View Full Version : Optimization [PF] Help me make a Wyrwood character

2018-09-08, 11:37 PM
Ok so I am looking into joining a discord game that is a little nuts (Evil campaign) and gestalt lvl 14. So I wanted to play an evil little killer doll so Wyrwood is the way to go. But what is the best way to make a good and powerful character?
I was thinking with the INT bonus Psychic would be a good one. But not sure what class would mesh well with Psychic, I thought Slayer.

What classes make the best use of no Con, no need for Fortitude and Will saves?

2018-09-09, 10:36 AM
This is more of a generic question, but if you found a way to increase your size it may increase your HP, as constructs gain bonus hp based on size. You can also modify your body like a construct with the craft construct feat.

I can't really think of a good combo off the top of my head, Slayer sounds good due to the Int synergy but something with heavy armor may be nice too like a Fighter or cavalier.

2018-09-09, 11:03 AM
The Int focus was why I chose Slayer as an option. And thankfully Psychics don't hate armor and Slayer gets medium armor at least. So that is something.

There is a 3rd party War Titan racial feature that makes it Medium in exchange for 10 ft slower land speed.

And yeah its kinda general but I do want to see what we can do with a construct character. I don't know if the construct feat will work on a Wyrwood, deactivating one.. would mean killing it I think. Unless I can get a follower with it.. I could have them make the modifications while the construct is downtimed.

2018-09-09, 11:58 PM
Well for starters make friends with Make Whole, Infernal Healing, and Memory of Function.

Second, being deactivated to be worked on wouldn't kill you, though only your controller could deactivate you. Luckily you control yourself.
Ask your GM if, as an independent Construct, you can selectively deactivate only the portion of yourself you wish to modify.

You might also consider making an Intelligent Magic Item magic weapon whose special purpose is serving you and/or keeping you alive.
Then use the Weapon Modification section of Building and Modifying Constructs (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/magic/buildingAndModifyingConstructs.html) to 'add it to your physical structure'.

Theoretically, since Int Magic Items "can activate their own powers" and it and you are now one thing it could activate your powers! Definitely ask your GM.

Additionally, using the Adding New Abilities (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/magicItems/magicItemCreation.html) section of the Creating Magic Items entry on the PRD you could add othe magic item superpowers to your incorporated weaponry.