly for level 4 (as most of them, I see, are), but some adaptability, level-wise, would be nice. However, in general, the level they are made for is not that important, as I can always level-up my character.
- I don't have DM materials, except maybe extra dice and online 5e random item generators, so I need the books to do calculations pretty well.
- The book should have a lot of freedom - maybe beyond choices they can give you. I will describe an example below.
- The book should have some in-depth movement/combat calculations. For example, the "saviour of sharn" seems to have special sheets and materials for this.

Basically, I am looking for a gamebook that will mimic the narration/decisions of a real DM as well as possible.

Also, are there any websites or resources that will help me choose a 5e gamebook to fit my needs? (Aside from Q&A/forum websites, of course.)

Example of the "extra freedom" mentioned above: If my character walks into a shop with a trapdoor in the ceiling, the book might give me options to: buy stuff, investigate the trapdoor, or leave. This might not be enough. What if I want to, for example, blindfold the shopkeeper before investigating the trapdoor? How will he react? Maybe the book should have a section detailing all the NPCs for instances like this, which would allow me to interact with them aside from the choices listed.

2018-09-03, 03:05 PM
There are a few on the DM's guild website available for purchase. Just search the word Solo.