View Full Version : Bloodborne Weapons

2018-09-05, 09:01 PM
Hello all! My DM is designing a setting that is pseudo steampunk Victorian era. As fans of Bloodborne, we agreed that modular (trick) weapons would be cool to include.
While we were able to set the stats for the various forms of each weapon, we have yet to figure out a way to make transforming your weapon give anything other than a change in damage die, type, or reach. We set transforming as a swift action, but other than that we're at a loss.
In the game a transformation attack gives a boost in damage or similar benefit. Should we try to emulate that or just leave it as a swift to change your damage type or die or reach?I
We're mainly just feeling out opinions right now, but none of our other group members play that game so I've turned to the fabulous Playgrounders.I


2018-09-06, 02:17 AM

Take a peek at this, mate

2018-09-06, 07:40 AM
Interesting. Thanks!

2018-09-06, 10:25 AM
No problem. I used this to make a threaded cane 🙂