View Full Version : Pathfinder Cryptic's Pattern Designs

2018-09-12, 06:09 PM
Is there any reason for this ability other than to completely gimp the class that's supposed to be a stealthy psionic user?

Every other psionic user can use Psionic Powers with stealth by hiding their displays (assuming they pass the Concentration check) except for the one class that actually gets stealth as a class skill and a class bonus to it.

2018-09-12, 10:38 PM
You pretty much nailed it. Having psionics that's too stealthy is really really bad, given the only answers to good Stealth checks from manifesters are good Perception checks (the sort monsters can maybe make), and the only answers to amazing Stealth checks are divination or evocation cheese. Forcing a meta is not a good thing for a single class to do.

2018-09-12, 11:28 PM
I was hoping I had missed some class feature or feat that actually interacted with this. Too bad it's a straight nerf, as I was really liking the class.

Still wish they had nerfed it another way, though. Heck, I'b be fine with removing the class bonus to Stealth entirely if it meant stealthy psionics.