View Full Version : 3rd Ed [3.5] Other Summoning Spells

2018-09-04, 05:03 PM
So, quick question: what other type of creature Summoning spells are out there besides Summon Monster and SNA?

I'm aware of the Summon Undead and Summon Desert Ally lines, and also Summon Giants.

What else is out there?

Specifically looking for Summoning spells that summon creatures, and not Calling spells or spells that summon objects or other things...

Cheers - T

2018-09-04, 05:08 PM
This guy: http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/FindSpell.php

"Any of these Subschools" -> click only Summoning, leave all other fields alone, then hit Search at the bottom.

You'll get a few false positives (e.g. "Abyssal Might") but overall it's a great starting list.

One Step Two
2018-09-04, 05:34 PM
I believe Kingdoms of Kalamar had the Summon Fey spell also.

2018-09-04, 05:47 PM
Cool, thanks. Won't be including KoK, Dragon or similar sources at the moment.

Does this list look complete?

Abyssal Army (SC - Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9)
Aerial Summoning Dance (RoF - Clr 4)
Armageddon (BoED - Sanctified 9) [1 minute/level]
Call of the Twilight Defender (DM - Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Initiate of Tamara 6)
Creeping Doom (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/creepingDoom.htm) (Drd 7, DM 7, UD 7, Scalykind 7, Spider 8) [1 minute/level]
Doom of the Seas (Sto - Drd 9, Blackwater 9)
Dragon Ally (SC - Sor/Wiz 7, Dragon 7)
Dragon Ally, Greater (SC - Sor/Wiz 9)
Dragon Ally, Lesser (SC - Sor/Wiz 5)
Elemental Swarm (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/elementalSwarm.htm) (Drd 9, Wmg 9, Air 9, Dwarf 9, Earth 9, Fire 9, Ocean 9, Water 9)
Eyes of the King (SC - Hunger 6)
Fierce Pride of the Beastlands (SC - Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 8)
Gatorswarm (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20030706a) (Drd 6)
Heavenly Host (SC - Clr 9, Sor-Wiz 9)
Hellish Horde (SC - Clr 9, Sor-Wiz 9)
Hunters of Hades (SC - Clr 9)
Insect Plague (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/insectPlague.htm) (Clr 5, Drd 5, DM 5, DN 5, Spider 5) [1 minute/level]
Luminous Assassin (PHB2 - Sor/Wiz 5)
Luminous Assassin, Greater (PHB2 - Sor/Wiz 7)
Luminous Assassin, Lesser (PHB2 - Sor/Wiz 3)
Mephit Mob (Sa - Brd 6, Drd 6, Thirst 7)
Mount (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mount.htm) (Hex 1, MP 1, Magewright 1, Savant 1, Sha'ir 1, Sor/Wiz 1) [2 hours/level]
Phantom Bear (SC - Drd 9)
Phantom Wolf (SC - Drd 8)
Plague of Rats (SC - Pestilence 5)
Regal Procession (SC - Pal 3, Sor/Wiz 3) [2 hours/level]
Shadow Trap* (CoR - Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7) [1 hour level until activated, then 1 round/level]
Spider Plague (SC - Cleric 6)
Summon Aspect of Bahamut (RotD - Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7)
Summon Babau Demon (SC - Clr 6)
Summon Bearded Devil (SC - Clr 5)
Summon Blood Elemental (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20030208a) (Clr 5)
Summon Bralani Eladrin (SC - Clr 5)
Summon Clockwork Mender Swarm (MM4 - Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4)
Summon Desert Ally I (Sa - Drd 1, Rng 4)
Summon Desert Ally II (Sa - Drd 2, Rng 4)
Summon Desert Ally III (Sa - Drd 3, Rng 4)
Summon Desert Ally IV (Sa - Drd 4, Rng 4)
Summon Desert Ally V (Sa - Drd 5)
Summon Desert Ally VI (Sa - Drd 6)
Summon Desert Ally VII (Sa - Drd 7)
Summon Desert Ally VIII (Sa - Drd 8)
Summon Desert Ally IX (Sa - Drd 9, Sand 9)
Summon Devoted Roc (RotW - Sky 9) [1 hour/level]
Summon Dire Hawk (RotW - Drd 2, Sky 2) [1 minute/level]
Summon Elemental Monolith (SC - Clr 9, Drd 9, Sor/Wiz 9, WJ 9)
Summon Elementite Swarm (SC - Drd 4)
Summon Elysian Thrush (SC Brd 2, Clr 2)
Summon Giants (Fr - DoT 4, Clr 8, Winter 8)
Summon Golem (PHB 2 - Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9)
Summon Greater Elemental (SC - Drd 6)
Summon Hound Archon (SC - Clr 4)
Summon Marked Homunculus (Dragonmarked - Sor/Wiz 1) [1 hour/level]
Summon Mirror Mephit (EttDP - Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2)
Summon Pest Swarm (Cty - Clr 4,Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4)
Summon Swarm (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonSwarm.htm) (Brd 2, Drd 2, DM 2, DN 2, Hex 2, Sha'ir 2, Sor/Wiz 2, UD 2, pestilence 2, Spider 2)
Summon Undead I (SC - Blk 1, Clr 1, DN 1, Sor/Wizard 1)
Summon Undead II (SC - Blk 2, Clr 2, DN 2, Sor/Wizard 2)
Summon Undead III (SC - Blk 3, Clr 3, DN 3, Sor/Wizard 3)
Summon Undead IV (SC - Blk 4, Clr 4, DN 4, Sor/Wizard 4)
Summon Undead V (SC - Clr 5, DN 5, Sor/Wizard 5)
Summon Warforged Champion (FoE - Warforged 9)
Vipergout (SC - Sor/Wiz 3)

Other stuff:

Child of Winter (affects SNA only):

1st Level - Monstrous centipede, Medium, Monstrous scorpion, Small , Monstrous spider, Small. 2nd Level - Giant ant, worker , Monstrous centipede, Large; Monstrous scorpion, Medium; Monstrous spider, Medium; Spider swarm. 3rd Level - Giant ant, queen , Giant ant, soldier ; Monstrous centipede, Huge ; Monstrous spider, Large. 4th Level - Giant praying mantis; Giant wasp ; Locust swarm; Monstrous scorpion, Large. 5th Level - Centipede swarm,; Carrion crawler; Giant stag beetle. 6th Level - Monstrous centipede, Gargantuan; Monstrous scorpion, Huge. 7th Level - Hellwasp swarm; Monstrous spider, Gargantuan. 8th Level - Monstrous centipede, Colossal; Monstrous scorpion, Gargantuan. 9th Level - Monstrous scorpion, Colossal; Monstrous spider, Colossal.

Rashemi Elemental Summoning:

When casting a spell that summons air or earth elementals, you may choose to summon an orglash or thomil instead.

Wild Soul (Summon Seelie Ally):

2nd (Summon Monster IV) Seelie: Blink dog, Pegasus, Senmurv (Fiend Folio), Unicorn; Unseelie: Aranea, Howler, Redcap, young (Monster Manual III); Shadar-kai (Fiend Folio); 4th (Summon Monster V) Seelie: Nixie, Satyr (with pipes), Unseelie: Joy stealer (Monster Manual IV), Shadow mastiff, 6th (Summon Monster VI) Seelie: Pixie (can't cast Otto's irresistible dance; with sleep arrows, but not memory loss arrows), Shimmerling swarm (Monster Manual III), Unseelie: Displacer beast, Winter wolf, 8th (Summon Monster VII) Seelie: Lillend, Leskylor (Book of Exalted Deeds), Unseelie: Annis, Will-o'-wisp, 10th (Summon Monster VIII); Seelie: Bearhound (Monster Manual III), Leskylor, three-headed (Book of Exalted Deeds); Unseelie: Redcap, elder (Monster Manual III), Rejkar (Monster Manual III)

2018-09-04, 07:06 PM
Summon Marked Homunculus from the Eberron books?

2018-09-04, 07:43 PM
Summon Marked Homunculus from the Eberron books?

Thank you kindly.

2018-09-04, 08:14 PM
child of winter feat from Eberron adds all of these at the appropriate levels of SNA:

1st Level - Monstrous centipede, Medium, Monstrous scorpion, Small , Monstrous spider, Small. 2nd Level - Giant ant, worker , Monstrous centipede, Large; Monstrous scorpion, Medium; Monstrous spider, Medium; Spider swarm. 3rd Level - Giant ant, queen , Giant ant, soldier ; Monstrous centipede, Huge ; Monstrous spider, Large. 4th Level - Giant praying mantis; Giant wasp ; Locust swarm; Monstrous scorpion, Large. 5th Level - Centipede swarm,; Carrion crawler; Giant stag beetle. 6th Level - Monstrous centipede, Gargantuan; Monstrous scorpion, Huge. 7th Level - Hellwasp swarm; Monstrous spider, Gargantuan. 8th Level - Monstrous centipede, Colossal; Monstrous scorpion, Gargantuan. 9th Level - Monstrous scorpion, Colossal; Monstrous spider, Colossal.

Summon Pest Swarm from Cityscape

Summon Elemental, reserve feat from CMage

and some stuff listed Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=13865625&postcount=5)

2018-09-04, 08:19 PM
Excellent, thanks.

Along the same lines as Child of Winter, the Wild Soul PrC gives a Summon Seelie Ally SLA which can summon a lot of non-standard creatures, and also substitute those creatures onto your Summon Monster lists.

2018-09-04, 10:33 PM
Conjure Ice Beast? They're creation but unless you want to use these spells with augment summoning, they're no different than the standard conjuration spells.

2018-09-04, 10:35 PM
Conjure Ice Beast? They're creation but unless you want to use these spells with augment summoning, they're no different than the standard conjuration spells.

I looked at those, but specifically looking at Summoning for my purposes.

2018-09-04, 10:47 PM
There is a spell called Summon Marked Homunculus from Dragonmarked.

Edit: Just noticed it was on your list actually. Ignore this post

2018-09-04, 11:15 PM
Fire Spiders (Spell Compendium, originally in MoF)

2018-09-05, 08:34 AM
Summon Mirror Mephit (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits p. 209).

2018-09-05, 01:03 PM
Forgive me. My meds are kicking in and I am about to go to bed. I will give as good of a description as I am able atm.

I remember seeing a spell that summoned a gelatinous cube, and another that summoned a plant critter that used the ghoul stats, but was aplant instead pf undead. Dont remember the books though. It may have been a faerun book.

Drago mag- the line of far relm spells you get from messing with a blot/blight. That had a few neat summons in it.

I also know pf some 3pp summons. One is a cantrip version of SNA. You get tiny things with a quarter hd. Another summons small tools.

2018-09-05, 01:14 PM
I remember seeing a spell that summoned a gelatinous cube, and another that summoned a plant critter that used the ghoul stats, but was aplant instead pf undead. Dont remember the books though. It may have been a faerun book.

Engulfing Terror is in DotU. It's Creation though, not Summoning.

2018-09-05, 04:22 PM
Fire Spiders (Spell Compendium, originally in MoF)

From how I read the spell, you are summoning an effect that is fluffed as creatures, rather than actually summoning a creature?

Engulfing Terror is in DotU. It's Creation though, not Summoning.

Damn, would have been perfect otherwise.

2018-09-05, 04:36 PM
From how I read the spell, you are summoning an effect that is fluffed as creatures, rather than actually summoning a creature?

Well, it says you summon 'spider shaped fire elementals', so they're affected by things that hedge out summoned creatures and extraplanar beings. But mechanically, yeah, it's basically a crappy over-leveled version of things like Flaming Sphere or Spiritual Weapon - 4 spell levels for marginally increased damage and being partially self-directed if you don't feel like spending a move action on it.