View Full Version : Weapons with bonuses to Tripping

Mars Ultor
2018-09-11, 09:17 AM
There are weapons that allow a character to make a Trip attempt and then drop the weapon if necessary, but are there weapons which give a bonus to tripping? Are there any magic items that give a bonus to trip attempts?

If not, what spell could be cast on a weapon to give it an advantage when trying to trip an opponent?

As a semi-related question, can characters cast a spell while prone?

2018-09-11, 09:58 AM
If not, what spell could be cast on a weapon to give it an advantage when trying to trip an opponent?

Stuff that gives a bonus to
-Ability (STR) checks
-Effective Size
-...or do the opposite to whatever you're trying to trip.

As a semi-related question, can characters cast a spell while prone?


2018-09-11, 11:14 AM
Magic of Faerun (p141) has the 'sweeping' enhancement that you can put on your weapon for +4 to trip attempts.
If memory serves, this was nerfed in MIC though.

bean illus
2018-09-11, 11:17 AM
are there weapons which give a bonus to tripping?
Weapons give advantage to tripping in several parameters to consider. Damage, reach, 2 handed, etc.
And, of course, you can get weapon bonus (+5 staff).

Are there any magic items that give a bonus to trip attempts?
Strength bonus items are common. Pick one. Most come with some other small benefit.

A common solution to size increase is possibly a wand of enlarge person.

Spell storing on a weapon allows some deadly options.

If not, what spell could be cast on a weapon to give it an advantage when trying to trip an opponent?

Whose casting said spell?

Try the duskblade build threads for details on channeling. There's a wizard feat for channeling, i think.

Chill touch and ray of enfeeblement come to mind.

Fear effects?

Build resource, such as exotic weapon proficiency feat, are a consideration.

2018-09-11, 12:06 PM
I do know of one weapon which gives a bonus to trip attempts: The Tigerskull Club from Frostburn. It's Exotic, but otherwise should work pretty well, provided one doesn't mind swinging a big smilodon head around on a stick.

2018-09-11, 12:48 PM
Read about the weapon


2018-09-11, 04:50 PM
Chain & Dagger (AEG) +2 bonus to trip attempts.

2018-09-11, 07:36 PM
Grasping (Arms and Equipment Guide) +2 circumstance bonus on trip and disarm attempts; +2

Helm of Battle 3/day gives +2 bonus on the next attack roll or ability check you make to attempt a bull rush, disarm, overrun, sunder, or trip attempt during your turn

Tentacled Hide - exotic armor in Underdark - gives +2 bonus on Strength checks made to trip opponents for a mere 315 gp

2018-09-11, 09:04 PM
Greater enlarge person is a 5th level spell with an hour/level duration so you can keep it up all day.

You can get a psicrown with expansion. I'm fuzzy on psionics but I think it's only 9,750 gp (see edit) for a crown that will boost you two size categories as a swift action, so you can get your +8 to trip on demand. Furthermore you can do this 50 times. Which in D&D is basically the entire campaign. Or at least long past the time where you'll want to sell and replace all your gear anyway. Even if you spam it every fight. I think you only need 1 level in psychic warrior to use it or a DC 20 UPD check. Please verify all this because there's a pretty good chance I screwed up one or more details on making & using a psicrown.

EDIT: Found a couple errors already. I think you need to add a random 5th level power into the psicrown too making it cost over 50k. The rules for augmenting a psicrown's power are poorly worded too. It looks like you can use any psicrown with manifester level 1. But either they weren't thinking of the situation of psicrown level > wielder level when they wrote the psicrown augmenting rules or you must be a high level manifester to augment psicrown powers. Level 13 in this case. I guess you could try a weaker form of expansion.