View Full Version : Soul Based BBEG creating 3.5

2018-09-07, 10:47 PM
Ok, so if you're in my campaign, out. Don't read further, you already know this much from the game, no need to know more just yet. I only run one so you know who you are.

Ok, so in a campaign I'm running currently I have introduced that there is an enemy party all of which are BBEG's, the one I'm having problems designing is one whose theme is supposed to be soul based abilities. These guys are supposed to be level 20 and the game is really high OP as in Team Solar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?188138-Team-Solars-(Archiving)) and Team Primeval (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?201638-Team-Primeval) are complete utter fodder and could be soloed by the people the players have faced thus far and will face in the future. For a point of reference here is one of the PC's (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1422357). The players are Gestalt and will likely be in the 20's levelwise when they face these guys, the players are also Gestalt characters. All sources 1st party and dragon mag are allowed. Refluffing is fine but I would rather avoid it, if its at least somewhat soul or life-force related and can work at high OP it works well enough. I know well enough I can just say it works and save myself a workload but for me part of the fun is actually developing the stuff within the rules.

So far what I have found so far is Trap the Soul, Soul Bind, Demilich Trap the Soul, Magic Jar, Vampiric Touch, Lifesense, Barghest's Feast, Necrotic Termination, Imprison Soul, Death Giant Shapechange + Trait Removal on Sold Soul, Thinaun Weapons. I'm not sure if any of that is really enough though. Any suggestions on what I could do or use?

2018-09-07, 11:17 PM
So far what I have found so far is Trap the Soul, Soul Bind, Demilich Trap the Soul, Magic Jar, Vampiric Touch, Lifesense, Barghest's Feast, Necrotic Termination, Imprison Soul, Death Giant Shapechange + Trait Removal on Sold Soul, Thinaun Weapons. I'm not sure if any of that is really enough though. Any suggestions on what I could do or use?

I swear over half of those specifically exist to prevent a target from being raised.

Have you considered doing anything with incarnum? Like, incarnum is supposed to be the "soul stuff" by RAI.

2018-09-07, 11:36 PM
I swear over half of those specifically exist to prevent a target from being raised.

Have you considered doing anything with incarnum? Like, incarnum is supposed to be the "soul stuff" by RAI.

Exactly, which is why I think that only that is not enough for making a functional character at higher levels. Let alone TO. The incarnum thing is a good call I'll give it a look

Silly Name
2018-09-08, 03:29 AM
I agree with using Magic of Incarnum, it's probably the best option for your guy.

There is, of course, also the Binder from the Tome of Magic, who has literally "soul binding" as a class ability and empowers himself by making Pacts with "vestiges", the soul-like remains of long-gone creatures and deities and stuff like that. It is also the one ToM class which got support, through Dragon articles and even a web enchantment on the WotC site. It is not the most powerful or effective class out there, and it is not exactly a caster (it uses "pact magic"), but I think if gestalt-ed with a Necromancer Wizard it might turn out to be quite interesting.

2018-09-08, 02:52 PM
Ok so so far what I see as a basic outline is this.

Wizard 2/Incarnate 2/Binder1/Soulcaster 10/Anima Mage 5
Race: DWK Loredrake Spellhoarding Earth Kobold
PB 32: Str 8 Dex 8 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 14
-Incarnum Spellshaping
-Improved Binding
-Mother Cyst
-Open Greater Chakra Throat
-Trap the Soul
-Vampiric Touch
-Soul Bind
-Magic Jar
-Necrotic Cyst
-Necrotic Termination
-Imprison Soul
-Shapechange (Death Giant)
-Power Leech
-Arcane Focus
Vestige used: Karsus?

2018-09-12, 06:21 PM
Harvester of Souls feat (Elder Evils)

Dragon #312 have Necromancer variant called Soul Reaper

Thief of Life PrC (Faiths of Eberron): Steal Immortality capstone CF: "Whenever you reduce a living creature to –10 or fewer hit points with a sneak attack, in addition to stealing its life energy (see Steal Vitality, above) you devour a small portion of its soul."

Necrocarnate PrC (Magic of Incarnum) got Harvest Soul CF at the very 1st class level

Soulreaver [epic] PrC (Dragon #297) extends Assassin's spell list up to 9th-level spells, and Vampiric Death - 6th-level CF: "If the death attack successfully slays the victim, the assassin absorbs a tiny portion of the departing soul's life energies and gains a +6 profane bonus to his Strength and Constitution and +6d6 temporary hit points for the next hour."

And finally - the Soul Eater PrC (Book of Vile Darkness) - it's considered one of the strongest PrCs ever. How we can even talk about a soul-related villains without at least mentioning it?

2018-09-12, 06:29 PM
Based on that one guys buffing routine, I don't think any of your PCs are going to be vulnerable to any of the soul themed spells in the game.

2018-09-12, 11:49 PM
Harvester of Souls feat (Elder Evils)

Dragon #312 have Necromancer variant called Soul Reaper

Thief of Life PrC (Faiths of Eberron): Steal Immortality capstone CF: "Whenever you reduce a living creature to –10 or fewer hit points with a sneak attack, in addition to stealing its life energy (see Steal Vitality, above) you devour a small portion of its soul."

Necrocarnate PrC (Magic of Incarnum) got Harvest Soul CF at the very 1st class level

Soulreaver [epic] PrC (Dragon #297) extends Assassin's spell list up to 9th-level spells, and Vampiric Death - 6th-level CF: "If the death attack successfully slays the victim, the assassin absorbs a tiny portion of the departing soul's life energies and gains a +6 profane bonus to his Strength and Constitution and +6d6 temporary hit points for the next hour."

And finally - the Soul Eater PrC (Book of Vile Darkness) - it's considered one of the strongest PrCs ever. How we can even talk about a soul-related villains without at least mentioning it?

Harvester of Souls was one thing I initially considered but the limitation on requiring it to be a Coup de Grace is rather crippling for the feat.

Thief of Life is interesting but unfortunately not too optimal. Nice find though.

necrocarnate seems like a good choice I'll see how I can fit it in

Soulreaver seems interesting at the least, I might include it

I don't really see anything useful about Soul Eater tbh, I had seen it before but the big problem is that Death Ward completely nullifies it. Its just one of those things that is either going to be a pretty powerful thing or completely useless. In this campaign most likely the latter.

Based on that one guys buffing routine, I don't think any of your PCs are going to be vulnerable to any of the soul themed spells in the game.

Well protections are never invulnerable, while I won't look at what he has for the purpose of countering it I definitely will make it so the villain can pierce any relevant protections.