View Full Version : D&D 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen

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2019-03-17, 07:07 PM
Heath retreats bravely and fires off another sacred flame but the beam holds

2019-03-17, 07:22 PM
The cultist b's turn, civilians, ambush drakes, dragonclaw's, and cultist a's turn,

The cultists apart of the patrol group continue dashing to the rear exit.
The civilians inform others, and even more flee the area.
The Ambush drakes get closer, but aren't within melee range.
Dragonclaw knocks out heath.
And the last surviving cultist manages to get close enough to attack rosewood.

2019-03-17, 07:53 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 1/12
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Rosewood's lights stay blue as she sees Heath go down as well. She knows she has to leave to find more help and lead the civilians back to safety. So she conjures another blast of wind to shove the cultist in front of her back through the door before running off and guiding the civilians to safety as best she can.

Bonus action Gust on Cultist7. Succeeds.
Dashing away.

2019-03-23, 09:25 PM
As Rosewood returns to the keep through the secret tunnel. The 24 civilians begin milling in, and looking around for their loved ones. As she gets in Rosewood decides to take a break, and she is given a nice room, to take a break in by the mayor. As the mayor does so, he learns what happens in the church. Rosewood choice to guide the civilians to safety, while her companions attempted to stem the tide.

Heart was a part of the 24, they weren't prepared for the battle ill equipped, she got supplies from the fort, and decided she wouldn't let the lives of those that had sacrificed theirs for them be in vain, so had decided to approach rosewood on her own.

As Rayshin, was comforting a kid no older than 8, who had lost his parents in the siege, he was approached by the Advisor. "So, I heard of your bravery, and good words, and of the stories you told. Is it true that you are capable in combat? If so, we need to resupply the rescuing team, most of the team, didn't make it, and the one that did, needs backup."

Rinn Nailo, herself had been in a harrowing situation much like rosewood's though more self interested as she, and others of her group were fighting to get to the keep. She had lost many men, when she arrived. As she did so she was greeted by The head guard who had replied. "Lookie here, have to say I'm surprised that some would make it through the side gate, can't say I thought it was too safe meself. He turns to his men and says Lower The Rope, and be quick about it, who knows when the enemies could arrive to close off this breach.as soon as the rope is lowered, The headguard turns back to Rinn Nailo, and the other survivors and replies. Climb up quickly now, don't have all night. "

2019-03-23, 09:31 PM
Heart, equipped with nimble climbing claws, does her best to help the more-injured or less capable civilians make their way up the rope. Come on, that's it, be careful now... she says as she helps.

Once the civilians are all up, assuming there are no interruptions, she makes her way up the wall. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help more with the fighting. I'm not very well-trained in my claws in combat, but if I could borrow a dagger, or better yet a shortbow...

2019-03-23, 10:55 PM
"Does a dragon hoard treasure? Yes I can fight but prefer to use my words. I hope the team before actually made a diffrence. I should go check with any that made it and get the story." with that he heads to the survivors eventually making it to thier rescuer(s) to volunteer to help out. This smelled of Tiamat. Buhamut wouldn't be pleased if he did nothing and maybe this would get him back in good graces. If he didn't he knew his mark would begin itching and the spirit bound to him would force him anyways.

2019-03-24, 04:36 PM
Rinn nods to the guard, beaded braids tinking softly against her armour. "You heard the man" she barks to the rest of her group, "injured up first".

"Who's directing the defence?" she asks after climbing up herself, the last one to do so. "I need to know where I should be fighting next". Cathartic as it might be, just roaming the streets butchering cultists probably isn't the most effective thing she could be doing.

2019-03-24, 04:53 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

At the sound of the door opening Rosewood looks up from the table where she'd just finished making some alchemical concoctions. She sees a person she doesn't recognize. "Hello, how can I help you?"

2019-03-24, 05:16 PM
After Rinm had climbed up the rope. The rope was pulled, up, and the clearing had managed to dissipate as the siegers had enough men to fill up the hole. The Head Guard gruffly replied."Well, well. a Brave Woman, I see. I'm leading the wall defense, was the head jailer for the city guard, the man with the most experience leading guards in defending a place, since the head guard for the keep had went in to try, and rescue his family. But, Truth is if you are really up for it, the walls are protected enough for now, but the rescue team, to get people to the keep? Now, that's in a sorry state. Heard it from a survivor from the church, that the only survivor is resting up, and well... shee'll need help when she continues with the missions. "

The head guard turned towards heart, and replied. "Well, we have plenty of supplies left, and scrounged up, and I'd think you, and him should go with the rescuing team, You both seem the most capable of the lot, and we really do need more men, to help with the rescuing effort. Those that are wounded will be taken care of, and those that are able bodied we can put to use someplace else? How do both of you feel about that?"

2019-03-24, 05:47 PM
"If that's where I'm worth the most, that's where I'll be" Rinn agrees, touching the holy symbol around her neck. "I'd rather be in the thick of things anyway".

"Any idea where that survivor is right now?"

2019-03-24, 05:54 PM
Rosewood sees a golden dragonborn before her but his scales seem brighter and his form seems even more dragon like with a slightly longer neck then a usual dragonborn. She could probably tell that there is a touch of divine with him.

Well isnt this a surprise. They said from what they could tell the rescuer was a woman but they didn't mention a speaking wooden golem. No wonder you survived where the other three died. Golems dont go down easy. Had my expiernces with them. So I hear you will be going out again. Well even a golem might use some company though expect me to stick behind you. There is another set of survivors besides what you brought just arrived so I imagine we may have more company.

2019-03-24, 06:01 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

The floating bits around her twirl in mild annoyance as she replies, "I am not a golem. My name is Rosewood. Yes, I could use some assistance. Let us go meet with these others then." and she gets her things together and goes with her shiny new companion to meet the others.

2019-03-24, 06:07 PM
Seeing the golems annoyanceMy apologies. I guess I fail to see the diffrence. I suppose a correction is in order. Artificial life? Intellegent construct? Would those work for you? Maybe just a name then? Mine is Rayshin Highson pleasure to meet such a stout warrior. with a slight bow.

2019-03-24, 06:32 PM
Heart nods, and gets directions from the guard to find both some gear and the rescue team.

After readying herself for battle, she finds the others. Oh! Oh, hello, she says, seeing teh odd collection of strangers before her. My name is Heart. I want to help fight back. I was told you were the... Strike team, I guess?

2019-03-25, 02:53 PM
"So you lot ar... Oh mighty Bahamut!" Rinn exclaims in surprise as she notices the dragonborn among the group.

The tall, tanned woman takes on a noticable blush, her posture straightening as she struggles to collect herself. Thoughts racing - No no, just a dragonborn, don't get excited Rinn... a very majestic dragonborn, but still not an actual dragon. Keep yer britches on - she shakes her head and snaps to attention, bowing as she introduces herself.

"Ah, sorry, I wasn't expecting to encounter someone so... blessed. My apologies" she explains, starry eyes still fixated on Rayshin. "I am Rinn Nailo, ah, sworn servant of the platinum dragon. At your service".

2019-03-25, 04:47 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Not especially pleased with the options Rayshin is giving her for the name of her "race", she just doesn't respond to that.

As they reach the others she says, "Greetings. I am Rosewood. I suppose 'strike team' is as good a name as any, though this term is not familiar to me."

2019-03-25, 06:25 PM
Rayshin introduces himself.
You flatter me. You have good taste. Thank you. I too am a servant of bahamut you could say... By blood. Happy to be traveling with a beautiful and dare I guess blessed woman. Let us bring justice and save the weak together. he bows deeply to the woman.

To heart We are still assembling the team and we would be happy to have your assistance though I should say that though we may very well be doing some striking I think the main goal is to save individuals amd bring them here. Heart was it, we could use a bit of that welcome. he bows to the feline.

Though his circumstances bleak he seen no reason to be rude.

2019-03-26, 06:25 PM
The dragon's final lunge wasn't a feint like the others, and it gave it plenty of time to strike down a man, with it's lightening breath, and injure a couple more. The devastation is great the guard that died is nothing but ash, and the two that did make it couldn't take another even if their lives depended on it, which it very well did. The Dragon let loose a roar, and Flies backwards, away from the wall. The guards let loose sling bolts, and arrows, as the roar makes the dragon's attack clear in everyone's minds instead, and removing all doubt it was simply a lightening strike which happened nearby.

2019-03-26, 06:28 PM
"What in the abyss is happening out there?" Rinn reacts to the sound of the the attack. "Is the dragon attacking?!"

2019-03-26, 06:38 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

At the sound of the dragon attack, Rosewood runs off towards the roof. She tries to use the wind to push herself a bit further, but it doesn't work.

Dashing. Gust on self failed.

2019-03-26, 06:40 PM
The dragon departs back behind the wall, as it prepares it's breath. It is nothing, but annoyed at the guards continued attacks. The group guarding the side gate nearly make it to the front gate to help repel the dragon.

2019-03-27, 03:40 PM
Looks like our duties begin now. Our conversations will have to wait let us bring justice now. Rayshin moves quickly to follow rosewood.

2019-03-27, 06:57 PM
"I don't suppose anyone spotted any ballistae atop the walls earlier?" Rinn asks hopefully as she hustles out. "I doubt my javelins will go far enough to hit a dragon on the wing, let along do anything if it does".

She was hoping not to die today, but mighty Bahamut's teachings dictate she do whatever possible to preserve the lives of the innocent. Even if that means feeding herself to a dragon.

Darn it, this was Dirego's kink, not mine!

Moving as far as possible towards the top of the wall.

2019-03-29, 09:05 PM
Heart follows behind, right behind the heels of tome.

2019-03-29, 09:13 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"I did not see any earlier." Rosewood replies to Rinn's question as she continues running.


2019-03-29, 09:34 PM
The guards continue to dash towards the dragon to let loose their volley of attacks as the dragon recharges, and attacks the guards once more. Most of the front guards lie dead, those that aren't are wounded, and couldn't survive another blast. They are heartened to see the men follow behind them though, and know help is on their way.

2019-03-30, 12:52 PM
Rayshin continues his mad dash to the roof to engage the dragon

2019-03-30, 02:49 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Rosewood gets into position and prepares to cast a spell at the dragon once the other are ready as well.

Readying action to cast Ray of Frost after Heart attacks.
Attack: [roll0] + [roll1] from Bless I assume.
damage: [roll2]
if crit: [roll3]

2019-03-30, 02:58 PM
The dragon looks Rosewood dead in the eyes, ad the electricity continues to charge in it's mouth.l

2019-03-30, 03:35 PM
Pulling out his dragon tooth wand as he moves closer to everyone he says in draconic Bask in my glory his form is briefly surrounded by the image of a gold dragon.

Casts bless on rosewood heart and rinn

2019-03-30, 03:48 PM
As Rinn pounds across the roof one hand reaches for the javelins strapped to her back... only for her to reconsider, and break into an all out sprint. A savage smile spreads across her face she pulls out her longsword and, with a bellowed "in Bahamut's name!", vaults straight over the battlements!

She falls on the dragon sword first, plunging it downwards in a two-handed grip and holds on for dear life!

Not exactly the way she'd dreamed of 'riding' a dragon but close enough, she thinks with a wicked laugh.

Move action for a long jump towards the dragon, then standard action to make a two-handed strike with her longsword.

28 to hit, 7 damage

2019-03-30, 09:25 PM
Heart lets loose an arrow from her shortbow, but the arrow falls below not even getting through it's hard scales with the blessing Rayshin blessed her with.

2019-03-30, 09:54 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: Frightened

Rosewood again prepares to strike at the dragon, this time hoping to interrupt whatever it does next.

Ready spell until the dragon begins to do any kind of action or movement or bonus action or reaction or legendary action.
Ray of Frost: [roll0] + [roll1]
disadvantage: [roll2] + [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

2019-03-31, 01:54 PM
The Dragon beats it's wings heavily knocking Rinn out, as he falls to the ground unconscious.
The Dragon finally has enough charge, and let's loose a torrent of electricity killing heart.
And it moves higher up and looks down at Rosewood, with a warning gesture.

2019-03-31, 02:32 PM
Rayshin roars at the dragon realeasing an acid bubble at the dragon from his throat. Ducking under the dragon rushing to the ledge and pulling out a rope.

2019-03-31, 02:51 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: Enduring Earth Style, Frightened

Rosewood throws a burn in the form of the ball of acid and then a burn in the form of an insult at the dragon, "Your breath smells of ozone!" and proceeds to move down the the wall and take a defensive stance.

Acid Splash Dex save DC 14. [roll0]
General taunting.
Moving part way down the wall.
Bonus action Enduring Earth Style.

2019-03-31, 02:54 PM
The Dragon flies towards rosewood, Lightening crackling in his mouth. He had made himself a clear threat to them, and Rosewood was the one that he was fully interested in vanquishing. THe man who had done the paltry thing of daring to mount him, was down, and now it was Rosewood who would taste his fury. For having the nerve to mock him.

2019-03-31, 04:09 PM
Rayshin shimmies down the rope and heals rin using his innate blessing. Wake up brave one.


2019-03-31, 04:20 PM
"Ugh, worth it" Rinn moans, shaking her head as she hauls herself to her feet. "Many thanks" she gives a small bow to Rayshin, then turns her attention back to the dragon.

"Guess there won't be a round two" she mutters, grabbing a javelin off her back and hurling it at the dragon.

The javelin flies true, sinkign into the ridge above the dragon's eye and releasing a thick flow of blood.

She use her movement to get to her feet, then hurls a javelin at the dragon as her action.

Crits and deals 15 damage.

2019-03-31, 10:09 PM
The dragon wounded enough, decides to flee the battle turning away from rosewood, and remembering the insults this group gave him. Fled, away from the keep.

Chromia a monk can be seen just leaving from the front door as the dragon departs from the scene.

2019-04-01, 01:04 AM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

A gnome with one green eye and one blue eye dressed in blue, black, and white monk-style robes with streaks of bright blue and bronze in her otherwise black hair runs up just as the dragon flies away and quite loudly responds to this sight with, "I was too late!? This was my first chance to study a dragon up close and I missed it!? Ugh!" Then noticing people are wounded and even in some cases dead she says a bit sheepishly, "I... sorry. I was also hoping to help of course. I'm sorry I didn't make it in time. I was on the other side of the keep when I heard the shouting."

Then she clears her throat and facing the three that faced the dragon just moments ago, "Hello. I was told I should join up with you folks. I am Iris Cyanwood, though you can call me Chromia or Iris for short."

Only after she's finished blurting all of this out does she notice Rayshin and has a delighted look on her face... and then she notices Rosewood and looks extremely puzzled.

2019-04-01, 10:40 AM
Seems you had missed it and judging by the way your looking at me seems your happy to meet me already. I get that alot. I wish this were a happier note but we lost another woman. Took a full breath of lightning point blank. If that bothers you then maybe you should turn back. If it intrigues you then please wait to check the body til after a moment of silence for all the fallen tonight. May they find bliss in thier after life.

2019-04-03, 08:52 AM
Rinn looks up from where she's been mumbling a prayer to Bahamut in draconic. "You really should have seen it" she responds happily, "it was totally worth the, ah! bruising from falling thirty odd feet and landing on my arse". The armoured woman chuckles happily, despite obviously being in some degree of pain.

"Speaking of, anyone able to heal me up a bit? I can do a little, but... well, I don't think I outright broke anything, but a lot of bits feel awfully close".

2019-04-03, 01:04 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: Enduring Earth Style, Frightened

"Greetings Chromia, I am Rosewood." she says when she notices the gnome's staring.

At Rinn's request of healing Rosewood walks over and hands her a potion and some goodberries. "This should work much like a standard healing potion, though the results might be a bit less strong or predictable as my means of making it were quicker and involved some different components. These should help as well." The later part deonating the goodberries.

Then she walks over to Heart, closes her eyes, and removes any belongings she thinks could be of use to them. Her lights are a dark blue as she does so.
Noting the bow and arrows she walks over with them to Rinn and says, "You could perhaps use these in the future rather than leaping on the backs of flying creatures." As she speaks, her lights are a dim orange.

Hi-Potion on Rinn: [roll0]
6 goodberries on Rinn
Looting Heart.
Giving Shortbow & 20 arrows to Rinn.
Other loot Heart had I'm just adding to my sheet for now until people say they want something.

2019-04-04, 08:06 PM
After the moment of silence
You seem to want to ride a dragon yes? I'm sure a metallic dragon will one day find you worthy but I fear the method you tried today would not be tolerated. Wouldn't you say Chromia?

After seeing the magic performed by rosewood
That is quite amazing. Now I now what you are. My apologies. I didn't realize treants could move before fully grown. Did you grow those from your branches then?

After any conversation has ended and ready to move on.

I'm sure the mayor is waiting with bated breath for us to inform him of our survival else he may assume us lost and begin a new rescue team. Let us go see where we can be of more use.

2019-04-04, 08:14 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Chromia laughs at Rayshin's comment to Rinn and says, "Yes. I'm quite surprised you survived. Though I can't blame you for wishing to take the first opportunity to ride a dragon that was presented to you."

"I am not a treant or any kind of plant or elemental or golem. I was made to be what I am." Rosewood responds, her lights changing to a dull red-brown color.

After both Rayshin and Rosewood have moved on ahead, Chromia remarks to Rinn, "There sure is a lot of mystery about people's true natures in this group huh?"

2019-04-04, 08:19 PM
Rinn chuckles at Rayshinn's scolding, accidentally choking on the potion she was drinking at the time. "Here's hoping" she says, before downing the potion at a more measured pace.

"Huh?" Rinn replies to Chromia's comment as they follow behind, "can't say I've noticed".

2019-04-04, 09:41 PM
As They Start heading towards the keep, they hear the sound of something bad. A gate being pounded open. The Gate Breaks open. And Some more enemies run in, it seems as though the guards trying to ward away the dragon attack gave, some of the soldiers plenty of time to force open the gates. Not Many Entered, and anyone that could see it, seems as though the men that did were a bit overzealous as the ones outside made no effort to go in through even though the side gate would have allowed easy pillaging of the keep. No, These were men who wanted bloodshed, and now it was a question of when, and how much that they would get.

The Guards themselves are too busy to help out due to a ranged assault happening on the front Gate. It's doubtful they're related, and instead both of them are likely probes of two different sorts. But, The Guards themselves will be too busy to help out in the front gates to help the players deal with the side gate.

2019-04-06, 01:34 AM
Rayshin fails to get a good hold on the rope and manages to find himself falling a foot and then onto his posterior.
Where were my manners. Ladies first of course as he stands up dusting himself off. As he straigtens up he says in draconicLets not let that happen again as he casts guidance on himself

2019-04-06, 10:18 AM
The ambush drake lurks silently in the night, as it nears ever closer towards the front doors of the keep.

2019-04-06, 01:09 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Rosewood rushes forwards to where she hears the enemies coming from.


2019-04-06, 01:38 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Even with Rayshin's magical aid, Chromia still manages to also fall down the slippery rope. She manages to avoid hurting herself as she tumbles away and just decides to keep on tumbling in the direction Rosewood went rather than try the rope again.

2019-04-06, 01:40 PM
The Kobolds catch up with the ambush drake, as the Acolyte blesses the konold, a kobold, and the Ambush drake. He had moved forward as well, but seemed more interested in keeping distance from the front lines, and himself at least for now.

2019-04-07, 02:01 PM
"Oh here we go again!" Rinn cries viciously as she charges around the corner of the keep.

Dash action, full moving towards the enemy.

2019-04-07, 04:56 PM
Rayshin moves next to chromia. He readies an acid splash for when he sees the first enemy round the corner

2019-04-07, 05:01 PM
The Ambush Drake Manages to enter into melee with The Frontline, as The Ambush drake deftly avoids the attack.

2019-04-07, 05:09 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: Enduring Earth Style

Seeing Rinn dart up after her and then the drake come up to meet them, Rosewood briefly slips behind it while it faces Rinn and rakes it along the back with an acidic claw, and then steps back out of immediate sight of the kobolds and takes a defensive stance.

Moved to AM39 to attack using Primal Savagery which (with advantage) hit and did 6 acid damage.
Then moved to Ak 39 and used bonus action to enter Enduring Earth Style.

2019-04-07, 05:17 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Psionic Focus: Mastery of Fire
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Chromia gets closer to view the drake, which she is delighted to see in the flesh, and somewhat reluctantly conjures a shimmering beam of heat out of the air the streaks to the drake.

Energy Beam (Fire). DC 14 Dex save or take [roll0] fire damage.

2019-04-07, 05:23 PM
The Acolyte let's forth sacred flame targeting rosewood the only person that The Acolyte could reasonably see.

The Kobolds move down and let loose sling bullets, only one hit's it's mark. Rosewood though, having used enduring earth style manages to endure the brunt of the attack.

2019-04-08, 12:18 PM
Rinn batters the drake's claws away from Rosewood with her shield and slips in an opportune thrust of her blade whilst the drake's guard is open.

Attack, hits with a 13 and deals 8 damage.

2019-04-08, 02:43 PM
Rayshin saysYou are fools for bunching up in draconic as he releases another lougey of acid at the 2 kobolds directly in front of him.

He then takes cover behind the wall once more.

2019-04-08, 03:00 PM
The Ambush Drake attempts to hit Rosewood, but due to slight miscalculation on it's part doesn't manage to seek it's claws into the target.

2019-04-08, 03:06 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 9/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: Enduring Earth Style

Rosewood slowly trudges a few feet forwards and uses a gust of wind to gain a few extra feet of movement to get once again in flanking position with Rinn. But rather than attack the drake, she throws a ball of acid to follow up the one Rayshin just did.

Moved. Bonus action Gust, failed so moved a bit more.
Acid Splash against Kobold 3 & 4. DC 14 Dex save for [roll0] acid damage.

2019-04-08, 03:13 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Psionic Focus: Mastery of Fire
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Chromia notes that one of the kobolds is wounded and tries to burn it with a heat ray like it did with the drake, as she'd really rather kill kobolds than the drake.

Energy Beam (Fire). Kobold 3 makes DC 14 Dex save or take [roll0] fire damage.

2019-04-08, 03:24 PM
The Kobolds move in and attack their prey with their daggers, as the Acolyte hangs back and focuses it's spells on Rinn.

2019-04-08, 08:56 PM
Rinn forcefully parries the kobold's strikes with a thrust of her shield, slapping the dagger aside and creating a brief opening to turn her sword on the distracted drake.

Never turn your back to an enemy she thinks, not wasting the breath to give tactical advice to her foes.

Attack on the Ambush Drake, 14 to hit thanks to flanking advantage and 10 damage.

2019-04-08, 09:02 PM
First moves out of cover
Still in bad positions Rayshin says in draconic and launches a ball of acid from his throat once again.

Then moves back to where he started

2019-04-08, 09:06 PM
"And we'll keep them there" Rinn replies in draconic. "Though as a suggestion, blessed one? Perhaps critique their tactics when they're no longer in a position to improve them."

2019-04-08, 09:09 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Psionic Focus: Mastery of Fire
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Chromia frowns as the drake dies, but it was going to happen eventually and she's happy she at least wasn't the one that had to deal the death blow.
She looks to the Acoltye and calls out, "You really like fire huh? Here you go!" and fires a ray of flame at them.

Energy Beam (Fire). Acolyte makes DC 14 Dex save or take [roll0] fire damage.

2019-04-08, 09:18 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 9/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: Enduring Earth Style

Rosewood throws another glob of acid, which is dodged by the kobolds that apparently have caught on to this whole "people are throwing acid at us" thing, and then uses a blast of air to push back one of the kobolds next to her and takes another slow step.

Moved. Bonus action Gust on Kobold 1 which succeeded.
Acid Splash against Kobold 3 & 4. DC 14 Dex save for 1d8+2 acid damage. They both passed though.

2019-04-08, 09:21 PM
Two kobolds narrow in one rosewood doing two devastating blows with their daggers knocking the warforged onto the ground unconcious. The Other Surviving kobold manages to whiff against rinn. As soon as they see rosewood get ko'd they surround rinn hoping to do similar to him.

2019-04-08, 09:35 PM
Rinn grimaces as Rosewood goes down. Too many kobolds in the way for her to get the construct back on her feet.

She twists her blade, catching the knife of a kobold trying to attack from her side and yanking it down. The kobold stumbles forwards, just in time to catch her sword as it quickly whips back up.

Just means I'll have to kill them all first.

Attacks kobold 2, 20 to hit, 12 damage.

2019-04-09, 04:02 AM
Moves out 15ft
Fools! he says and fires another acid splash
Moves back 15ft

2019-04-09, 12:50 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Psionic Focus: Mastery of Fire
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Seeing Rosewood go do, Chromia moves closer to her to perhaps provide some help and then realizes she's not sure if she can. "Do either of you know if we can heal... fix?... uh... her?" As she waits for an answer she tries to light one of the kobolds on fire with her mind.

Energy Beam (Fire). Kobold 3 makes DC 14 Dex save or take [roll0] fire damage.

2019-04-09, 01:01 PM
The Konold misses as his ally was knocked out with a blast of fire.

2019-04-09, 01:08 PM
Rinn slaps the kobold's clumsy strike aside with her shield and lunges in with a thrust to the throat. She pushes forwards, pining the kobold into the ground with her sword.

Attack, 14 to hit, 11 damage.

"Let's hope so" she answers, bracing against the kobold's corpse with one mailed boot as she yanks her sword free. "I'll give it try".

Laying one hand on the downed construct, silvery light swells from her palm as she mutters a quick prayer to Bahamut in draconic.

Lay on hands to restore 1 hit point to Rosewood.

2019-04-09, 01:24 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Rosewood gets up and says, "Thank you Rinn. Is everyone else ok?" As she looks she sees everyone else is unharmed. She then drinks the remaining one of the two potions she made earlier.
Noting it didn't have a very strong effect she then inhales the vapor of the other concoction she made. She then summons two handfulls of goodberries and ingests most of them. When she's done she looks good as new.

Noting that Rosewood has a few left over Chromia asks, "Can I have one of those? I don't have any way to heal anyone."
Rosewood nods and hands one over.

Hi-Potion: [roll0]
Using Ether to gain a level 1 spell slot. Using said spell slot to cast Goodberry.
Casting Goodberry again.
Eating a whole bunch of goodberries.
3 goodberries left over.

2019-04-09, 04:10 PM
Caughing I really hate that spell. Suppose a sling could save me the trouble sometimes though I loathe such forms of defense. The daggers are close enough to my wand. I'm glad your ok rosewood. I thank you for protecting us. with a small bow. He then goes and grabs a sling and daggers Well lets get back to the mayor

2019-04-09, 04:17 PM
As The Group heads to move into the keep, A Dwarf with a shield on his back Heads towards the group. He replies gruffly "Oi, What are you doing? the gate's been opened, and We Just lost half our men in a dragon attack. See If You can find someone to help repair the door, and Help out with defending the gate."

2019-04-09, 05:20 PM
Iris "Chromia" Cyanwood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1871888)
Rock Gnome Dragonic Mystic
HP: 10/10
Psionic Focus: Mastery of Fire
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

As Rosewood goes about shaping the earth to make some hasty defenses (though its significant enough it will take her a while to do so), Chromia goes about try to convince civilians to get inside of the keep. As the walls have already been breached once, it could happen again.

2019-04-09, 05:38 PM
Rayshin leaves to find people to help with defenses. Not sure where to start he just starts with everyone at once.

People of greenest. Me and my companions have fended off dragons. Slain many attackers. Rescued a score of lives. Many a brave soul has been lost in these efforts but we have not lost heart and niether should you.Help Help will arrive I'm sure of it but we must hold this ground. We need aid from some of you... Please. I do not ask this lightly for id not wish to put anyone else in harms way. Do it for your home do it for your family and let those lost today not have made the ultimate sacrifice in vain. WE WILL SURVIVE!!!!

When people come to find out whats needed he tells them. Need more soldiers. The gates need repaired. Need doctors. Need people with mend cantrip. Asking merchants to share what they have.

2019-04-09, 06:14 PM
A Group of people, come forth. They are 3 robed figures drabbed in brown, 4 kobolds, and a guard. There was another person that appeared to be and a construction worker that knew the mending cantrip come forth to help Zylo. a Kobold came forth. Name's Syrde. I've been living in this town all my life. Now, when my fellow race has decided to attack, the town I love. It would be a pleasure, to help you defend these walls. We Can buy some time, and I'd gladly sacrifice my life, to help this town. he chuckled a bit disdainfully after this. "I doubt, my neighbors could say the same anymore though. I think dying here, might be the most good I can do here." The Others nod in agreement, seeing where he came from. "I Was a prisoner, And if I don't die protecting these, Walls I'll probably rot inside my jail cell, for the rest of my life. I'd like to go out with a bang!" The robed figures, and the thug, that you thought previously was a guard agreed to this. Though, based on his build he might fight like one.
The Contruction worker talks here. "I can repair the gate in 5 minutes, so I think, that should buy us enough time. Though, having a front line to protect me as i'm right next to the gate might be a good idea." They move towards the gate some venturing forth to help protect it from the other side of the gate. Their faces, and their appearance make it clear they don't want to be messed with, and the enemies don't seem to be attacking them yet, though yet, seems to be a good indicator of their feelings as their weapons are drawn pointed at the folk. Some, don't hold up their weapons however. It seems as though they are suspicious at the turn of events as much as the adventurers might be.

2019-04-09, 07:07 PM
As The Gate is nearly fully mended, and the group of volunteer guards start to turn around they hear a sound. A sound coming up from above. and to the back, it appeared that some kobolds didn't want to make it too easy on the intrepid adventurers. So, as the Gate is fully mended The volunteer guards look uncomfortable, and Sverde makes a departing speech. We're stuck on the wrong side of the walls, WE can't make it. So, We'll do the next best thing, We'll Charge the Bastards. The Gate was mended the flying kobolds made it too risky for the guards to let down, a rope, and the kobolds and robed figures run into the army. Weapons drawn, and the enemy converges on them. Seeming to consume them in their mass. It was safe to say if they were on your side, they were no more.

Rayshin notices That the legion, and the volunteers didn't actually battle at all. Instead, it seems as though they simply merged.

2019-04-09, 07:33 PM
Bastards rayshin thought
Who should I tell?

2019-04-09, 07:35 PM
Governor Nighthill looks paler than normal. As he Rushes towards the adventurers. Those with keen ears might hear. "not good... not good..." He looks towards the group, and replies in a more confident manner. "I Was Recently made aware that they were going to set a flame the mill. It would be disastrous if such a matter happens, and I'd like to ask you to help make sure, that travesty doesn't occur. " As He says this he notes how few of the remaining group remain, and those that were there had some experience, but weren't anything like a miracle, as the governor would hope, but it was no matter for the governor. He'd be able to save his people, and his town. If he could rely on these kind people.

2019-04-09, 09:09 PM
I know I wish to help mayor and I dont want to say I speak for everyone here but I'm sure they wish to help as well.

Rayshin then pulls him aside and whispers to the mayor I dont wish to alarm you or anybody but those men that wanted to defend the gate arent dead. Seems they were with the army outside the gate. I imagine spies. Do you know anything of them? Or maybe tell me what they could know? We could possibly help you resolve that matter.

2019-04-09, 09:14 PM
Governor Nighthill replies in a whisper. "I, was afraid of that. It appears we'll have to reeaxmine the equipment, and tools we used, the guard was one of the ones who was handling the supplies, so if they were tampered with only bad things could happen, but I'm sure, this would require utter discrecency, but any knowledge they gained, I do not know. It will probably take some time, to find that out quite honestly. I'll try to figure out what they learned, but I do not know right now, and I would rather deal with issues that are more pressing for now. Thank you for telling me though. "

2019-04-10, 01:02 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"The issue with the mill sounds rather pressing, so yes we should attend to that." Rosewood says.

Chromia nods in agreement.

2019-04-10, 02:19 PM
Governor Nighthill replies to the group "Thank You, All. I'll send a dispatchment to keep the mill safe, for as long as possible. They'll be about 15 minutes behind you, so all you'll need to do is deal with the threats already present."

Rosewood departed once more, the others saw a tunnel, with statues on either side some of the engravings have been worn away with time, other statues, have crumbled to dust. But, Each and ever statue is represented.

They easily avoid any patrols that could stop them. As They make their way to the mill. About 100 ft in front of them They notice a group of guards and an acolyte building up a fire to burn down the mill.

2019-04-10, 08:37 PM
Rosewood (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1680640)
Warforged Geomancer of the Emerald Enclave
HP: 21/21
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"We should look around a bit. See if there are other groups nearby or if there's more going on here than it seems." Chromia suggests. Rosewood nods and the two begin scouting around. Chromia mainly looking out for anything that would be a problem for Rosewood getting a good look around the area and at what the cultists are up to.

Chromia Stealth: [roll0]
Rosewood Stealth: [roll1]

Chromia using Help to give Rosewood advantage.
Perception check: [roll2]
advantage: [roll3]
Guidance: [roll4]

2019-04-10, 08:43 PM
Before they take off rayshin says a blessing to rosewood touching her shoulder May your eyes see as sharp as a dragons. he whispers

Casting guidance.