View Full Version : Optimization Builds Need help choosing.

2018-09-11, 04:45 PM
Rolled stats (before racial)
15, 14, 13, 13, 11, 10

1 Free feat at level 1

Common Must Have for both builds.
- Sentinel
- Polearm Master

Build 1
11 fighter (brute archetype UA)
6 Paladin of Vengeance
3 Barbarian Bear Totem

Build 2
11 Fighter (brute)
4 Bear barbarian
3 Hexblade warlock
2 Paladin

Must have: Elven accuracy.

SO. I am pretty sure you guys know where im going with these two builds.

Now i want to know which one is better or worse in what ways. And maybe if i shouls switch some levels around some way. How would you do this and why?

2018-09-11, 04:55 PM
Well for starters you can’t Reckless Attack with Charisma, so that might make you reconsider build two.

2018-09-11, 05:31 PM
Well for starters you can’t Reckless Attack with Charisma, so that might make you reconsider build two.

God dammit you are right.

I figured it was too good to be true when i thought of the second build.

This helps me alot. Thanks for pointing that out.

2018-09-11, 06:22 PM
Unfortunately, Elven Accuracy and Rage/Reckless Attack do not work together. Elven Accuracy requires advantage and for you to be attacking with anything but Strength, while Rage's bonus damage and Reckless Attack only work when attacking with Strength, so the first build hardly benefits from three levels of Barbarian. Also, you can't cast spells (like Divine Smite) while raging, which is the only time you receive the damage resistance granted from it.

2018-09-11, 06:29 PM
Unfortunately, Elven Accuracy and Rage/Reckless Attack do not work together. Elven Accuracy requires advantage and for you to be attacking with anything but Strength, while Rage's bonus damage and Reckless Attack only work when attacking with Strength, so the first build hardly benefits from three levels of Barbarian. Also, you can't cast spells (like Divine Smite) while raging, which is the only time you receive the damage resistance granted from it.

Yes i realised the first part about reckless attack not working for anything else but strenght based attacks. That removes build 2 entierly. So im picking 1.

Tho you are wrong about Divine smite. The paladin smite ability is not considered casting a spell. So you can smite while raging. Its an ability you use by spending spell slots. But you dont cast a spell by doing so.

2018-09-11, 06:34 PM
You're right, however, with only six levels in Paladin, you will have a limited amount of Divine Smites.

2018-09-11, 06:36 PM
I hope you'll go 7 vengence instead and pick up tunnel fighter. I know that removes your ba attack (and probably bear totem) but it allows you to strike and move every time something gets near you. It would be great if you could pick up warcaster and booming blade somehow as well. I imagine that I am wrong somewhere but that should allow you to strike with booming blade and move every time something closes in on you. You could remove sentinel to get booming blade but now your a bit asi starved I guess.

2018-09-11, 06:40 PM
You're right, however, with only six levels in Paladin, you will have a limited amount of Divine Smites.

Thats true but its still 6 smites total equalling 14 dice worth of smitem damage. The plan is you wait for a crit to happen since you do so many attacks with polearm master and always attack with advantage from reckless. Then you smite. Doubling the dice.

Tho even without waiting 6 smites is more than enough since most combats tend to only take so many rounds. Sure you wont smite every attack but you can pull out all the guns when it counts.

Not to mention getting the aura at level 6 is amazing.

2018-09-11, 06:46 PM
I hope you'll go 7 vengence instead and pick up tunnel fighter. I know that removes your ba attack (and probably bear totem) but it allows you to strike and move every time something gets near you. It would be great if you could pick up warcaster and booming blade somehow as well. I imagine that I am wrong somewhere but that should allow you to strike with booming blade and move every time something closes in on you. You could remove sentinel to get booming blade but now your a bit asi starved I guess.

Tunnel fighter is not allowed. (Cause its busted xD) it gives you unlimited attacks of oppertunity using a bonus action to go in to a stance. I wish i could take it but yeah no xP with sentinel and polearm master that fighting style is beyond broken.

Booming blade restricts me to 1 attack with my action when i would be able to do 3 attacks with lvl 11 fighter. So since im fishing for crits 6 dice is better than 2. And even if i didnt the damage is less anyway.

EDIT: 7 Vengance paladin becomes pointless with sentinel. Since their movment speed becomes 0 anyway i dont need to move further away.