View Full Version : Bojack Horseman Season 5 vs The Dragon Prince

2018-09-14, 01:49 PM
Both my babies come out on the Netflix on the same day:smalleek::smallfurious: how can I choose between my children?

2018-09-14, 03:19 PM
You could alternate between them, but that might cause some mood whiplash.

Mystic Muse
2018-09-14, 03:29 PM
Watch them both simultaneously.

2018-09-14, 03:34 PM
You could alternate between them, but that might cause some mood whiplash.

Yeah an even more intense FEELS that are both maniac and depressive :smalleek: was so what Bojack Season 4 was missing :smallwink::smalltongue:

But the Dragon Prince is something new yet at the same time something familiar :smallbiggrin:

2018-09-14, 10:19 PM
The Dragon Prince?

2018-09-14, 10:55 PM
A new animated show on Netflix, made from the same people who did Avatar the Last Airbender.

2018-09-15, 12:05 AM
The Dragon Prince?

The Dragon Prince is created by Aaron Ehasz (head writer of Avatar the Last Airbender) and Justin Richmond (Uncharted Game Director.) Note Aaron Ehasz was not connected in any way to Legends of Korra and he is credited with many things that gave Last Airbender its "style and feel." And I say this as a person who loves Korra :smallbiggrin:

2018-09-15, 08:15 AM
When you do get to the Dragon Prince just know it has really low framerate (apparently a stylistic choice, though I have no idea what one is trying to achieve visually by having such choppy animation). It actually gives me mild motion sickness when combined with moving camera shots cause the camera still moves very fluidly. The characters also exposit kind of hard sometimes, but that might go away in later episodes?

It's an intriguing show, so I hope I can just get used to the low framerate, for me its just distracting but some people don't notice it at all.

Can't say anything about Bojack Horseman since I don't watch.

2018-09-15, 08:23 AM
I don't want to spoil too much of Bojack Horseman, but maybe this will help sway you: there's an episode in season 5 where Todd builds a robot, and the robot sticks around for multiple episodes.:smallwink:

I'd talk more about the robot, but it's not exact forum appropriate.

2018-09-17, 02:58 PM
My wife and I are watching The Dragon Prince right now. I'm three episodes in, and keep expecting to hear John Hurt (RIP) give a voiceover. Prince Callum clearly raided Colin Morgan's wardrobe, Claudia's got the same glowy hand as Morgana, Prince Harrow is starting to get just as upset at magic as Uther was, and we have the same "I'm going to completely embarrass you in weapons training" banter between Callum and Soren as we did between Merlin and Arthur. All we need is an appearance from Dragoon the Great. :smallbiggrin:

Despite (or maybe because of) that, I'm really enjoying it.

Legato Endless
2018-09-17, 03:42 PM
The biggest problem with Dragon Prince is it's insubstantiality. The writing is a slow burn and it takes three episodes to essentially complete the pilot. That would be perfectly fine...if season 1 was more than 9 episodes. Compared to Avatar, it feels like somewhat less has happened than by the time Aang met Avatar Roku, which was merely the end of the first act to season 1.

If you're fine with the prologue setting that up and ending wispily on more of tease than a real arc, it's a solid binge. While slow, the show spends a good amount of time ironing out it's core cast to solid affect. If you ever wanted a show starring Sokka as the actual lead rather than a supporting player, this is pretty close. The other royal protagonist is a nice blend of idealism unmarred by the cultural assumptions binding the adults from seeing the obvious solutions to problems. Rounding out the core trio is an elven assassin, she's a bit more conventional in archetype but easily compensates by getting the most dramatic meat in the season. There's also some good representation with a deaf military badass and some conflicted antagonists. Although one character decides to leap headlong into a well trod stereotype mid season. :smallsigh:

On the whole, it's a charming affair. The world's a standard humans vs. fantasy creatures type deal with an elemental magic system mixed with some family-er friendly Game of Thrones aesthetic elements. The biggest genuine critique is a lot of the humor falls flat on its face. It's still the same mix of dramatic storytelling mixed with quirky character goofing you're familiar with if you've seen Avatar, Korra, or Voltron, but the neologistic snarking lacks polish here, and just doesn't have the same witty effortlessness. Hopefully they'll tighten that up for season 2.

Morph Bark
2018-09-18, 03:42 AM
Watch Bojack first so you can then overcome the instilled emotions with The Dragon Prince. It's good! It's not stellar, but it's very good. I don't think I've seen a show before where I didn't really dislike any character, there's a lot of good ones here. Some seem a little flat, but mainly because of lack of screentime. It doesn't feel tense overall and the animations still occasionally are stilted, but during action scenes--where it would matter most--that is not an issue.

2018-09-18, 08:50 AM
I spend last week rewatching seasons 1-4 to prepare for the new season. Then I did not even watch it since friday because I had started Atypical in the meantime and now I want to finish that first.
I like Morph Bark's suggestion to put DP second for some lighthearted fun after the emotional rollercoaster that BH is likely to be.

2018-09-20, 05:00 PM
Yeah... Definitely end your binge wirh Dragon Prince... Bojack can be... Heavy.