View Full Version : Relevance of Planet Marker Sizes?

2018-09-07, 05:21 PM
After looking at the big panel I realized some of the planet gravestones are smaller than others - it can't be distance, because if you look around you'll see some of the smaller ones are in front of the larger ones. So what does the size represent? Are the smaller world markers for planets that were 'younger' when they were destroyed? Were they less populated? Less favored by the gods? Maybe the planets themselves were physically smaller for whatever reason so the markers were made to match?

King of Nowhere
2018-09-07, 07:51 PM
I believe, until evidence to the contrary, to be an art mistake. Rich was just copying a large amount of the same shape in different sizes, over and over, he may have missed the perspective on a couple of them.

pearl jam
2018-09-09, 11:39 AM
I doubt it's a mistake, personally.

I also doubt there's any importance to the sizes unless the story reveals a reason for it to be important. I suspect any decisions about the relative sizes of foreground/background markers is purely based on whatever Rich thought made the best visual impact.

2018-09-09, 11:45 AM
I would assume he made that picture using a custom paint brush that randomized size, with the intention of smaller ones being in the background. I wouldn't call it a mistake, more like it would have been impossible to go into that level of detail or correct it in any reasonable amount of time.

Because people realize he didn't copy and paste those thousands of times, right?

2018-09-09, 02:00 PM
I doubt that's an art error. There is so many instances of these and he never had a problem like that with adding random human NPCs.

2018-09-09, 06:07 PM
Maybe some planets were bigger in the hopes it'd take more time for rifts to appear through multiple layers of substance.
Maybe some are smaller because the Gods focused on every little detail to make sure no cracks appeared.
Maybe the similar sized ones are a general planet template where the Gods decided the campaign specifics were the more important details to get right.
Maybe some are DLC.

BeerMug Paladin
2018-09-09, 10:53 PM
Ever seen a cemetery? Obviously, the larger markers denote planets which were wealthier than their peers.

2018-09-10, 11:18 AM
I would assume he made that picture using a custom paint brush that randomized size, with the intention of smaller ones being in the background. I wouldn't call it a mistake, more like it would have been impossible to go into that level of detail or correct it in any reasonable amount of time. Because people realize he didn't copy and paste those thousands of times, right?
Ever seen a cemetery? Obviously, the larger markers denote planets which were wealthier than their peers.
These seem like the likeliest answers. Though I'm not sure which is #1.

2018-09-10, 03:53 PM
I would speculate that the Astral Plane has non-Euclidean geometry, and there is some weird kind of lensing effect present.

2018-09-10, 04:23 PM
Lack of available Astral Stone when they made them?

2018-09-11, 12:19 PM
Small and big planets, obviously :-)

Since they are globe-formed, I would think the size represents the (relative) size of the planet.

We will have to see if that really is the explanation, though. And I think it may be likely we will never get an explanation, if it doesn't appear important to Rich Burlew to explain the size differences...

2018-09-11, 11:02 PM
My theory:

Big ones = souls on planet consumed by Snarl, forever lost.

Small ones = planet destroyed by gods, but souls at least got to go to the appropriate afterlives.

This doesn't work if there are more than two sizes of markers though.