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View Full Version : DM Help Can you give me ideas about interesting artifacts?

2018-09-13, 08:49 AM
Hi there.

I am fishing for ideas for my new campaign which will use the Zweihander system. I would like to include interesting artifacts that will pop up here and there (to be honest more often they will hear about these artifacts than actually see them or wield them)

I am interested more in some strange artifacts, not the usual +1 thing. Artifacts that can be found in a low magic setting and that are not overwhelmingly shattering the boundaries of reality.

For example I have this idea in mind:

Long ago there used to be a rope ladder which you could use to climb into Heaven. But gods do not like mere mortal meddling around Heaven, so they tried to destroy it. The cut the ladder in two so that two ropes formed and broke the ropes in pieces. As of today many levitating pieces of the ropes exist. Depending on their length they can either be used to extend in the air to reach high places or be used to reach Higher places, although Heaven itself is unreachable. Maybe if all the pieces are collected humanity may ascend again?

Care to share ideas of similar artifacts?

p.s. I did a quick search of the forums and could not find similar topic. Since it has to be very generic I was surprised, so if it exists somewhere - I am sorry for posting this one and I will appreciate it to point me there :)

2018-09-13, 04:08 PM
Pathfinder has the Sun Orchid Elixir, an alchemical substance that only one person knows how to produce and they only produce a handful of doses each year. Drinking a dose of the Elixir returns the drinker to youth, extending their lifespan tremendously. The most interesting part of this is that the Elixir is sold at auction each year opening up a number of potential plots related to it, the PCs could be hired to escort an agent to the auction, or a dose could be stolen and the PCs have to track it down, or you could even give the PCs a vial of it and they have to figure out what to do with it while agents of powerful figures try to get the elixir.

One I have been thinking about is the Crown of the True King, an old crown that has been broken into pieces, but if reassembled and worn by the rightful ruler of the land all who see them will immediately know that they are the rightful ruler. There are two easy ways to use this artifact, the most obvious is the PCs are trying to find the pieces to reassemble it and the next most is the PCs are asked to stop it from being assembled. You can also play with the definition of "Rightful Ruler" as that could mean many things depending on how land normally changes hands.

2018-09-15, 02:26 PM
Pathfinder has the Sun Orchid Elixir, an alchemical substance that only one person knows how to produce and they only produce a handful of doses each year. Drinking a dose of the Elixir returns the drinker to youth, extending their lifespan tremendously. The most interesting part of this is that the Elixir is sold at auction each year opening up a number of potential plots related to it, the PCs could be hired to escort an agent to the auction, or a dose could be stolen and the PCs have to track it down, or you could even give the PCs a vial of it and they have to figure out what to do with it while agents of powerful figures try to get the elixir.

One I have been thinking about is the Crown of the True King, an old crown that has been broken into pieces, but if reassembled and worn by the rightful ruler of the land all who see them will immediately know that they are the rightful ruler. There are two easy ways to use this artifact, the most obvious is the PCs are trying to find the pieces to reassemble it and the next most is the PCs are asked to stop it from being assembled. You can also play with the definition of "Rightful Ruler" as that could mean many things depending on how land normally changes hands.

Yes, the Sun Orchid Elixir. I think there was a country in the Pathfinder world run by a dictator and all his followers believe he is an immortal god among men or something. But in truth, he is just a normal man. He is trying desperately to get the Sun Orchid Elixir so that he can keep up his façade to his followers. It's a very interesting setup.

As for the Crown, why or how did it get broken into pieces? And surely such an important crown such as this would have more powers than just "any who see them will know that they are the rightful ruler" Maybe some uses of charm person/monster or dominate person/monster per day?

2018-09-16, 06:43 PM
As for the Crown, why or how did it get broken into pieces?

When I was using it in a game I had it broken by a conquering warlord with the pieces given to his lieutenants as a sort of trophy from the conquest.

And surely such an important crown such as this would have more powers than just "any who see them will know that they are the rightful ruler" Maybe some uses of charm person/monster or dominate person/monster per day?

Depending on who is looking it's already as good as a charm person/monster at will. The true power of the crown was always supposed to be more symbolic, especially since most wearers would likely have access to a large supply of magic items. Depending on the system you are using you might want to give it more powers.

The key to good artifacts is usually to give them good narrative powers while making sure that they are only as mechanically powerful as the game needs. I'm trying to write out artifacts in this thread as system neutral so that they can be used by anyone.

2018-09-16, 07:01 PM
look up "list of mythological objects" on Wikipedia. (Unfortunately forum rules forbid me from listing any of the examples from that page here)

A simolar list degarding weapons from fantasy stories:

2018-09-16, 08:32 PM
I fond of the idea of a pen that edits all copies of a document that it is used to modify (but perhaps consumes ink or something proportional to that amount).

Another one would be a brazier that is ritually lit along with someone swearing an oath, which only goes out when that oath is broken or the person dies.

2018-09-16, 10:25 PM
Hi there.

I am fishing for ideas for my new campaign which will use the Zweihander system. I would like to include interesting artifacts that will pop up here and there (to be honest more often they will hear about these artifacts than actually see them or wield them)

I am interested more in some strange artifacts, not the usual +1 thing. Artifacts that can be found in a low magic setting and that are not overwhelmingly shattering the boundaries of reality.

For example I have this idea in mind:

Long ago there used to be a rope ladder which you could use to climb into Heaven. But gods do not like mere mortal meddling around Heaven, so they tried to destroy it. The cut the ladder in two so that two ropes formed and broke the ropes in pieces. As of today many levitating pieces of the ropes exist. Depending on their length they can either be used to extend in the air to reach high places or be used to reach Higher places, although Heaven itself is unreachable. Maybe if all the pieces are collected humanity may ascend again?

Care to share ideas of similar artifacts?

p.s. I did a quick search of the forums and could not find similar topic. Since it has to be very generic I was surprised, so if it exists somewhere - I am sorry for posting this one and I will appreciate it to point me there :)

This seems vaguely similar to an idea I posted on the homebrew magic items thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553969-1001-Homebrew-Magic-Items/page2&p=23043746&postcount=42#post23043746):

"Unladder- This portable stepladder, in addition to working as a normal stepladder, also allows it's user to climb down into the solid ground beneath them (up to the same distance they could go up by climbing up it)

Transmutation; Cl 11; ~5000 gp (around the same as portable foxhole from magic item compendium); Craft Wondrous Item, Meld Into Stone or Xorn Movement"

It could easily be modified into one that allows you to descend all the way into Hell

2018-09-17, 06:00 PM
http://www.scp-wiki.net/ take a look through these and you will get so many plot hook and artifact and story ideas you can never use them all up.

2018-09-17, 07:24 PM
these are items from a game im running.
Some aspects of the mechanics wont necessarily make sense because its for a home-brew system.

Amulet of Temuge (cost 15R) this jade amulet with silver inlays was granted as a gift to the hermit Temuge for his extreme austerities from an admiring god. The amulet stored power from his austerities growing its power ever growing with his prayers and sacrifices. When heroes were needed to face the primal fury a vicious Asura and his mind destroying powers one sought out Temuge and on completing a series of tasks was given the amulet. The primal fury devoured men’s minds in their dreams leaving them savage beast who howled and destroyed at his command aided by a great cabal of dread sorcerers. Together the heroes using this amulet were able to resist the Asuras mental erosions long enough to bring him to battle. The dark god was defeated at great cost and bound him in a sacred urn but the Asuras sorcerous minions freed him and murdered Temuge. Without the hermits, austerities constantly feeding the amulet power the Asura could begin ravaging the heroes’ minds. The heroes’ regrouped and rallied their remaining strength brining what was left of their powers against the Asura finally defeating him and binding him in the demon bowl this time for good.

The amulet grants 10 temporary sanity. 1/day you may perform a ritual that grants Wit creatures a Reroll on the first failed will save 1/ encounter. If you hold aloft the amulet as a std action it creates a magical circle with +1 rank in arcane circle, if you already have max ranks in arcane circle you gain an d4 resistance to sanity damage while within the circle. While held aloft you are undefended. Anyone inside the circle has advantage on will saves.

Black bone Bow (cost 10) At Saihans death his bow was broken and his body lost upon a distant battlefield; his empty body would be possessed by a demonic Ro-Lang becoming a great terror to the region spreading the curse as a dire plague. Saihan had seven children 6 strong sons who were his mirror and one odd daughter. Each of Saihans 6 sons sought to avenge their father but though they were skilled and valiant they were slain by the Ro-Lang and his horde; for though no part of her father’s soul resided within his body the Ro-Lang could tap some aspect of his memories like reading a book. Saihan had taught his sons everything they knew but not everything he knew and thus the Ro-Lang could use that knowledge against them predicting their actions and exploiting their weakness. The first Saihan had inherited a pact with the vultures from his demigod mother Qorchi. Saihan largely considered this pact beneath him; he enjoyed the bow of the birds when they came to feast on his kills he had no desire to speak to them. Juchi Saihan on the other hand was deeply intrigued by the funerary arts and with her father often at war had a far closer relation with the vultures than her own people usually only visiting other Khun when sky burial were performed. Thus, when it was her turn to hunt down her fathers possessed corpse it perhaps never occurred to her to seek the aid of her kin instead taking only her horse and her vulture allies. Though her brothers were more skilled at war then she and great leaders of men, Ro-Lang are not men and the weapons of war are not the ideal tools to face them, Juchi took the fragments of her father’s bow remaking it into a new more powerful weapon under the advice of the oldest vultures. The Ro-Lang had Saihans knowledge and knew everything he knew but Saihan never knew his daughter and the demonic Ro-Lang was not an adaptable being, it used Saihans memories like a crutch and when those failed him, it unlike the true Saihan could not adapt. With the aid of her vultures she stalked and destroyed the undead exploiting their weaknesses for she had encounter Ro-Langs many times before when she helped prepare the sky burials. In the end, her father corpse was destroyed not in valiant struggle or noble conflict but from arrows launched from afar giving the monster no chance to defend himself with magic or strength of arms. Though the Saihan clan takes its names from its founder it owes its soul to Juchi while her ancestors were warlord her descendants were mystics and hermits caring for the dead and communing with the vultures.

The black bow is a khun bow that ignores undead DR and bonus thresholds. If you touch a corpse, you may draw an arrow of bone from the body. You may as a reaction dismantle the bow into a cord strung with bone wrapped from wrist to shoulder or back again; in addition to not needing to draw or sheath this bow you also cannot be disarmed. If you somehow lose the bow, you may recreate it by drawing it from a corpse.

Blade of blight (cost 12) this golden knife is a relic of lost Shamballa etched with runes and shrouded by a purple haze. A mad raja sought to expand his land but was fiercely opposed by warriors who refused to honorably face him in battle, instead lurking in the woods like bandits slipping out to harass his forces and denying him a decisive battle. Back in his palace, he met with his honored cousin and his bride to be a Shamballan lady, deep in their cups the bride bragged about how her people could easily defeat such a rabble with a single relic. Her words were perhaps indelicate but the Rajas actions were dire indeed he took his cousins bride captive killing his kin her betrothed when he objected and demanded a tool to win his war for her return. He took the blade and as instructed planted it into the earth withering the forest and leaving his foes no place to hide, but Shamballa is not one to be trifled with and the blades taint was far greater than expected leaving the land barren to this day and inflicting a great curse on both armies. While the blade power was all but expended, it has an unintended ability to disrupt magical territories, originally used to help the blight bypass magical wards.

This knife has several effects it rots plants it cuts quickly killing them and is a magic weapon that deal Agg 3 damage. When placed point down on the ground the blade releases a pulse of purple energy that disrupts many types of preplaced spells. Within a 55ft diameter, it disrupts all such effects, in a 105 burst it disrupts the first d4 preplaced powers it encounters. Activating this pulse is a 1rnd action that costs either 1PP or d4 sanity. You may also use this weapon as a ritual at no cost.

Blade of the mist killer (cost 9R) this simple fire blackened dagger was once owned by a serial killer who lurked in the morning mist to kill the unwary, preferring women and children. With such savagery did she slay that none suspected a young woman was the killer and she was able to evade the authorities for years. Eventually women and children no longer left their home at dawn and it grew harder and harder for her to find victims of opportunity. She grew reckless in her addiction to death; she began to kill by tricking families into letting her into their homes while their husbands were away, on her second such attempt the lone woman grew suspicious and prevented the killer from making a clean murder managing to injure the killer and make a great commotion. Panicking the killer fled losing her way in the mist and falling into a deep crevice where her spirit was unable to escape. Her trapped spirit merged with the foul emotion spirits that hovered around her concentrated on the gruesome blade that had inflicted her evil on the innocent. The evil infused within the blade give it a bloody weight strong enough to anchor the emotion spirit that was once the killer to the world and let her continue to inflict herself upon it for years; cursing those who travelled to close to her eternal prison. One day a traveling shaman sensed the malevolent presence and sealed the spirit in her dagger before purifying it sacred flames, though the spirits will was no more the dagger had absorbed a touch of its nature that made it a murderous weapon.

You may create a 25ft diameter cloud of mist that grants concealment as a mov action 3/day. Using the blade against unaware foes you have reap 2, execute 1, M 2. While attacking foes from stealth you must attempt to target the most vulnerable foe, even if that means forgoing a rnd of combat to move into position. Baring magical deception you will instinctively know which target is the most vulnerable (aka the DM will tell you). This dagger is a magical weapon that increases your killing intent one grade when drawn. When afflicted by the frenzy condition you instead attack the most vulnerable target, unless you choose to suffer d4 sanity damage.

Bone Breakers perch (cost 15) this bracer is woven from coarse hair, ornamented with the bones of vultures and men, and hung with carrion feathers. This bracer first enters history worn by Khun Altan but its origin is much older dating to the first alliance between the vultures and Saihans demigod mother Qorchi. Over the centuries, this bracer has been repaired and replaced until no aspect of the original bracer remains, except the spirit that dwells within. Long ago, Qorchi made a pact with the vultures; they would be fed the flesh and bones of the dead and in exchange, the vultures would aid the souls of the fallen on their journey. The early bracer was a sign of this bond but it did not gain the power it now holds until a powerful vulture mortally wounded during a quest sought the aid of a Khun shaman who used his art to fuse the vulture’s spirit into the bracer and completed the sacred bird’s quest in his stead. An aspect of that vulture still dwells within the bracer lending his skills and aid to the one who wears it. The spirit must be ritually fed; preferring marrow and ground bone the food he ate in life. Additionally Bone Breaker will become angered if carrion birds in particular bearded vultures his kin are slain or the khun in particular the Saihan are harmed. The vulture Bone Breaker can be called forth to scout or attack while doing so he appears as a vague shadowy bird. While dwelling within the bracer his spiritual form rests on your shoulder or arm. Note the vulture Bone breaker is an NPC under the dms control.

The bracer can be seen as having two states when the spirit dwells within the bracer and when the spirit is called forth, the following power assume the inactive state; scent, +1 rank in the blind fight feat. The vulture can be sent forth to scout, or attack. When the vulture attacks it is treated as a ranged attack using Wits instead of Dex dealing d4+Wit ghost touch + knock back DC11+Wit. Giving the vulture enough physical presence to attack is a std action, the vulture has a fly speed of 50 and is incorporeal when not attacking. If the vulture is destroyed, it reforms in the bracer at dawn provided at least 1 hour has passed.

Ebon sting (cost 12) this jagged black Tulwar has a particularly ornate hilt in the form of a scorpion, most guards are a simple circular disks but the Ebon stings guard is formed from the scorpions claws, the tail looping over the head to protect the back of the hand. A Shamballan sorcerer in tribute presented this blade to a western warlord, but some say the blade was cursed for the warlord was soon slain and the blade stolen, with his death his host collapsed and they lost the ability to threaten Shamballa. Through the ages this blade would pass from one owner to another often vie bloody treacheries often becoming lost for centuries. With time, the sword seems to have weakened both in its power and it curse but it is still a potent albeit dangerous weapon.

Wit/ Day you may inflict weapon poison through the blade. The blade can be used to perform a number of rituals granting the following powers. 1) Advantage on saves vs poison. 2) Gain a sense of the local terrain. If stolen and grasped, the claws grip the thieves hand and the tail savagely stings; if given or found the holder instinctively knows the owner and that he cannot wield it while they live, attempting to do so anyway will result in a sting. Paranoid allies have advantage to attack you and frenzied allies will target you in preference to all others. Finally, the blade when seen by others seems to be a deeply desirable thing to own. The blades curse affects those around the owner not the owner themselves for the purpose of immunity to curses. The swords curse may not be lifted without destroying it.

Fallen standard (cost 12) soldiers of Dolkar who became trapped behind a snowed in pass finally fell upon a fortified town which resisted them for weeks forcing them to eat their horse and dogs and then their own dead; by the time they breached the walls they were desperate men mad with hunger. Their leader an honorable man promised the towns mercy if they surrendered and stayed in their homes, with the walls breached they readily agreed. The noble unfortunately had overestimated both the quality of his men and his ability to control them; finally granted food and drink after such long desperation they begin to indulge in debauchery growing ever more out of control soon they began to loot and then to burn. The noble tried to regain control with those of his men who would still obey him but they represented only half his force and by the time he had broken up the looting and burning there was little left of the town. Soon after they received word that Dolkar Mallan was dead and the noble felt an urgent need to return to the capital, but with that knowledge a significant portion of his army felt no need to follow his orders and the noble was unwilling to further deplete his forces by confronting the deserters. The deserters further brutalized what little remained of the town for a time some wandering off bit by bit to become bandits. However, others the most decadent and vicious remained behind until another hard snow closed the passes trapping them and they soon realized that there was virtually no food remaining in the town. These soldiers soon fell to cannibalism first eating the fallen and then those few towns’ folk still alive. The dark deeds they did attracted emotion spirits that sunk into their flesh possessing them and by the time they left cannibalism was no longer something they feared but something they craved. When the army was split the noble left behind their battle standard feeling that it had been irreparable tarnished by his failure to control his men and the deeds they had done, that standard is now torn and unrecognizable only a few scrapes of cloth hanging from a spear tip. The spear represented the Noble and his desire to control his army, when he beseeched his men it was with the standard as a symbol of the innate dignity of man; and though in the end he largely failed to control their savagery it did have an effect when they rejected the standard it rejected them. The hate for these fallen men both of their comrades and the town’s folk found its way inside the spear and filled it with a fury that rips and tears at emotion spirits and those they have tainted.

The spear is a ghost touch weapon that deals +d6 damage to fallen and emotion spirits. When held aloft as a full rnd action it grants advantage on Will saves to all allies who can see it and a reroll against ongoing will effects. Fallen have disadvantage against intimidate effects used by the wielder. Fallen hate the wielder of the spear and will attack them in preference to any other. You have advantage on Will saves when fighting defensively with this spear.
Falling star (cost 15R) this bow was forged from an alloy of iron and silver that fell from the sky and offered in sacrifice in a temple. Wielded by one of the guardian deity that marched with Takkars army against the rakshasa. Many demons would fall to the arrows ability to pierce illusion. When foreign invasion forced Takkars, armies to withdraw from its conquest of the wilderness the guardian deity returned to its shrine as they now fought men rather than demons. Years later after Takkars young kingdom had grown strong enough to protect itself Atossa Takkar, Takkars granddaughter sought to renew the conquests her famed ancestor began. Her brother the Maharaja was uninterested in events outside his palace and harem, Atossa knew that she had the support of much of the army and that a strong success would reignite the conquest at force her brother to join her war. Atossa went to the guardian deity and through its blessing was gifted the gods divine bow. She would lead her army against the wandering rakshasa that had reoccupied the edges of the wilderness areas once cleared by her grandfather. During Takkars crusade they slew demon after demon because for all their power the rakshasa they had no instinct for cooperative action and they fell one by one, each alone; but times had changed and the demons had learned a harsh lesson. When Atossa started her war, the demons took note and rallied a retaliatory force, which fell upon them during the night while the dark fed their power. Atossa fought valiantly shooting demons from the sky but in the end a mighty rakshasa smashed through the armies’ ranks to reach Atossa catching her within his mighty grip he broke her and with her death her armies panicked fleeing into the night where they were devoured in the dark. Atossa’s partially consumed corpse was delivered to her brother with a subtle warning, the Takkar Maharaja enraged at his sister’s insubordination subtly blackened her name calling her an arrogant fool who could not be trusted with war.
This was not the last time the Takkar dynasty would attempt to expand its territory north but the memory of this defeat would forever cast a shadow over such endeavors. The bow would eventually be returned by the demons as a gift during a time of peace between the two realms.

While the bow can shoot mundane arrows, its true strength is to fire arrows of starlight. The bow is charged by exposure to the night sky and when you focus your power, you can create an arrow of blue flame. This bow is ghost touch with no heavy ratting, when you perform an aim or partial aim action you ignore any concealment your target may possess and have advantage on an awareness check to spot your target. The arrow deals aggravated damage. The arrows when spent burn away in a blue flame. Creatures killed by these arrows are likewise consumed by a ghostly fire. Note if you tap the bows full power without a worthy target to fire upon the arrow bursts, burning you for d4 damage (note the blue fire is not actually fire damage just simple destruction).

Jade bell of Yu (cost 11) fire elementals are among the most dangerous of elementals, which unlike their kin can form rapidly due to human actions instead of waiting for the slow natural forces to accumulate. Long ago, the minions of the Primal Fury unleashed a fire elemental to ravage and destroy. When shamans arrived to try to bind the elemental and sap its power, they had no way to predict that they would be ambushed, caught between hostile sorcerers and a malevolent wildfire. With the shamans slain, the elemental was able to feed and grow with none to oppose it. Mortal minions of the primal fury had prepared a path destroying wards and barriers directing it towards their foes, forcing them to fight both at once. As a desperate measure, a group of heroes used a ritual to materialize the elemental and directly engage it in combat, the battle was brutal and most of their numbers were slain, but among survivors was the sorcerer Yu student of Ashar. The sorcerer Yu while instrumental in the defeat of the elemental was not to be trusted desiring power above all else. Instead of binding the elemental in a stable container, Yu bound it into one of his jade bells so that he could unleash it again at a time of his choosing. Yu attempted to hide his action but failed and attacked his former comrades when confronted. Yu unleashed his fires against his comrades but in the sudden clash of battered champions, he was the one who fell the hand holding the bell slashed free. With Yu slain and the heroes, regrouping for a final confrontation with the primal fury fire shamans sapped the elementals power extinguishing it; but Yu despite his many flaws was a master at his art and some portion of the elemental still infuses the bell. Later sorcerers would refine the bells power making it more controllable and reliable thus creating a potent relic. By ringing the bell in different ways, you can unleash the fiery powers sealed within.

The bell grants you a number of powers. 1) Ignite a target within 25ft as a std action. 2) Start several fires in the general area. 3) Use a ritual to ignite a structure at a distance by burning an effigy. 4) The bell can glow like a torch. 5) You may unleash the fragment of power in the bell to start a large spreading fire that is difficult to extinguish. This fire fills a 5ft square, any creature who enters it suffers d4+4 fire dam and is ignited no save, adjacent creatures get reflex saves as normally, a creature that spends their entire rnd in an adjacent square has disadvantage on the save. It takes a ritual involving placing the bell in a fire to recharge its power; alternatively, a mystic with access to fire magic can spend a PP to recharge the bell as a free action.

Jade mirror (cost 9R) the jade mirror is a finely made piece of jade quite thick often worn strapped to the arm. Long ago, the budding sorcerer Cetas was rejected as suitor sending an unstable individual onto a dark path. Cetas sought out dark knowledge collecting curse lore from across the sky throne and beyond, when he returned he wielded it with imaginative cruelty laying waste to all she held dear before cursing her to wander abandoned and alone. Cetas craved fear and respect feeling slighted when others did not show proper obsequiousness, yet he hid his power granting such a petty man endless slights to revenge himself upon. With his vast number of “enemies” and his habits of striking first at their loved ones who may have never encountered him made finding the pattern of his attacks effectively impossible. Worse Cetas had learned how to devour the power of lesser mages; with this the threat he represented grew to unheard heights as he became the most powerful sorcerer to have ever lived and leaving no one to aid those suffering from his many curses. Many heroes sought out Cetas but he spread his curses far and wide and thus none suspected an old man living on the outskirts. The loss of so many shamans began to cause compounding disasters as the weather spun out of control and wards began to fail. The Raja Camar Mallan sought out the shattered celestial mirror and with the aid of his companions fashioned it into the jade mirror. With the mirror to show him the true nature of things and reflect Cetas magic Camar hunted him to the end of the Sky Throne finally brining him to battle among the fire wracked ruin of a city being consumed by an elemental. Cetas wielded all of his cruel power but before Camar Mallan and his mirror, Cetas was helpless because for all that power Cetas was a cowardly old man with no skill at arms. Cetas begged for his life but Camar could hear the hate in his voice and was not deceived. Cetas had too much hate within him to truly die, but the Camar had come prepared and his comrades were ready with the demon bowl. As a sorcerer, Cetas had a vast array of tools to augment his abilities and tremendous amounts of stolen power but as a spirit, he lost access to those things and to his horror and dismay was helpless before the demon bowl. Alas, the demon bowl its self would be misplaced as Camar and his comrades fled the elemental devouring the city.

The mirror functions as a shield. Sights seen through the mirror are stripped of all illusion; people seen through the mirror appear as caricatures of themselves revealing a hint of their true nature. It is difficult to fight while gazing into the mirror and foes are treated as having concealment against you. When you take a defensive action, you gain advantage on saves vs magic (magic which use a physical medium to inflict its power is exempt). The mirror can be used in a divination ritual to follow a curse or spells to its origin.

Lion blade (cost 12R) Takkar wielded was a might warrior the son of the first king of the Mache while Takkar was gifted a vast land to rule it was mostly monster-infested wilderness effectively uninhabitable for humans. Takkar sought to subjugate the land he ruled making it fit for men, the Rakshasa that inhabited the region were powerful but they were individual’s, solitary monsters with no allegiance to each other and one by one he slew them or forced their capitulation. Some few rakshasa would try to unite but too little to late they were unprepared for the unrelenting march of an army that trampled tricks and deception beneath its feet. Takkar who despised trickery and deceit would have driven his hated foes to the edge of the earth but rivals to the west had begun to look on the newly cleared land with envy and greed, forcing him to withdraw his armies from the wilderness. Though it tore at him in his old age, it was not until after his death that the western borders were secure enough for his kingdom to again look north. Many of his heirs would seek to fulfill his great dream but the rakshasa have longer memories then men and each to wave of expansion has ultimately ended in disaster. Takkar fiery gaze could pierce illusion and he had a relentless uncompromising hatred of deceit bordering on obsession his sword used to destroy so many demons contains a trace of his power.

An illusion touched with the lion blade is destroyed, you may reroll the first failed save vs an illusion each encounter. Rakshasa struck by the blade suffer +d6 damage. If the blade is held to a creature’s throat, they are cut if they lie. If a creature swears an oath on this blade, you become aware if the oath is broken and have advantage on awareness and survival to track them. You may perform a ritual to gain a general sense of the oath breakers whereabouts. Finally, you deal +4 damage against the oath breaker.

Mirror spear (Cost 6R) Huang an eastern Raja once commissioned a weapon of great power from a half dragon weapon smith. On completion of this mighty weapon Huang declared it perfect the greatest weapon every forged, and rewarded the smith richly. Huang reveled in the prestige of his weapon until he learned that other Raja on seeing his magnificent Ji instead of being humbled had commissioned weapons for themselves. The Raja felt betrayed and said as much in his court, several of his overly enthusiastic retainers heard this and called for the smiths head. Huang was an indecisive man with a significant inferiority complex and unwilling to risk looking weak by taking back his supposed command allowed the tragedy to unfold. The smith’s family was slain and the smith himself mortally wounded; as he lay dying he quenched an unfinished spear in his own lifeblood and with his last breath affixed his naga pearl to the molten blade. Unlike Huang’s Ji, which could be wielded by any who held it, the mirror spear sought out its own wielders. The raja Huang weakness had become known to a treacherous eunuch sorcerer part of the order that would eventually become the imperial warlocks. The advisor used his weakness to manipulate him becoming a cruel tyrant. The eunuch a vicious man made a habit of personally “questioning” the rajas “enemies” but one day as he prepared for his daily pleasure his victim discovered the spear among his rags, while the eunuch was powerful, he was caught unaware without his talismans at hand. Having slain the eunuch in a sound proof room the man freed himself and hunted down Huang holding what appeared to be a simply walking stick, through sheer audacity he was able to get within reach of the Raja piercing him with a single blow, though he did not long outlive his tormentor. Since that time, the spear has appeared in the hands of warriors across the world imbued with a will of its own.

The mirror spear is a ghost touch weapon that can release a gentle glow at will and can be used effortlessly underwater. The spear can be thrown 80/320 and ignores wind. The moon spear if lost for any reason will be found again in times of need, although rarely more than once an encounter; it never appears where it can be see but just happens to be there in the corner of the eye or when you hand reaches out. Likewise, when it is convenient the spear can be all but impossible to find. This spear when it desires can appear as a staff or stick, crude or ornate. Note the weapons powers are at the spears disposal not any mortal who happens to hold it.

Nagashastra (cost 9) No mere weapon this is a physical manifestation of a naga warrior that has been bound to serve mortals as a weapon. Long ago during the war between the southern kingdoms and the Naga, their lived a Naga warrior named Vehs. Vehs inflicted a great toll upon the southern host, and while he was far from the greatest of the naga his success was because he struck not at the champions and heroes of the southern men but at the weak, the wounded and the unprepared slithering behind their ranks to inflict his venom and crushing coils upon them. Though he would inflict devastation upon them, his action would do little to hinder that vast host and the naga city burned. The war would end when a powerful hermit with a nagini wife negotiated a peace between the naga and the southern Maharaja allowing the naga to withdraw into the underworld. Vehs actions however had earned him special enmity and while he would not be executed, neither was he allowed free and thus he was bound into the form of a weapon and forced to serve men.

The Nagashastra can alter its form becoming either a spear or a bamboo bow at his master’s command, requiring only a free action. His spear form can be wielded freely in the water though the bow is still limited by the nature of the arrows. The Nagashastras normally spends his time coiled around its master as a snakeskin sash but can leap into his hand in an instant, this allows you to easily carry the weapon and “draw” him as a free action. If you should lose the weapon, he will attempt to find his way back to you. While powerful individuals can force the nagashastra to submit to their will, it is far easier to appease him with ritual sacrifices and prayer otherwise in a moment of weakness, he is liable to turn his fangs against the one who holds him. Res/ day you may apply weapon poison as a free action to your weapon.

Plague bound sash (Cost 15) long ago a mighty Pishacha the Queen of plagues gathered a great host of Pishacha and led them forth spreading disease and madness in their wake. She possessed the Rani Kalipi Mala and in her body marched to the gates of the capital city. At the gates she was met by her twin Rani Iya Mala, the twin sisters did battle clashing with all their skill and in the end it was Kalipi who suffered the mortal wound, but the queen of plagues simple slipped free of her dying flesh to mock the sister grief. As Kalipi lay dying she whispered to her sister to take her hair the symbol of her Malan ancestry, Iya cut free her sister hair and wrapped it round herself as a sash. The Queen of plagues had grown arrogant in her many victories and in that, arrogance lurked her downfall. Wearing the hair of her sister as a charm Iya struck with the strength and skill of two, still this would not have been enough but some of the queen of plagues own power still residing within the hair. With her own power turned against her the Rani’s struck a wound the likes of which the Pishacha had never suffered before, still the queen of plagues was nigh unto a goddess and injured she was all the more dangerous, no mortal could hope to best her. Iya died bravely her blood burning like fire from the Pishachas plague, but her death was not in vain, as the plague queen stood gloating over her dying victim sorcerers and shamans who gathered from across the kingdom sealed her within the demon bowl using her spilt blood to bind her. The plague queen’s army would scatter to lurk among the crossroads and crematories never again to be a people or host. The plague bound sash is woven from the silken tresses of both the twins and the plague queen herself, thus it holds a trace of their power and is a symbol of man’s victory of plague.

While you wear the sash, you gain a number of powers. You have advantage on saves vs disease; you may touch a creature allowing them to heal disease damage at a rate of 2 per reserve pt spent. 1/ encounter after wounding a foe you may deal d6 disease fic Fort negate. You are aware of the presence of Pishacha and may identify them no matter the guise they bear; additionally they may not ignore you when you speak though they are not obliged to obey you. Pishacha hold no malice towards the wearer of this sash, and are instead inclined to respect him, being willing to treat cordially with him.

Reapers rage (cost weapon +8) the pit was the largest of Dolkar Mallan’s secret prisons and unspeakable atrocities occurred there. Dolkar Mallan’s paranoia meant he distrusted magic and allowed no free mages or monks within his prison. Without individuals able to cleanse the spiritual essence of the Pit, emotion spirits swarmed the prison growing fat and strong on the fear and hate within, which they then amplified and reflected driving the interrogators to unheard heights of depravity. Eventually the emotion spirits choose to begin possessing human’s, prisoners and guards alike. Local priests sealed the pit with the aid of a guardian deity but before they did so, some of the spirits spilled forth, the battle was fierce but the possessed own raw savagery proved their undoing, as they could not help falling upon their own injured comrades. During the fighting, one of the priests will was weak and his soul impure, a possessed blade was driven into his flesh and he fled, stumbling away while others cut down the mad prisoner who held it. A trace of the foul spirits power still lurked within the blade and infested the fallen priest. The priest’s heart was filled with weakness and the blade fed on those weaknesses and returned them tenfold. Eventually the fallen priest was brought to bay and slain by the father of one of his victims, the avenger was soon possessed as well but his will was greater and the darkness within him less and he was able to seek out a shaman who helped him seal the blade. The spirit that dwelt within the blade was twice crippled first in the initial battle when it was forced to reside in the blade having fled its first host and again once, it was sealed. Now it bears no will of its own but still it has a trace of power that can be used by one strong of will.

You may pick the form of the reapers rage (it must be an edged weapon) though it will always be an ugly weapon barbed and jagged. The reapers rage adds the following effect to the base weapon, Aggravated, M 2. While using the weapon you benefit from a free rank in one of the following feats chosen each time you access its power. Berserker, blood letter, howling charge, Hunt the weak, lightning killer, sneak attack. It costs d4 sanity to activate reapers rage. While the reapers rage is active, you have disadvantage on saves vs paranoia or frenzy. At ½ sanity, you suffer paranoia. If you suffer from a negative emotional effect such as paranoia or shaken you suffer d4 sanity damage. The weapon has no special powers when inactive. When active the blade increases your killing intent 1 grade.

Ring of the wasteland (cost 12R) there was once a kingdom to the north a mighty nation that grew its strength through its integration of humanoids most notably dog-heads, but their dynasty collapsed under the weight of mighty curses that desolated the land and forced the mass migration of the human population. The origin of the ring an ugly jagged band of unadorned metal is unknown but it seems to have absorbed some of the fury of the desolation and allows its wearer to wield some small fraction of the curse. The ring was found centuries later by mercenaries looting the abandoned cities. Amidst a tomb heavily laden with treasures was the ring, mixed in with the more obvious treasures it was taken unknowingly back to the skythrone. The dog-heads considered the city a sacred place and were enraged at the desecration. As is their nature when they took up the mantle of war, they abandoned all pretense of civilization; rampaging south devastating everything in their path without mercy or restraint. Though their numbers were relatively small, the sheer savagery of their incursion overwhelmed all initial defenses allowing them to take their vengeance on the despoilers and the unwitting city that sheltered them. Amidst the maimed city, a local raja and his army brought them to battle and put the mad warriors to the sword. Ironically, if one of the tomb raiders had simply worn the ring all the death on both sides could have been avoided.

You gain heat tolerance and advantage on saves vs poison. By placing your hand against the ground, you have tremor sense 30. Vermin will not attack you of their own volition, and you may enrage nearby vermin directing that hostility albeit very crudely. Your vision is not impeded by flung sand or detritus and you can effortlessly resist sandstorms and similar effects. In a grapple you may choose to deal d6+Res desiccation damage fort half, reap 1. If you wear this ring, you do not suffer from hunger or thirst though your body appears to become desiccated as the ring sustains you. The dog-heads and other humanoids who once served the kingdom respect the sovereignty of the ring bearer to varying degrees; of course, enraged dog-heads knows neither friend nor mercy. The ring allows you to communicate with any humanoids race even those like the dog-heads who have no language.

Shattered shard (cost 16) This black stained gutting blade is formed from a jagged shard of metal once part of a much larger blade wielded by a guardian deity who attempted to stop the plague queens advance. The mighty Pishachas queen unleashed her host against him and his brethren who had formed a circle guarding a great city. The guardian deities’ skill was literally divine and demon after demon hurled themselves against them only to find themselves rent and ruined forming a gruesome barriers their fellows must climb before they too could meet their end. Alas, the queen was not deterred and when the guardian deity was sufficiently saturated with the plague-ridden blood of her servants, she cast her will against the blood soaked god shattering his defense and splintering his sword driving him dazed to the ground. Before the guardian deity could rise, the queen was upon him pinning him beneath her foot, though he strove mightily the fangs of her magic were already gnawing within him stealing his strength and slowly consuming him. With the circle broken the Pishacha hordes swarmed the remaining gods from all sides trapping them as the queen inflicted her power upon them. With the last of the guardian, deities vanquished the plague queen turned her invisible horde upon the city to ravage as she pleased. Long after once the queen was vanquished the fragments of the gods shattered sword were found, though its power had been broken by the plague queens will it had gained a new power; a touch of the queens will remained in the Pishacha blood that stained it and the largest fragment was shaped into a wicked blade of jagged metal.

This is a magic gutting blade is aggravated 2. Res/encounter on a strike you may inflict d6 disease Fic fort negate. This weapon deals +d6 damage to Pishacha and can be charged with an exorcism, a Pishachas wounded by this blade becomes visible. This blade augments rituals to perform exorcisms on Pishachas.

Spear of Ekaji (cost 13R) this powerful weapon was once wielded the guardian deity Ekaji against a mighty demon, the battle raged back and forth for days the deity driving the demon before it each day only to be pushed back when the night fell feeding the rakshasas strength. At the end of the final day, the deity knowing that he would not survive another night cast forth his spear with all his might piercing the fleeing demon just before the fall of night. This final blow brought the demon to the edge of death beyond its ability to easily heal even with the night augmenting its already exception regenerative abilities so instead it used the strength brought by night to flee far beyond the guardian deities reach taking the spear still imbedded within it. The spear was finally shed in an underworld cavern and lost for centuries before making its way to the surface. This spear is a potent weapon infused with fiery power that can be hurled with devastating power. This weapon was not meant for mortal hands and wielding its full strength is a strain on the mind.

This spear deals +1AP, +1 fire damage, and on a crit you may choose to deal d6 fire damage rather than the crits normal effects. As a reaction, you may spend d4 sanity to deal d6 fire dam on a foe you have struck. Demons have disadvantage on Will saves to resist your intimidate checks while you hold this spear. The spear can be freely thrown 30/90. By tapping its true power, you can hurl it with devastating force and power, if you throw the spear as a 1rnd action, it has a range of 150/600 and is a ghost touch aggravated attack with AP 8, ignoring concealment and wind. On a crit it imbeds itself in the target. An imbedded spear can be removed with a std action that provokes and until they do they have disadvantage to end the burn condition. This imbued throw may only be used once a day and requires a ritual to re-imbue.

Staff of Din-nu (cost 12) the Shamballan sorcerer Din-nu created a series of arcane formulas known as the gate chants to tap an alien realm unbound by mortal laws. He endlessly sought to expand his knowledge and power until he inadvertently created the tempest that consumed Shamballa. While he was never seen again his staff was found flung far away. Din- nu’s staff hold a trace of the immense magic that flowed through it being able to twist and manipulate magic turning it back on his foes being the least of it. The staff was found by a several would be sorcerers who used it to acquire Din-nu’s tomes becoming some of the first gate mages; at the time defenses effective against gate magic were rare and by picking their targets carefully the gate mages were deadly assassin and thieves of relics growing ever stronger. Their rise was ended by the lantern bearers a mysterious group, the nature of the lantern bearers is unknown but they were somehow able to bypass all the traps and wards of the gate mages catching them off guard. Gate magic takes time to work and is of little use against a foe already on the offensive, thus the gate mages were helpless before the enigmatic lantern bearers. The sorcerers were scattered most of their number destroyed and infighting finished those who escaped the lantern bearers purge. Many would latter come to try and loot the sorcerer’s horde of stolen relics braving both the traps and wards placed by the sorcerers as well as the sheer inhospitable terrain of a fortress intended to only be accessed by portal, but still bit by bit their stolen trove trickled back into the Skythrone Din-nus staff among them.

Used as a weapon the staff is ghost touch, and grants you advantage on saves vs spells (except those delivered by a physical medium). On a strike, you can negate most ongoing spells, or disrupt a spell in progress. Disrupting an active spell deals d6 backlash damage. By breaking the staff you may release a powerful arcane pulse that disrupts all active spells in a 55ft area and deals d12+Res to all spirits. Finally, the staff allows you to detect portals or thin spaces in reality. You can perform a ritual that blocks teleportation or allows a gate to pinpoint your location more safely. While wielding the staff Teleportation provokes, if you strike a foe preparing to teleport the spell is disrupted and an incoming foe is undefended and suffers backlash. If broken the staff will eventually repair itself.

Stone staff of mirage (cost 12R) This staff was carved from the petrified wood of an ancient wind scoured tree that once held the soul of a bound rakshasa. The rakshasa would eventually escape when a sorcerous Vizar sought to capture the demons power and enslave it to his will but it lured him into a false sense of security slipping his grasp and crippling him as a parting gift. Nearly broken by the encounter the sorcerer was on the edge of despair when he realized the fragmented tree had absorbed much of the demons powers. Using the last of his strength, he molded the fragments of the tree into a staff that amplified his own power a hundred fold. With the power of the staff, he sought to usurp the Takkar dynasty by overwhelming their innate resistance to illusion. On his return, before he could even begin the final phase of his plan he was met with distrust and suspicion, he sought to overcome this with his newfound power but no matter how often he wiped away concern and distrust it always returned. Eventually he would stretch himself too thin, the strains of his horrible injury, the expenditure of power used to construct the staff would cause him to begin making mistakes, and he inadvertently revealed his plans and was cut down. He never realized that the reason for this unshakable distrust was simple human disgust at the horrible disfiguring scars he suffered at the demons hands. Only the original sorcerer could tap the staves full power but it is still a potent tool in other hands.

You can create an illusionary mirror image, which functions like full concealment; this power can be used as a reaction 1/ encounter. The staff also grants you an illusion based rank in stealthy and vicious feint when held by passing the normal level limit, if you have max ranks in either of these feat you gain extra uses its mirror image illusion. The staff is ghost touch, and grants the slow fall power.

White spire hide(cost 6R) White spire was a powerful yeti sorcerer who gathered many yeti clans into a horde that fell upon isolated communities, shrouded by wind and snow spreading death and destruction in their wake. The horde stalled at a monastery filled with refuges that had fled the horde. The devotions of the monks kept the yeti’s collective magic at bay, but the warriors atop the walls, no matter their courage were not capable of withstanding the physical power of the yetis. The savage host scaled the walls and slaughtered the defenders, then fell upon the monks massacring the unarmed men; with their deaths, the yeti’s magic was able to partially overwhelm the remaining wards filling the monastery with a killing cold and wind. Jigme was a twilight lotus who predicted that the walls could not hold and that those who dwelt within would die, but that the horde could still be stopped. He used his potions to resist the cold and waited. Jigme lurked hidden among the frozen corpses in the center of the shrine, when white spire entered the shrine Jigme activated his explosives and burst free striking with sudden speed and savagery, white spire was powerful but caught off guard his retinue slain in the explosion he was no match for a professional killer. White spire was slain but his host still existed as the yeti shamans squabbled over who would lead them in white spires absence, Jigme brought the hide to a hermit. White spire was a shattered shaman more spirit then mortal being and they bound a portion of his power within his hide. Wearing White spires rune scarred hide Jigme was able to slip through the defensive wards set by white spire and murder the yeti sorcerers amidst a ritual. The yetis slew Jigme as he sought to flee the ritual chamber. With their mages dead, the horde broke up the wiser yetis cut their losses and returned to the high peaks and dark caves, while the more foolish yetis tried to continue the war but with neither the numbers nor the killing cold at their disposal, they were quickly routed.

Heavy scars and runes mar this thick heavy cloak of white fur taken from an albino yeti. The fur grants you advantage on saves vs cold and cold resist 5. You take no penalty to awareness in blizzards and have advantage on saves vs strong winds. You have advantage on saves vs yeti magic of any kind, and can understand and speak yeti language.

2018-09-17, 09:09 PM
I've handed out an artifact weapon I called the bow of seasons, as the seasons change so do it's properties to fit the season, growth decay heat and cold being the themes. If your campaign doesn't last long e oygh to matter, you could have it cycle through a season a day.

2018-09-17, 10:28 PM
The Codex Infinium

A single stone tablet with gold inlaid script. When commanded to describe a topic, the text shifts to be an article on said topic. However, one can get enraptured by the knowledge within, spending 1d20 hours reading through articles before realising that they had something else to do.

Yes, its essentially wikipedia with the risk of going on a binge.

2018-09-18, 04:25 AM
From the last campaign I've played:


An armor made in dragon scales, still haunted by the spirit of the dragon.
The user can try to use the power of the dragon (bonus defensive or offensive), but each time with a probability of being under mind control of the dragon for one full turn. (the dragon will attack anything that look like an adventurer)

Linked quest: By helping the heir of the dragon Karnis to get rid of its dragon rival, the user obtained more control on the relique.


A dagger that, when stabbed into a living person, allow to see some of images of their past.

Linked quest: After a complex personal quest of the user, where the mother of the user (with a LOT of mother-daughter issues) tried to replace her soul by a crafted soul of "prefect daughter", this new soul ended up living into Rose, and gave some mind control effect to the dagger when stabbed into someone.


A living stone owl, working as a familiar to the user.

Linked quest: Ended up used as a phylactery-like stuff (though not using standard necromancy. Just a soul shelter when the main body is destroyed).


An armor improving discretion when under the moon, and giving to its user a free resurrection (recharges when the DM says it recharge. Was used 4 times during the campaign)

Linked quest: None (the PC using it was too busy fighting for becoming a Queen of a big empire)


A strange flail. Not using any hand, it looked like a sun on top of your head, and few planets rotating around it that you could accelerate and change their trajectory by mental command.

Linked quest: None (the PC using it quit before the end of the campaign)

Other reliques from other campaigns with the same DM:

The Old Axe

A two handed axe. Look like an axe made exclusively of stone, though as efficient and light as a steel&wood one.
Look dusty, and everything it touch is reduced to dust (acid damages, non reducible, bonus damages against non-living).

Subjective gravity boots

Gravity apply to the user in the way the user thinks it should apply. With some training, the user can force himself to imagine the gravity going upward in order to "kind-of-fly". Warning: it is easy to kill yourself with it.

Cup of Black Tea

Always full of a magical tea, once you drink some of it, you have some control over the shadows. But you're also become easily mind controllable by people that can control the shadows.

Epic Knight's Banner

When fully deployed, the battlefield start behaving in a "cinematic way" (hair floating in the air, ...)

Cubical Sphere in a Spherical Cube

There is a cube inside a sphere. One face of the cube is always horizontal. If you move or turn the sphere, the cube will keep its orientation (the North's face will remain at the North).
The user behave as if he was in a "world with square cases" in which diagonals are worth "1" instead of "1.41...". It means that:
1) The user move 40% quicker "diagonally"
2) Fireball and other similar spell cast by the user have a cubical form instead of a spherical one.
3) Ranged attack have additional range, up to 40% more if used diagonally.
4) Other situational effects.

2018-09-18, 10:45 AM
Magic Moon Rock- A stone that fell from the moon and was turned into an amulet. It gives it's bearer the power to command werewolves and the tides.

2018-09-27, 04:05 AM
Thanks to everyone who wrote. You have been quite helpful.

2018-10-09, 07:57 PM
Had an idea come to me in a dream a couple of nights ago

Sand shovel of the Gods- this is a cheap beach shovel (the kind for little kids that's usually made of plastic IRL, though in a fantasy setting it may be made out of tin or some other cheap metal instead) enormously scaled up to 18 feet in size, yet it can be picked up awkwardly as if it were made for a creature only one size category larger than the character trying to use it yet still used to dig out sand as a shovel of its actual size

2018-10-11, 07:45 AM
Anothe one you can steal from Pathfinder is the "Iron Rope"


A hemp rope that can be turned into iron on command, but can't be turned back.
I like the idea of something really magical that can only be used once. And in a low magic setting, a single one of those ropes would be pretty impressive.
Maybe it was made long ago to help someone real heroic capture some evil fey of some kind, but for some reason it as never used.

It can also make an interesting set piece. For example, the players can come upon a tomb that has been sealed with a hastily knotted rope made from iron.

If they understand magic is at play, it's impressive, but if they don't, they'll have to wonder if there's something in there that even someone who can tie knots in an iron bar was afraid of.
