View Full Version : How big are bees?

2018-09-09, 01:08 PM
It hard to tell off the stat block just how big insects are other than tiny.

2018-09-09, 01:14 PM

2018-09-09, 01:16 PM
It hard to tell off the stat block just how big insects are other than tiny.

Depends on the font size.

2018-09-09, 01:16 PM
I should have stated how many insect actually make a swarm and can two swarms form a larger one?

2018-09-09, 01:21 PM
I should have stated how many insect actually make a swarm and can two swarms form a larger one?

You are overthinking it.

2018-09-09, 01:22 PM
I should have stated how many insect actually make a swarm and can two swarms form a larger one?

https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB793GB793&ei=0mSVW7i6COPFgAbW6IeQBg&q=how+many+bees+in+a+swarm&oq=how+many+bees+in+a+swarm&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l2.3811.14018.0.14504. .0.128.2447.29j2.31.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..0.38.2475...35i39k1j0i131k1j0i131i67k1j0i67k1j 0i10k1.0.BFOdw6bTk84

2018-09-09, 01:25 PM
I'm making a insect themed mini dungeon and I like the idea of only one gaint swarm that is a series of linked to pools. So a partial swarm could regroup with another swarm or split to cover more ground.

2018-09-09, 01:30 PM
I'm making a insect themed mini dungeon and I like the idea of only one gaint swarm that is a series of linked to pools. So a partial swarm could regroup with another swarm or split to cover more ground.

So what's stopping you? To be clear: you can increase thebsize of a bee swarm, based on 4 bee swarms that othewise act as one creature, and can choose to split into 4 swarms, splitting the damage equally.

2018-09-09, 01:35 PM
Have the players defeat the first swarm, then describe the crispy/damaged/wobbling survivors fleeing. Have remains of the last swarm they defeat visibly join the 'final boss swarm'. Make the FBS be a size larger, adjust the stats for a more epic fight, and run with it.

Assuming I've understood your question, anyways.

2018-09-09, 01:36 PM
Was trying to figure out how much hp and damage a single insect is valued at to make the math easy. Stats for swarm are a tad wonky.

2018-09-09, 01:44 PM
Based on the figure of how many bees are in a swarm, and how much HP a single swarm has, it would seem a single bee is valued at anywhere from 0.011 HP per bee to 0.000733333...etc. HP per bee. However, with such small numbers, I don't think this would be of much help.

I'm going to have to second what others have said, and say that you should just increase the size and tweak the stats depending on how many swarms have joined together.

2018-09-09, 01:47 PM
Was trying to figure out how much hp and damage a single insect is valued at to make the math easy. Stats for swarm are a tad wonky.

There are 118 bees in a medium sized swarm.

2018-09-09, 02:23 PM
Wish there was a subfrom for non native speaker just looking for the correct phrasing 😑

2018-09-09, 03:25 PM
You are overthinking it.


This. So much this.

The OP has just become my favorite person.

2018-09-09, 05:01 PM
The main mechanic for swarms getting smaller seems to be they do half damage when they have half health or less. So an insect swarm at 11/22 hit points does 5 (2d4) or 10(4d4).

I would just use that same mechanic to make them bigger or smaller as necessary. So a double size swarm would have 22*2=44 base hit points and do 20 (8d4) damage. A 20 hp swarm forming with an 8 health one would have 28 hp and do 15 (6d4) damage, etc.

If you wanted to fine tune more you could do 1/4 swarms, but it's probably complicated enough already.

2018-09-09, 07:09 PM
So what's stopping you? To be clear: you can increase thebsize of a bee swarm, based on 4 bee swarms that othewise act as one creature, and can choose to split into 4 swarms, splitting the damage equally.

8. The space creatures take is a cube, and while only the footprint usually matters for game purposes, 10'x10' large creature is also 10' tall, containing 8 5' cubes.

2018-09-09, 07:18 PM
"Bees" are huge in Japan.

https://preview.ibb.co/maMQC9/Giant_Hornets_Imgur.jpg (https://ibb.co/n8xyX9)

2018-09-09, 08:24 PM
Uppercase or lowercase?

2018-09-10, 12:27 AM
"Bees" are huge in Japan.

Those aren't really bees though, but hornets. It's like saying "dolphins" get really big, and then pointing to a blue whale.

Mr Beer
2018-09-10, 12:52 AM
According to Wikipedia,

Bees range in size from tiny stingless bee species whose workers are less than 2 millimetres (0.08 in) long, to Megachile pluto, the largest species of leafcutter bee, whose females can attain a length of 39 millimetres (1.54 in).

"Bees" are huge in Japan.

https://preview.ibb.co/maMQC9/Giant_Hornets_Imgur.jpg (https://ibb.co/n8xyX9)

When Satan gets angry, he farts wasps and that's what they look like.

2018-09-10, 01:07 AM
Those aren't really bees though, but hornets. You noticed that I named the image file "giant_hornets".
Here, have a cookie: :amused:

When Satan gets angry, he farts wasps and that's what they look like. Satan is no longer invited to Taco Night.

2018-09-10, 03:51 AM

I would have guessed a queen was orders of magnitude bigger than this. The more you know...

2018-09-10, 04:50 AM
Based on the figure of how many bees are in a swarm, and how much HP a single swarm has, it would seem a single bee is valued at anywhere from 0.011 HP per bee to 0.000733333...etc. HP per bee. However, with such small numbers, I don't think this would be of much help.

I'm going to have to second what others have said, and say that you should just increase the size and tweak the stats depending on how many swarms have joined together.

And since 5e rounds down unless Specific Beats General, all insects are now dead! Dead! You've killed them all! :smalleek: Yay, no mosquitoes! :smalltongue:

(citation) :smallsmile:
Round Down
There’s one more general rule you need to know at the outset. Whenever you divide a number in the game, round down if you end up with a fraction, even if the fraction is one-half or greater.
(Basic D&D 5e. August 2014. p.4.)

2018-09-10, 06:21 AM
It hard to tell off the stat block just how big insects are other than tiny.

They're tiny, that's it. There is no size category smaller, IIRC.

2018-09-10, 07:36 AM
You noticed that I named the image file "giant_hornets".
Here, have a cookie: :amused:

It's pretty easy to notice. If it looks like an ant, it's a hornet. :smalltongue:

2018-09-10, 12:51 PM
It hard to tell off the stat block just how big insects are other than tiny.

Have you seen a bee? if so they are the size of a bee.