View Full Version : Campain Idea

2018-09-08, 11:03 PM
I have a idea for a campain, the pc's start with the world, the clases are youst starting with them, the spells, tecniques and everithing are there to discover from demigods or gods, all the races are starting with low population and the idea is: if you start with a "class" you are going to discover all the features and you can have all of the features but you need to discover those or be creative with out metagaming, the history will move in the idea of epic battles, pcs ending level 40 or better and moving the universe and the planar existence at will, are they going to look for balance or a mage create the limbo? are a monk discover how the real ki works? are the fighter create the "new" fighting stiles? how knows! but I think it will be fun discovering it. sorry my inglish I am from mexico, any feedback, ideas or comentaries are well received, thanks for your time dm's!

2018-09-09, 12:02 AM
I really like the concept though i feel it will be hard to 'discover' the class features without metagaming. Wizards have to study to learn spells and how magic works and that alone will put them on the back foot. I hope you can find a way to make this work well. Best of luck :)

2018-09-09, 11:26 AM
I really like the concept though i feel it will be hard to 'discover' the class features without metagaming. Wizards have to study to learn spells and how magic works and that alone will put them on the back foot. I hope you can find a way to make this work well. Best of luck :)

thanks for the feedback, wizards will need demigods or gods help!

2018-09-09, 12:28 PM
Sounds very much like the podcast Godsfall. The characters have their classes and then they also have their divine powers that are fairly limited unless they train to expand them.

2018-09-09, 07:09 PM
Sounds very much like the podcast Godsfall. The characters have their classes and then they also have their divine powers that are fairly limited unless they train to expand them.

Give a link!!!!