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View Full Version : What spell is our fighter under?

2018-09-06, 09:44 PM

I'm pretty new to DnD so I apologise if my vernacular is amiss or if I say something stupid (likely) ...

In our party, we have a Human Fighter who has been really odd from the beginning (behaviourally), and whom we are now convinced is under a spell and has been from the beginning. The DM sort of gave it away incidentally, when the rest of the party began asking questions and the Fighter and the DM had to leave the room to work out a roll.

The fighter is very simple-minded, but can engage in standard conversation - we thought he was just "simple". He flatly refuses to acknowledge magic of any kind. He rationalises and simplifies anything that he sees. He thinks dwarves are hairy children, etc. When our Druid turns into more frightening animals, he will attack her, etc (a problem beyond the obvious because he is an absolute tank). Also, people outside of the party have heard of him, but he never really understands what they're talking about when they ask about deeds that are attributed to his name. Plus, at the beginning of each new session, he rolls his D20 a few times. I always thought it was just my friend "practicing" ...

I tried to cast (Cleric) Dispel Magic, but I did an ordinary roll and only reached 17. It had no effect. But we're still pretty confident something is amiss.

My suspicion is Feeblemind, but the Bard in our party thinks not, because he speaks too well.

Thoughts? Help a newbie out?

(P.S. Our campaign has been going on for months (we meet fortnightly) so I am so impressed with my mate's commitment to his character, just as a side-note.)

2018-09-06, 09:52 PM
I think you're crazy. Nothing fishy is going on at all here.

Grear Bylls
2018-09-06, 09:57 PM
Drop a hundred gold and just cast identify.

However, until then, maybe a dominate? Geas? Probably not, but maybe.

Maybe he's possessed? Might not be a spell

2018-09-06, 10:05 PM
There are many possibilities ... however, if I had to guess it is more likely a plot line or character background element than a specific spell.

The character could be suffering from some form of madness (see DMG) that somehow fits the character back story. Alternatively, they could be suffering from some sort of amnesia. It is unlikely to be geas or feeblemind ... however it could be someone's interpretation of the effect of a true polymorph or other spell that changes the creatures form but not their nature.

It could be that the character comes from somewhere that has a strong disbelief in magic and so rationalizes anything that doesn't fit that world view. More likely the disbelief in magic is a role playing element that might be the side effect of whatever plot or background element that put the character in their current situation.

If you want to explore it, you might want to make some discrete inquiries, without letting your party member notice, about their supposed past. What were they supposedly involved in? What was the story? What was supposed to have happened to this guy? How does the person you know differ from the stories you hear.

2018-09-06, 10:07 PM
No spell, the character is just roleplayed in obnoxious way.

2018-09-06, 10:17 PM
Probably some plot thing the DM and player worked out beforehand. If it's bugging you, ask them to cut it out. A lot of times people think keeping secrets and doing side deals makes for some great "role-playing" but in reality it's usually just stupid as ****.

2018-09-06, 10:50 PM
Geas can't make you forget, it only has the effect of doing 5d10 damage once per day when commands are disobeyed. Feeblemind would be blatantly obvious as he would have an int and chr of 1. The closest thing I can think of would be "I can't tell what's real anymore" madness effect from the shadowfell despair table. Other possibilities would be a homebrewed madness or magical effect.

Greater restoration would be the appropriate panacea, but given that you tried dispel magic instead I'm guessing you're not level 9 yet. Either way, you should probably try lesser restoration, remove curse, and calm emotions first before burning components with actual costs. Calm emotions in particular would be interesting as it will suppress a charm effect of any level, though it won't actually remove it.

My actual guess though, he isn't under any effect and is instead keeping a secret, try to remember exactly what it was that caused the need to resolve a roll.

2018-09-06, 10:54 PM
It probably is not a spell but some foolish plot/background device they made up. Since it is hurting the party, it should really be cut out. The fighter is obviously crazy or mentally deficient. Taking such a person out adventuring would be abuse. I suggest you turn him over to a temple or sanitarium. Refuse to let him go out with you without a clear method to cure him. Think about how you would react if the military had people who had no understanding of what war was out to fight.

2018-09-06, 11:00 PM
Sounds like the fighter is just hamming it up.

Just have a chat to the player out of game. It could be something cool you can be a part of, or just straighten things out if it is affecting others at the table.

2018-09-06, 11:01 PM
Could be a magical creature. Masquerading as an adventurer

2018-09-06, 11:13 PM
Drop a hundred gold and just cast identify.

However, until then, maybe a dominate? Geas? Probably not, but maybe.

Maybe he's possessed? Might not be a spell

Our bard has 'Identify' prepared. So we can definitely do that. It might work better than "Detect Magic" if it's not a spell ... or if it's something else.

Thank you!

2018-09-06, 11:15 PM
There are many possibilities ... however, if I had to guess it is more likely a plot line or character background element than a specific spell.

The character could be suffering from some form of madness (see DMG) that somehow fits the character back story. Alternatively, they could be suffering from some sort of amnesia. It is unlikely to be geas or feeblemind ... however it could be someone's interpretation of the effect of a true polymorph or other spell that changes the creatures form but not their nature.

It could be that the character comes from somewhere that has a strong disbelief in magic and so rationalizes anything that doesn't fit that world view. More likely the disbelief in magic is a role playing element that might be the side effect of whatever plot or background element that put the character in their current situation.

If you want to explore it, you might want to make some discrete inquiries, without letting your party member notice, about their supposed past. What were they supposedly involved in? What was the story? What was supposed to have happened to this guy? How does the person you know differ from the stories you hear.

I could definitely have a conversation with one of the characters who was questioning him - they seemed to know a lot. Thanks for that piece of advice!

I also think it's worth considering madness as a result of a traumatic event. I remember there was discussion in his backstory, about an incident with a giant and a boat when he was a child.


2018-09-06, 11:18 PM
Probably some plot thing the DM and player worked out beforehand. If it's bugging you, ask them to cut it out. A lot of times people think keeping secrets and doing side deals makes for some great "role-playing" but in reality it's usually just stupid as ****.

Lol, I hear you. Mostly I don't mind some of the stupid situations we find ourselves in because of this character, but it's gotten dangerous a couple of times, so ...

But I am reluctant to stifle his creativity.

2018-09-06, 11:18 PM
Dispel Magic... with a 17 dispels magic of 7th or lower. Sounds either bs on their part or epic level crap.

2018-09-06, 11:23 PM
Could be a magical creature. Masquerading as an adventurer

That would be next level ... lol. I hope that is it!

2018-09-06, 11:29 PM
They are a diviner multi class.

2018-09-06, 11:32 PM
Yeah, this sounds less like a spell and more like a badly-done secret between DM and player.

I'd ask them, out of character, about it.

2018-09-07, 12:11 AM
He is a clone! He is the clone of a man, who later on his life did great deeds and became a hero. And that's why everyone knows of him. Though I always think of the clone spell when I think I am being tricked or when I don't know all the facts (cause that's what my experiences taught me, ie to shout CLONE!!! when I think I am missing something).

More likely though, it's probably DM fiat/houseruling, something like a powerful spell that erases memories (common trope in fantasy). That's the DM utilizing one of the players to throw the rest of the party a plot hook. Somewhere in the road ahead, you might find a clue leading to an NPC who might reveal a little more. I would guess that your best bet to find what's going on is in character inside the game world, and not in the book.

2018-09-07, 01:37 AM
He is a clone! He is the clone of a man, who later on his life did great deeds and became a hero. And that's why everyone knows of him. Though I always think of the clone spell when I think I am being tricked or when I don't know all the facts (cause that's what my experiences taught me, ie to shout CLONE!!! when I think I am missing something).

More likely though, it's probably DM fiat/houseruling, something like a powerful spell that erases memories (common trope in fantasy). That's the DM utilizing one of the players to throw the rest of the party a plot hook. Somewhere in the road ahead, you might find a clue leading to an NPC who might reveal a little more. I would guess that your best bet to find what's going on is in character inside the game world, and not in the book.

My first thought was a clone too! But the others in my party shut it down.

I'm getting lots of ideas and strategies from this thread though, for potentially uncovering what is afoot!

Thank you!

2018-09-07, 01:38 AM
They are a diviner multi class.

Like, as in the person who put the spell on him?

2018-09-07, 02:31 AM
Like, as in the person who put the spell on him?

Diviners get to roll dice in advance and then replace a roll during the game with one of the pre-rolled ones.

Taebyn is saying this "fighter" has taken some levels in the Wizard Divination school

2018-09-07, 03:55 AM
Oooh this is the.. "Tabbernackleflum". Its a moisture-based monster impersonating a human adventurer.
The signs are clear. Its clearly not a spell, and, he has the same intelligence as moisture. And notice how he takes damage from fire!
You must kill this character immediately, and evaporate the remains.

2018-09-07, 05:01 AM
I think you mean ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’

2018-09-07, 05:06 AM
I think that your PCs personality flaw could be that he had multiple personality disorder. I tried to create a character that had that flaw, but gave up immediately once I realized that that would probably be really annoying to the rest of the party

2018-09-07, 05:17 PM
It should be made absolutely clear to the character and the player (out of game) that the half-wit fighter will be put down the next time he attacks another party member.

Put a stop to that PVP nonsense and the rest sounds somewhat manageable. But if that continues, it's time for this bull-**** character to be killed in self-defense by an angry druid.

2018-09-07, 09:43 PM
Maybe he had a bad encounter with an Illithid but managed to get away.


2018-09-08, 10:18 AM
I tried to cast (Cleric) Dispel Magic, but I did an ordinary roll and only reached 17. It had no effect. But we're still pretty confident something is amiss.

Try Remove Curse.

Put a stop to that PVP nonsense and the rest sounds somewhat manageable. But if that continues, it's time for this bull-**** character to be killed in self-defense by an angry druid.
Heat metal ought to be a nice appetizer before the full meal of the battle.

2018-09-08, 07:35 PM
It should be made absolutely clear to the character and the player (out of game) that the half-wit fighter will be put down the next time he attacks another party member.

Put a stop to that PVP nonsense and the rest sounds somewhat manageable. But if that continues, it's time for this bull-**** character to be killed in self-defense by an angry druid.

thats what i was thinking. is fine if he is weird, and fine if he hisses at the druid...but pvp? i wouldn't tolerate that and kill the fighter/wizard the moment he got that crazy look

No brains
2018-09-08, 08:33 PM
A 9-th level Modify Memory could possibly set this guy up in this state. Maybe his earliest memories were tampered with in such a way that that his foundation of understanding is screwed up. That could explain the failed dispel attempt. Remove Curse or Greater Restoration should set those memories back right where they're supposed to be.

2018-09-08, 08:52 PM
The fighter and the DM are doing a bit of secret plot, and the way it's being handled in-game is a bit ham-handed. If they want to do secret plot stuff (and that's fine, and can be fun for everybody), the whole group should probably have an OOC discussion about it, just laying down a few ground rules, like:

This effect is psychological, not magical, and is going to be revealed over time by plot stuff, not dispelled casually.


There are some specific animals that Fighter will attack on sight (giant spiders, glowing radroaches, Groot, artichokes) and some that he likes (wolves, tigers, Tiggers, snakes). He won't attack the druid when using those forms.

I agree that unexplained, plot-tied PvP is inappropriate, but if (for example) a fighter has a specific phobia to lizards, and the druid turns into a lizard, that might (reasonably) result in a terrified, berserk fighter.

This is a game issue that should be handled with an out-of-character discussion. Seriously, ask the DM "Is this condition meant to be solved by us? Are we just wasting our time brainstorming solutions, or should we be looking for a plot hook? Can we come up with a compromise to allow the Druid to still function in this party? If we slowly introduce new druid forms to the Fighter during downtime, can he get used to being around them?"

I wish there were D&D spells (cantrips, hopefully) like: "Dispel Plot Armor" "Protection from Sudden-But-Inevitable-Betrayal" "Summon Patience" "Detect Quest Hook" and "Zone of DM-Making-Sense" but open Player<-->DM communication is the next best thing.