View Full Version : Help a DM with devils!

2018-09-13, 12:32 AM
So I will be DMing soonish and my first "plot hook" is a priest (i'm not sure of the faith yet, but the game is set in Faerun) asking the party to retrieve a holy book stolen by cultist identified by their red robes.

I'll be using the city of Daggerford as in my last game the rulers of Daggerford colluded with devils to much and the city was very heavily destroyed. The game takes place after some serious rebuilding has been done but there's still work to do.

The overarching plot is the a devil is trying to gain power and influence in hell after being **** on by Asmodeus for his failure in taking Daggerford in the first place. The cult is a cult to this devil or demons, as devils are very deceiving and schemey so maybe using spies and spells to get demonic cults to do the dirty work to throw off any potential enemies like the party.

Please let me know if you all like this idea and what I could do after they find this book for the priest. Any suggestions or plot hooks or anything you can say to spice up my campaign would be great. Thanks :D

2018-09-13, 04:43 AM
If I were a player, I would be seriously afraid that this book is cursed, and also that the Priest is actually a bad guy siding with the devils.

Maybe this is correct. Or maybe someone else is keeping an eye on the priest, and as soon as the book shows up, this person sets a plan into action to steal it.

Devils are lawful evil, so they can plan, manipulate and scheme, with double agendas and complex plots. They can have helpers who will actually stick to the plan.

2018-09-13, 06:41 AM
That sounds cool. Do you know yet which devil you are using? Also, you might want to try reading/using Mordenkainens its full of cool demons and devils that you can use.

My idea:
Once they retrieve the book they should bring it to the priest who turns out to be the devil them self and the party has to chase them to hell. Also, the enemies who want the book are demons who want to destroy the devils.

2018-09-13, 09:10 AM
the rulers of Daggerford colluded with devils too much

I'd be interest to know how much devil-collusion is ok before it becomes too much... :smalleek:

They can have helpers who will actually stick to the plan.

As for ideas, I might be tempted to play with this one. Devils are LE by definition, so you can usually rely on them to have a plan and stick to it. If they start working with non-devils though, that introduces some uncertainty. For example, devils have been known to employ incubi/succubi for certain types of dirty work, but they're prone to deviating from the plan in the heat of the moment. You could probably get an interesting plot twist out of something like that.

2018-09-13, 10:39 AM
That sounds cool. Do you know yet which devil you are using? Also, you might want to try reading/using Mordenkainens its full of cool demons and devils that you can use.

My idea:
Once they retrieve the book they should bring it to the priest who turns out to be the devil them self and the party has to chase them to hell. Also, the enemies who want the book are demons who want to destroy the devils.

I'm using Moloch because of his desire to win his spot in hell back. I figured his schemes and plots on Faerun could earn him potential allies and prestige. Could the priest be possessed or charmed in some way? Or is it better that the priest is a full blown baddie?

2018-09-13, 12:28 PM
I'm using Moloch because of his desire to win his spot in hell back. I figured his schemes and plots on Faerun could earn him potential allies and prestige. Could the priest be possessed or charmed in some way? Or is it better that the priest is a full blown baddie?

My idea of it was that Moloch would be the priest and he tricked them into getting the book for him. I guess if Moloch possessed the priest that would work too. I dont think it matters either way just as long as it leads to Moloch.

If you had the priest possessed maybe they would have to follow him to Moloch or something.

2018-09-13, 12:37 PM
Devils are good about plans within plans within plans. So, a double- or triple-cross could work, if your party is in to that sort of thing.

Like, the demons are even a ruse or a trick, so the church fights them in a way that gets themselves into trouble in a way that weakens them at the same time.

Or, evidence is planted to make it seem like the church itself is behind the demons, so the party, after they weaken the demons, try to take down the church - and end up accidentally betraying them, allowing the devils entry

You could pull off some real Unusual Suspects stuff here

2018-09-13, 02:03 PM
A bit of a side note...

I find devils very easy to RP as a DM. You can play them as nice or as nasty as you want. As human or as alien as you want. You can even play them as pretty nice people. A devil can offer the party the power to save the town and to help defeat evil.

If something seems good it is just part of a bigger evil plan. The PCs may never begin to unravel the NPC devils' motivations - they all have interacting schemes and plans over different time horizons.

Evil is easier to embrace when it understands you, it just wants to help and isn't all that bad. It just wants a small consideration in return.

2018-09-13, 05:46 PM
One approach I like to RPing some devils is to make them very upbeat and friendly sounding. It creates a tonal dissonance when they start talking about harvesting souls for the Blood War or exploiting horrible contracts. Just as good doesn't have to be nice, evil doesn't have to be mean (at least superficially). I would mix it up though, treat devils like people: some are pleasant while others are horrible jerks.

I don't think I've creeped out a player more than when her devil father (she's playing a Tiefling) emerged from a doorway of flame (after knocking politely of course), greeted her warmly and then enthusiastically talked about what a great time she'll have meeting her grandmother, Glasya, the ruler of the 6th level of Baator.