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2018-09-15, 01:13 AM
Captain's Log: Calibration, Day 1.

Bearing: 2238 n.m. East of Abalon

It appeared from nowhere. A massive island, by our calculations to be approximately 700 miles across, has appeared from seemingly nowhere. We are at present, approximately 624 miles from the shore of this island, but we are in no condition to go out of our way to investigate it. My ship is just a trade cog, manned by only 30 crew. When we reach Abalon, we will tell the House of our findings, though we are certain that they will already know. Based on its height and location, Everyone in the West, as well as those living on the coasts of both the western South and the Isle will already know it is there.

What is odd is that it has not affected the currents of the Ocean around it. We know this, because we are using the Merchant's Way to pull us along faster than we could sail with a favorable wind.

-Log entry from Captain Alyn Sandbar, Captain, G.S. Silver Silk.

By the End of Calibration, the word on everyone's lips was the new island. Theories abounded on where it came from, each as likely as the last. Fairies, gods, demon magic. Even a few whispers about it being a new war machine devised and built from the Shadowlands.

By the time you reach port in Abalon, the initial panic has more or less subsided, though there is still some tension that this is prelude to some attack. Oddities aside, the harbormaster comes out to greet you as you debark your ship.

"Welcome ashore. Abalon awaits. Just sign your ship to the register, and pay the dock fee. Coral or Jade is acceptable, and silver is welcome as well."

2018-09-15, 03:45 AM
As owner of the ship, Mantis was doing the port registration stuff while the captain and the crew did the last tasks onboard. She had chosen the port of Gateway instead of Seahaven because it was...
one: a trading port where she expected to have more possibilities to pick up a good cargo and/or passengers
two: a place where there was no realm embassy like in Seahaven.
three: she personally knew the Tya elder in the guildhouse here

After registering the Untamed Tranquility, as she had called her ship and a bit of haggling over the port fee, which she did without using her charms as she didn't want to start by drawing undue attention on herself and her ship. After that was done, she went back to the ship and called everyone to the master cabin.

"We'll be staying here for a couple of days," she said, "be careful and keep your eyes and ears open. Remember that Wavecrest is a Realm satrapy and keep the shenanigans to a minimum."

2018-09-16, 05:42 PM
"No magic? And you say our culture are the barbarians!"

Pale Ocean grins goodhumouredly as he makes sure his robes hang properly to conceal his bracers, and slips the orichalcum wire necklace under his collar where it can be hidden from sight.

"We should see what people have heard about that island. I plan to speak to the thaumaturges and sorcerers of this city port, such as they are. And then maybe go to a tavern. I want to see what they are like."

He can't hide the excitement from his voice as he adjusts the crystal lenses in front of his eyes, but then he sobers a little.

"Do not worry. I know that Chosen of the Sun are not welcome here. I shall be careful. Is anyone else up for a Wander? Mantis, I assume you'll be grabbing supplies and maybe cargo, but it'd be nice to either travel together or at least meet in a tavern after."

2018-09-17, 01:47 AM
"I plan on checking with some merchants I know and then go to the Tya chapterhouse to get more information there," Mantis said, "There is an inn right next to it, we can meet up there. And indeed, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get to know as much as possible about the island. If we all agree we might have a look around there."

2018-09-17, 01:37 PM
Ivory adjusts their belted hook swords as she sizes up the dock for anyone who looks like they might be Fae in disguise (you can never be to careful). I will accompany you to the chapterhouse if you don't mind, Mantis. I've not actually been to a proper one before, I'm keen to meet our sisters in this part of the world.

2018-09-17, 10:34 PM
Hidden Thunder didn't say anything as Mantis spoke, simply leaning against the wall and listening as she explained the situation, while he pondered what to do with his time. While he had seen towns before, barring raids he had always been confined to the Black Forge Clan's boats while other more social members of the Clan did business. Intoxicating as it was to be in a town that wasn't on fire for once, he had to admit that he knew little of what was in town to occupy a visitor.

Fortunately, listening to his fellow exalted gave the beginnings of an idea. He had never tried food that wasn't strictly for sustenance, so the thought of eating at a Tavern, eating food that was meant to be enjoyed, was an intriguing thought.

"I'll just wander around town for a bit, see the sights, then join you all at the tavern, if that's alright." With that simple statement, he pushes himself off the wall as he begins to leave. "Hmmm, where was Cloud on the ship again?"

2018-09-18, 01:23 PM
"Sure, you can join me," Mantis said to Ivory, "i have to pass by a merchant as I told you, but you're welcome to join there too. Just let me do the talking there. Well, see you later."

The last was to the others. Leaving the ship again, she went with Ivory to Kahewai, a merchant she had dealt with before here in Gateway.

2018-09-19, 04:05 PM
White Paw draw the hood of his cloak tighter. The clothing was covering his extensive Lunar tattooss just fine, and he wasn’t afraid of a brawl, but still, if would be better to avoid unnecessary attention.

- Shall I protect the ship just in case? - he asked – Or you know what? - continued the Lunar – I am going with you. Gods only know what troubles you will breed for yourselves. You could use a bodyguard, I assume.

2018-09-20, 04:35 AM
Ivory dosn't growl at Paw, but their expression makes it clear it was a close thing I'm quite capable of keeping one Solar out of trouble myself. Why don't you keep an eye on that one so he's not wandering around unsupervised? they nod at Pale Ocean.

2018-09-20, 06:17 AM
- Alright, I will stay with Pale Ocean if you will so - answered Paw.

2018-09-20, 08:38 AM
Pale Ocean sighs, and adjusts his crystal lenses again.

"I'm perfectly capable of supervising myself...ok mostly capable. Look, the last time wasn't my fault. I was being polite! How am I supposed to know that just complimenting women on their ornate necklaces is code on that island for 'Take me in your house and try to marry me' without using the abilities gifted me by the Sun?"

He shakes his head, cheeks colouring a little as he remembers the incident.

"Civilised people are so much more complicated than elementals or animals."

He leaves the ship shortly after Ivory and Mantis, bringing his accompanying Dragonclaw tribe sailors and all those other Exalted who wish to join him for a quick stop in thaumaturgy shops before reconvening at either the Tya house or the suggested Inn.

2018-09-20, 08:59 AM
Together with Ivory, Mantis left the ship and headed for Kahewai. She tried to make some small talk on the way, but Ivory didn't seem to be in a really talkative mood. Arriving at the merchant she announced herself and after some waiting, she was brought in.
"Greetings Kahewai," she said, "I have returned and I wanted to see if you were interested in my cargo. It's ten bales of dyed cloth from the neck and some small boxes of pearls."

2018-09-20, 10:50 AM
Kahewai walks from the back storeroom of her store, and stops short of a low table, across from Mantis. The woman bears the darker skin of someone from the south, but her blue hair with its black and grey streaks marks her as descended from the tribes of the neck. She bears a stern look on her face that deepens to a scowl when she looks Mantis up and down.

"An' dijyou bring me a sample of your cargo fa' me to examine? Ya may recall what happened da las' time I took ya' cargo without inspecting it first. Ma storeroom still reeks a' the rotten scent a' that 'exotic fruit.'"

Despite her attempts to remain serious and stern, a smile creeps onto the woman's face.

"Bah! I can' remain angry wit' you very long. D'oh what I say about da fruit is true. My shop stinks of eet during the entire season of Fire."

She holds her arm out as she comes around the table, and the silver and gold bangles on her arms slide down to her elbows as she turns you about.

"Let's see dis cargo you bring, eh?"


Waqndering about the town, you soon come to find that there is much talk about the Island. Rumor has it that the Satrapy is attemting to gather a fleet to go and investigate the place, but there seems to be some difficulty in finding volunteers.

Inside of one... shall we say, respectable(?) looking establishment, the Silver Blossom, the drinks are flowing plenty, and sailors are all grumbling about the lack of decent winds since the island appeared. The barmaids are hustling about, bringing ale and rum, and some other, more exotic drinks to the men and Tya gathered in the drinking hall. Still other women are leading men off upstairs, and business seems to be none the worse for the odd events happening around the West.

2018-09-20, 12:40 PM
"Hey, that was not my fault," Mantis said, "besides, you made enough money on the ones you sold before the others turned bad. But of course I have samples."

She took out some samples of the cloth she had brought and one of the small cases of Pearls.
"they have this strange way of colouring on that Island," she said, "it makes that the colours blend nicely from one to the other. And they make it look easy. Trust me, you won't see cloth this fine and this nicely dyed anywhere in the west and probably some of the other directions as well. As to the Pearls, those speak for themselves, right?"

She activated one of her charms while speaking about the good qualities of the cloth.

activate Insightful Buyer Technique for 3 personal motes to know how much it's worth here.

2018-09-22, 08:33 AM
Silent as a shadow during the exchanges on board the boat is a seemingly demure woman, wearing a maid costume that's only slightly tattered at the edges. She tugs at it habitually but otherwise remains standing at attention. Her dark, almost black eyes glance from one fellow exalt to the next.

"I will inquire with the local help and mercenaries about the current goings on. If we need sundries, give me the list; it won't seem out of place for a lowly maid (like myself) to handle acquiring them..."

She embarks a few steps behind the others as they leave, and (hopefully) quickly blends in with the other servant class types bustling around the port town. She would later be surprised by the number of women with jobs in Wavecret but not enough to deter her from asking around about that island.


Manipulation +socialize to dig up any info about what people in town are doing about the island. Who (else) is hiring mercenaries, any more details about why the Satrapy can't get a decent army together-- maybe someone else is buying up their services...

2018-09-22, 02:36 PM
Paw entered into the tavern and got himself some ale. He decided to not talk with anyone but his Exalted peers and just listen to the conversations, to get an idea about what is happening in the city.

2018-09-22, 03:02 PM
“Turned bad? Turned bad? Girl, they smelt bad from the first. I only managed to sell them as ritual materials to a shaman.”

The woman looks over the cloth. She runs it through her hands, holds it up to the light.

“Eet’s Good, but I’ve seen better. I am thinking you got mebbe a Talent’s worth, if de rest is as good.”

She turns to the pearls, and goes over them with an appraising glass. “Dees are good as well. How many did you say you have?” After the response, she eyes you before responding. “Five bars.”

Its a decent price, but you know it’s worth at least twice as much.


Pepper goes about town. Her inquiries, however, are perhaps too vague to illicit much more than the same scuttlebutt that everyone seems to be discussing. Until, that is, when she gets near to the Satrapy headquarters. There, she overhears a captain complain that half of his crew was just pressed into the expeditionary force leaving for the island.

2018-09-23, 05:06 AM
Mantis looked at the merchant, not speaking for a few moments.

"I know as a Tya I can't use the 'starving children' play Merchants often use," She said, "but I still have a ship to maintain and a crew to pay. Try triple of your offer and we can speak."

2018-09-23, 03:12 PM
Carrying a small basket (ostensibly for the sundries she mentioned,) Pepper looks over at the unfortunate captain and with a voice tinged with faint sympathy approaches.

"Ah, pardon me, Good Captain, but did I hear you right?" Pepper's no actor but she can at least try to put up a front supported by half truths, "This sounds dreadful; I should alert my own ...ah.. master so they can see to their own ship crew, but why did he take half of yours? Just for exploring some new island?" she tries to leave things unsaid, perhaps to goad the captain, such as why the Satrapy is having man-power-problems to begin with. To her old life it sounds like a discipline and low moral issue, to say the least, but she isn't the Satrapy's master of arms. There could be other issues that would explain it.

Another round of manipulation and socializing, hopefully I come off as a sympathetic ear:
[roll0] Manip/Socializing

Also Int/Bureaucracy to think on how far-reaching this could end up; like, can the Satrapy conscript whomever they wish? If the satrapy is keen on getting ANYBODY and can legally do so, she'd best figure this out and alert the others: [roll1]

2018-09-23, 03:38 PM
After drinking all his ale, Paw buys two more. He takes one drink for himself and second to some random man he was eyeing.

- Here, for you - he tried to be friendly - Tell me, what do you think of the new island? I have heard many theories, but nothing of true value. I'm from North, as you probably could quess from my accent. Surely you up here know more then we do in our part of Creation, right?

2018-09-23, 04:55 PM
Mantis looked at the merchant, not speaking for a few moments.

"I know as a Tya I can't use the 'starving children' play Merchants often use," She said, "but I still have a ship to maintain and a crew to pay. Try triple of your offer and we can speak."

“I add annadda half Talent to what I can pay, but I haf ta make profit myself.”

Carrying a small basket (ostensibly for the sundries she mentioned,) Pepper looks over at the unfortunate captain and with a voice tinged with faint sympathy approaches.

"Ah, pardon me, Good Captain, but did I hear you right?" Pepper's no actor but she can at least try to put up a front supported by half truths, "This sounds dreadful; I should alert my own ...ah.. master so they can see to their own ship crew, but why did he take half of yours? Just for exploring some new island?" she tries to leave things unsaid, perhaps to goad the captain, such as why the Satrapy is having man-power-problems to begin with. To her old life it sounds like a discipline and low moral issue, to say the least, but she isn't the Satrapy's master of arms. There could be other issues that would explain it.

Another round of manipulation and socializing, hopefully I come off as a sympathetic ear:
[roll0] Manip/Socializing

Also Int/Bureaucracy to think on how far-reaching this could end up; like, can the Satrapy conscript whomever they wish? If the satrapy is keen on getting ANYBODY and can legally do so, she'd best figure this out and alert the others: [roll1]

“Aye. Just came up, held swords to ‘em and led them off. Like criminals. Don’t know why, they’ve got plenty of men in ports further north. Though it could be the Tepets aren’t wanting to risk their own sailors on this until they find out what they’re up against.”

What he says sounds like it could make sense. Navies often press gang men into service to fill up ship complements whe they are short of sailors.

After drinking all his ale, Paw buys two more. He takes one drink for himself and second to some random man he was eyeing.

- Here, for you - he tried to be friendly - Tell me, what do you think of the new island? I have heard many theories, but nothing of true value. I'm from North, as you probably could quess from my accent. Surely you up here know more then we do in our part of Creation, right?

The man eyes you warily. He grudgingly accepts the drink. He listens to your piece, and takes a long pull, draining half the glass in case you take it from him after he answers.

“That’s cause there ain’t no true value in anything. Nobody knows about the damn thing. Just appeared during Calibration, and no ones gone out there yet. Most are still pissing their britches at it.”

He takes another drink.

“And how’s you get here so fast if you came from the North to see this thing for yourself?” His tone became surly as he asked the question.

2018-09-24, 08:33 AM
"He came from the North a long time ago friend."

Pale Ocean seats himself at the same table as Paw and the sailor.

Off in the background, Pale Ocean's companions entertain themselves sampling the food and drink, exotic to them even if others find it more mundane.

"We've been trading in the area for some time, and are very interested in looking into this Island that's appeared. Do you know if any of the sorcerers and thaumaturges in the city are planning expeditions or carried out scouting via elementals? I tried looking in on them earlier, but they were in a real state of excitement and did not have time to meet a lowly barbarian like myself."

Pale Ocean smiles, pushes up his crystal lenses, then slips out an ornate golden earring from his bag, placing it on the table close to the man's hand.

"I'm sure a man such as yourself would be able to do a little digging for us, given the proper motivation."

Sorry for delay. Weekend was manic.

Let me know what I need to roll and I'll do it. For reference, I am Very charismatic and attractive, if a bit naive in certain ways.

2018-09-24, 10:51 AM
"That's a start," Mantis said, "make it 3 talents for the lot and you have a deal."

Again she didn't use her powers to seal the deal. Kahewai had dealt with her fairly in the past, and she treated those fairly whom did the same to her. Those who tried to cheat her on the other hand...

2018-09-24, 04:19 PM
Kahewai looks over at Mantis. She gives the woman a hard look, appraising the sailor.

“Ya seem set on three Talents. But I won’ go more than two and a half. It’s more den fair.”

2018-09-25, 01:38 AM
"Very well, 2 talents and a half," Mantis said, wanting to keep the merchant as a friend. And the amount would be enough to cover her expenses and generate some profit.
"But I want one talent of it as its equivalent of silver," she said, wanting both of the common currencies. The Denzik valued silver, as did the guild (although they took jade without problem), but mostly in the neck they valued silver more than jade and you never know where they would end up.

"So, what do you know about that new island that apparently appeared out of nowhere," she asked next. Now that business was over, it was time to start thinking about the next business venture and doing that meant needing information.

2018-09-25, 06:21 AM
Paw leaned closer to Pal Ocean, whispering something in his ear.

- It seems to me than there are just rumors, nothing more. Nobody know what is that island and why it had appeared. Better to simply jump into action and explore ourselves than listen to the fools here - he said to his companion.

2018-09-25, 08:36 PM
Pepper takes this all in, thanking the captain for his time and with faint, all too shallow words of sympathy, she kicks up her skirts as she hastily quits the scene. She has to tell Mantis about this as soon as possible and the bustling maid hurries off, trying to remember where her captain was going.

I realize without using her leaping powers--something I'm pretty sure would cause a ruckus-- that it may take a while to get back to where Farothel/Mantis are, so lemme know how this should proceed--unless of course Pepper runs into trouble along the way...

2018-09-26, 11:07 AM
"He came from the North a long time ago friend."

Pale Ocean seats himself at the same table as Paw and the sailor.

Off in the background, Pale Ocean's companions entertain themselves sampling the food and drink, exotic to them even if others find it more mundane.

"We've been trading in the area for some time, and are very interested in looking into this Island that's appeared. Do you know if any of the sorcerers and thaumaturges in the city are planning expeditions or carried out scouting via elementals? I tried looking in on them earlier, but they were in a real state of excitement and did not have time to meet a lowly barbarian like myself."

Pale Ocean smiles, pushes up his crystal lenses, then slips out an ornate golden earring from his bag, placing it on the table close to the man's hand.

"I'm sure a man such as yourself would be able to do a little digging for us, given the proper motivation."

Sorry for delay. Weekend was manic.

Let me know what I need to roll and I'll do it. For reference, I am Very charismatic and attractive, if a bit naive in certain ways.

The man looks at the gold, looks up at Pale Ocean and smiles, showing his teeth. You note a few are missing.

“Yeah, sure. I can ask around a bit.”

He finishes his drink and moves to take the gold.

Wits + Socialize, please.

"Very well, 2 talents and a half," Mantis said, wanting to keep the merchant as a friend. And the amount would be enough to cover her expenses and generate some profit.
"But I want one talent of it as its equivalent of silver," she said, wanting both of the common currencies. The Denzik valued silver, as did the guild (although they took jade without problem), but mostly in the neck they valued silver more than jade and you never know where they would end up.

"So, what do you know about that new island that apparently appeared out of nowhere," she asked next. Now that business was over, it was time to start thinking about the next business venture and doing that meant needing information.

“Of course.”

Once the business is done, and you ask about the island, the merchant merely shrugs. “You guess is as good as mine. Nobody knows anyting yet.”

Pepper takes this all in, thanking the captain for his time and with faint, all too shallow words of sympathy, she kicks up her skirts as she hastily quits the scene. She has to tell Mantis about this as soon as possible and the bustling maid hurries off, trying to remember where her captain was going.

I realize without using her leaping powers--something I'm pretty sure would cause a ruckus-- that it may take a while to get back to where Farothel/Mantis are, so lemme know how this should proceed--unless of course Pepper runs into trouble along the way...

“Nobody knows anyting yet.”

Pepper walks into the merchants store at this point in the conversation.

The first thing the young woman notices is the smell. Like rotten meat.

2018-09-26, 12:00 PM
"Then I think we're done here," Mantis said, seeing Pepper enter the shop, "unless you have something that needs being moved from point A to point B."

Then she turned to Pepper.
"Just a moment, we're almost done here I think," she said the girl.

2018-09-27, 02:28 PM
Pepper's expression belies that there's more truth to Mantis' statement than she realizes. She dutifully waits however, at at the first moment she gets, the 'maid' whispers into her captain's ear:

"The Satrapy is conscripting everyone they can, not wanting to risk their own navy and ships against the new island," she says keeping pace with Mantis. "A sure sign we'd best make haste and leave before we're conscripted or before they get to the place themselves."

2018-09-28, 10:36 AM
Pale Ocean slips it back into his bag at his side.

"After friend. After. We'll be here for a while yet, so come back and find us when you have something useful."

If the man leaves, he will turn to Paw.

"I definitely want to explore that place without any prying eyes. Means I can actually use the gifts given me to help us out. Hopefully the others will join us soon and we can take a vote on our next move."

He will order another round, unintentionally treating the bartenders to a dazzling smile the likes of which they probably haven't seen before, and sit down with a large variety of bottles to try.

2018-09-28, 10:46 AM
- If you say so. Personally, I would like to go there, instead of trying to gather second-handed information with varied results. But whatever pleases you - concluded Paw, sipping on his ale.

2018-09-29, 05:55 AM
With the trading completed, Mantis said her goodbyes to the trader, made arrangements to offload the ship and get the payments done and then she went to the Tya guildhouse first to see if there were any messages for her and to see if she could get some information on the Island there, as well as maps with the currents around that location. Well, old currents as they had probably changed.

2018-10-01, 12:03 PM
The Tya chapter house is a three story building, thick, green ivy, climbing up the first two levels. As Mantis entered, she is greeted by several other Tya, al with the same, "Welcome, Tya."

When she inquires about the island, smiles fade, slightly, as the women admit they know nothing, but ask if you are thinking of sailing to the place to find what you can. When you answer that you are, they direct you upstairs to the elder. When Pepper makes to follow, her path is barred by two of the larger Tya women.

2018-10-01, 12:38 PM
"Sorry about that," Mantis said to Pepper, "it won't take long here I think. If you can go to the inn next door and tell the men that I'll be there shortly."

With that she moved upstairs to the Tya elder. She didn't check to see if Ivory, who was also Tya, would follow or would stay with the women downstairs.
"Greetings, Elder Tya," she said to the woman behind the desk, "thank you for seeing me this quickly. I seek information about the new Island that appeared."

2018-10-01, 01:10 PM
In the Chapterhouse, Ivory returns the greetings of their sisters, and studies everything with wide-eyed interest, noting the clothing and weapons on display, as well as studying the manners as best they can. They know the basics from their initiation, but this is a real Chaperhouse, not just two Tya meeting like passing ships. What goes on here?

Using New Friend Aroma to give a good first impression to the Elder. (7d10)[1][2][10][3][2][4][8] 3 successes Charisma/Presence.

2018-10-02, 04:08 PM
It only took a short bit for Hidden Thunder to find Cloud; soon enough the two were trailing lazily behind Pale Ocean and his crew as they went about there errands. Within the thaumaturgy shops, Hidden Thunder's limited occult knowledge wasn't enough to understand the conversations around him nor the items lining the shelves, so Thunder swiftly started waiting outside of the shops instead. Not that he minded, the town and the people within were more then enough to hold Thunder's interest.

Soon enough the group were filing into the Silver Blossom. A pair of tables were claimed, the Exalted and the Godblooded taking a table next to Pale Ocean's boisterous followers. As more shouts for rum and ale added into the already noisy din, Thunder and Cloud stuck their noses into the provided menus. Cloud quickly ordered a plate of fish, while Thunder dithered for five minutes in front of the (very-patient) Waitress until Cloud hurried up the process by ordering the house special for him. Even the relatively small menu was filled with possibilities for the Archer, how was he supposed to choose just one?

The house special soon revealed itself to be a soup filled to the brim with Mussels. Thunder slurped down his soup in comfortable silence, marveling at the number of flavors rolling around on his tongue. As he did so, he listened to the conversations around him. In particular he listened to the conversation his fellow Exalted, who had left the table not ten minutes after sitting down, were having with another person...

"What do they think he'll know? Best to just go the Island." Thunder silently agreed in his thoughts with White Paw, before taking another sip of his soup. "Well, not like we're in a rush. Hopefully we'll get to spend just a bit more time here."

2018-10-05, 04:04 AM
"I agree. I want to investigate this mystery. Now come on Paw, let's go and rejoin the others"

Pale Ocean makes sure the gold earring is safely stowed back in his bag, and orders a sweet cocktail concoction at the bar before heading back over to the table that they'd previously shared with Hidden Thunder and Cloud, nodding and making the strange clawed gesture with his hand over his heart that he and his followers do as a greeting before sitting down at the table, making sure that his robes still conceal his jewelry beneath.

"It would seem that civilised folk have far more greed than usefulness."

He takes a sip of his drink and his eyes light up.

"Though I will say I'm loving all these new flavours. This is excellent!"

He straightens his crystal lenses.

"We definitely need to take some of this with us when we explore that island."

2018-10-05, 11:11 AM
- I'm more concerned with the new island than drinks, but I guess it's a good thing you like them - said White Paw, following his Solar companion - Although I am more and more worried about this whole business. I mean, the island is gigantic and appeared in such a short period of time. Whoever is behind this - Prince of demons, Deathlord, I do not know who else - must be quite powerful. And I haven't mastered a single martial arts form... - there was just a hint of worries in his voice.

2018-10-06, 02:53 AM
"Though I will say I'm loving all these new flavours. This is excellent!"

He straightens his crystal lenses.

"We definitely need to take some of this with us when we explore that island."Thunder lets out a short laugh. "I like the way you think! This town has been filled with new experiences."
- I'm more concerned with the new island than drinks, but I guess it's a good thing you like them - said White Paw, following his Solar companion - Although I am more and more worried about this whole business. I mean, the island is gigantic and appeared in such a short period of time. Whoever is behind this - Prince of demons, Deathlord, I do not know who else - must be quite powerful."Who says this is someone's doing? The world is a strange place."

The first person to respond to this is not either of the other Exalted, but the Godblood sitting with them. "From what I heard on the ship, the raising of this Island has interfered with none of the local currents. To raise an Island with such care, this was likely no accident."
And I haven't mastered a single martial arts form... - there was just a hint of worries in his voice.An uncertain look swept across Hidden Thunder's face for a moment. Old teachings drilled into Hidden Thunder chided White Paw for his display of weakness, and demanded he stay out of the way if he was so worthless. But Hidden Thunder was not bound to those teachings. He could and would find his own answers. And right now, he liked White Paw. He spoke. "Good thing you won't be going to the Island alone then. You'll find my arrows are quite capable in dealing with spirits, at least."

2018-10-07, 01:24 AM
The elder, sitting in a small room near the back of the second floor, rises with the aid of a cane. You see that this is not due to age, but due to her missing the lower half of her right calf.

She deftly uses her cane to retrieve a bottle from the other side of the room, and returns to her seat. She sets the bottle down, and opens it, pouring out measures of the red wine inside into glasses.

"Well, come in. I haven't got all day. Wine? It is the finest of last year's vintage from the Isle."

2018-10-07, 04:10 AM
"Of course, elder," Mantis said, taking one of the seats, "and thank you for the wine."

After the wine was poured, she took her glass and raised it.
"To your health," she said, taking a sip, "it is indeed very good wine."

Taking another sip, she looked at the elder.
"Well, time to business. I'm thinking about having a look at that Island, but I want as much information as possible before I leave."

2018-10-07, 11:37 AM
“I see. And have you asked about it before coming to me? If you have, you know as much as I.”

The elder chuckles as she takes another drink.

2018-10-07, 12:16 PM
"I hoped you had more information," Mantis said, knowing the Tya had an intelligence network across the West.
"And that's not only why I'm here," she continued, "If there are other things you want from me, I'm open to suggestions."

2018-10-07, 01:48 PM
“There are always messages to be carried, but not if you are going to the island.”

The elder looked from her chair over the open window, where the island sits in view in the distance.

“Go to the island if you feel you must. But heed my warning. The Satrapy is gathering a fleet of their own. And they will likely not care for intruders into what will be for them their own true territory in the West.”

2018-10-07, 02:42 PM
"I'll take that into consideration and see with my crew," Mantis said, "if we decide not to go there, I'll check for cargoes anyway and I'll be back for any messages in the direction I'm heading. Do you have any idea when the satrap fleet will go? Maybe we can get there before them."

2018-10-07, 03:05 PM
The elder nods. “Soon. Tomorrow at the earliest. Though I doubt anything they gather here will be ready for at least another day. But this is not the only place the Satrap has sway. There will be others.”

2018-10-08, 02:27 AM
"Very well," Mantis said, finishing off the wine, "I'll see with my crew and then we'll make a decision. Thanks for the information and the wine."

With a short bow to the elder, Mantis left the office and went back downstairs. There she picked up Pepper if she had stayed and then went to the inn next door to see if the rest of the crew had picked up some information. She wasn't sure if there was much information, but she also knew that even Tya elders didn't know everything.
"Hey, how are things here," she said as she sat down at the table with the other exalted.

2018-10-08, 07:08 AM
White Paw nodded and smiled slightly at the words of his companion. He wanted to be independent and able to carry his own weight, but yes, indeed, it was good to have friends with - Thank you - he said simply.

2018-10-10, 03:44 PM
Ivory heads down back into the main part of the Chapterhouse and looks for someone to talk to

2018-10-11, 04:04 AM
Getting something to drink at the inn, she Mantis sat at the table with the other exalts.
"And, did you found something out," she asked, "I've heard that the satrap wants to leave as quickly as possible to visit that island and probably claim it as a base. So if we want to go there, we need to go fast."

2018-10-11, 04:42 AM
"Hey, how are things here," she said as she sat down at the table with the other exalted.Cloud smiles politely as she answers Mantis's question. "Quite good, thank you. We've had good food, good drinks, and good company."

After a second, Hidden Thunder begins to speak. "Me, Pale Ocean, and White Paw have been talking," He hesitates for a moment, seemingly unsure how to state this. "That Island that's arisen a day or so ago, we all want to see it."

2018-10-11, 09:53 AM
- The sooner the better - agreed White Paw.

2018-10-11, 01:59 PM
"I've just managed to sell our cargo," Mantis told them, "It needs to be offloaded and we need to take on fresh supplies and then we're good to go. Say tomorrow somewhere."

2018-10-12, 04:53 AM
- I can help with the reloading - White Paw offered his help, he was strong after all - But please, take no big stuff in. We do not know what can be on the island, so we practically need food and maybe some survival gear. We have to have room for all the treasures we could find on this new land.

2018-10-12, 11:18 AM
"I don't plan on taking any cargo if we're going to the Island," Mantis said, "it would only get in the way, slow us down and I don't think I can sell it there. We'll take on new cargo as soon as we're back."

2018-10-15, 11:49 AM
In the Chapterhouse, Ivory returns the greetings of their sisters, and studies everything with wide-eyed interest, noting the clothing and weapons on display, as well as studying the manners as best they can. They know the basics from their initiation, but this is a real Chaperhouse, not just two Tya meeting like passing ships. What goes on here?

Using New Friend Aroma to give a good first impression to the Elder. (7d10)[1][2][10][3][2][4][8] 3 successes Charisma/Presence.

What goes on, as the others go to their meeting, is a lot of sitting and talking.

Nearly everyone in the chapter house is sitting, either on chairs at tables, or on oversized pillows on the floor as they sit at lower tables. The conversations at many of them are muted, though not to the point of being whispers or secretive. There are some tables where several of the women are involved in games of dice, some with cards, and one where there is some sort of negotiation going on.

There does not seem to be any formal set of protocol, though you do note some deference to those with more ritual tattoos, and the more intricate the working, the greater the deference.

2018-10-15, 02:07 PM
Ivory attempts to integrate themself into the conversations, and dispute her magical pheromones is very obviously fresh off the boat. But they gain confidence for next time.

2018-10-17, 05:29 AM
"I don't plan on taking any cargo if we're going to the Island," Mantis said, "it would only get in the way, slow us down and I don't think I can sell it there. We'll take on new cargo as soon as we're back."

"Sounds like a plan. Means we have more room for supplies, as White Paw suggests. Did we want to hire additional sailors and warriors to accompany us? Maybe you and Ivory could convince some of your sister....Tya, is that how you say it? It might be good to have a few more hands before the mast that can also stand with us in the event of any violence."

Pale Ocean takes his crystal spectacles off and polishes them before placing them back on gently.

"Of course, I will do all I can to smooth things along so that things do not devolve into violence in the first place, but Creation's not perfect. I've no doubt we can make it better though."

He smiles.

"So, how long do me and my Saltclaws have before we sail?"

2018-10-17, 06:35 AM
"I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get more crew," Mantis said, before lowering her voice even more, "they don't like anathema here, so the less people the better."

She took another sip from her drink and then continued as before.
"Normally we should be able to leave tomorrow a bit after midday.

2018-10-19, 09:04 AM
Ivory gets a few odd looks, several different variations on “Shut up and go away,” varying from overwhelmingly polite to downright rude.

It was only when she sat at her own table, holding a drink and wondering where everything went wrong when she was approached by another Tya who had also just arrived. Her dark blue coat was open to reveal a cream colored silk blouse held closed by a silk cord threaded through the closures. Black boots over her trousers ensured her propriety, and she completed her outfit with an oversized black hat. She does not bear the markings of a Tya, and yet seems to be respected well enough by the other Tya that she is uninterrupted as she walks over to your table, sweeps off her hat and asks if she can join you.

2018-10-19, 12:57 PM
Please, by all means Ivory says I'm new here, my name is Ivory Sheild.

2018-10-19, 01:56 PM
With a dramatic flourish, the woman sweeps her hat into a deep bow.

“I am Melithec. Mel to my friends, dangerous to my enemies!”

The woman sits down and motions off to the side. Presently there is a brown bottle placed in front of her, and the woman pours out two drinks into glasses. She hands one to you.

“So. What brings you to this little patch of sunshine?”

2018-10-22, 01:20 PM
Ivory studies the new arrival with both their normal sight and Shark Sight, sitting up a bit straighter and thinking again how they really need to get around to letting their hair grow back

I'm with a ship, the Untamed Tranquility, we're offloading cargo. they say Myself, I was looking to find more of my own kind, Tya are not so numerous where I come from. Though I suppose it's inevitable Pale Ocien is going to want to go poking around that new island. they grimace as Lunars are wont to do when they think about the next mess they're going to have to pull their Solar out of.

2018-10-24, 09:08 AM
Even as Ivory speaks, a ruckus has developed at the inn next door.

The SaltClaw barbarians weren't happy with their latest dish, and made their displeasure known.

Pale Ocean got up from the table to smooth things over with the establishment, and silently prayed to the gods that he'd be able to smooth things over before he got punched in the nose, and have the others bail him out. It was so embarrassing the way that they looked at him when trouble started, especially Ivory.

"Now please, I'm sure we're all reasonable people...."

Couldn't resist taking up Ivory's last post tempting fate :smallwink:. Feel free to just have this as a bit of flavour. Don't want to disrupt flow. Happy to have this handwaved or roll, whichever you like.

I don't really have anything else I want to do before setting off, apart from grabbing supplies and maybe some thaumaturgical texts.

2018-10-24, 09:40 AM
Just great, Mantis thought as she moved so that she could intervene if needed, but letting Pale Ocean take point. They were his crew after all, even though they helped out a lot on the ship. They were good sailors, but not used to larger cities. Well, they would learn quickly enough.

2018-10-24, 03:08 PM
“The island you say? Well then perhaps it is fate we are here together now. I will be heading that way myself come morning. What do you think caused the island to appear?”


Fortunately, the ruckus is easily solved. It only costs the price of the food, the drinks, and the plates and bowls the crew broke.

After settling the bill, Pale Ocean is politely asked to leave, and to take the barbarians with him.

2018-10-25, 11:49 AM
Mantis made a note to speak with Pale Ocean and his crew the following day, but as soon as they were gone, she went to the innkeeper to get another round for the rest of the crew.
"They're good sailors," she explained, "great on the sea, but they still have to learn something about elementary etiquette."

She slipped the innkeeper a little extra to keep him happy. She wanted to be able to come here again without too much hastle. Then she went back to the rest of the crew.

"Let's not make it too late today. We have the offloading and reprovisioning to do tomorrow morning and I don't want to leave too late."

2018-10-25, 01:06 PM
Ivory shrugs I think its a Fae trick to lure unwary treasure hunters. Back home they'd have said it was Pasiap turning over in his sleep. they look at the woman again, trying to guess her profession Is that why you are heading there? Looking for sunken treasure?

2018-10-25, 04:28 PM
The White Paws left with all the rest. He was kind of quiet, maybe because he felt a little embarassed about this whole situation with ruckus?

- Maybe let's just return to our ship? - he finally broke his own silence - We have there everything we need, and to be honest, this whole tawern stuff did not shred any light on the island. We are better off whatever.

2018-10-28, 03:38 AM
"Sure, go ahead," Mantis said, "but I first need something to eat that isn't hardtack. I'll see you back on the ship."
When they were gone, she ordered something to eat. She hadn't been lying that she wanted something other than ship's fare for a change.

2018-10-28, 02:37 PM
Ivory shrugs I think its a Fae trick to lure unwary treasure hunters. Back home they'd have said it was Pasiap turning over in his sleep. they look at the woman again, trying to guess her profession Is that why you are heading there? Looking for sunken treasure?

Melithec smiles. “Not at all! I merely seek adventure wherever I can find it!”

2018-10-29, 02:33 PM
Then I wish you the best of luck. Ivory raises their glass in salute.

2018-11-07, 11:36 PM
"And to you as well! May we both find what we seek!" Melithec drops a few pieces of silver on the table as she stands up. She then sweeps her hat up and with a flourish dons it. And with that done, the woman departs.


The Tranquility set sail this morning into a decent tailwind, but several hours from shore the winds changed direction suddenly, turning strong headwinds and bringing with them the appearance of storms on the horizon. Progress was slowed as the winds began gusting over 15 knots. As late afternoon approaches, you find yourselves standing on deck, looking into an oncoming storm. A storm which is, against all logic, approaching you against the winds keeping you from making progress to your destination.

2018-11-08, 11:31 AM
Mantis went on the quarterdeck, where Pale Ocean was directing the fight against the storm.
"What do you think," she shouted over the wind, "A storm mother getting angry because there is an Island in her territory now? Can we get around it, approach from the other side?"

2018-11-09, 05:28 AM
Pale Ocean stands stoically at the wheel, his breather vine with golden leaves now wound around his neck to protect him in the event of being thrown overboard. Several times in the past he had been saved, mostly by Ivory, from going over the railing after some heavy lurches in past storms, so it never hurt to be prepared!

"I've been doing what I can, but this is not natural weather! It even seems to resist the power of the Wind Jewel! There's one more thing I can try, but it might make our nature somewhat obvious, if only for a short while, to whoever or whatever is causing this storm. If we're all prepared for that I'll do what I can!"

Pale Ocean turns away for a moment to yell instructions over the storm that send the SaltClaw sailors shimmying up the rigging with catlike grace to trim the sails.

"The storm seems to be coming straight at us. Not sure we can go around! Maybe the Island doesn't want visitors!"

Wind Jewel lets me summon a moderately strong breeze to help/hinder a ship, adding/subtracting 10mph for a yacht or small cargo vessel like ours, or 5mph for a larger one. I'm assuming it hasn't been enough to make enough of a difference.

Thinking about using Perfect Reckoning Technique just FYI. Not sure how that would interact with this funky weather so thought I'd announce it beforehand to give Lentrax time to make a call.

Let me know what needs to be rolled to check to see if we are in Storm Mother territory (of course if we are, having Hidden Thunder's squeeze along for the ride makes things interesting :smallwink: )

Here's a roll for Int+Occult. It's -1 die if it's Lore. If it's something completely different, please disregard.


Finally, not sure how the storm is approaching us against the wind if we have a headwind and it's approaching us from up ahead. The only way it'd approach us against the wind would be if it was approaching from behind us, no?

2018-11-09, 04:11 PM
The White Paw followed after Mantis - Do what you can, or the storm will hit us. We would like to avaid that, no? - the Lunar said. He was not sure what to think of this whole situation, but well, he was a warrior, not a sorcerer. His concerns were different.

2018-11-10, 06:52 AM
"From what I know about these things, which is not much at all," Mantis said, "we have basically two options. One: try to steer around it, one way or the other. Or two: if it is steered supernaturally, maybe my status as priest of the Unconquered Sun might help us along."

2018-11-10, 12:22 PM
You go ahead and call up the Storm God and we'll soon teach her not to mess with the Chosen Ivory mutters

2018-11-10, 12:29 PM
"I don't think it works that way," Mantis said, "Actually I have not really a clue as to how to do that. I was just planning on flashing my anima and see what comes off it."

She made a mental note to check up on ways to deal with gods and elementals. Maybe even some immaculate books might help. The only god she had gotten in touch with was that Volcano god they wanted to sacrifice her to, and he hadn't been really all that talkative. He only said something about an oath and that he couldn't take her as sacrifice, but that was it. And she was quite sure if there was a god or anything behind this, they wouldn't have those same oaths going.

2018-11-15, 11:22 AM
"Well if we really want to call the Storm God to us, I think my fans might be able to help me get their attention. I was just going to use the essence of the glorious Sun to perfect my navigation through this trial, but if you think a confrontation works better, I can give it a try!"

Pale Ocean wipes his eyeglasses clear of droplets, gazing out at the horizon as he tries to keep the ship steady.

2018-11-15, 12:33 PM
"I don't think a confrontation is better," Mantis said, "but it is an option. We can best try your method first and if that doesn't work, we can always go for confrontation later. Anybody has any idea of what we might be facing? I must admit my knowledge of these things is rather limited."

2018-11-18, 02:40 PM
- It's hard to be sure - said the White Paw after some thinking - but had it occured to you that maybe it is an innate trait of this island instead of a third party influence?

2018-11-19, 08:09 AM
Pale Ocean nods and spins the wheel to the side, tacking the ship into the wind, trying to squeeze every inch of speed from the steelsilk sails. His Caste mark glows bright as he calls on the essence of the Sun, standing firm at the wheel.

"Let this ship benefit from my Perfect Reckoning. May the Sun light our way!"

Activating Perfect Reckoning Technique. We'll see if this does anything. If not, there's something else we can try :smallsmile:

2018-11-19, 08:45 AM
You pick up speed, but it becomes apparent after an hour that the storm is still gaining on you. The waves, usually calm this far out from shore, begin to churn, crashing against your hull, but with the aid of Pale Ocean, you avoid the largest of them, keeping them from crashing over the hull and onto the deck.

2018-11-19, 11:35 AM
"Doesn't seem to work," Mantis shouted over the noise of the storm, "time for plan B."

She channeled her essence through her anima, letting the big golden Mantis shrimp flash up above her, shining with the light of the unconquered son. She wasn't sure what would come of it, but it was an impressive display nevertheless.

2018-11-21, 08:09 AM
- You know - said the White Paw - maybe it's better to directly face the danger? If it is a rogue god or elemental, I an fight it. Are you with me? - he asked, getting a fightning stance, ready for the encounter.

2018-11-21, 03:07 PM
The skies begin to darken. Soon, the only light usable for you to navigate by is the light given off by Mantis's anima. Almost immediately, the seas begin to quiet, and the winds begin to calm. The winds carry to you a voice, a voice that promises both tempest and respite. A voice that howls, even as it gently sighs into your ears.

"I am bound by those that create me, yet even to them, I carry an oath older still. Speak to me thy demands, Lawbringers, and I will obey to the extent of my abilities."

2018-11-21, 03:33 PM
Mantis turned to the others on the ship.
"Apparently plan B worked, how about that," she said.

"What is your name and what are you," she asked, "and who are those creators you speak about?"

2018-11-21, 04:16 PM

Then the storm shudders, something that feels wrong for a storm to be able to do.

“I cannot speak of them. To do so would cause me harm.”

2018-11-21, 04:20 PM
"Very well," Mantis said, "can you let us pass to the Island that just appeared?"

She looked at the others.
"Who is Misherakai," she wispered, having no clue herself.

2018-11-26, 06:49 AM
Pale Ocean blinks owlishly and then pulls out a small clear flat rectangular plate of crystal and breathes life into it with a mote, golden writing spiralling into view. He wipes some sea spray from it and flicks through, trying to find any reference to Misherakai even as he wracks his brains for any half-remembered lessons.

He raises his head momentarily to yell into the storm.

"Can you speak of your creator's enemies? Surely there is no limit placed on letting us know who your creators are arrayed against?"

Then his head bows again back to his research.

Sorry, been trying to sort out power problems with house (main fuses in sealed system had blown) and been bit distracted.

Occult check to see if I have heard anything about Misherakai before (if that is OK). Let me know if I have any stunt for doing scholarly things.

2018-11-27, 02:58 AM
Hidden Thunder had already been on the ship deck for a little while when Mantis walked on to it. Sitting on the short staircase leading up to the quarterdeck, he kept a nervous grip on his powerbow. Cloud had wisely stayed below deck while the group had been out on the waves, but if a Storm Mother had managed to sense her somehow...

Unable to sit still, Thunder paces, going up to the ships railing and looking over it, down to the rocky waves below. His Hearthstone would allow him to walk on water, but... "Too unsteady," He concludes, stepping back from the railing. Still trying to think of something to do, he turns just in time to see his captain flare her anima. He watches as his Captain and Pale Ocean speak to the Wind. "Misherakai... Have I heard that name before?"

2018-11-27, 04:26 PM
- What can you tell us about yourself? - asked the White Paw. He was unsure how to fell about all this business and more information seemed like a good thing to start with.

2018-12-04, 09:33 AM
Pale Ocean's finger stops on one of the entries.

"Oh. You are the Oncoming Storm. Thank you very much for staying your winds."

He turns to the others.

"There's a ritual that can bind the god to an oath. I think it might be stronger than what is currently affecting them, given that they have been able to hold their attack away from us for the time being."

He turns back to the stormclouds.

"That's right, isn't it?"

2018-12-04, 12:14 PM
"If there's something I can do, let me know," Mantis said to Pale Ocean, "I don't really know much about these things though."

2018-12-05, 12:23 AM
Pale Ocean blinks owlishly and then pulls out a small clear flat rectangular plate of crystal and breathes life into it with a mote, golden writing spiralling into view. He wipes some sea spray from it and flicks through, trying to find any reference to Misherakai even as he wracks his brains for any half-remembered lessons.

He raises his head momentarily to yell into the storm.

"Can you speak of your creator's enemies? Surely there is no limit placed on letting us know who your creators are arrayed against?"

Then his head bows again back to his research.

Sorry, been trying to sort out power problems with house (main fuses in sealed system had blown) and been bit distracted.

Occult check to see if I have heard anything about Misherakai before (if that is OK). Let me know if I have any stunt for doing scholarly things.

"You are among them. Of this I know, but my ancient oath allows me to grant thee safe passage through my winds."

- What can you tell us about yourself? - asked the White Paw. He was unsure how to fell about all this business and more information seemed like a good thing to start with.

"I am Misherakai. I howl, and the ocean rises up to do my bidding"

Pale Ocean's finger stops on one of the entries.

"Oh. You are the Oncoming Storm. Thank you very much for staying your winds."

He turns to the others.

"There's a ritual that can bind the god to an oath. I think it might be stronger than what is currently affecting them, given that they have been able to hold their attack away from us for the time being."

He turns back to the stormclouds.

"That's right, isn't it?"

"Perhaps, Lawgiver. I do not know, for I have never had two conflicting powers attempting to chain me to their wills. you may try if you wish." At that moment, thunder boomed in the distance.

2018-12-06, 10:10 AM
- Alright, so we proceed with the ritual, right? - asked the Lunar - I'm not really an occultist so I do not know about that, do what you think is the wisest.

2018-12-06, 12:00 PM
"I don't know anything about rituals of that kind," Mantis said, "but I feel I should as priestess of the Unconquered Sun. Maybe when this is done, you can learn me. In the meantime, I'll watch, unless you want me to help, but then you have to say what I have to do."

2018-12-17, 08:27 AM
Pale Ocean wipes spray from his crystal lenses then nods.

Well then, let's find out together what will happen..."

He consults his tablet and begins the process of the ritual, following the instructions laid out.

Roll for Occult. Let me know if I need to do further rolls. [roll0]

2018-12-27, 09:30 PM
Pale Ocean begins his ritual.

For a while, it seems like nothing is happening. More elements keep being added to the design. You begin to realize that this ritual will take some time. Chants are incanted, sacrifices are made.

The sea calms to glass.

The sun sinks closer to the horizon.

The wind picks up. It changes directions at random.

The wind howls, and off both sides of your ship, you see waterspouts begin to form, twisting this way and that as they reach up to the sky, where you see the clouds churning in a sickening mirror of the waves on the ocean below. The pitch of the wind intensifies. The seas begin to churn. your ship begins to rock as it is carried on wave after wave, some of them crashing in opposite directions, jarring your vessel.

The howl of the winds rises to a shriek. The wind is screaming. Screaming in agony and anger.

The sun sinks below the horizon.

The seas begin to calm.

The winds begin to calm.

The clouds begin to calm.

And as suddenly as it began, it is over. The storm is no more.

As your sails take to the wind, which has become more than favorable, you hear them whisper in your ears. "You have set me to rest. Call upon me should you find yourselves in tempests grave, and I can make them abate."

2018-12-28, 04:06 AM
"You really have to teach me how to do that," Mantis said to Pale Ocean, "but for now, let's get to that Island before something else happens."

2018-12-30, 04:43 PM
- It was useful indeed - commented the White Paw - But yes, we should be able to get to the island first. And by the way, did you get any kind of idea who can be behind all of this, based on the outcome of your rites?

2019-01-02, 06:27 AM
Pale Ocean ducks his head and smiles, still unused to being praised for his efforts. Despite their reverence of him as one of the Sun's chosen, his teachers had been demanding, always pushing him to greater heights, always asking for more.

"I just followed the instructions in the tablet. The fact that this worked and the fact that Misherakai's oath to Lawgivers past trumped the control they had over him could mean anything from Dragonblooded to Lintha to a cunning Fae. From the stories, oaths made to the Sun or the Chosen overrule most things."

He moves back to the wheel.

"I'm ready to go if you all are?"

Assuming no-one objects, he will set the ship in motion towards the island again.

2019-01-02, 07:14 AM
"Let's go, before something else happens," Mantis said, looking around for other strange things happening.

2019-01-02, 01:34 PM
Hidden Thunder nods. "Agreed."

He begins heading below deck. Blessings of the Silken Cloud would want to know what happened up here.

2019-01-03, 10:14 AM
The White Paw also nodded, looking forward to the island.

2019-01-07, 06:37 AM
Since no-one objects, Pale Ocean yells out directions to the crew that soon get them underway again.

He stays at the wheel with seemingly no need for sleep, vine wrapped around his neck and tablet tucked safely back into his robes. His fans hang ready at the side of his belt.

Whatever may come, he will be ready...

He will be using Tireless Sentinel Technique to not require sleep. Can do it up to (Stamina+Resistance) days, or 6 days, and then he either crashes or starts taking damage until he rests.

2019-01-09, 02:05 AM
The journey goes well. It goes amazingly well. One of the sailors casts a net over the side in the early morning of your second day, and hauls in enough fresh fish for you all to eat your fill. The island looms off in the distance, but you are getting closer.

On the third day, you stop seeing birds. Casting nets come up with nothing, and there is only the sound of waves crashing against the hull and the shanties sung by your crew for sound. The island still looms in the distance, but you have to be making progress toward it.

On the fourth day of your voyage, the sea turns to glass. It isn't that the waves have calmed down, or that it is unnaturally quiet (quite the opposite, in fact). The sea has literally turned to glass. Shards and glass dust whip up over the side of the ship, and one of your crew screams as a piece of the blue tinted glass scratches down his face and across his eye. And then just as suddenly as it was, it wasn't, and the open sea looms before you again. The island remains tauntingly far away.

2019-01-09, 11:04 AM
"Why do I have the feeling that we're in the wyld somehow," Mantis said, "it's probably not, but it looks like it. Anybody with more knowledge about these things than I do care to offer a solution to get where we need to be."
She was starting to get fed up with all this nonsense.

2019-01-09, 05:49 PM
- Hm... - commented the White Paw - I know nothing of the Wyld of the West, but should not it be defined, at least partially, by the Western Pole? So why the giantish island if it's dry land? I mean, It could be Wyld, but I... I am not sure. Or maybe... engine that keeps reality in checks at the border of Creation gone wrong? I cannot imagine Fae of the West on this giant island, they love swimming... I heard, I believe?

2019-01-14, 06:29 AM
"It's possible that we are passing through sorcerous defense barriers on our journey towards the island. We should be cautious of any further problems."

Pale Ocean looks around the relatively placid sea, scanning the horizon for any further ships that might be following in their footsteps, while still trying to make all haste towards the island.

2019-01-30, 12:03 PM
You consult your instrumentation, such as it is. Using sextants, you verify that you are indeed moving away from the islands you departed, and when you take a reading on your destination, you verify that you are moving toward it. Yet, it still seems to be a long distance away from you.

But what is most disturbing to you is that the ocean seems to have lost its currents. You are sailing on your sail alone.

2019-01-30, 02:09 PM
"I don't know what's happening, but I do know it's weird," Mantis said, looking around, "I hope we manage to get there as quickly as possible. Or at all."

2019-01-30, 04:14 PM
- Is there something that could be done? - asked the White Paw - And by the way, does any of you have some idea why this is happening? Because I am lost.

2019-02-03, 12:28 AM
"Its the fairies, I tell ya," says the voice of Kamern. Kamern is not unique, he is very much the epitome of the everyman, as are his opinions. If it can be said that it is a stereotype held by the vast majority of humankind, you can be sure that Kamern will be the voice for it. On your ship, anyway.

"Don't you see? Fairies sent it here, and its all just a glamer. Just a fairy tale, and we're chasin' after it like a dog going after a scrap of meat.

"We're heading into a trap by them fairies. They'll take our bones from us, and use them to make wind chimes." He nods, as if, by him stating these things, they were true.

2019-02-03, 06:57 AM
Mantis didn't believe in those stories. In fact, she knew from old documents she had found in her manse that while Raksha might do something like that, it was not something all of them did. She had however since they started suspecting this was a wyld zone, started to take her bow with her everywhere and she was wearing her armour.

"The Fair folk out here are water based and live underwater," she said to the crew, trying to reassure them, "how do you think they will make wind chimes work underwater. It's just that, a fairy tale. Besides, my bow is specifically strenghtened against Fair folk. We can take them out if we have to."

2019-02-03, 01:44 PM
- Alright, fairies or not, we gotta face that enemy - said the Lunar - We are Exalted, we got a good crew and a nice ship, whatever comes, we will remain victorious. Just to get off the ship and into the island so we can fight our foes - declared the tigerman.

2019-02-05, 10:46 AM
You continue to sail. You adjust your course to account for the lack of currents. As you sail on, the sea remains calm. There are no waves. No birds, and for the third day in a row, the fishing nets come up empty.

In fact, were it not for the sound of your hull splitting the seas to either side of your boat or the rippling of your sail in the winds, you would be unsure if you were even moving.

One week out from port, and things are turning bad. Your food stores have spoiled, overnight. Nine-tenths of what you began with is utterly ruined. After calculating what you have left, you think you have enough food and water to get you back to where you could at least begin fishing again.

2019-02-05, 11:48 AM
- Maybe it would be wise to tactically retreat? - the White Paw asked his companions - We could go back better prepared, although the fact that our food had rotten worries me and suggest supernatural occurence. Still, there is some wisdom in going back. What do you think?

2019-02-05, 03:44 PM
"Probably not a bad idea," Mantis said, looking at the still distant Island, "really annoying, but we probably have no choice. Maybe we can check around for some locations with artefacts. I'v heard there's an artefact that will keep your cargo fresh, no matter how long it takes. We could do with one of those."

She looked at the other exalts on the ship.

2019-02-16, 05:36 PM
"I can summon sharks to us if they are within a few miles of us. It's what I learned to do when the pickings were slim due to the lifeblood current flowing cold instead of warm a couple of summers in a row."

Pale Ocean squints at the light reflecting from the still sea.

"The food rotted very quickly. Not sure we can stop that. Though one solace is that other travellers may have the same issue so will not get there ahead of us."

2019-02-18, 09:17 AM
- I dunno... - said the White Paw - We could eat sharks alright, but there's some kind of mysterious force behind that. They could have some kind of magic tricks up they sleeve we are not prepared for, and that would mean not going back. Are you sure it is wise?

2019-02-18, 01:38 PM
"Like I said," Mantis replied, "we go back and try to get our hands on those artefacts who put stuff in stasis. There are Merchants who have them, maybe even the Tya have some. That should help with the food. And if the others get here first, we can maybe even take advantage of their searches."

2019-02-20, 01:50 PM
The decision is made. You are going to turn back and get fresh supplies and perhaps find an artifact or two to aid you on your second journey to the island.

You are about to give the commands to have the ship turned about when from the nest above...

"Sail, ho! Astern, in the larboard quarter!"

The bosun calls up to the nest. "Can you tell what type?"

"It's a Realm warship!"

"How can you tell?"

"Cut of her sails! Make that two, no three ships!"

2019-02-20, 02:34 PM
"Let's keep out of the way of those," Mantis said. With a large group of anathema onboard, meeting Realm ships might not be the best idea at the moment. She looked at Pale Ocean as he was sailing the ship.

2019-02-22, 01:24 AM
"Cap'n! There's a lot more of them coming into sight! And they are not, NOT! In convoy! They're spread out, like they's lookin' for somthin'!"

The bosun comes up to you. "Captain, if the nest is right, we may not be able to get around them. That would mean heaving to for an 'inspection,' or fighting them. And they're Realm ships, so they may not want to have a friendly chat with us 'til they've softened us up a bit."

2019-02-22, 05:23 AM
"Then I guess we'll have to do things differently," Mantis said, "go straight at them and play the 'lost' merchant. I'm quite sure I'll be able to pull it off. Maybe we can ask them for some extra food."

She knew they wouldn't be able to outrun or outmanouver a realm fleet. Therefore, doing what they didn't expect would be the best.

2019-02-24, 04:32 PM
- So we pretend to not be Exalted? To a fleet of Realm ships? - The White Paw could not believe what he heard - Dear Luna, there are so many things that can go wrong...

2019-02-25, 02:16 AM
"True," Mantis said, "but we can't outrun them and we certainly can't outgun them. So we'll have to play the lost merchant card. Or if they insist, the greedy merchant card who thought she could be before everyone else. That they will certainly believe. Besides, most of the fleet will be mortals anyway, with only a couple of dragon blooded officers."

2019-02-25, 09:24 AM
- Shall I hide in my cabin then? - asked the Lunar. He got his long cloak covering his Silvermoon tattoos, but still, he did not feel particurally safe in the present situation.

2019-02-27, 07:40 AM
"We can't hope to pass more than a cursory inspection. The scalemasters warned me about this."

Pale Ocean spun the wheel and set them on a course diagonally away, infusing the ship with his Perfect Reckoning Technique, trying to wring as much out of the ship as he could given the circumstances.

"I think this is a perfectly sensible reaction for a merchant ship when presented with a wall of Realm warships!"

Here goes something!

2019-02-28, 12:56 PM
"True, but if they come really after us, we'll have to let them board us," Mantis said, "I'd rather avoid getting shot out of the water. As to hiding, if you can change into a fish form, maybe you can hide under the boat until they are gone."
The last was to White Paw.

2019-02-28, 01:23 PM
Pale Ocean begins to turn the wheel, but as he does, a wave begins to rise up out of the previously still ocean. The wave swells as it grows, rapidly approaching 10 feet. The wave continues to grow as it rushes across the ocean surface to your ship. By the time it reaches you, it is nearly sixteen feet tall, and a massive white cap is forming as the top begins crashing down. Curiously, this wave is ignoring all the known conventions of navigation, and seems hell bent on pushing you toward the island.

I need a Wits+Sail from Pale Ocean, a long with a determination of whether you want to turn with the wave, or try and crest it and continue your course away from the island.

2019-03-06, 06:38 AM
Pale Ocean begins to turn the wheel, but as he does, a wave begins to rise up out of the previously still ocean. The wave swells as it grows, rapidly approaching 10 feet. The wave continues to grow as it rushes across the ocean surface to your ship. By the time it reaches you, it is nearly sixteen feet tall, and a massive white cap is forming as the top begins crashing down. Curiously, this wave is ignoring all the known conventions of navigation, and seems hell bent on pushing you toward the island.

I need a Wits+Sail from Pale Ocean, a long with a determination of whether you want to turn with the wave, or try and crest it and continue your course away from the island.

Pale Ocean has had experience with swells, and immediately spins the wheel back to send the ship travelling in the same direction the wave is, working to prevent a capsize.

"It seems that unseen forces don't want us turning back! Best to go with the flow or we'll be overturned! Everyone hang on! It might be a bumpy ride!"

Wits+Sail with 6m spent on Second Sail Excellency, adding 3 successes


EDIT:......so that is 3 successes. Diceroller, why you do this to me?

2019-03-06, 12:21 PM
Mantis did just that, grabbing a rope and lashing herself to the main mast and holding on, hoping this would go smoothly… or at least as smoothly as possible.

2019-03-06, 12:55 PM
The White Paw also grabbed a rope and wrapped it around himself in a tight knot, not wanting to fall into the ocean.

2019-03-13, 11:34 PM
The ship spins around, her bow pointing down the wave, which has continued to grow and swell, and begins to gather up speed. You have long since lost sight of the Realm vessels, but they are a dim afterthought in your mind as you continue to try and outrace the wave. As you continue your headlong rush, the crest of the wave begins crashing down, raising a thunder like nothing you have ever heard. You feel the mist from the crashing wave spraying across you. The mist grows heavier, and you spare a last look behind you in time to see the wave crash down over your ship.

The seas churn around you. Having lashed yourselves to the ship, you are not thrown from the vessel, but you see much of what was unsecured being swept away into the dark abyss of the ocean. The sheer mass of the wave, still crashing down over where you are helplessly struggling against the urge to continue breathing, you can feel the water press down around you. The sheer pressure causes you to begin to lose consciousness. The world grows dark as you are pulled further and further beneath the surface...

And then you are suddenly...


You are on a beach. Gentle waves lap onto the shores and over your feet. A gentle sun beats down from overhead. You gaze about and find yourselves grouped together. All of your crew is accounted for. Your ship, however, is nowhere to be seen. The beach stretches on, and extends hundreds of feet inland, where it runs straight up against a dense jungle. You can see, somewhere in the distance, a mountain rising from the jungle.

As you gaze out back across the ocean, you can see no sign of the Realm navy that was, until recently, just hours away from you.

It would appear, that you finally have arrived on the island. But the question is, what do you do now that you are here?

2019-03-14, 12:47 PM
"Just great," Mantis muttered to herself as she looked around, "I finally manage to get a nice ship that works just fine and now it's already gone."

She turned to the others.
"So, what now? I guess we can just as well have a look around. It's not that we can do something else at the moment. And we need to try and find something to eat anyways."

2019-03-15, 08:30 AM
- Oh, worry not, we Lunars are good at survival - said the White Paw enthusiastically. He felt out of himself at sea, but there, where there was jungle, beach and other familiar stuff (as familiar as it can be to a person from North, at least it wasn't moving below his feet) he felt at home - Maybe we can gather some tropical fruit from the jungle? Or maybe we will find materials to make a fishing rod and eat some seafood? What would you like to do? Exploring sound like fun. Do you think there are some ruins? I have heard a lot about ruins in tropical forests. I wanna see! - yup, he was enthusiastic.

2019-03-15, 01:16 PM
"If it's build with wood, don't expect much ruins," Mantis said, knowing what a jungle did with any wooden building, "unless it's magically treated."

2019-03-16, 02:26 PM
- I mean, like, stone ruins! In the heart of the jungle! With treasure! And magic! And ancient knowledge! And altairs to lost gods!- the Lunar did not lose his enthusiasm - Sweet Luna, I wanna explore! Let's go, it's what we were meant to do when we sailed the ship, isn't it?

2019-03-17, 10:09 AM
"Yeah, sure," Mantis said, "but we will still need a ship to get back to the real world. Anyway, that can wait for now. Where to first?"

2019-03-19, 05:50 AM
"I made a connection with the ship and claimed it as my own while we were sailing. Hopefully there is a ritual in here that would show us the path to it. But perhaps we should explore the island. It is possible there are some gods we can negotiate with for the return of our transport, or some other way home."

Pale Ocean looks up from where he is sat on the white sands, bare feet being lapped by the waves. He gives one last polsih to his crystal lenses and stands. Off to one side, his barbarian followers carry out a ritual offering of thanks that they have come once more to a shore with no deaths.

"So with that being said, I think we should press on further into the island and see what we can find. It was hard enough to get here, so clearly there is something worth protecting."

2019-03-19, 01:07 PM
"You guys are the experts," Mantis said to the Lunars, "so I think it's best that you lead and I'll follow."

2019-03-19, 01:21 PM
The jungle is densely packed. You search for an hour before you are able to find somewhere that will provide better access to the interior of the island. Sounds of jungle life fill your ears, and as you step into the trees, the gentle sound of the ocean sharply fades away. After another hour of trailblazing through a jungle that seems relentlessly set against allowing any progress through its thick foliage, hanging vines, and massive roots, you finally come to what appears to be a game trail. Following the far easier path, you walk inland for another half hour before you come to a fork in the trail. Standing in the trees, just a few steps off the trail, you see a shape that is just too regular for natural growth. Clearing away layers of moss and vines, you uncover a small pillar of bluish stone.

Three feet tall, and carved with a swirling pattern of loops and whorls, the pillar seems to be marking something, but what you can’t seem to determine just by looking at it.

2019-03-19, 03:45 PM
- Ha! - the White Paw shouted, seemingly pleased - Ruins! Stone ruins! I knew they would be here! - he shared the thoughts with his companions - Do you reckon there are more around? - he looked left and right, eager to see more.

2019-03-20, 01:09 PM
Mantis sighed. While she wasn't against searching ruins and finding interesting stuff, she liked being in a city a lot better than being in this jungle. And White Paw was getting quite excited about this and there was only so much exitement she could stand.
"Help me get this pillar a bit cleaner," she said, "maybe there's some message on it."

2019-03-20, 04:17 PM
- Aye aye! - the Lunar moved closer to the column, trying to do as he was asked.

2019-03-22, 08:25 AM
You continue to clear the pillar. As you scrape away the gathered years of growth and decay that has clung to the stone, the pattern of swirls seems to deepen. As the moss and dirt is removed from the stone, you uncover a depression in the top. Shaped like a bowl, the depression sinks into the stone, but there is still no clue as to the purpose of this strange pillar.

2019-03-22, 05:16 PM
- Hm... - the Lunar went quiet for a moment - Mayba I am jumping to conclusions, but don't you think it might be an altar for bloody offerings? Shall we spil our blood and see? - he said. It was possible that he had heard too many things about jungles and temples in them...

2019-03-23, 04:47 AM
"You might want to wait a bit with that," Mantis said, "there are Yozi rituals that also demand blood. Maybe first investigate a bit more that we know what we're doing before we're going to do it."

2019-03-28, 07:19 AM
- Alright... - said Lunar, deciding to not spill his own blood - Are we moving past the column or trying to get an idea what it is and what shall we do with it? If it's the second option, then I am not gonna be of much use...

2019-03-28, 12:36 PM
"Me neither," Mantis said, "let's move on I think. We can Always come back if needed."
While she wasn't all the good in combat, except for some archery, with the Lunars present she felt safe enough to move along.

2019-03-29, 05:25 AM
"I'll have a brief look, but I think we should get used to many things on this island being weird or unexplained."

Pale Ocean circles the stone pillar, assessing it and flicking through his crystal shard to try and find a picture that looks similar as his barbarian bodyguards scan the surrounding jungle for threats.

"It's possible the bowl is for Essence, not for blood. But we don't yet know what it would activate."

Spending 1m to power the Crystal of Kuan for the scene, so it glows with text. Basically using it as a 1dot stunt for Lore roll if that is OK. If not ignore rightmost dice

Occult roll to see what this sort of item could be used for, in rituals or on it's own.

So 3 successes here for Occult roll, and will put Lore in separate post as failed to type :smallredface:

2019-03-29, 05:29 AM
Lore roll for stories about similar objects, as I failed at typing in earlier post.

So 2 successes here.

2019-04-01, 09:22 AM
"I don't recognise the sigils but I've seen similar things before...."

Pale Ocean trails off as he stops scrolling through the crystal on a page with a not too dissimilar diagram.

"Yes! I knew I'd heard the story before! The Chosen of the Sun would often create elaborate Locks for their tombs in the form of pillars, with the key concealed elsewhere or entrusted to someone that would seek out their next Incarnation. I don't know whether blood, essence or some sort of Orb goes in here, but the markings and form seem too similar for it to be a coincidence. I wonder....."

Pale Ocean reaches out to the top of the pillar, intent on seeing if he can channel the power of the Sun into it

Gonna try and channel several motes into it. Of course, the more cautious may want to stop him.... :smallwink:

If no-one does, we'll see what happens

2019-04-01, 10:15 AM
- Wait - there was a note of caution in Lunar's voice, but also of excitement - I will need to transform into Beastman before. Just to be sure. There are bound to be traps inside, aren't they? - he asked.

Then, he transformed. He had grown, white fur with black stripes appeared over his body, his hands grew paws. In few seconds he was there, big, strong and menacing, looking at all the others from above.

- I am ready - said The White Paw, now in much deeper and louder voice.

2019-04-01, 12:31 PM
Mantis wasn't sure this was a good idea, but she didn't have any better idea and essence was probably better than blood. She did agree with White Paw to transform and while he did that, she took her bow and prepared as well, including keeping an eye out around them, just in case something would come from an unexpected direction.

2019-04-04, 10:16 AM
Pale Ocean is indeed able to channel his essence into the pillar. As he begins pouring his energies into the stone, it hums, a low, barely audible bass tone. As he pours more power in, the stone’s humming grows.

Moments later, a shaft of light, barely wider than a finger, begins to extend from the center of the depression, where, it can now be seen, a hole exists in the stone. The light begins to bend, first this way then that, as though feeling around for something. When it doesn’t seem to find what it is looking for, it retreats back into the stone and the humming ceases.

Pake Ocean expends 3 motes.

2019-04-04, 11:12 AM
"That did something," Mantis said as she saw the display, "question is, what does it need extra to do more?"

2019-04-05, 12:49 PM
- Maybe some kind of a key? - asked the White Paw - Or maybe Caste Mark?

2019-04-05, 12:56 PM
"It can be more power," Mantis suggested, "or a type of power, like Solar or Lunar specific. It can be a lot, so either we try different things or we try to find clues as to what it might be."

2019-04-06, 05:53 PM
"I'm thinking that there needs to be some sort of Orb there maybe. That or it's for a particular person. Maybe the present day incarnation of the Chosen of the Sun whose ancestor owned this island, if that is indeed what this is?"

Pale Ocean flexes his fingers and winces a little

2019-04-08, 06:07 AM
- Alright, I think it's interesting and it probably leads to a First Age tomb, but currently we cannot think of a way to open this - Lunar tried to be reasonable - Maybe we should explore this island some more? It surely contains more mysteries, and maybe when unraveling them, we will find a way to move forward as to this pillar?

2019-04-08, 10:41 AM
"Sounds like a good idea," Mantis agreed, "not to mention we have to also look for some food."
She had some experience with finding food in jungle areas, but not all that much.

2019-04-11, 06:20 AM
- Oh, are you hungry? - the White Paw asked - You should have said something sooner. What would you like to eat? Fruits? Meat? It can be troublesome fishing without a rod, so I am afraid I cannot offer you fisheries. Let's find something to eat. shall we?

2019-04-13, 11:34 AM
"Not really," Mantis said, "I can wait, but we can look out for things to eat while we look around for other things on the Island."

2019-04-22, 03:25 PM
"Let us continue on then. We can return to this once we have the item that might be needed."

2019-04-23, 12:41 PM
"Sure, lead on," Mantis said, the last at White Paw, who was probably best suited for this kind of stuff. She followed him further onto the Island, but keeping an eye out for strange things.

2019-04-26, 04:43 PM
The jungle provides ample evidence of smaller game, and there are likely edible plants around. But with food slightly lower on your current list of priorities, you continue to search the jungle. Following a path deeper into the wild, the light from the upper canopy begins to darken, though whether it is because of the sun beginning to set, or the jungle growing that much denser, you cannot tell.

As you continue to progress, the foliage begins to thin slightly, and you begin to hear the sound of running water. The trees suddenly break above, and you find yourself in bright midday sunlight as you come across a river at least a hundred feet wide. The current, from what you can tell is swift, and the water is murky enough that you can’t see the bottom after a few feet. But on the other side of the river, you see a sign that there was definitely a settlement here at some point. Just a few feet from the bank is a steel column. Not very large, but from its size and location in the river you assume it was a support for a dock of some kind.

2019-04-29, 09:29 AM
- Shall we pass the river? Maybe there are more human-made structures there? Even settlements, perhaps? - the Lunar asked - The river can be a troublesome task, sure, but we should be able to get through it if needed. Maybe I will lead?

2019-04-30, 01:18 PM
"I guess that would be best," Mantis said, "you can probably just fly over and while I can swim, this can be quite tricky. Maybe there's a boat somewhere that the non shapeshifters can use."

The courant looked a bit too swift for her to swim to the other side.

2019-05-01, 08:37 AM
- Do we have a rope? I could tie one end to some tree and take the second end through. Then you could just hold onto it. - said The White Paw. As to him passing the river, he had the Stone of Aquatic Power with him, he could just go through the river bottom.

2019-05-02, 03:10 PM
"Lot's of rope, but on the ship," Mantis replied, "I guess we'll have to do it without. Maybe you can fly over and see if there's a boat on the other side?"

2019-05-03, 07:30 AM
- Hm, actually... - The White Paw seemed to be a little embarhassed - I have no other animal shapes. I kind of... focused on other skills in my training? But to be honest, I doubt I am that good martial artist either. I'' capable of defending myself, at least to some extend, but when it comes to spirit shapes, I can only be a tiger, weretiger or human. Hm... sorry? - he finished somehow awkward.

2019-05-06, 11:26 AM
"Then I guess we have two options," Mantis said, "well three technically. One: we can go downstream and either swim through the sea or find a ship or something there. Two: we go upstream until we find a place to cross. Or three: we try to cross here and hope for the best. Well, there actually is a four: we go back."

2019-05-07, 02:39 PM
- It's up to you - the weretiger said simply. He still felt embarassed and decided to do whatever the others found to be the best course of action.

2019-05-12, 03:58 AM
Upstream," she suggested, looking at the others, "Unless someone has a better idea, or some power that can get us across."

2019-05-15, 03:04 PM
- I have a hearthstone that allows me to breath and function underwater - admitted the White Paw - But as it is only one and I would have no way of passing it between us, I doubt it would help us much.

2019-05-16, 09:51 AM
"Um...I think I might be able to help."

Pale Ocean had been keeping quiet and out of the way while the bombastic duo spitballed ideas, looking over the sketches he had made of the strange obelisk. But they'd been talking long enough that he had been broken out of his reverie.

"I-i-if you don't mind waiting a little while, I know the technique to summon a brine cur, or water dog spirit, that could bear us across on his back. That is, if we're still connected to the Elemental leylines here."

Pale Ocean takes out the orichalcum and stone necklace from where it had been tucked into his robes, and holds onto the watery dark blue sphere set into the largest section.

"This jewel will speed the process, but it will still take a couple of hours

He begins the procedure that has been drilled into him by his father, passed down from his father before him, and his father before him. Of course, they did not have the blessings of the Sun to ignore the requirement for the saltrock and the river dragon bone...

Summon (Brine Cur) (2, Charisma, 5, four hours):
An elemental of the desired type is drawn along the
dragon lines of Creation to the caster’s location. Each
ritual summons a different kind of elemental that has
Essence of 3 or less. Thaumaturges have no power to
command summoned elementals, but they may bargain
with them. Some breeds of elementals perform specific
services in return for specific offerings. Others form
private pacts in return for favors from the thaumaturge.
For instance, a wood spider might tell forest secrets in
return for offerings of blood and a plot of cultivated
land allowed to grow wild once more.

Exalted can substitute 2m for each dot of resources for components needed to perform the ritual. It costs Resources 2-3 for an Adept procedure, which this is (denoted by 2 in the bracket) so that is 6m.

My Jewel of Daanad hearthstone halves the cost and summon time for spells or procedures that summon water elementals, so that is 3m and 2 hours to reach out for a brine cur that I can bargain with for passage across the river. Jewel of Daanad also gives +3 dice to influence water elementals, and the Necklace of Solar Charisma gives me +3 dice on Charisma and Appearance checks, like those to summon it and those to convince it to help us.

Sorry I blanked for a plan for so long guys.

Roll of Glorious Divinity 1 has a brine cur in the comic on page 89 and stats on page 124.


2019-05-16, 10:38 AM
"Worth a try," Mantis said. She kept a watch out while also keeping an eye out on the ritual. It could Always be interesting to know more about these things.

2019-05-20, 01:59 PM
Pale Ocean, gemstone in hand, begins to perform his ritual. After some time spent in the shallows of the river, a small vortex begins to form. From this vortex, a shadow begins to emerge amd soon enough, a large shape, the same color as the water of a cam sea rises up. Water sloughs off the figure, and it emits a deep, low, and long growl.

2019-05-21, 12:19 PM
"Cool," Mantis whispered to herself. She had to learn how to do that. In fact, now that she thought about it, she might have asked the little god of the river to let them pass. She remembered that she was a priest of the Unconquered Sun, which probably meant she could let small gods do her bidding. She kept it in mind in case they needed a plan B.

2019-05-22, 07:33 AM
The White Paw just sat nearby, letting Plae Ocean do their thing. After the elemental appeared, he just whistled in appreciation of occult-prowess of the Solar.

- I will pass the river myself, okay? And I would like to get there first, make sure it's safe, and then you can follow, right?

2019-05-22, 08:57 AM
Pale Ocean smiles and inclines his head in greeting, his words and every motion conveying friendship with a tinge of authority as he delivers his speech.

"Thank you for answering me, noble hound of the waves, and leaving the salt and sea. We wish to bargain for your assistance with passage across this raging river, and only this. I know you are probably eager to return to the salt, and we have no wish to force you to stay in this fresh water any longer than necessary."

He smiles as he returns the Jewel of Daanad to his necklace, both glinting brightly in the sunlight.

"What would you want if you were to bear each of us safely across the river?"

[roll0] for Performance, and spending 4m for +2 successes

EDIT: ....so that's a total of 11 successes on 11 dice

2019-05-23, 10:29 PM
Long has it been since this isle was accessible. That you are here is signs of tidings grave. Yet. I understand your plight. I can indeed carry you across. This isle was the home to a powerful group of your predecessors. They held many weapons and artifacts of great power. Among these was a device that allowed them to control the tides and currents. This artifact is useful to those of us below the waves. You may summon me when you retrieve it, and I can instruct you in its use for you to leave this island.

2019-05-25, 03:11 PM
"Oh? So this isle is NOT a demons' worshippers place? Kinda disappointed, the demon story was much more interesting, but I should not complain as there are artifacts t obe found." - thought The White Paw, although he remained silent, as occult - and history! - was not his area of expertise.

2019-05-25, 03:17 PM
"I'm not really a fighter," Mantis said, "so this is better."
She looked at the spirit.
"What were the names of the Solars and/or Lunars that stayed here before," she asked

2019-05-30, 10:43 AM
Pale Ocean's eyes brightened behind the crystal lenses of his spectacles. Solars! This had been a Solar island! Who knows what they could find here!

He waits to hear the Brine Cur's reply, and will politely thank it if it bears them across the river.

2019-05-30, 03:24 PM
I am not permitted to speak their names. There are few who are, and they would not be willing to share such information. Will you retrieve the Tidal Mastiff?

2019-05-31, 09:55 AM
"If we can and if we're allowed, we can try," Mantis said, "and if we know what it does. Now, let's get to the other side of the river and we can continue from there. Which reminds me, do you know where those solar's home was on the Island?"
If this spirit could give them a better idea of where to search, they wouldn't have to search the whole Island.

2019-06-03, 02:13 AM
- More inportantly - said the Lunar -are there any dangers on this island?

2019-06-03, 09:42 AM
They created this island. They conjured it from the seas with a reality engine to be their home. It is above you, below you and around you.

Dangers? Is this not Creation? There are dangers everywhere. Now come. I will take you across the river.

Hours later, you are all across the river, and the brine cur departs, leaving you all on the other side of the river. There is a path leading away from the river, a wide space that was, at some point cleared of the roots and vines and other overgrowth that has taken over the rest of the island you have seen.

2019-06-03, 11:48 AM
"Something cleared this," Mantis remarked, stating the Obvious, "better be careful. It can be just a servant of some sort, but it could be a lot beigger and/or more dangerous. But let's go on. The faster we find what we need, the faster we can get off this Island."

2019-06-04, 07:06 AM
- But do we want to, really? - asked the White Paw - They are bound to be adventures there. This is the ancient home of Exalted. And we have our ship destroyed. Do we really wanna leave so soon?

2019-06-06, 10:42 AM
"A lot of that will depend on what we find and how fast," Mantis said, "but I do suggest that we move as quickly as possible. Besides, if there were Solars here on the Island, there might be some form of transportation as well. Bon, let's go."

She started moving into the jungle, following the path leading away from the river. She kept watching out. If there was one thing she did know was that Solars often put traps near their homes.

2019-06-10, 04:58 AM
"We don't have to leave, but knowing we have the option is better than being trapped on this island forever. Let's find this item, and search the island."

Pale Ocean will ask his barbarian sailor companions to search around and keep an eye out for trouble as he heads down the path with the others.

2019-06-20, 12:53 PM
You begin walking the path. After a half an hour, the foliage begins to lighten. Fifteen minutes later, you are able to see through the canopy to the sky above. And as you look up, you see more signs of civilized people. Large structures, too regular to be natural formations, are perched on the trees. What’s more, bridges seem to connect these structures in what appear to be regular patterns.

There is a city in the trees.

2019-06-20, 01:29 PM
"I expected buildings, but not this many," Mantis said as she looked at the buildings and tried to see how overgrown they were and if they were by any chance inhabited.

2019-06-20, 01:59 PM
- Do you suppose we will find their inhabitants? - asked the White Paw, looking up.

2019-06-22, 04:11 AM
"I'm not sure," Mantis said, "and I'm also not sure if I want to. It can be quite akward, or dangerous."

2019-06-28, 04:50 AM
"Awkward? We are the Chosen of the Sun! We press on in the face of the strange and unexplained, and don't back down!"

Pale Ocean will look around for anywhere where the trees seem easier to climb, or anywhere there is some sort of way to get up there, peering through his crystal spectacles. He squints and calls out through cupped hands up at the city.

"Hello? Anyone here?"


Pale Ocean is Not Naturally Perceptive.

EDIT: ....but that was a pretty good roll

2019-07-02, 09:18 AM
"Okay," Mantis said as she readied an Arrow on her bow, just in case, while she kept looking around. She would have been a bit more careful, but that was also a way of doing things.

I'll also roll perception.
EDIT: 4 successes on 4 dice, not bad.