View Full Version : Making DoomSlayer in 5e

2018-09-07, 01:26 PM
I'm thinking barbarian, either Zealot(because he was blessed by seraphim) or berserker(because, y'know, he goes berserk.) Probably Horc or Goliath. Setting is either medieval or futuristic. Homebrew is cool so long as it is balanced and thematic.

2018-09-07, 01:31 PM
Really? I'm getting more Fighter, what with the ranged weapons and heavy armor. Wait, are we talking about the PC in DOOM, or something else?

2018-09-07, 01:35 PM
Really? I'm getting more Fighter, what with the ranged weapons and heavy armor. Wait, are we talking about the PC in DOOM, or something else?

The reason I say barbarian is because of his fast movement, ridiculous strength, never die attitude, and his berserk/divine abilities.

2018-09-07, 01:52 PM
Fast? He could have just taken Mobile. Ridiculous strength? He's got a 20 in his Strength score and/or took Brawny. Never-die attitude? That's just straight role-play; you can add that to any character of any class.

As for the abilities, I never played DOOM myself, but from what I can gather from skimming the wiki page, most of DOOMGUY's powers come from his gear, so you can fluff that any way you like.

Honestly, if you asked me to build DOOMGUY right now, here's what I'd do:

Heroic Attributes--4d6 drop lowest 7 times, re-roll ones and pick the 6 highest scores. I'd find some way to finagle a 15 or higher into Strength, but max out Dexterity, and of course grab as high a Constitution score as possible.

Variant Human--Heavy Armor Master

Gear--Plate or best equivalent, and whatever counts as a modern firearm(s), and of course a rocket launcher if you can get it.

Fighter--Champion or EK; Champion for that sweet, sweet regen, or EK to help fluff your sick gear.

Feats--Brawny, Mobile, Sharpshooter, and then either funnel the rest into ASIs or nab some stuff like Tough or Res: Wisdom/Dex.

2018-09-07, 04:49 PM
Pretty sure my colleagues have tackled this one already...

Yep, they went for barbarian (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2018/06/doomslayer.html).

2018-09-07, 05:07 PM
I'd lead toward barbarian myself. Zealot works the best I think.

Pretty sure my colleagues have tackled this one already...

Yep, they went for barbarian (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2018/06/doomslayer.html).

All killer and no filler. Could use a ribbon.

2018-09-07, 05:26 PM
Pretty sure my colleagues have tackled this one already...

Yep, they went for barbarian (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2018/06/doomslayer.html).

Looked pretty cool. To make it more universal for all campaigns and to add tactical value, do:

Glory Kill Level 3: After you hit an enemy with a ranged attack and the enemy is still alive, you may spend your bonus action to move up to your speed towards the target and use an unarmed attack against it. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the bonus unarmed attack has advantage.
Burning Rage Level 6: You gain resistance to fire damage while raging. When you take the Disengage or Dodge action while raging, you are resistant to all damage until the start of your next turn.
Murderous Intent Level 10: You have proficiency in Intimidate, and if you already are proficient you now have Expertise. You can also sense Fiends and Portals within 1 mile of you at all times. You also no longer need to sleep, but you do need to spend a standard 8 hours of rest doing no more than light activities (standing watch, grunting, playing with corpses, etc) to gain the benefits of a long rest.
Argent Feast Level 14: When you kill a creature within 5 feet of you, you may spend your reaction to regain some energy to keep up the fight. If you are missing at least half of your health you regain health equal to half of your Barbarian level + your Constitution modifier, otherwise you gain this amount as temporary hit points.

I would play this. I wouldn't even say this is overpowered, but it still looks stupid fun, and would play a LOT like how Doomguy does. The idea of a hulking bastard that ignores fire, never sleeps, lusts for the blood of demons, and gets what he wants by just intimidating people sounds incredibly badass.

No brains
2018-09-07, 06:56 PM
Honestly maybe Monk because I don't think he's that resilient and mostly evades harm rather than absorbing it. Monk also lets Doomguy run really fast and make a lot of attacks, with bare hands as needed. Maybe he's a Kensei with a chainsaw and super shotgun.

2018-09-07, 07:02 PM
Fast? He could have just taken Mobile. Ridiculous strength? He's got a 20 in his Strength score and/or took Brawny. Never-die attitude? That's just straight role-play; you can add that to any character of any class.

As for the abilities, I never played DOOM myself, but from what I can gather from skimming the wiki page, most of DOOMGUY's powers come from his gear, so you can fluff that any way you like.

Honestly, if you asked me to build DOOMGUY right now, here's what I'd do:

Heroic Attributes--4d6 drop lowest 7 times, re-roll ones and pick the 6 highest scores. I'd find some way to finagle a 15 or higher into Strength, but max out Dexterity, and of course grab as high a Constitution score as possible.

Variant Human--Heavy Armor Master

Gear--Plate or best equivalent, and whatever counts as a modern firearm(s), and of course a rocket launcher if you can get it.

Fighter--Champion or EK; Champion for that sweet, sweet regen, or EK to help fluff your sick gear.

Feats--Brawny, Mobile, Sharpshooter, and then either funnel the rest into ASIs or nab some stuff like Tough or Res: Wisdom/Dex.

He gets superhuman attributes from seraphim, and he does "rage" in game

2018-09-07, 09:46 PM
I made Doom Guy a ranger NPC in a campaign I recently ran. Favored enemies undead/fiends, made him gloom stalker as that's the preferred fighting method for the Doom Guy. Destroy a few enemies, hide behind a corner, strike when convenient.

He almost never goes irrationally mad(excepting the berserk power up, which is more like a potion of rage), but hunts his favored enemies, picking them off as few at a time as possible.

For the extreme speed consider Boots of Speed, 10 minutes/day of double base speed.
Also Longstrider as a spell or Zephyr Strike.

Later spells like Flame Arrows or Swift Quiver could help to get that great burst damage.

My 2cp.