View Full Version : Your favorite spell at each spell level?

2018-09-06, 10:34 AM
Pretty self explanatory, though I'm specifically asking for favorite spells. Not necessarily the best spells at each level, but your favorite ones.

1 - Shield
2 - Suggestion
3 - Fireball
4 - Banishment
5 - Animate Objects
6 - Sunbeam
7 - Reverse Gravity
8 - Feeblemind
9 - Psychic Scream

2018-09-06, 11:31 AM
1. Disguise Self
2. Hold Person
3. Counterspell
4. Dimension Door
5. Hero's Feast
6. Otto's Irresistible Dance
7. Forcecage
8. Feeblemind
9. Wish

2018-09-06, 11:43 AM
1 - Entangle
2- Mirror Image (or Pyrotechnics if your DM is cool and lets it work on things like Flaming Sphere)
3 - Lightning Bolt!
4 - Greater Invisibility
5 - Reincarnate
6 - Soul Cage
7 - Finger of Death (changed back to a save or die)
8 - Feeblemind
9 - Time Stop

2018-09-06, 11:44 AM
0 Prestidigitation, glowing eyes, tasty food.
1 Find Familiar, useful, if it’s alive.
2 Enlarge/Reduce, doors, friends, foes alike.
3 Glyph of Warding, What action economy?
4 Find Greater Steed, better than a familiar.
5 Wall of Force, Shape the battlefield.
6 Magic Jar, Puppet your enemies bodies.
7 Simulacrum, better on a melee, usually.
8 Clone, best necromancy spell IMO.
9 True Polymorph, reshape reality.

2018-09-06, 11:56 AM
1 - Fog Cloud (my rangers and tempest cleric have used the heck out of this spell tactically)
2 - Shatter (because it goes boom, and our group sings "Shadoobie, Shattered!" whenever that spell goes off)
3 - Fireball (Been loving this spell since 1975).
4 - Banishment (had no idea how useful this spell was until our cleric used it against a fire giant)
5 - Raise Dead (Wall of Light from XGtE is a very close second, Animate Objects takes 3rd).
6 - Sunbeam (because I hate the undead)
7 - Reverse Gravity (Been loving RG shenanigans since before AD&D 1e days. Fun spell)
8 - Feeblemind (because I hate enemy spell casters); Power Word Stun (so that my martial allies attack like crazy with advantage ...)
9 - True Polymorph (because I want to be able to be a dragon for a while).

Favorite Cantrip:
Guidance. I like to help our thief succeed on his lock picking/trap finding checks.
I like to "guidance" or barbarian in certain situations so that he can grapple a baddie in round one ...

Blood of Gaea
2018-09-06, 12:09 PM
0. Minor Illusion
1. Find Familiar
2. Earthbind
3. Counterspell
4. Evard's Black Tentacles
5. Bigby's Hand
6. True Seeing
7. Mirage Arcane
8. Mind Blank
9. Foresight

Joe the Rat
2018-09-06, 12:20 PM
1 - Chaos Orb - not the most effective, but the most ridiculous.
2 - Invisibility (Spider Climb is a close 2nd)
3 - Fly
4 - Banishment - Go Away
5 - Far Step - Bamf!
6 - Disintegrate - No muss, no fuss
7 - Prismatic Spray - Taste the Rainbow
8 - Earthquake - Break everything
9 - Psychic Scream - Heads Explode

2018-09-06, 01:01 PM
Cantrips - shocking grasp
1- Zephyr Strike
2- Heat Metal
3- Aura of Vitality
4 - Polymorph
5 - Enervation
6 - Investiture of X
7- crown of stars
8- Demiplane
9- Psychic Scream

2018-09-06, 01:18 PM
Cantrip: guidance (free 1d4 in virtually every ability check. Metagaming concerns).
1: Shield (+5 AC as a reaction is gold).
2: Misty step (bonus action teleportation?! Sign me in).
3: Summon lesser demons (with bounded accuracy, many weak minions surrounding enemies is as good as it gets). Leomund's tiny hut is a close second.
4: Evard's black tentacles/polymorph.
5: Animate objects (combine this with grease or ask a companion to cast darkness for ultimate "fun").
6: Scatter ("nope, you go here and you, here", use with Evard's and grease).
7: Forcecage ("Now, let's pause this battle for us to heal and summon some minions").
8: Mind blank (24 hours, no concentration, your brain is yours).
9: Wish (cast the following without needing to spend gps: simulacrum, contingency, clone, find greater steed, etc).

2018-09-06, 01:37 PM
Cantrip - Toll the Dead or Druidcraft
1 - Speak with Animals
2 - Pass without Trace
3 - Counterspell
4 - Polymorph
5 - Steel Wind Strike (wish it wasn't so limited in terms of availability, though)
6 - Sunbeam
7 - Planeshift
8 - Feeblemind
9 - Wish

It's kind of a mishmash, not really sure why some of these are my favorites other than I have good feelings associated with them from games. Or, like Toll the Dead and Steel Wind Strike, the aesthetics and flavor appeal to me.

2018-09-06, 01:39 PM
1 - Armor of Agathys
2 - Mirror Image at least 3 attacks are gonna miss you. Unlike disadvantage where high to-hits will still get through oftentimes. Also non-concentration.
3 - Lightning Arrow, it might not be the best but it's a ton of fun to me
4 - Guardian of Nature, a sweet self buff for dex or str users.
5 - Synaptic Static - Int save, decent damage, good debuff. Tons of reasons to like this.
6 - Chain Lightning
7 - Crown of Stars

At higher levels I guess I don't have much I find to stand out in my head.

2018-09-06, 02:03 PM
Putting in Haste as a 5th level sorcerer.
Twinned victory.

2018-09-06, 02:11 PM
0 Mold Earth
1 Absorb Elements
2 Misty Step
3 Message
4 Watery Sphere
5 Commune
6 Sunbeam
7 Whirlwind
8 Tsunami
9 Psychic Scream

Message doesn’t get talked about a lot, but it has been such an incredible utility spell in our campaign.
Used it recently to call in a Spelljammer airship for an air lift evac. Commune has saved us a lot of grief by getting direction from the GM.
Outside of that, unleashing primal forces is loads of fun, especially giant waves of water or wind.

2018-09-06, 02:18 PM
0-Shocking Grasp
1-Dissonant Whispers
2-Heat Metal
3-Thunder Step
4-Guardian of Nature
5-Animate Objects
6-Bones of the Earth
9-Prismatic Wall

2018-09-06, 02:21 PM
Mage Armor
Spider Climb
Evard's Black Tentacles
Cone of Cold
Eyebite (so flavorful!)
Delayed Blast Fireball
Maze (again, the flavor)
Meteor Swarm

2018-09-06, 02:57 PM
0. Magic Stone (I'm still kind of mad this can't be used with sneak attack for a David character.)

Grease (the falls are amazing)
Spiritual Weapon
Hypnotic Pattern (Broken)
Hallucinatory Terrain (this isn't the valley you're looking for.)
Danse Macabre (The name alone is amazing)
Planar Ally (Celestial mercenary sounds dope.)
Forcecage (you don't get to do anything sorry.)
Glibness (Oh i'm sorry were you trying to cast a spell well my 3rd level counterspell auto succeeds on countering your wish.)
Shapechange (I'm a dragon)

2018-09-06, 03:04 PM
0) Vicious Mockery (especially if you play at a table where you enact this)
1) Healing Word (almost only ever cast on someone at zero hp)
2) Suggestion, Phantasmal Force
3) Hunger of Hadar, Spirit Guardians
4) Greater Invisibility
5) Wall of Stone
6) Irresistible Dance
7) Prismatic Spray (I'm a beholder looking at everyone)
8) Demiplane
9) True Polymorph

2018-09-06, 03:23 PM
C) Blade Ward (especially when you can Bonus Action Cast it)
1) Armor of Agathys
2) Mirror Image (or Detect Thoughts, I'm not yet sold)
3) Slow
4) Sickening Radiance
5) Steel Wind Strike
6) Soul Cage
7) Crown of Stars
8) Sunburst
9) Astral Projection

2018-09-06, 03:26 PM
0- Minor Illusion

1- Shield

2- Spike Growth

3- Was a tie between Plant Growth and Conjure Animals

4- Polymorph

5- Animate Objects

6- Mass Suggestion

7- Firestorm

8- Feeblemind

9- Wish

2018-09-06, 06:11 PM
0)Eldritch Blast (I just love Magical Hand Beams)
1)Unseen Servant (Cheap Telekinesis if you use it corectly. A Mage should never do Chores after all)
2)Alter Self (Magically enhance yourself, as a super-humanoid? Yes Please.)
3)Counterspell (You really thought you'd cast that spell, didn't you?)
4)Black Tentacles (It's not the hentai. Ok, perhaps just a bit.)
5)Wall of Stone (Tough choice between other excelent spells, but building a tower on a whim is what being a Mage should feel like)
6)Globe of Invulnerability (Saves me a Whole lot of Counterspells in a Magical Duel)
7)Plane Shift (Sure, Teleport is a Must, and there's Mirrage Arcana at the Same Level which I absolutelly Love by the way, but something about Plane Shift screams "You're in the Big League now, gathering Planar Keys, and doing Big Boy Mage Stuff". It's a spell with a component McGuffin included, and that makes it that much more awesome. Magnificent Mansion is Close Seccond, together with Simulacrum.)
8)Demiplane (You do realise you're actually creating your own demiplane, just like a Deity? How awesome is that? Sure, it may start small, but it's the pillar of creation. I'll include Clone as one of my favorite spells, but I never actually cast it, only ever replicated via Wish.)
9)Wish (Yes, I know it's cheese, but I won't lie. I'm a simple mage. I like ultimate power. Gate is a close seccond though.)

2018-09-06, 07:55 PM
1: Witch Bolt (the humiliation factor is delicious)
2: Moonbeam (Orbital laser strike)
3: Enemies Abound (fight to the death, and make it snappy)
4: Banishment (BEGONE!)
5: Bigby's Hand (For slapstick comedy)
6: Arcane Gate (Now you're thinking with Portals)
7: Reverse Gravity (for indoors AND outdoors!)
8: Demiplane (Home away from home, but also a prison)
9: Psychic Scream (Simply mindblowing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1jf2hOkec4))

2018-09-06, 08:42 PM
1)Magic Missile- I'm a traditional player
2)Phantasmal Force- be creative and appear to be a super powerful wizard at low levels
3) Leomunds Tiny hut- I need some sleep I can't go on like this
4) Banishment- Shoo fly don't bother me
5) Dream- Great for Communication and messing with people
6) Globe of Invulnerability-Oooh you Challenge me to a Wizards Duel. Excellent
7)Symbol- so many applications
8) Mind Blank- cause nothing is better than getting utter privacy from Dieties
9) Imprisonment- Nothing Better than Saying **** you Forever

2018-09-07, 12:58 AM
Cantrip: Prestidigitation
1) Feather fall
2) Invisibility
3) Sending
4) Arcane eye
5) Scrying
6) Mass suggestion
7) Etherealness
8) Clone
9) Gate

It was really hard to pick a favorite for some levels. Ended up leaving out lots of spells that I adore (looking at you stone shape). The most difficult choice was invisibility, as there are about 6-7 other 2nd level spells that I like just as much. My easiest choice was sending, as it is by far my favorite 3rd level spell.

2018-09-07, 01:31 AM
0 - Light, I almost always play a human or race without darkvision. Mold Earth is a close second for how useful it ends up being since nobody in my experience ever remembers to pack a shovel
1 - Find Familiar, if only because of my current Storm King's Thunder Character having a Tressym Familiar
2 - Misty Step, It's hard to be this in terms of usability and versatility
3 - Beacon of Hope/Life Transference, because I like being the supportive tank
4 - Greater Invisibility, I can't wait to have this on my character
5 - Reincarnate, While I would most likely not enjoy being the recipient of this spell I do wish it was more used as the hijinks involved would be absolutely delightful
6 - Tenser's Transformation, another spell that I'm very much looking forward to using
7 - Divine Word, not a great spell but I really like the flavor of being able to quell a crowd with my voice
8 - I'm not actually super thrilled about any of these spells but Power Word Stun is probably my favorite for the same reason as Divine Word
9 - Invulnerability, a Spell I almost certainly will never be able to cast but boy would it be cool if I could

2018-09-07, 10:32 AM
0: Booming Blade
1: Armor of Agathys
2: Phantasmal Force
3: Spirit Guardians
4: Freedom of Movement
5: Bestow Curse (upcast)
6: Disintegrate
7: Project Image
8: Glibness
9: Foresight

2018-09-07, 12:19 PM
0 Vicious Mockery
1 Find Familiar
2 Mirror Image
3 Haste
4 Divination
5 Banishing Smite, Wall of Force, Awaken
6 Otto's Irresistible Dance
7 Finger of Death, Simulacrum
8 Dominate Monster
9 Wish

2018-09-07, 07:19 PM
Cantrip: Minor Illusion
1) Sanctuary
2) Nystuls Magical Aura
3) Fear
4) Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
5) Modify Memory
6) Forbiddance
7) Project Image
8) Mind Blank
9) True Polymorph

2018-09-07, 08:51 PM
Tough question!

Cantrip: Thaumaturgy
Level 1: Faerie Fire
Level 2: Suggestion
Level 3: Hypnotic Pattern
Level 4: Greater Invisibility
Level 5: Dream
Level 6: Mass Suggestion
Level 7: Crown of Stars
Level 8: Glibness
Level 9: Foresight

2018-09-07, 09:50 PM
0. Prestidigitation
1. Bless, except once in a while it's Featherfall
2. Invisibility, I suppose
3. Nothing says "D&D magic" like Fireball
4. Polymorph, particularly when I can say "By the way, Tom, you're now a T Rex."
5. Cloudkill (what a name!) or Flamestrike
6. Mass Suggestion
7. Temple of the Gods
8. Glibness
9. True Polymorph

2018-09-07, 11:34 PM
Cantrip: Shillelagh
1st: Hex
2nd: Magic Mouth
3rd: Spirit Guardians
4th: Greater Invisibility
5th: Rary's Telepathic Bond
6th: Contingency
7th: Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
8th: Incendiary Cloud
9th: Time Stop

2018-09-08, 12:00 AM
Cantrip: Guidance
1: Catapult, it's hilarious
2: Spiritual Weapon, I love how easy it is to theme this to a specific character
3: Blink, the tiny teleport when you come back just makes this really cool
4: Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, it's been my favourite spell since Baldur's Gate
5: Danse Macabre
6: Globe of Invulnerability
7: Whirlwind
8: Holy Aura
9: Shapechange

2018-09-08, 02:46 AM
Having looked through the list I am detecting a strong theme of my liking spells that can keep my action free...

1 Wrathful Smite - bonus action and a really powerful control effect.
2 Misty step - gets you to safety, gets you into combat, gets you out of a grapple. Really versatile
3 Counterspell - "No"
4 Banishment - really doesnt get old. Scales so well that it is solid on multiclass casters as well
5 Dream or wall of force - strategic level interaction with the game world from dream. Wall of force for when you are fed up of saves being made and attack rolls missing and want something that just wins you an encounter with no saves.
6 Either forbidance or soul cage - forbidance is a powerful ritual and can protect the party as a fallback position at the cost of a little time and can secure a stronghold. Soul cage is just so flavoursome and can last the day.
7 Force cage - once again for those evening where nothing with a die roll is working out for you
8 Antimagic field - niche, but hilarious when you can just walk into a trapped tomb full of magic gylphs, seals and magical creatures and can make them all disappear.
9 wish - if there is any other spell you would want on this list then wish can get it for you

2018-09-08, 04:12 AM
Cantrip - Eldritch Blast, mostly for the visual of someone shooting energy out of their hand, and the damage isn't too bad. The fact that it can be customized is gravy on top.

L1 Spell - Faerie Fire, because advantage is good, and so is being able to see invisible or hidden creatures, plus the spell being so low-levelled means its a solid pick for your surplus of level 1 slots as you level up.

L2 Spell - Enlarge/Reduce is two in one and provides a decent buff and a decent debuff.

L3 Spell - Fireball, because sometimes all you need is direct damage and this spell delivers on that.

L4 Spell - Polymorph turns allies into dinosaurs and enemies into toads.

L5 Spell - Holy Weapon does a lot of damage and can be blinding.

L6 Spell - Mass Suggestion is Suggestion on a crowd of people, and Suggestion didn't make the list but it very well could have.

L7 Spell - Finger of Death, because again, sometimes all you need is damage.

L8 Spell - Power Word Stun locks people down like nothing else.

L9 Spell - Wish lets you cast pretty much all my honorable mentions.

Honorable mentions include Suggestion, Healing Word, Hypnotic Pattern, Synapse Static, Dominate Monster, True Polymorph. Probably others but that's off the top of my head.

2018-09-09, 02:59 PM
0 - Booming Blade
1 - Find Familiar
2 - Misty Step
3 - Animate Dead
4 - Watery Sphere
5 - Animate Objects
6 - Globe of Unvulnerability
7 - Prismatic Spray
8 - Clone
9 - Foresight

2018-09-09, 04:38 PM
0 Mage hand
1 Sanctuary
2 Arcane lock
3 Thunder Step
4 Fabricate
5 Dream
6 Distintegrate
7 Crown of stars
8 Demiplane
9 Foresight

2018-09-09, 06:54 PM
0: Shape Water
1: Find Familiar
2: Dragon’s Breath
3: Conjure Animals
4: Conjure Woodland Beings
5: Awaken
6: Transport Via Plants
7: Simulacrum
8: Demiplane
9: True Polymorph

Aaron Underhand
2018-09-09, 07:06 PM
Really too hard - so much is context dependant - here are two thoughts...

0: Minor Illusion
1: Magic Missile
2: Enhance Ability
3: Hypnotic Pattern
4: Polymorph
5: Animate Objects
6: True Seeing
7: Plane Shift
8: Demiplane
9: Wish


0: Acid Splash
1: Healing Word
2: Misty Step
3: Fly
4: Greater Invisibility
5: Modify Memory
6: Major Image upcast as permanent!
7: Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
8: Mind Blank
9: Foresight

2018-09-09, 07:16 PM
6: Major Image upcast as permanent!

I didn't know this was possible, My gnomish illusionist has something else to look forward to.

2018-09-09, 07:44 PM
6: Major Image upcast as permanent!

Totally forgot about this! My illusionist in particular loves this. It’s very DM-dependent whether illusions are at all useful though. That fact bumps it down my list.

2018-09-09, 08:05 PM
Meh, you spell choice is very disappointing.

1. Command: KNEEL before me!
Become a king.

2. Suggestion: The better way to pick chicks
I guess it's gonna be difficult to keep concentration at the climax... but the job is done already.

3. Major image: Obvious one, unlimited possibilities.

4. Arcane eye: in those days you feel tired your can enjoy some voyeurism.

5. Mislead: when hubby shows up send the double through the window. He will probably chase it, so you can finish business.

6. Heal: because STDs

7. Mordekainen's magnificent mansion: better than a Ferrari.

8. Sympathy: get yourself a harem in just one hour.

9. True polymorph: to do who no man has done before.

2018-09-09, 08:27 PM
I am Snowbluff

0- Minor Illusion (always fun)
1 shield (boring but practical. The wizard equivalent of playing games as a kid)
2 Web (easy mass control)
3 Bestow Curse (short or long, lots of fun and creativity)
4 Summon greater demon (combine with magic circle and planar binding for strong summons)
5 synaptic static (mass bestow curse with damage!)
6 disintegrate (double as a door)
7 simulacrum (gossamer and snow!)
8 dominate monster (you’re mine!)
9 true poly (use on simulacrum)

2018-09-10, 09:15 AM
In the subject of Synaptic Static...

Using in conjunction with someone that can cast Bane can really frustrate a DM. It’s 1d6 and 1d4 penalties to attack rolls (which totally stacks), -1d6 to skill checks, 1d4 to saves, and -1d6 and -1d4 to Concentration.

It’s.... It’s just mean.

And awesome.

2018-09-10, 02:08 PM
Really too hard - so much is context dependant - here are two thoughts...

0: Minor Illusion
1: Magic Missile
2: Enhance Ability
3: Hypnotic Pattern
4: Polymorph
5: Animate Objects
6: True Seeing
7: Plane Shift
8: Demiplane
9: Wish


0: Acid Splash
1: Healing Word
2: Misty Step
3: Fly
4: Greater Invisibility
5: Modify Memory
6: Major Image upcast as permanent!
7: Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
8: Mind Blank
9: Foresight

Major Arcana is one of my fave spells for this reason. However, I believe warlocks miss out on this up casting.

2018-09-10, 05:33 PM
I thought I'd tally up the votes so far just to see what the consensus is (# of mentions):

0. Minor Illusion (5), Prestidigitation (4), Guidance (3)
1. Find Familiar (6), Shield (4), Armor of Agathys (3)
2. Misty Step (6), Suggestion (4), Mirror Image (4)
3. Fireball (5), Counterspell (5), Hypnotic Pattern (3), Spirit Guardians (3)
4. Banishment (7), Polymorph (7), Greater Invisibility (6)
5. Animate Objects (6), Dream (4), Wall of Force (3)
6. Mass Suggestion (5), Globe of Invulnerability (4), Sunbeam (4), Disintegrate (4)
7. Crown of Stars (5), Forcecage (4), Finger of Death (4), Simulacrum (4)
8. Demiplane (8), Feeblemind (7), Mind Blank (5)
9. Wish (10), True Polymorph (9), Foresight (6), Psychic Scream (6)

**Please note that I just transferred them as they were, i didn't check them for correct level, spell name or anything else.**

Cantrips: Prestidigitation x4, Guidance x3, Minor Illusion x5, Shocking Grasp x2, Toll the Dead, Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Magic Stone, Vicious Mockery x2, Blade Ward, Eldritch Blast x2, Light, Booming Blade x2, Thaumaturgy, Shillelaghy, Mage Hand, Shape Water, Acid Splash

Level 1: Shield x4, Disguise Self, Entangle, Find Familiar x6, Fog Cloud, Chaos Orb, Zephyr Strike, Speak with Animals, Armor of Agathys x3, Absorb Elements, Dissonant Whispers, Mage Armor, Grease, Healing Word x2, Unseen Servant, Cure Wounds, Witch Bolt, Magic Missile x2, Feather Fall x2, Sanctuary x2, Faerie Fire x2, Bless, Hex, Catapult, Wrathful Smite, Command

Level 2: Suggestion x4, Hold Person, Mirror Image x4, Enlarge/Reduce x2, Shatter, Earthbind, Invisibility x3, Heat Metal x2, Misty Step x6, Pass without Trace, Spider Climb, Spiritual Weapon x2, Phantasmal Force x3, Spike Growth, Alter Self, Enhance Ability x2, Moonbeam, Nystuls Magical Aura, Magic Mouth, Arcane Lock, Dragons Breath, Web

Level 3: Fireball x5, Counterspell x5, Lightning Bolt, Glyph of Warding, Fly x2, Aura of Vitality, Summon lesser demons, Lightning Arrow, Message, Thunder Step x2, Haste x2, Hypnotic Pattern x3, Hunger of Hadar, Spirit Guardians x3, Slow, Plant Growth, Conjure Animals x2, Tongues, Enemies Abound, Leomunds Tiny Hut, Sending, Beacon of Hope, Fear, Blink, Animate Dead, Major Image, Bestow Curse

Level 4: Banishment x7, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility x6, Find Greater Steed, Evard's Black Tentacles x4, Polymorph x7, Guardian of Nature x2, Watery Sphere x2, Hallucinatory Terrain, Sickening Radiance, Arcane Eye x2, Freedom of Movement, Divination, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere x2, Fabricate, Conjure Woodland Beings, Summon Greater Demon

Level 5: Animate Objects x6, Hero's Feast, Reincarnate x2, Wall of Force x3, Raise Dead, Bigb's Hand x2, Far Step, Enervation, Steel Wind Strike x2, Synaptic Static x2, Commune, Cone of Cold, Danse Macabre x2, Wall of Stone x2, Dream x4, Scrying, Bestow Curse (upcast), Banishing Smite, Awaken x2, Modify Memory x2, Cloudkill, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Holy Weapon, Mislead

Level 6: Sunbeam x4, Otto's Irresistible Dance x3, Soul Cage x3, Magic Jar, True Seeing x2, Disintegrate x4, Investiture of X, Scatter, Chain Lightning, Bones of Earth, Eyebite, Planar Ally, Mass Suggestion x5, Globe of Invulnerability x4, Arcane Gate, Tenser's Transformation, Forbiddance x2, Contingency, Transport Via Plants, Major Image (Upcast), Heal

Level 7: Reverse Gravity x3, Forcecage x4, Finger of Death x4, Simulacrum x4, Mirage Arcane, Prismatic Spray x3, Crown of Stars x5, Planeshift x3, Whirlwind x2, Etherealness x2, Delayed Blast Fireball, Firestorm, Teleport, Symbol, Divine Word, Project Image x2, Temple of the Gods, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion x3

Level 8: Feeblemind x7, Clone x3, Mind Blank x5, Earthquake, Demiplane x8, Tsunami, Maze, Glibness x4, Sunburst, Power Word Stun x2, Dominate Monster x2, Incendiary Cloud, Holy Aura, Antimagic Field, Sympathy

Level 9: Psychic Scream x6, Wish x10, Time Stop x2, True Polymorph x9, Foresight x6, Prismatic Wall, Meteor Swarm, Shapechange x2, Astral Projection, Imprisonment, Gate, Invulnerability

I was quite surprised by the long list of "favorites"

2018-09-10, 05:40 PM
In the subject of Synaptic Static...

Using in conjunction with someone that can cast Bane can really frustrate a DM. It’s 1d6 and 1d4 penalties to attack rolls (which totally stacks), -1d6 to skill checks, 1d4 to saves, and -1d6 and -1d4 to Concentration.

It’s.... It’s just mean.

And awesome.

Precisely. Bane is a pretty good spells as well. I was thinking about making it or Bless #1 but I end up casting Shield way more.