View Full Version : Character concept help for WoD

2018-09-10, 03:58 PM
I was wanting to make a character that can shift his looks and use abilities similar to video game stuff. Like he could throw something like a hadouken from Street Fighter, can morph to look like Ryu during it, stuff like that. I think the only race that would have a shot is a Geist. I've looked into it a bit and have some ideas but could really use some help from people that know a lot more about this. The GM said no books are off the table and wanted all of us to come up with something interesting so this is what I was thinking.

2018-09-14, 03:07 PM
Well Hadouken from Street Fighter screams "Mage" for me (though you can't do this all day, or else you get Paradox... And Paradox is bad.)

You could also choose a 14th or 15th Generation vampire and make a new discipline. (But he would be weaker than a normal vampire.)

If really EVERY book is okay, you could play one of the mad mages (Marauders I think?) Who make subtle or not so subtle changes to reality because they are bat**** crazy. (Transform the scene of a fight to a stage and yourself into a Fighting game charakter because you think you are in a fightging game seems fitting and not the worst thing these guys can do.)

Hope that helps a bit.

2018-09-14, 05:28 PM
If really EVERY book is okay, you could play one of the mad mages (Marauders I think?) Who make subtle or not so subtle changes to reality because they are bat**** crazy. (Transform the scene of a fight to a stage and yourself into a Fighting game charakter because you think you are in a fightging game seems fitting and not the worst thing these guys can do.)

Hope that helps a bit.

You mean kinda like this ?


Also didn't White Wolf actually do a Street Fighter game using the Old WOD rules ?

2018-09-14, 06:01 PM
Also didn't White Wolf actually do a Street Fighter game using the Old WOD rules ?

Yes, they did indeed. This was going to be my own suggestion, since it even includes a "Fighting Style" section which determines which character you fight like. Simply adding points into... I forget what it's called, Discipline or School or something like that... Lets you pick other styles. There's your "transformation", in that you switch fighting style when you want to.

2018-09-14, 08:57 PM
Thanks for the suggestions I used Ryu as an example. I would also like to do stuff like shift into a Mega Man looking/blaster form, or change into a Destiny Guardian. Things like that, not so much just limited to fighting characters and their abilities but like all video game characters. It was just a concept, and I don't know if its even do able but figured this would be helpful to see.

2018-09-15, 01:23 AM
You mean kinda like this ?


Also didn't White Wolf actually do a Street Fighter game using the Old WOD rules ?

Not only that, WoD Combat can kind of bridge the two together, and the Shih from Demon Hunter X are advised in that very book to take maneuvers from WoD Combat. So, with a bit of adaptation, feel free to have those super-dedicated demon hunters having wave motion fists as an option. You'll have to deal with way less baggage than Mage.

2018-09-17, 12:43 PM
Good suggestions above. Also you can go Changeling. They mess with people's heads really well. And god spare the person who becomes Enchanted, let alone wanders into a freehold, they it's a free for all.

oWoD Changeling the Dreaming also spans the gamut, from the Americas, Europe, Asia, etc., including Age of the Lotus. So mixing in Demon Hunter X or oWoD Combat with the Hsien (East Asian Changeling) is doable. Changelings seem weak... until they're not, and you are dancing to their tune.

raygun goth
2018-10-12, 12:38 AM
Good suggestions above. Also you can go Changeling. They mess with people's heads really well. And god spare the person who becomes Enchanted, let alone wanders into a freehold, they it's a free for all.

oWoD Changeling the Dreaming also spans the gamut, from the Americas, Europe, Asia, etc., including Age of the Lotus. So mixing in Demon Hunter X or oWoD Combat with the Hsien (East Asian Changeling) is doable. Changelings seem weak... until they're not, and you are dancing to their tune.

I'm going to second this. You could dig around Dreaming and look for the rules on chimeric objects. As long as your target is Enchanted somehow and you have the right merits, you could appear as anything to them, and act out whatever you want.

From the outside, you and your target would look like you were just playing pretend out randomly in the street. Changelings look a lot like LARPers, interestingly enough, but ones who have the ability to drag normal people into their fantasies.

Up until your target dies or develops very real wounds.

Your only problem would be figuring out if beating people up with video game powers is cool or banal.