View Full Version : Sleepless Domain: Magical Girls, Monsters and Mystery, oh my!

Rusty Spoon
2018-09-05, 10:36 PM
What is Sleepless Domain?

Sleepless Domain is a comic about an isolated city in the middle of a dangerous world filled with monsters. During the day, the city is perfectly safe. At night, however, the populace locks themselves inside as the city streets fill with monsters. The only ones who can combat these creatures are very special girls with the power to transform into Magical Girls!

Link to the start. (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-1-cover)

Anyone else reading this? I'm hooked, and dying to learn more about what's happening. Any play-grounders have theories about the city/monsters/that one guy?

Spoiler tags for the sake of new readers, please!

2018-09-06, 12:48 AM
Undine's face in the last panel of today's update is legitimately the scariest thing I've seen in weeks, and I'm not sure why.

Also, the "Tue/Thu" update schedule is a big fat lie, it's been Wed/Fri as long as I can remember, and not in a way that could be written off as time zone discrepancies, either. Grumble grumble.

I don't know what to make of our latest brief acquaintance.

Rusty Spoon
2018-09-06, 08:08 PM
Undine's face in the last panel of today's update is legitimately the scariest thing I've seen in weeks, and I'm not sure why.
It's... expressive, I'll say that! Scariest for me has to go to Mrs Watanabe... yeeesh.

Also, the "Tue/Thu" update schedule is a big fat lie, it's been Wed/Fri as long as I can remember, and not in a way that could be written off as time zone discrepancies, either. Grumble grumble.
I assumed it was just time zone wonkiness. I still check on Tues and Thurs on the off chance of an early update.

I don't know what to make of our latest brief acquaintance.
The one behind the door? Yeah, I'm guessing...
Hid from Kokoro because magic baby powers? Not scared/smart enough to leave Starlight alone though.
I'm also weirded out by the almost human appearance of it. First monster we've seen like that? Can't think of any others.

2018-09-07, 03:28 PM
I started reading this comic because it is edited by Isabelle Melançon, and I really like her comic Namesake (namesakecomic.com). So far, I'm enjoying Sleepless Domain. I also recommend Mary Cagle's other comics Kiwi Blitz and Let's Speak English.

2018-09-08, 12:10 AM
I've been following this for a while- I like pretty much everything Mary Cagle makes, but Sleepless Domain is my favorite.

I really want to see more of Zoe and learn more about her. Right now she just seems like a very cute foil, but I'm expecting some kind of development at some point.

Rusty Spoon
2018-09-11, 01:29 AM
I started reading this comic because it is edited by Isabelle Melançon, and I really like her comic Namesake (namesakecomic.com). So far, I'm enjoying Sleepless Domain. I also recommend Mary Cagle's other comics Kiwi Blitz and Let's Speak English.
I stumbled onto Kiwi Blitz first, which led me to LSE and then Sleepless Domain. All fantastic works, but Sleepless Domain is easily my favourite of the lot.

I've been following this for a while- I like pretty much everything Mary Cagle makes, but Sleepless Domain is my favorite.

I really want to see more of Zoe and learn more about her. Right now she just seems like a very cute foil, but I'm expecting some kind of development at some point.
I'm curious about Zoe too. I kind of want her to stay as a non-combatant though, regardless of what her powers end up being.

2018-09-11, 11:05 AM
This is really good and Gwen has become my favorite!!

2018-09-15, 05:31 PM
I'd been hoping to learn more about Zoe, especially after we found out (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-10-page-07) that she was the one Claire was referring to here (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-9-page-17).

....and I just realized from reading that page again, that when Undine says "I don't think it runs in the family," HP's expression is foreshadowing the recent revelations about her mother.

Rusty Spoon
2018-09-15, 11:42 PM
This is really good and Gwen has become my favorite!!
Gwen is my favourite from Team Alchemical, for sure. HP is just so delightfully awkward at times though, she's a real show-stealer.

I'd been hoping to learn more about Zoe, especially after we found out (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-10-page-07) that she was the one Claire was referring to here (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-9-page-17).

....and I just realized from reading that page again, that when Undine says "I don't think it runs in the family," HP's expression is foreshadowing the recent revelations about her mother.
That page is so good the second/third etc. time through! Makes me wonder what else I've missed in the way of fore-shadowing.

Kinda hoping there's gonna be a training montage ahead, tbh.

2018-10-09, 01:11 PM
I'm now pretty hyped to see what Vedika's MG outfit (and hopefully transformation sequence) looks like. Also, what sort of limitations her power has that render it non-combat, because if it is was fairly functional long range telepathy it would make for a hell of a coordinator.

Also, keeping an eye on Cube's* twitter (https://twitter.com/cubewatermelon) this month will reward you with a whole lot of adorable monster girls.

Also also, the Discord server (https://discordapp.com/invite/t2h7mGU) for this comic has a lot of members and can be pretty entertaining, plus Mary hangs out in there often, in case you like interacting with creators. Quite a lot of hints and lore have been told there over time that I think most of the fans outside of it might not have noticed, such as the Wall Code, and stuff that Mary has in her head about the setting but might never make it to the comic proper, such as the Secret Twins.

*Mary often goes by Cube, or Cube Watermelon, in case someone is unaware.

2018-10-11, 09:16 AM
I keep coming back to this page (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-11-page-1) because I find the nervous waitress and her outfit so absolutely gosh darn cute.

Rusty Spoon
2018-10-15, 02:39 AM
I'm now pretty hyped to see what Vedika's MG outfit (and hopefully transformation sequence) looks like. Also, what sort of limitations her power has that render it non-combat, because if it is was fairly functional long range telepathy it would make for a hell of a coordinator.

Also, keeping an eye on Cube's* twitter (https://twitter.com/cubewatermelon) this month will reward you with a whole lot of adorable monster girls.

Also also, the Discord server (https://discordapp.com/invite/t2h7mGU) for this comic has a lot of members and can be pretty entertaining, plus Mary hangs out in there often, in case you like interacting with creators. Quite a lot of hints and lore have been told there over time that I think most of the fans outside of it might not have noticed, such as the Wall Code, and stuff that Mary has in her head about the setting but might never make it to the comic proper, such as the Secret Twins.

*Mary often goes by Cube, or Cube Watermelon, in case someone is unaware.

Ooooooh, thanks for that. I'll lurk on Discord for a bit, already love this bit:

1. Monsters aren't dead MGs
2. No time travel
3. It's not a dream
4. It's not Madoka

I keep coming back to this page (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-11-page-1) because I find the nervous waitress and her outfit so absolutely gosh darn cute.

The BurgBerg logo is also super adorable, and exactly the kind of background detail I find disproportionately entertaining.

2018-10-17, 11:32 AM
Cube is really good at both adorableness and horror, which works great for this comic.

Also, YES, Zoetimes! I did not expected it, but I'm glad we got it. Though with Zoe and Claire together I might die of cuteness overload XD

2018-10-20, 03:39 AM
Definitely excited for more Zoe/Claire interaction. And as usual, the parents are being a lot more awkward than their kids about all things transition-related.

2018-10-21, 12:03 AM
I had a sleepless night just now, and I thought it was just natural to read this comic in that time.

Im still not sure what to make of this world yet, but thanks for the link. When I read the first chapter, I nearly quit - meh, just another magical girl in highschool drama, seen them come and go...
But then there was this ridiculous high school tension, and I held out what would be different the other night. Oh goodness, I wasn't prepared. When this tragedy sank in, I was hooked. This is a highly advanced level of storytelling, and goes on my revommended webcomic list.

By the way, I would have liked to see more of Gwen and Sally interacting, but there's no crying over spilled (inked) blood I guess.

2018-10-21, 01:09 PM
Hid from Kokoro because magic baby powers? Not scared/smart enough to leave Starlight alone though.
I'm also weirded out by the almost human appearance of it. First monster we've seen like that? Can't think of any others.

You know what makes that monster even creepier? Cube has said the limbs are not even real. The thing is more like a slug shaped vaguely like it is a humanoid

Also, Onyavar, maybe rewrite or spoiler-block your post a bit? The OP did ask to avoid spoiling new readers. Speaking of that early twist:

https://i.postimg.cc/7Y8JTffL/post-mortem.png (https://postimages.org/)

reminder: miss Cable is an author self-insert, thus this edit XD

2018-11-24, 12:59 AM
This telepathic conversation is cracking me up. I wonder what Tessa was looking for?

2018-11-30, 02:03 PM
Aww, HP has an adorable crush on Undyne. I ship it.

2018-11-30, 06:57 PM
That fourth panel is the best. This is exactly why I like Cagle's art and stories.

2018-12-02, 11:01 AM
Scarfy shooting up like a scared cat's tail is great.

Also, going back a bit, I'm immensely satisfied with the MG costumes and transformations for both Harley and Vedika.

2018-12-03, 06:33 PM
I just finished chapter two.

And ... oh wow. That's ...

I like how her name is "Undine". Note how it can be pronounced :-)

EDIT: OK, so Iris / FlowerEye is actually Zoe. Hmm. I prefer the other name :-)

EDIT: Why am I reading Undine's text with Fluttershy's voice?

EDIT: "Team Not-appearing-in-this-comic" :-)

2018-12-04, 02:20 PM
Speaking of Undine's name pronunciation. Probably due to people often typing Undyne instead in the comic's Discord, one of the resident bots has an auto-reponse to Undyne that is an emote of this image:

https://i.postimg.cc/hv8xpM3h/0.png (https://postimages.org/)

2018-12-04, 11:06 PM
This might be a job for ... TRAINING!

You're too positive.

The Meds Help!

...quite an interesting story, did not go anywhere where I expected a magical girl story to go.

EDIT: Wow, up to date already. That's fast once I got going.

2018-12-29, 12:08 PM
So, the cast page has been updated with a new character, Anemone. She has been appearing in the intersitional pages for awhile, but I don't think she was on the cast page until pretty recently.

2019-05-05, 01:09 PM
These sad Tessatimes are so tense, what with the prolonged cliffhanger over what the heck she has been doing after school and the damn shattering panels!

2019-05-05, 10:36 PM
It really has been, and I'm glad there's some place to articulate this stress. Unfortunately, there isn't much else for me to say about it because I have no clue where it's going.

2019-05-06, 01:59 PM
This has been one of my favorite series to let sit for a while and then binge every couple of months. The plot and art are amazing and I will be following everything this author does for the rest of ever but the plot is just a tad bit slow for me.

2019-05-07, 11:01 PM
It really has been, and I'm glad there's some place to articulate this stress. Unfortunately, there isn't much else for me to say about it because I have no clue where it's going.

I have no idea either, though all the speculation in the Discord is fun to read.

2019-05-08, 11:43 AM
One thing I can say is that Tessa is probably saying this deliberately to drive away Rue. There are a million better ways to get Rue to show off her powers if that was the sole issue. And it may have to do with knowing that people are asking Rue about her.

2019-05-15, 08:38 PM
On the latest one (http://www.sleeplessdomain.com/comic/chapter-12-page-25):

1) AAAAAAA! HER! :smallsmile:

2) I really do hope she is not meta outside of interstitial pages though.

2019-05-16, 04:12 PM
Speaking of Undine's name pronunciation. Probably due to people often typing Undyne instead in the comic's Discord, one of the resident bots has an auto-reponse to Undyne that is an emote of this image:

https://i.postimg.cc/hv8xpM3h/0.png (https://postimages.org/)

I think Undine is pronounced with a short i (IPA: /ˈʌndiːn/), just like the mythological creatures she is named after, while Undyne is a pun between that and "undying" and is pronounced with a long i (IPA: /ʌnˈdaɪ̯.ɪŋ/).

If you don't get IPA, think of Undeen vs Undaying.

2019-05-16, 04:57 PM
I think Undine is pronounced with a short i (IPA: /ˈʌndiːn/), just like the mythological creatures she is named after, while Undyne is a pun between that and "undying" and is pronounced with a long i (IPA: /ʌnˈdaɪ̯.ɪŋ/).

If you don't get IPA, think of Undeen vs Undaying.

Oh, Cube has confirmed that long ago. It is indeed read "Undeen".

2019-05-24, 01:29 AM
And I've been reading it as "Und-I-ne", long i.

2019-05-26, 05:27 PM
So caught up now. Hmm so creepy phantom girl is still interested in her despite the power loss, not good.

Also Zoe is adorable.

2019-05-27, 01:07 AM
Talk about a rude awakening. Umbrella girl has no patience for dissembling.

2019-06-07, 01:04 PM
Somehow the next update is worse in my imagination than it will be to actually read...this went from too real to too horror real quick.

2019-06-08, 11:21 AM
See, this is what happens when you don't talk to your friends. If Tessa and Undine had been in closer communication, then she would already know about the creepy magic killer.

2019-06-19, 09:22 PM
Is that summary of recent events correct?
Either the creepy dark monster girl or someone else leaves disturbing(?) messages for Tessa, who is acting weird because of PTSD.

And the strange grey umbrella girl complains that nobody listens to her warnings - but she still makes people forget her.

Honest Tiefling
2019-06-19, 09:49 PM
See, this is what happens when you don't talk to your friends. If Tessa and Undine had been in closer communication, then she would already know about the creepy magic killer.

Apparently, girls with massive amounts of PTSD aren't the greatest at communication? Through seriously, I think Undine didn't want to heep more guilt or reminders of what happened upon Tessa. Undine was also worried about being labelled as crazy, and Tessa seems to be a bit of a stickler for rules...And seems quite consumed by guilt over what happened. Maybe not the smartest plan, but certainly an understandable motive. But yes, Undine bottles things up a lot.

I also get the feeling that maaaaaaaaaybe their academy doesn't really do the best job at teaching little soldiers how to communicate properly, but that could just be me. I personally think that between their advanced studies and combat training, a few things probably fell by the wayside.

2019-06-20, 12:30 PM
And the strange grey umbrella girl complains that nobody listens to her warnings - but she still makes people forget her.

Not sure that's umbrella girls' doing. I think she's associated with/in communication with the golden magical girl being, the one that gives the girls their powers, and it appears there's something preventing her from communicating with them directly. That might extend to information or discussion about her - the memory wipe may have been triggered when Umbrella tried to tell Tessa about the statue?

Honest Tiefling
2019-06-20, 12:46 PM
Not sure that's umbrella girls' doing. I think she's associated with/in communication with the golden magical girl being, the one that gives the girls their powers, and it appears there's something preventing her from communicating with them directly. That might extend to information or discussion about her - the memory wipe may have been triggered when Umbrella tried to tell Tessa about the statue?

I think I agree with this. The amount of resigned frustration that Anemone (that's Umbrella Girl, but sounds prettier so I am using it) shows would likely indicate that she's upset that she can't overcome something, but Tessa showed no signs of resisting. It was only when the statue was

After all, we have no signs that Goldie is really a good person, since she seems to empower young girls. (Power seems to leave around college entrance time, and assuming the American system, that's going to be 17-18) Even ones like Zoe, who seem far too gentle and really ill suited to the task at hand. No reason is given that boys themselves couldn't fight either, to pick the cream of the crop of any gender, not just one.

2019-07-02, 12:41 PM
One of the theories on it is that the dream girl (or "woman in white" as the Discord usually refers to her) only empowers young women because she can't do otherwise as that is what she herself was when she became capable of doing that. Kind of a sympathetic-magic thing, can only empowers those "like yourself".

That said, some people are also suspicious of the whole "power leaves around 18" as a natural part of it and think someone messed with it as a way to avoid magical dynasties, which might have been a thing that was involved in the events partially revealed during the girls' history lesson somewhere in the first couple chapters.

As for Anemone and the whole memory-erasing thing, a few things to consider: that eye-effect on Tessa that looks kinda like signal-static has appeared before and seems to be related primarily with the Woman in White, but also things tangentially related, like Vedika wondering how powers work. The exception is Anemone herself, who appears to be the only one with clear memories of the WiW, but who gets the eye-effect when talking about not knowing where Goops and Goldie came from.

Also, Mary has commented that Tessa in the last few pages of chapter 12 did recall basically the whole conversation up to the "who is that statue about" explanation, so it was not just a vague memory of someone telling her to keep her blinds closed.

EDIT: Oh, Zoe's cousin Alex also gets the eyes when talking about his monster-contact-induced nightmares iirc.

I'm sure the thing about Goops telling Undine about how she would know why goops hated her if she had not forgotten something is also related to this particular memory-suppressing effect.

Honest Tiefling
2019-07-02, 01:38 PM
One of the theories on it is that the dream girl (or "woman in white" as the Discord usually refers to her) only empowers young women because she can't do otherwise as that is what she herself was when she became capable of doing that. Kind of a sympathetic-magic thing, can only empowers those "like yourself".

That said, some people are also suspicious of the whole "power leaves around 18" as a natural part of it and think someone messed with it as a way to avoid magical dynasties, which might have been a thing that was involved in the events partially revealed during the girls' history lesson somewhere in the first couple chapters.

I cannot read Undine's handwriting at all, but that is a good catch regarding the history lesson and an interesting theory. Still, there isn't a lot of proof that powers are hereditary (as there is doubt in the modern day). And even if she could only empower those like her, she's still sending out children to fight. That's pretty questionable, even if it is the ONLY course of action she can take and the alternative would be much, much, much worse.

Through...Heartful does prove that powers are hereditary, aren't they? I mean, if you get pregnant beforehand you seem to have a good chance of passing them down. But maybe it isn't a question of getting knocked up (because I rather not associate that with my webcomic about young women, thank you very much), but a willingness to pass down powers, just like what Tessa did to Undine. So someone could just elect a successor. Which I am pretty sure is 100% a part of the Magical Girl genre? So maybe you're on to something.

Also, Mary has commented that Tessa in the last few pages of chapter 12 did recall basically the whole conversation up to the "who is that statue about" explanation, so it was not just a vague memory of someone telling her to keep her blinds closed.

I can't find those comments, but Tessa does seem pretty darn confused when she recalled those memories, as if they were unclear. I think the idea that she remembered a part of the conversation doesn't really prove which side is doing it, just that something is tampering with the memory itself but didn't fully work.

EDIT: I rechecked the pages, and I can't find the one where Alex has the weird static eyes...But I did notice that Mrs. Watanabe (Kokoro's grandmother) did have purple goop coming out of her eyes, while the mother seemed to be entirely MISSING hers...And given the importance of eye color for a magical girl, I don't think that is a coincidence. You also never see the WiW's eyes, ever. Hard to say if Goops/Purple Girl has eyes or just glowing bits.

2019-07-13, 10:24 AM
But maybe it isn't a question of getting knocked up (because I rather not associate that with my webcomic about young women, thank you very much), but a willingness to pass down powers, just like what Tessa did to Undine. So someone could just elect a successor.

Did Tessa actually pass on any powers to Undine? I thought she just healed Undine's injuries at the cost of her own powers, but that Undine's current powers are the ones she already had.

Honest Tiefling
2019-07-13, 02:56 PM
Did Tessa actually pass on any powers to Undine? I thought she just healed Undine's injuries at the cost of her own powers, but that Undine's current powers are the ones she already had.

Maybe not, but if you look at Undine's eyes when she is transformed afterwards, there is a bit of pink. Given how important eye color is, I assume this has some meaning.

2019-07-22, 07:43 PM
:smalleek: RUN, RUE, RUN!

At least Goldie is aware of the situation, maybe they can get help in time

2019-08-17, 10:35 AM
Is this scene the first time we are seeing Zoe's powers?

2019-08-18, 07:20 PM
Is this scene the first time we are seeing Zoe's powers?

Yep! Seems like a good mix with Rue... she can attack without getting in Rue's blast radius, and slowing down enemies makes it harder for them to close in too close for Rue to blast them without risking friendly fire.