View Full Version : 3rd Ed Jordain-Born (template)

2018-09-03, 10:54 PM
So, I've seen some references to this template online, and I'm still unclear as to whether it's completely home brew, or was part of a web supplement or product enhancement from WotC that is no longer available on their site.


Jordain-born (Template)
The jordain-born are members of Halruaa’s vizier class, raised specifically for their role as bodyguards and advisors to the ruling magocracy. Born and bred through the use of a potion that permanently feebleminds the mother and grants them an innate magic resistance, the jordaini are taken from their parents at a very young age to be raised by the state. Most go on to enter House Jordain, a college that leads them into their expected role as aide-de-camp to Halruaa’s elite. At least one jordain-born escaped this life path and became a rogue and sorceress.
Most jordain-born take levels in the expert, monk, and/or fighter classes before taking up the jordain vizier prestige class (see pages 33-35 of Shining South). The extremely rare independent jordain is as likely to take levels in rogue, sorcerer, or other classes.
If you use this template, it is an additional requirement for taking up the jordain vizier prestige class. In addition, you might consider raising the base arcane spell resistance of the prestige class to 15 instead of 10. Note, these characters learn to lower their arcane nondetection and arcane spell resistance upon taking up the prestige class. The arcane sensitivity spell (see page 44 of Shining South) also determines if a character has this template.

Creating a Jordain-born
“Jordain-born” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid (referred to hereafter as the “character”). (With the exception of one elf, all known jordain-born have been human.)
A jordain-born has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Special Qualities: A jordain-born retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described below.
Arcane Nondetection (Ex): You gain an innate resistance to arcane divination spells. This functions exactly like the nondetection spell (see page 257 of the Player’s Handbook), except that it works only against arcane magic. The DC to overcome this nondetection ability is 10 + your Cha modifier. Unlike a normal nondetection spell, your arcane nondetection cannot be lowered, even for beneficent spells. If the arcane or divine origin of a magic item is not known, the jordain-born should be given the benefit of the doubt and allowed his arcane nondetection. The jordain-born’s arcane magic resistance is an extraordinary ability and Weave-based. It is affected by Shadow Weave feats and magic just as any other Weave-based magic.
Arcane Spell Resistance (Ex): You gain an innate spell resistance to arcane magic, including spells and spell-like effects. This functions exactly like spell resistance (see page 177 of the Player’s Handbook), except that it works only against arcane magic. Your arcane spell resistance equals 10 + your Cha modifier. Unlike normal spell resistance, your arcane spell resistance cannot be lowered, even for beneficent spells. If the arcane or divine origin of a magic item is not known, the jordain-born should be given the benefit of the doubt and allowed his arcane nondetection. The jordain-born’s arcane magic resistance is an extraordinary ability and Weave-based. It is affected by Shadow Weave feats and magic just as any other Weave-based magic.
Elven Blood (Ex): Due to trace amounts of elf blood, most likely unbeknownst to the jordain-born, a jordain-born is considered an elf for all effects related to race, including special abilities and effects and the ability to use magic times that are only usable by elves.
Abilities: Increase from base creature as follows: Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2.
Feats: The great potential of jordain-born’s mind is such that they gain the Skill Focus feat with any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
Environment: Warm plains (Halruaa).
Organization: Solitary, pair, or class (3-12).
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +1.
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Usually lawful.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +2.
So I suspect this is entirely home-brew, but does anyone else have any background info?

Cheers - T

Epic Legand
2018-09-04, 12:32 AM
If memory serves, it was a class that resulted in gaining spell resistance. They were martial fighters, with lots of skills and skill points. Advisors to kings. Can't find a link.

2018-09-04, 01:55 AM
It was a feat from the WotC site to the best of my knowledge.

This page (https://web.archive.org/web/20170108052749/http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=12219.0) appears to have an archived link to it.

2018-09-04, 04:34 PM
It was a feat from the WotC site to the best of my knowledge.

This page (https://web.archive.org/web/20170108052749/http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=12219.0) appears to have an archived link to it.

Hmm, that links seems to point to the same link in my OP.

I'm beginning to suspect this is home-brew from a friend of one of the D&D devs...

OK, so apparetly Jordain-Born and another template (Chosen of Denier) may have appeared on a now defunct Wizards site. My work web access is blocking me from trying to find them using Wayback...



2018-09-04, 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Epic Legand
If memory serves, it was a class that resulted in gaining spell resistance. They were martial fighters, with lots of skills and skill points. Advisors to kings. Can't find a link.

You may be thinking of the Jordain Vizier, which is a PrC from Shining South.

The template that Thurbane found draws a couple of special qualities (Arcane Nondetection and Arcane Spell Resistance) directly from the Jordain Vizier’s class features, and throws in a few extra sprinkles for good measure. It seems to be an odd merger of Ruathar and Jordain Vizier in template form.

So either an incredibly obscure web supplement, or else plain homebrew, drawing from the Jordain Vizier PrC with elf-related extras.

2018-09-04, 06:40 PM
Hmm, that links seems to point to the same link in my OP.

I'm beginning to suspect this is home-brew from a friend of one of the D&D devs...

OK, so apparetly Jordain-Born and another template (Chosen of Denier) may have appeared on a now defunct Wizards site. My work web access is blocking me from trying to find them using Wayback...



You should head over to the Candlekeep forums and politely inquire as to the official-ness of the document in question.

2018-09-05, 12:57 AM
Your links didn't work for me. Chosen of Deneir I managed to find though, elsewhere:


and by editing the above link, I managed to get to Jordain-Born:


2018-09-05, 01:30 AM
here's chosen of deneir

and jordain-born

both are official, and got scrubbed from the WOTC site at some point, most of the books section did

2018-09-05, 01:33 AM
Great job guys, thank you kindly. I'll add them to my list of online monsters.

2018-09-05, 03:11 AM
Since you were so good at tracking these down, any chance of finding the links to the following:

Blood Wolf
Chrysalis Spinner
Dreadmorph Ogre
Fleshless Reaper
Glass Spider
Green Crusader
Hiveling Overlord
Misbegotten Mutant
Orgrol Ragelord
Prince of Blades
Scale Golem
Stirge Swarm

2018-09-05, 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by hamishspence
…I managed to get to Jordain-Born:

Originally Posted by Bullet06320
both are official, and got scrubbed from the WOTC site at some point, most of the books section did

That’s impressive indeed. I think this qualifies as incredibly obscure. Apparently this template existed only as an online rules enhancement for spinoff novels?

I’ve never heard of Mirrorstone before. Apparently this is an imprint that publishes fantasy YA?

Scots Dragon
2018-09-05, 08:03 AM
That’s impressive indeed. I think this qualifies as incredibly obscure. Apparently this template existed only as an online rules enhancement for spinoff novels?

Specifically they tie into the characters of the Cleric Quintet and Counsellors and Kings series of Forgotten Realms novels since they're relevant to the characters in those. A few other articles do jobs of statting up various characters from the books in places. Note that Mirrorstone Books was not the publishing group that put out those novels, with those instead coming out of Wizards' main imprint, and its being listed so prominently is mostly the CSS screwing up.

2018-09-05, 11:17 AM
blood wolf is probly blood ghoul wolf
the sample creature used in the blood ghoul template

ill search later for the other ones, I don't have time rightnow

2018-09-05, 04:26 PM

...looks like the source for Ogrol Ragelord, Chrysalis Spinner, Dreadmorph Ogre, Fleshless Reaper, Prince of Blades and Hiveling Overlord, but can;t find links to stat blocks.

Found some active links, right here in the playground!


2018-09-08, 02:27 PM
found stirge swarm

scale golem, looks like its from the fortress of the yaun ti adventure

all 3 links work
glass spider and shardcaster are from the sinister spire


really crappy doc files, but the statblocks are all there


green crusader

misbegotten mutant

broken link, maybe someone else can have better luck tracking down a good copy than me

2018-09-09, 05:05 PM
Excellent, thank you kindly!

2018-09-09, 07:10 PM
Unsharje is the only one im not finding any where, what are your references for it?

nevermind, I see you found it in your other post, I looked at this thread first, lol