View Full Version : A Faerie Affair Shorts: Violets are Blue, Apparently

2018-09-08, 08:19 AM
Today is the 4th of Mirtul, 1492. It is sunrise.

Violet awakens to a bright, warm, dry morning. A gentle breeze blows from the northeast through the trees of her forest home, carrying a scent of pollen and a handful of small white flower petals. The birds are quiet again this morning, but you are getting used to that now - it's been a few weeks since you've heard a proper dawn chorus.

Your garden seems to be doing well enough though. The spring flowers are in bloom and plenty of new growth is visible on your architectural plants. What will you do today?

2018-09-08, 09:03 AM
Walking up from her pleasant dreams, Violet stretches, before she jumps up from her nest, and puts on her favorite purple dress and collects her cittern. With it certain to make a wonderful first impression if she gets to meet someone new today, she sets about on the most important part of the day. Gently pushing the disguising leaves aside, she flits out the front door, and pauses for a moment, as she looks over her garden, smiling cheerfully.

The vision she sees before her fills her with happiness every time she sees it, with the Big Tree presiding over the center, it's sides coated in moss as it towers over her garden, turning into a wonderful center piece to her garden, already a riot of color, as the small creek burbles happily over it's stone bed, and the lillies and hyacinths grow along it's edges. Further out, the ground is coated in growing croci, tulips, violets, bluebells, and many others. At first glance, their placement seems chaotic, and bewildering, but as one looks more closely, the beauty of their arrangement becomes clear. Further out, several nut and fruit trees grow(Including hickories, pecans, almonds, cherries, blueberries, and apricots) before the ground raises up, leaving no sign of her garden from far away. A single path meanders through it, marked only by the placement of small stepping stones, usually decorated with crystals of some sort or another.

But after a moment's admiration, she flits towards her food trees, to see if any of them were ready, and to say hello to the various birds who make their homes in her garden as she looks for something to nibble on.

2018-09-08, 09:40 AM
The apricots and cherries are nearly ready, but not quite. It looks like only the blueberries will be edible today. A stately-looking blackbird watches you intently as you inspect the trees. Then it spots a worm, hops down to the ground, and plucks it up with surgical precision.

2018-09-08, 09:55 AM
Silly, it's lots too early for apricots and cherries, but the blueberries should be yummy! And Ms. Blackie looks happy! With a smile, and cheery chirp for Ms. Blackie, Violet starts her flight towards the awaited blueberry bushes, but she flies past the apricots and cherries first, to make sure they're all right.

I think Flower Affinity might apply here, since she's trying to help them grow? Maybe?
[roll0] Nature(+2 from doubled proficiency)

Also, for the blueberry bushes as well...

[roll1] Nature(+2 from doubled proficiency)

Soon enough, she reaches the blueberry bushes, and she carefully looks them over as well, before picking a ripe berry, and starting to nibble on the delicious fruit.

2018-09-08, 10:52 AM
Indeed, all of the fruit trees are what you might describe as 'ahead of the curve'. Your efforts so far this year have enabled them to grow quickly, flower early and (hopefully) bear fruit before the beginning of summer. It's going about as well as you can expect without the aid of druidic magic.

The blueberry is juicy and flavourful, perfectly ripe.

2018-09-08, 11:02 AM
Munching on her delicious blueberry, the smiling petal starts slowly flitting about her garden, making sure that her flowers and trees were doing well, and singing cheerfully to herself and the nearby birds and animals as she works, occasionally pausing to get a drink of water, or to snag another blueberry, or one of her stored nuts as she gets hungry.

So... gardening? Planning on finishing her rounds by early afternoon, before she starts to flit about around the forest, since it'll give me a chance to describe some of the things she's done there.

Taking ten(Ideally) on the gardening roll, for a fifteen?

2018-09-08, 11:52 AM
So you make your rounds. A little watering is needed, but not a huge amount. The main task at the moment is deadheading the older flowers, particularly your namesake violas, which are coming to the end of their season. In fact, you could probably keep some of these and turn the petals into candies if you wanted to... I'd call that a Wisdom (Cook's Utensils) check and an hour's work, I think.

By mid morning, you begin to get a creeping feeling that something is a little bit wrong. Are there a lot of spiders around today? It seems like you're seeing one every other minute...

2018-09-08, 12:31 PM
Carefully collecting the older flowers, so they could be properly prepared, both as presents for newcomers, and possibly new clothing, Violet's brilliant idea of candying some of them strikes a song in her heart, so after collecting them and storing them in her home, she darts towards one of the bee hives in the nearby trees, hoping to bargain for some of their honey so she could preserve some of the petals.

Since you need sugar for candying, honey should be a viable source, if she can convince some of the bees to let her take some. Since they communicate via dance, maybe a performance check?
[roll0] performance(-2 for persuasion)

The lack of birds, and the rise in spiders passes almost entirely unnoticed by Violet as she sings and works, blissfully unaware of any reason to be concerned as she roams around her little world.

2018-09-09, 08:58 AM
Perhaps you haven't noticed the worrying omens, but the bees certainly have. They respond to your dance with one of their own, which you interpret as saying that you can have some honey if you help to get rid of a nest of spiders that has appeared nearby. Or at least, that's what you are imagining they're saying...

2018-09-09, 09:00 AM
Responding to the bee's dance with a cheerful bob, Violet sets out to find the spider nest, so she could ask them to move somewhere else.

If the Bees offered directions, she'll follow them. If not, she'll start exploring the area outside of her garden, and I'll describe it? Mostly, lots of flowering trees.

2018-09-09, 09:36 AM
You don't think it can be far away, given that bees rarely trouble themselves with anything far away from their hives. Still, you'll have to do a bit of searching, since the bees' dance couldn't really communicate precise directions.

2018-09-09, 09:41 AM
With a goal in her mind, and a cheerful song on her lips, Violet sets out on her adventure! to find the spider nest. Her Cittern carefully stowed on it's straps, she sets out, to look around the forest outside of her garden, slowly looping out from it as she goes.
Of course, her trip is quickly distracted by checking on the many beautiful trees in the area, a surprising mix of dogwoods, magnolias, and a few more fruiting trees as she flits through the deciduous forest. The mix of oaks, maples, ashs, and others also get some attention, but their lack of colorful flowers to distract her with results in them getting less attention than the more flowery ones, even with the afternoon sunlight highlighting them.

Petals have been here for a long time, and they do have a tendency to plant new flowering trees over time, so they're growing wildly all throughout the area. It's quite lovely. And erratic. One can go around a corner, and be in a totally different forest.


2018-09-12, 03:06 PM
The trees are quiet, as always, just a gentle rustling of branches accompanying you on your wander. The spider nest turns out to be a few hundred yards away from the beehive - not within eyeshot because of the trees and slight changes in elevation, but well within your area of interest. A large ball of webbing hangs from an ash tree, with hundreds of spiders crawling all over the place. They are wolf spiders of some sort, and somehow it almost looks like these ones are working together to hunt down every scrap of prey they can find. The area around their tree has been picked completely clean, and they appear to be expanding their operations outward. They could really destabilise the local ecosystem if they carry on like this...

2018-09-12, 03:28 PM
Keeping a careful eye out for webbing as she approaches the nest, Violet frowns as she realizes just how destructive these spiders were being as she looks around the silent forest. They've eaten all the insects, and driven away all the birds! I don't even see any worms! But that means they're either insane, or they move a lot, but both are really bad! Maybe I can get them to split up, and cover a much larger area, so they don't need to eat all the insects? But it's really hard to talk with spiders! But maybe I'll get lucky? And I really don't want to get webbed, because it sticks to everything! And it's really hard to get off too!
Approaching the pulsating webbing, Violet speaks when she's about three meters away from the nest. "Hi?" Her voice is soft and uncertain, but clearly audible as she tries to get the spider's attention.

2018-09-14, 05:09 PM
Some of the spiders nearest you turn to look when you speak, but it seems more like they're preparing to defend their nest, rather than listen to reason. A few raise their forelegs to signal their intent.

2018-09-14, 05:45 PM
Certain that they weren't understanding her words, Violet tries to dance for the spiders as well, hoping that they might understand the bee dance trying to explain to them how to spread out, so they didn't hurt themselves.

[roll0] performance

2018-09-16, 06:20 AM
You feel like you nail the dance pretty well, but the spiders don't show much understanding. It's probably more of a bee thing. More of them are starting to take notice of you though, crowding menacingly all around. They're doing their best to make you feel unwelcome in their space.

2018-09-16, 07:15 AM
Bobbing up and down while she tries to come up with another idea to persuade the spiders, Violet frowns at the spider's threat display. Hey... that's not a very nice thing to do to a guest! But maybe this'll help?

With another brilliant communication idea in mind, Violet reaches for her cittern, and starts to play. Soon, four brightly colored flickering lights appear around the nest, orbiting for a moment, before scattering. Maybe they'll understand that?

2018-09-18, 11:11 AM
You can't be sure, but you think maybe the spiders are getting the message. They don't seem to like it though. One of them jumps at you, mandibles clicking, but can't quite reach. You'd guess they're saying "we aren't going anywhere!"

2018-09-18, 11:30 AM
Violet flinches back from the leaping spider, and looks quite sad about the attempt. But... it makes lots more sense for them to be nice, and not all stick together, so they don't all starve! But I can't just leave them! Maybe one last try, and then maybe I'll find help?

Out of options, Violet tries the thing she didn't want to try. She raises her arms... and copies the movements the spiders have been making at her the whole time. Maybe this'll work? I hope?

2018-09-20, 11:35 AM
You stare down the spiders, copying their threat display. There is a tense stand-off...

Please make an intimidation check. It can be either Wisdom or Charisma, at your preference.

2018-09-20, 05:51 PM
Violet tries her very best to be menacing to the strange spiders, waving her arms wildly in the air(And quickly catching her cittern when she drops it.)

[roll0] Intimidate!

2018-09-23, 04:07 PM
...after an initial moment of hesitation, the spiders decide you're not actually much of a threat, and start to gather together into one writhing, swarming mass. The ball of spiders boils up towards you and shoves you bodily out of their territory, before dissolving once more into a host of individuals.

It looks like you won't be getting very much honey today.

2018-09-23, 04:11 PM
Thrown out by the strange spiders, Violet's expression is one of immense sadness as she starts back towards her garden, so she could tell the bees what happened, and maybe see if they know anything else about the strange spiders.

How far from her garden is the nest?

2018-09-23, 04:15 PM
It takes you a minute or two to get back to your garden. The bees are sad too, but also understanding. They are convinced there is something unnatural going on.

2018-09-23, 06:54 PM
A light of hope flaring in her eyes as her sadness vanishes, Violet smiles cheerfully, and thanks the bees. She had a plan! She could visit the sprites! They might know how to help the spiders! And then she could get honey, and preserve the flowers!
Without a second thought, she flits out, heading towards the sprite village.

About two minutes later, she changes direction, and actually heads towards the village, instead of the wrong way. Luckily, no one saw.

2018-09-30, 11:26 AM
You float through the forest. It's a warm, dry afternoon and you have no trouble getting to Swyncastle, the sprites' village (once you remember which direction to go). However, when you get there, the place appears to be deserted. Not a sprite in sight!

2018-09-30, 11:35 AM
Looking around the abandoned village, Violet just hovers for a few moments, looking quite confused. But... they're really nice, and they're always friendly, and they love flowers! And it's their home! Maybe they're playing a trick? Feeling rather awkwardly desperate, Violet tries calling out, her voice sounding small, and lost in the face of the empty village. "Hello? I think I need help?"

2018-09-30, 11:55 AM
A weak voice answers from somewhere in the trees: "Violet...? Is... that you?"

2018-09-30, 11:58 AM
Without a moment's hesitation, Violet answers, her voice filled with hope again. They were playing a trick! But it would be polite to participate, so... "It is! Are you ok?" She promptly starts flying towards the voice.
[roll0] perception(To find the source of the sound)

2018-09-30, 03:07 PM
You zero in on the voice quickly: it's coming from a concealed nest in a big tree. Inside, you find two sprites, an old woman and a middle aged man that you know as Crystal and Arrow respectively. Crystal is lying on a makeshift bed, and Arrow has clearly been feeding her, but she says "we're as okay as we can be, I suppose."

2018-09-30, 03:09 PM
The realization that it wasn't a prank hits Violet as soon as she flits in through the door, and her smile vanishes abruptly. "Are you ok? What happened? Where did everyone go? Can I help?" Her words pour out, so fast that they're almost unintelligible, but her concern and worry are quite clear.

2018-10-01, 04:24 PM
"They all left with that faerie, Coppertree, the day before yesterday," Arrow spits, disdain in his voice. "Said it wasn't safe to stay here, and everyone was welcome at his fortress. So off they went."

To further explain, Crystal says: "I only stayed because I'm too old and sick to keep up with the rest of them. I don't have much time left and I'd rather spend it here, in my village. I must say, it's good to see a friendly face at a time like this."

2018-10-01, 04:42 PM
Violet looks to be the picture of a confused petal as Arrow explains that Coppertree had evacuated the village. "But... what about your gardens, and everything? They wouldn't be left all alone, would they? And... why isn't it safe? There are the strange spiders? But they just seemed really destructive, and I was hoping that someone here might be able to help convince them to not be so destructive, because they're scaring the bees, and they're going to starve, and it'll be really sad!?"
However, after Crystal finishes explaining, (And Violet takes a breath) Violet looks really sad. "Maybe I can help you feel a bit better?" Without waiting for a response, she pulls out her flute, and plays a merry ditty.(Casting cure wounds on Crystal).

2018-10-06, 04:49 PM
Crystal thanks you and says she feels a little better, but it's clear that cure wounds won't give her back her youth, even if you don't want to admit it consciously. "The garden can be re-planted, you know. It's nothing to get upset over." The sprites have always been pragmatic about that sort of thing. Their garden is a utilitarian affair, designed to produce as many useful herbs as possible, so it doesn't need the constant preening that your flower garden does.

About why it isn't safe, Arrow tells you that "Coppertree said the drow are back; that it's a new invasion. Even if that's true though, what would they want with our little village? I doubt it's as dangerous as he says."

2018-10-06, 05:17 PM
Violet's smile quickly falls away as Crystal casually dismisses the importance of a garden, and itakes a few moments of gaping before she's able to focus enough to speak again, her violet eyes full of concern as her words spill out. "Gardens are important! They're like children, needing our help and protection! We can't just abandon them, because there's something scary! It wouldn't be right!" Almost as an afterthought, she continues with a very sad tone. "The poor flowers..."

After a few moments to recover from the horror, Violet tries to switch subjects, looking to Arrow as she speaks. Her eyes tell the tale of her trauma, but she's clearly trying to focus on brighter things, and the sadness seems to be mostly gone from her voice. Indeed, her tone conveys a sense of curiosity, rather than horror. "But what would strange spiders have to do with that? I've never seen spiders act like that before!"

Seems like Violet might not know here, so...

2018-10-08, 04:35 AM
"Your spider troubles would make sense, if the drow of the Underdark are back in the forest. Their goddess is the Queen of spiders, so her influence could be affecting them," Crystal explains.

"Or it could be a complete coincidence," Arrow counters. "I've heard that vampires can also cause small creatures to swarm malevolently."

2018-10-08, 05:31 AM
Violet looks really sad at Crystal's explanation, and Arrow's just makes her even sadder. "Aw... poor spiders! Maybe we can ask this goddess to be nicer, or ask the vampire to move somewhere else? Is there a way to stop the goddess's influence from affecting them? Otherwise, they're all going to die, but they'll hurt the forest before they all starve to death, poor things."

2018-10-08, 06:15 AM
"I'm sorry, dear, but I do not think the three of us have much power over evil gods and dangerous monsters. What could we do in the face of such creatures?"

2018-10-08, 06:31 AM
Violet's face screws up a bit, like she's thinking really, really hard, but her answer follows soon afterwards, as her face returns to it's more normal cheer. "We can ask, and try, and hope! If we don't try, then we'll never succeed, but if we try? We can!"

2018-10-13, 07:55 AM
"That, or we'll get eaten alive by giant spiders," says Arrow. "But I guess there might be something I can do about the infestation near your garden. I think I have a few vials of alchemist's fire around here somewhere..."

2018-10-13, 07:57 AM
Violet seems to droop as Arrow mentions alchemist's fire, her violet eyes filling with sorrow. Her voice is soft, and deeply concerned. "Do... do you think that's the only way?"

2018-10-16, 05:41 PM
He belatedly takes note of your hesitation and stops searching for the vials. "Oh... well, uh... I was just... I mean, without a druid, there's not a whole lot we can do." He thinks for a while, staring at the alchemist's supplies piled on Crystal's dressing table. "Maybe... maybe we could make up a sleeping potion and put them all to sleep, then move them away by hand? Master Foxen taught me the recipe a few weeks ago... oh, but... I don't know if we have all the ingredients here. The other villagers took most of our stores with them when they went to the fort..."

2018-10-16, 05:47 PM
Violet looks slightly less sad as Arrow mentioned a few ways that might work without hurting them, but her brief hope is dashed at the lack of ingredients. Still, one thing sticks in her mind. When she speaks, her small voice is almost hopeful. "Maybe we can find a druid?" It takes a few seconds before she continues, this time, with a far sadder voice. "I don't think we could move them all if they're sleeping, and if we move them, and they keep being mean, then we've just made things worse for them, because they'll keep on hurting everyone else." Another few moments pass, before she speaks again, this time, looking at her feet. Her words are barely audible. "It's just... I don't want to hurt anyone."

2018-10-17, 05:11 PM
"But where will you find a druid, dear? Everyone is gone to the fort. That's miles away, and I doubt they'll be keen to leave it. I know it's not what you want, but maybe the safest thing to do is put the swarming spiders out of their misery..."

2018-10-17, 05:15 PM
Violet's petals droop quite a bit at Arrow's reasonable words, as the horror of the choice before her starts to sink in. I... but... I can't just... but... they'll reach my garden soon, and the bees... But... She trembles, desperately hoping for another way, but knowing that there just wasn't. With tears in her eyes, she looks up at Arrow, clearly a petal who was hoping that she'd be told something else. "If... if it's the only way... they'll hurt so many if..." Before she can continue, she starts crying, clearly devastated by the choice before her.

2018-10-19, 09:30 AM
Crystal reaches out to comfort you but, with her aching joints limiting her movement, she can't properlly reach. Instead, she glares at Arrow until he puts an arm around you.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't cry." He says, as gently as he can. "Maybe there's a chance someone at the Fort can help. It's not that far if you want to go... I guess I can show you the way."

"And would it be so bad to leave these spiders alone and let nature take its course? If there is some malicious influence behind this, there could be lots more monsters - and worse ones than a swarm of spiders - where these came from." Crystal adds.

2018-10-19, 09:40 AM
Offered a chance at a comforting hug, the crying petal latches onto Arrow almost as soon as he offers an arm, and the offers of alternatives slowly make their way into her mind as her crying slows, and then stops after a minute or so. It's with a reddened, tear streaked face that Violet looks up at Arrow, wet eyes almost gleaming with hope as she speaks. Her voice is a bit broken, but there is a distinct edge of hope to it. "You... you think we can? I... I'm worried about where they'll go if I just ignore them. They'll hurt everything, if they eat all the insects, even the bees!"

2018-10-20, 05:26 PM
"Will you be alright here if I go with Violet?" Arrow asks Crystal. She nods, allowing him to answer you with a "yes, we can," but he is clearly reluctant to leave her. He spends a while adjusting her pillows, re-filling her teacup and generally fussing about. He also finds his alchemist's fire, gives one vial to Crystal "in case the village is attacked" and one to you.

"Is there anything you need from your house before we head off?"

2018-10-20, 07:06 PM
Violet looks sadly at Crystal as she nods, and she sees the love that Arrow and Crystal share, and the sadness he'll feel at leaving her alone. Through her tear-streaked eyes, she looks at Crystal, and speaks again, her voice quite sad. "I have another song that might help you feel better, for a bit? It can help with all sorts of things, so it might help you? Maybe? And maybe we could help move you somewhere else, so you'd be more hidden, if someone mean comes? Or you could even come with us, if you'd rather?" She doesn't seem quite sure that it will help, but she's certainly willing to give it a go.

She accepts the offered alchemists fire vial, but she holds it with the all the talent of someone who has no idea how to use it.

2018-10-23, 04:23 PM
"Don't worry about me, darling. I'm quite well hidden up here, and I can be very quiet. I am sorry we couldn't be more helpful."

2018-10-23, 04:34 PM
Awed by Crystal's willingness to help, Violet shakes her head firmly at Crystal's words. "You've been really helpful!" She quickly puts the vial of alchemist's fire on a nearby table, before she pulls a small mixed boquet of Iris and violets out from nowhere in particular, and offers them to Crystal. "Thank you!" With that, she turns back to Arrow, before she quickly turns back to Crystal, and gently re-arranges the mix of blankets and pillows, drawing on her amazing petal skills to help Crystal sleep comfortably. That done, she looks back at Arrow, with a smile. "I've got everything, and I think we'll be coming back as soon as we can?"

The vial of alchemist's fire remains on the table.

2018-10-24, 10:17 AM
You and Arrow head out towards the Fort. It's a fair trek; it's evening by the time you get there. On the way, Arrow explains that Sean Coppertree is a well-known faerie locally who used to be a prominent member of Soren's Court, but left (or was exiled) some time ago and has since been leading a small band of rebels/outlaws/folk heroes. He is a powerful druid and his partner Saturn is an exceptional alchemist. Saturn used to be a sprite (which probably helped him convince Arrow's fellow villagers to go with him), but he recently died and was reincarnated by Sean's magic. He's a petal now.

The forest does seem somewhat disturbed. At times you cross paths that have been beaten into the soil by large amounts of humanoid traffic, and a lot of edible plants have been hastily harvested. There are not many wild animals around.

Fort Coppertree itself is very well hidden, being made up mostly of trees and brambles. You would never have found the way in without Arrow's help. Inside, a sprite from the village recognises you, saying to Arrow: "ah, I wondered when you'd see reason and evacuate like the rest of us. How is Crystal doing?"

He glares and says: "I'm not staying. I just came to help Violet: she's looking for someone." He leaves the rest of the talking to you.

2018-10-24, 11:14 AM
Excited to be going exploring, Violet listens intently to Arrow's explanation, and after he finishes, she does her best to regale him with stories, and music, to pass the time. However, when she sees the damage done to the forest her music slows, and she looks quite sad. Why doesn't anyone try to help the forest? At this rate, there won't be enough for the winter!

Amazed by how well concealed the fort was, it takes her a few moments to respond to the sprite, with a smile that's only slightly forced. "Thank you! Is there a druid who might be willing to help me? There are some really strange spiders, and they're going to starve after they kill all the insects, and that'll basically kill the forest, and that'll be really bad, so I was hoping a druid might be able to talk some sense into them, so they stop being really dangerous, and start being more like normal spiders! And maybe they could stay, so it isn't just Arrow helping Crystal, so that if something goes wrong, she's not all alone?" She manages this all in one long breath, although it's rather difficult to understand, since each word leads straight into the next, with barely any pause.

2018-10-25, 05:42 AM
The sprite looks exasperated. "I don't know. Maybe try asking the pixies?"

A large number of pixies are sheltering in the fort, mainly from a village called Pinkleaf. One of them is a young druid named Theodora. "I wish I could help," she says, "but I just don't think I can face any more spiders. Pinkleaf was attacked by an army of giant ones... All I can see when I sleep is legs and eyes..."

2018-10-25, 06:06 AM
Violet looks a little disappointed at the sprite's answer, but her voice seems quite cheerful. "Ok!" With that, she flits off once more, pausing for a moment to see if Arrow was following, before she goes looking for pixies.
Soon enough, she finds herself meeting Theodora, and after hearing her story, Violet looks quite apologetic. "I'm sorry! That sounds terrible! Have you tried speaking to anyone about it? That can help, sometimes? I always feel better after talking to Mr. Bear, even if he doesn't really understand me!" She hesitates for a moment, looking a little sheepish, before she continues. "But maybe there's someone else I could ask?"

2018-10-25, 10:49 AM
"Mr. Bear... doesn't understand you? Hey, you know, that gives me an idea... Are you a bard or ranger by any chance, Violet?" When you tell her you are, she carries on. "I could write you a scroll of animal friendship, which would let you charm these spiders. Then you could make them stop swarming."

2018-10-25, 11:40 AM
Violet looks quite hopeful at Theodora's offer, and her answer is accompanied by a bright smile. "You could do that? And it'd let me talk to them, so they wouldn't swarm again later, because they'd know it was a really bad idea?"

2018-10-25, 03:39 PM
"Well, it'd be more like the spell gives you some magical influence over the beasts. But I think it would also replace whatever it is that's compelling them to swarm, so they'd be free afterwards. Or something like that." You get the impression she's the kind of person who doesn't really understand deep arcana; she goes more by feeling and instinct.

2018-10-25, 05:40 PM
Violet's violet eyes shine with hope as Theodora's offer resonates with her hopes and dreams. A way to save them! She's right, this'll work! Without another moment of hesitation she hugs Theodora, with a wide grin on her face. "That's perfect! It'll work! And it'll make everything better! Thank you!"

2018-10-28, 12:43 PM
Theodora sets to work writing a scroll. Well, really it's more like a collage of twigs and seeds with runes drawn in mud, but she teaches you how to activate the druidic magic inside the scroll, so you should be able to use it without any problems. "I hope this helps!"

It's getting really late now, and Arrow is itching to go back. "I don't see so well in the dark. If we're going, we should hurry."

2018-10-28, 12:51 PM
Violet seems quite happy with Theodora's assistance, and she hugs her again once she finishes the scroll. "Thank you so much, Theodora! This'll make everything better! Thank you! If you need help, or a song, just ask!"

After a few moments of hugging, Violet ends the hug, just as Arrow approaches. Once he finishes speaking, Violet carefully packs the scroll into her pouch, before she smiles brilliantly at Arrow. Her voice practically shines with good cheer. "Ok! Let's go! I'm good at finding my way in the dark, so I'm sure we'll be fine!"

2018-10-29, 04:28 PM
Between the two of you, you just about manage to find your way back to Swyncastle without getting lost. Once there, Arrow starts making some dinner for himself and Crystal; you're welcome to stay, or free to head back to your garden. It's properly dark now, except for the dim light from the sprites' cooking fire.

2018-10-29, 04:48 PM
Not wanting to leave her flowers alone for too long, as they were prone to getting into trouble, Violet says her cheerful goodbyes(Complete with hugs), and departs, hope for the next day filling her heart as she flies back to her garden, looking forwards to being home once more.

2018-10-30, 05:11 PM
Back home in your garden, the flowers are mostly asleep now. A few of them have had growth spurts while you were away though, putting new shoots into all sorts of places where they shouldn't be, with no respect at all for your horticultural designs...

2018-10-30, 05:15 PM
Flying around her sleeping garden with a tiny smile, Violet notes the misbehaving flowers, but they're just too adorable to talk to now, so they'll get to be silly until the morning. With her flyabout done for the day, she flits into her home(A former woodpecker's nest, now smoothed out, and healed so the tree would be ok.), and quickly curls up to sleep, dreaming of happy bees, and nice spiders, and adorable flowers.

2018-10-31, 06:36 PM
Today is the 5th of Mirtul, 1492. It is sunrise.
You gain the benefits of a long rest.

There's a distinct chill in the air this morning, and it has clearly been raining at some point in the last few hours. Spring can be like that, sometimes.

2018-10-31, 06:52 PM
Waking up in her nice, cosy nest, Violet stretches, before getting ready for her day.

A few minutes later, she's flying out her door with a smile on her face, and a scroll at her side, despite the chill. Still, she had something important to do first, before she could help the spiders. She heads almost directly for the waking up flowers who were being silly, so she could admonish them firmly for being silly, and not as adorable as they could be.

About fifteen minutes later, she flits to the blueberry bush for some breakfast, leaving the admonished flowers behind, so they could mend her ways.

Shortly thereafter, after checking that there was nothing else terrible happening in her garden, she flits out, heading towards the spider clearing, and only getting lost along the way once!(She hopes.)

2018-11-09, 05:46 PM
You leave your garden in good order, the sharp taste of the blueberries still on your tongue. Finding the spiders doesn't take too long. They are still swarming menacingly and, when you approach, it seems like they remember you. You're going to have to act fast!

2018-11-09, 06:02 PM
With the spiders swarming, Violet lets out a short "Eep!" before she flies up a bit, to be out of reach of the spiders as she starts reading from the scroll.

2018-11-15, 05:30 AM
You cast the spell from the scroll and suddenly the spiders become docile, looking to you with the soft eyes of a puppy. Well, if puppies had eight eyes.

You get the impression that they'd listen to you now, if you tried to get them to do something.

2018-11-15, 05:41 AM
With the spiders suddenly calming down, and becoming their more normal selves, Violet flies down, so they can all see her, and feel her trust, as she earnestly explains. "There's too many of you here, because you've eaten all the insects in the area, and there won't be more, because they're all gone. But if you split up, spread out throughout the forest, like you should be, there'll be enough insects for you to not starve, and you won't kill all the insects in the forest too! Please, spread out, be responsible. Remember, if you want your children, and your children's children to be fine, you'll need to fit in, so there are insects to eat even then!"

The spider's previous inability to understand sylvan seems to have slipped her mind.

2018-11-21, 04:54 PM
The spiders may not understand what you're saying, but your magical connection enables them to sense your emotions. Even that much understanding taxes their simple minds, so they appear slightly dazed as they start to disperse. But disperse they do, leaving this patch of forest damaged, but salvageable.

2018-11-21, 05:33 PM
Smiling happily, and with an almost inaudible "EEEEE!" of excitement sounding from her lips, Violet watches the spiders leave. Once they've departed, she flits closer to their nest, to see if she can rescue anything caught within.

2018-11-27, 08:37 AM
There's a lot of debris - leaves, dirt, dessicated corpses, etc. - so it's not exactly a pleasant search. Please make an Intelligence (Investigation) check.

2018-11-27, 08:55 AM
With tears in her eyes, Violet continues her grim task, hoping that she'd be able to rescue some survivors of the horrifying nest.

[roll0] Investigation

2018-11-27, 04:27 PM
Buried under piles of rubbish inside a hollow in a tree, you find a small flower made of black crystal. It looks exactly like a real flower - even at your tiny scale you cannot find any imperfections in it.

Then, incredibly, you pull a honey bee from the ruins, alive and well. She must have been caught by the spiders while out foraging.

2018-11-27, 04:32 PM
After almost spending a few moments wondering why someone would turn a perfectly nice flower into a crystal, Violet quickly pockets it, as she finds a captured bee, who drives all thoughts of crystal flowers from Violet's mind, filling it with concern instead. Almost instantly, she quickly dances, asking the bee if she was ok, and if she was from the hive in her garden, or another hive, so Violet could help her get home after her experience, and if she wanted a hug.

2018-11-28, 04:46 PM
The bee doesn't want a hug. She wants to go back to her hive, which is the one near your garden that you'd visited yesterday.

2018-11-28, 05:20 PM
Slightly disappointed by the bee's lack of hugly desire, Violet offers to carry the bee back, if she'd like. Either way, she helps the bee get back to the hive. The queen was going to be so happy!

2018-11-30, 06:13 PM
You return the bee to her hive, imagining that they're happy to be reunited. The bees obviously can't say 'thank you', but they do allow you to collect some honey.

2018-11-30, 06:26 PM
Having finished her dance, to tell the bees of the rescue, and the dispersed spiders, Violet cheerily passes over a few acorn cups to be filled with honey, carefully storing two in her home, so she could preserve the flowers, and sealing the other two, before putting them into her pouch alongside a few violet seeds. Wanting to bring a delicious snack as well, she collects four blueberries, two strawberries, loading them into a carrying net, along with a few almonds, before setting out for Swyncastle, to surprise Crystal and Arrow as thanks for their help.

2018-12-15, 12:31 PM
The journey to Swyncastle is pleasant. You see a beautiful red parrot and stop to watch it for a while, as it pries open nuts with a shard of metal it must have found somewhere. But you do get there eventually, finding the two sprites in Crystal's bedroom, reading books and drinking tea.

2018-12-15, 12:49 PM
Seeing the parrot, Violet just has to stop, and watch for a few moments. Aw... it's adorable! Still, her heart was determined, and it was only a short delay(No more than fifteen or so minutes!), and she soon found her way to Swyncastle, near lunchtime. When she arrives, she knocks, hoping to be invited in, with a lovely smile, and a bag of fruit clearly being carried.

2018-12-15, 04:39 PM
"Oh hey, Violet. Do you need something?" Arrow asks.

2018-12-15, 04:41 PM
Smiling cheerfully at Arrow, Violet nods, before she excitedly starts explaining. "I wanted to stop by, and thank you for all the help! The spiders split up, and I rescued a bee, and they had a weird crystal flower too! I brought things for lunch, if you're interested?" She shifts, to show the bag full of blueberries and strawberries.

2018-12-20, 06:11 AM
"Oh, how lovely. I would be glad to share some lunch with you," Crystal says. "You're practically a real adventurer now!"

Please make a Wisdom (Insight) check.

2018-12-20, 11:12 AM
Violet smiles cheerfully, clearly happy that Crystal was happy to Violet visit for lunch. "Yaay! Thank you! I was really hoping you'd be ok with me visiting! Maybe you could visit my garden, afterwards? It's really nice!" Violet looks around, to see if there was somewhere obvious she should put her bounty of fruits and nuts.

2018-12-23, 10:10 AM
There's a dressing table that you could put stuff down on.

Crystal tells you she still isn't up to travelling anywhere, while Arrow says "I don't really have time - and I've seen gardens before. I don't really get all that artistic kind of stuff."

2018-12-23, 10:37 AM
Violet looks to be quite disappointed by their decision, her wings drooping slightly, as she starts to unload her bounty of fruit and nuts. "Aw... it's really nice, and I even managed to make a hot spring!" She smiles cheerfully, before she continues, her voice a little softer, and a little sheepish. "Well, it's hot on sunny afternoons? But it's really nice!" Finishing her unloading, Violet looks back over at Crystal. "Are you hungry?"

2018-12-23, 05:32 PM
"Yes, a little." She has a few bites of what you've brought. "You know, it's going to be quite a mess here when the other sprites return from the Fort. Perhaps you could come and help tidy it up, put some colourful borders in, bring a bit of beauty to our little village...?"

2018-12-23, 06:07 PM
Violet, taking a bit or two herself, smiles cheerfully as Crystal explains how she can help. "I can do that! I can plant lots of flowers, so they'll be there to be admired, and I can add a bit of color too! What flowers are your favorites? I'll be sure to plant them where you can see?"

2018-12-24, 03:12 PM
She tries to come up with a few flowers on the spot. "Well, coneflowers are always popular. Bluebells in spring and marigolds in summer. Maybe some witch thistle?"

"Oh yeah, that's useful for making reagents," Arrow adds.

2018-12-24, 03:26 PM
Violet nods cheerfully as Crystal explains what flowers she'd like. "Ok! It'll be really pretty! I'll add some violets too, because they're really nice too!" With that, the distracted petal starts to leave, eager to get started on her gardening job.

2018-12-25, 06:11 AM
"Wait, are you starting now?" Crystal asks. "It might be better to wait until everyone comes back. Arrow can't maintain a garden by himself, and if the drow really are invading like Sean says, then all your hard work might get trampled by monsters or drow raiders..."

2018-12-25, 07:51 AM
Violet pauses in her movement towards the door, turning to face Crystal with an excited smile. "But flowers take time to grow properly, so if I plant them now, everyone'll be back by the time they're really growing! And I'll make sure to plant them in good spots, so they'll be all right on their own!"

2018-12-26, 05:42 PM
"Well then, don't let me stop you, girl."

Planting seeds properly so that they grow successfully is governed by Intelligence (Nature) if they're natural plants or Intelligence (Arcana) if they're magical plants; arranging them artfully depends on raw Wisdom, if you want to do any rolling now.

2018-12-26, 06:00 PM
Violet smiles cheerfully "Ok! They're going to be really wonderful!" Before she darts off, humming cheerfully to herself as she heads back to her garden to pick up the needed seeds, already imagining how happy all the sprites were going to be when they see the flowers blooming. Moving quickly but surely, she collects the seeds and her favorite shovel, before flitting back to Swyncastle, and getting started, singing merrily as she gardens.

[roll0] Know: Nature(Planting them properly)
[roll1] Wisdom(Arranging them beautifully)
[roll2] Performance

2018-12-28, 06:21 AM
It takes you most of the afternoon, and obviously you won't see the results for many months, but you feel like you did a decent job. Swyncastle is a fairly large place to beautify single-handed, and you don't have enough resources (in terms of seed compost, plant food, pots and baskets, etc.) on hand to really go belt-and-braces, but you choose a good mixture of seeds that should produce plenty of colourful flowers in the summer. You end up using a lot of bark chippings to protect the beds you don't have time to plant today - you'll have to come back later and set those up with autumnal blooms. At one point, a bird stops by and sings with you for a while.

2018-12-28, 09:25 AM
Smiling happily, her face flushed with excitement from her wonderful day, Violet flies past Arrow and Crystal's home as she departs for the day, heading back to her garden, smiling and waving to the pair as she goes. Once back to her garden, she makes sure that all her flowers are being good flowers still, before she collects some more fruit for a final meal.

2019-01-04, 08:04 PM
Things are still quiet as you make your way back home. In fact, they're silent. The birds have stopped singing again and there's a strange smell on the breeze, an earthy musk that you're not familiar with at all.

But your flowers are still good, so it's probably nothing to worry about.

2019-01-04, 08:29 PM
With the birds falling silent for their afternoon nap, and her flowers being good, and a slightly chilly breeze blowing, Violet considers taking a nap for a moment, so she could try staying up really late, so she could sing to the moon, but, then, the breeze changes, carrying an earthy musk, one from somewhere she doesn't recognize. That was enough to wake her up, and, with a broad smile, she sets out for adventure to the northeast, already dreaming of the person she might get to meet. They'd be a gardener, with lots of new flowers, or maybe an explorer, with tales of places far off, or maybe a princess, with really nice stories!

2019-01-20, 04:53 PM
You set off into the deep, dark forest. With it being so late in the day, of course, you don't get very far before you need to rest. It's cold, bedding down away from home, but you manage more or less.

Your dreams are filled with the fantastical things that you imagine will happen in the future: a painting that talks, a fox with no face, and a silver ring melting in a forgefire.

You gain the benefits of a long rest and 210 XP. This story is now over! Violet should be appearing in the IC thread soon.