View Full Version : Started my Waterdeep Character in a game

2018-09-12, 09:29 AM
Well my Rock Gnome Criminal Background Wizard played in a party of 7 - across the table a Ranger of “pragmatic” alignment, ex-City Watch Fighter (some great RP,) to my right Dwarf Female Cleric, Kenku Rogue (🙃😉,) myself, and another Wizard to my left. No serious spoilers but plenty of Role play, a fight early to subdue two mooks, much skill usage, and an accidentally overpowered by the DM (admitted afterwards he misread) final combat at the end. I am beginning to respect The Waterdeep City Watch. Can I put them on retainer? Oh, wait... cops... never mind...

With an AC of 10 (yes, Ten,) I used cover extensively - buildings, entrances, other players - and survived without going down. One of two still standing at the end. Whew!

Next week the Waterdeep Hardcover begins.

Edit: before someone asks: off the top of my head ST 8, DE 10, CO 16, IN 16, WI 10, CH 14 - headed for Enchanter.

Another edit: DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep Was the game.

Grear Bylls
2018-09-12, 09:44 AM
Well my Rock Gnome Criminal Background Wizard played in a party of 7 - across the table a Ranger of “pragmatic” alignment, ex-City Watch Fighter (some great RP,) to my right Dwarf Female Cleric, Kenku Rogue (🙃😉,) myself, and another Wizard to my left. No serious spoilers but plenty of Role play, a fight early to subdue two mooks, much skill usage, and an accidentally overpowered by the DM (admitted afterwards he misread) final combat at the end. I am beginning to respect The Waterdeep City Watch. Can I put them on retainer? Oh, wait... cops... never mind...

With an AC of 10 (yes, Ten,) I used cover extensively - buildings, entrances, other players - and survived without going down. One of two still standing at the end. Whew!

Next week the Waterdeep Hardcover begins.

Edit: before someone asks: off the top of my head ST 8, DE 10, CO 16, IN 16, WI 10, CH 14 - headed for Enchanter.

Another edit: DDAL08-00 Once in Waterdeep Was the game.

Also played through this adventure on Sunday. Ran Ian Cognito, master of disguise, alongside 4 Tortle monks (yes), their tour guide wizard, and a dwarf Barbarian. It was a blast.

This has been my favorite adventures league adventure, due to the set up, which was super enjoyable, the show was fantastic, and the combat was very entertaining.

I would HIGHLY recommend playing in this adventure when you have the shot.

2018-09-12, 10:12 AM
Heh, I too played this. Live Lucky (Felix Vivere), human rogue, Investigator, member of the City Watch. Once the other players realized I was a cop, they thrust me into the front of every conversation with both NPC Watch members and suspects... it came to the point where I actually ended up rebuilding the character to add more Charisma, so I could at least Intimidate/Persuade those I talk to better. Unfortunately, I'm very MAD, so I had to dump Constitution... I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt.

Live Lucky - VHuman Rogue 1/Monk 1; Feat: Prodigy (Perception, Expertise Perception)
S:8, D:16, C:10, I:14, W:16, Ch:14
Skills: Acrobatics (Rogue), History (R), Insight (Background), Intimidation (R), Investigation (B), Medicine (Human), Perception (Feat), Persuasion (R)

I've enjoyed the game so far, and the noir feel is great. I just wish it wasn't AL, as there are 40-50 players in a tiny space all talking over each other, so actual roleplay is quite difficult to get across without a lot repeated words, and forget trying to listen in to the far end of the table's conversation...

2018-09-12, 12:42 PM
Heh, I too played this. Live Lucky (Felix Vivere), human rogue, Investigator, member of the City Watch. Once the other players realized I was a cop, they thrust me into the front of every conversation with both NPC Watch members and suspects... it came to the point where I actually ended up rebuilding the character to add more Charisma, so I could at least Intimidate/Persuade those I talk to better. Unfortunately, I'm very MAD, so I had to dump Constitution... I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt.

Live Lucky - VHuman Rogue 1/Monk 1; Feat: Prodigy (Perception, Expertise Perception)
S:8, D:16, C:10, I:14, W:16, Ch:14
Skills: Acrobatics (Rogue), History (R), Insight (Background), Intimidation (R), Investigation (B), Medicine (Human), Perception (Feat), Persuasion (R)

I've enjoyed the game so far, and the noir feel is great. I just wish it wasn't AL, as there are 40-50 players in a tiny space all talking over each other, so actual roleplay is quite difficult to get across without a lot repeated words, and forget trying to listen in to the far end of the table's conversation...

Yeah, I miss the private rooms (I would pay the fee for that) of our old facility. Especially with my hearing aids. Still, my AC 10, CO 16 Gnome has not dropped yet much less died. 🤞🏼