View Full Version : Silly/Crazy idea for Spheres of Power/Might

2018-09-10, 07:35 AM
I was thinking how I like classes that have flexibility instead of power, but also enough power to stay relevant. To that end I was wondering how overpowered or not the following idea would be for Spheres of Power/Might and if it is overpowered, if there is a way for it to become usable at all.
The idea is to make the talent progression a pyramid, where you progress in the maximum speed in your “primary” sphere but as you level up start progressing in other spheres too, but to a lesser extend.
Lets use only the conscript and and the incanter for simplicity's sake and focus on them getting the maximum possible flexibility and choices without making them totally overpowered.
Unfortunately I am semi familiar with the sphere system and I am still unsure of the level of synergy between the different spheres, which could easily send things out of wack.

In any case here's what I have been thinking for either the conscript or the incanter.
At levels 3&4 he gains one extra talent on top of the ones he already does normally. At levels 5&6 he gains two extra talents and at 7&8 he gains three extra talents. All the way up to19&20 gaining nine extra talents at each of those levels.
For a total of 90! extra talents at level 20, total 131 talents assuming you spent all your bonus feats on talents.

However there are limits to how many talents you can buy for each sphere. That limit is your class level for your “primary” sphere, your level-2 for your “secondary” sphere, your level-4 for your “tertiary” sphere and so on, OR 3 talents per sphere whichever is higher.
My intention is for this pattern on emerge at level 20: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 all in all 100-110 talents. I could see reducing the cap to higher sphere to increase in a lower sphere all the way up to having all 10 spheres capped at 11.
Regarding the talents from your expert combat training or high caster progression, you can spent them ignoring the cap of talents per sphere, but you also can only spent them on the sphere with the lowest number of talents (or on a sphere with no talents I guess). So 20, 18,..., 4, 2 becomes, 20,18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.

Further rules:
Any sphere with 6-10? or more talents get's the 3rd level ability from conscripts sphere specializations automatically and any sphere with 16-20? talents gets the 8th level ability.
Incanters get only the 1st sphere specialization of their sphere if they have 11-13 talents in it or they may not get anything at all or maybe they get the 1st sphere specialization but counting their level equal to the number of talents in that sphere.

The following are my personal preference, just a possible application of the idea and try to emulate classic dnd as much as possible within the sphere system:

There only 4 main classes (not including gish concepts) and I tried to make them distinct by simply disallowing access to certain spheres:

2 based on the conscript.

combat specialization armor training.
With allowed spheres athletics, barrage, barroom beastmastery berserker, boxing, brute, dual wielding, equipment, gladiator, guardian, lancer, shield,, sniper, warleader, wrestling,

combat specialization evasion.
With allowed spheres alchemy, athletics, barrage, barroom, beastmastery, boxing, dual wielding, duelist, equipment, fencing, open hand, scoundrel, scout, sniper, trap, wrestling,

2 based on the incanter

Wizard has intelligence as his casting ability modifier a fitting casting tradition (without prepared caster because that would be extremely limiting for this system).
Allowed spheres warp, time, illusion, enhancement, creation, mind, telekinesis, alteration, death, darkness light, divination, destruction, protection, conjuration

Cleric has wisdom as his casting ability modifier
Allowed spheres are death, life, light, darkness, weather, nature, war, fate, divination, destruction, protection, conjuration, mind, enhancement, creation
Depending on the god the allowed spheres can change.

Examples: (Conscripts have fewer talents due to getting combat specializations armor training &evasion)

Level 10 fighter: 10 guardian, 8 shield, 7 lancer, 6 warleader, 4 barrage, 3 equipment

Level 10 rogue: 10 scout, 8 scoundrel, 7 sniper, 7 duelist, 3 trap, 3 equipment

Level 10 wizard: 10 destruction, 8 conjuration, 7 protection, 7 warp, 6 time

Level 10 cleric: 10 life, 8 war, 7 light, 7 fate, 6 divination

Level 20 fighter: 20 guardian, 18 shield, 16 lancer, 14 warleader, 12 barrage, 10 athletics, 10 beast mastery, 10 wrestling, 10 equipment, 8 boxing

Level 20 rogue 20 scout, 18 scoundrel, 16 sniper, 14 dual wielding, 12 duelist, 10 athletics, 10 alchemy, 10 trap, 10 equipment, 8 barroom

Level 20 wizard: 20 destruction, 18 conjuration, 16 protection, 14 warp, 12 time, 10 divination, 10 mind, 10 creation, 10 telekinesis, 5 darkness, 5 light

Level 20 cleric: 20 life, 18 war, 16 light, 14 fate, 12 enhancement, 10 weather, 10 nature, 10 darkness, 10 death, 10 divination

So what do you think? Is there a way for this to work or at the very least sth similar to work? If am probably going to run a campaign like this, is there sth specific I should watch out for?

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

2018-09-10, 07:57 AM
Point 1, that is a lot of talents to keep track of and picking your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. progression rate spheres requires a bit more planning than usual.

2, SoM spheres tend to have a lot more inter-sphere interaction compared to SoP. Destruction mostly cares about destruction (unless you get into admixture feats), mind cares about mind, etc. Everything that forces saves likes hitting enemies with Fate's Bane before they roll and there are others that combine (creation + enhancement to animate exactly the object you need (which I have used for airships, submarines, etc)), but overall there is less interplay.

Overall, I think letting players pick a favored or specialty sphere to get some extra talents from is a fine idea, I am not sure that this is the way to go. I would be concerned about turning players off of spheres in general with the added layer of complexity and planning required when one of the virtues of the system is being more intuitive and easier to work with.

2018-09-10, 08:50 AM
Thanks for responding stack.

Point 1, that is a lot of talents to keep track of and picking your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. progression rate spheres requires a bit more planning than usual.

I kinda thought about this, but I didn't want to clutter my first post even more. It really could get crazy at higher levels, but I am thinking the problem would be more about playability than planning the build.
After level 15 you will have so many talents that I wouldn't blame any player who would lose track of it all.
Regarding planning the build, you can easily change your primary sphere. So the 6,4,2 pattern at level 6 can become 6,6,3,1 at level 7 (instead of 7,5,3,1) and 6,8,4,2 at level 8 so you can get what strikes your fancy and eventually change it. Also you can throw 3 talents in any sphere.
That said yes I can see that if you want to get the most out of it it can be pretty daunting, but the good side of it is that a player who doesn't plan that much can still end up with a very functional build (though admittedly that's also the case in normal SoP/SoM).

2, SoM spheres tend to have a lot more inter-sphere interaction compared to SoP. Destruction mostly cares about destruction (unless you get into admixture feats), mind cares about mind, etc. Everything that forces saves likes hitting enemies with Fate's Bane before they roll and there are others that combine (creation + enhancement to animate exactly the object you need (which I have used for airships, submarines, etc)), but overall there is less interplay.

Ah thanks, that's good to know.
Regarding SoM how about synergy between open hand and boxing or barrage and sniper?

Overall, I think letting players pick a favored or specialty sphere to get some extra talents from is a fine idea, I am not sure that this is the way to go. I would be concerned about turning players off of spheres in general with the added layer of complexity and planning required when one of the virtues of the system is being more intuitive and easier to work with.

But wouldn't that just allow them to simply invest more in the same sphere? If that's the case the flexibility over power goal I had isn't achieved.

In general your feedback is that the main problem will be the very high complexity of having to pick 100+ talents.
Though you are pretty much correct about that, does it mean you wouldn't be that worried about balance issues?

2018-09-10, 10:43 AM
Each PC will have more options available, but there shouldn't be a significant increase in the power of the individual options. You get afford a lot more niche talents (I personally think a number of talents could be condensed, so I suppose you are attacking that problem in a way) which is good. There are some combos that would be easier (stacking Alteration's Size Change with Light's Encompassing Light could be surprising if you aren't ready for it), but overall the power ceiling shouldn't move much, everyone will have a lot broader base.

Regarding SoM synergy, things like movement effects combine with most everything, non-action effects (delayed damage from Guardian and THP from Berserker combine really well), and off turn stuff (much of Shield) mean that you have more spheres that can be used in the same turn and aren't necessarily fighting for your standard action. Special attack actions limit some combinations (intentionally), but you can still stack other effects on your attack action (adding fencing and duelist base bonuses to a brutal strike, for example).

2018-09-10, 12:23 PM
That's perfect stack, thanks a lot.