View Full Version : Elven Naming Conventions and Ideas for a Backstory

2018-09-16, 07:16 AM
I have backstories and backgrounds for an Elf of every subrace but Aquatic. I prefer the Wood Elf's Racial Traits but roleplaying one is not as interesting to me as say, a High Elf (Moon) Urchin who adopts a Human name and lives in poverty in the city. I have Elven names for the other characters, but I really like the name of the Moon Elf I have in mind, however, I'd like some feedback to convince me that it'd be reasonable for a race to adopt the culture and name of another. I do know that Moon Elves are the most accepting of other races and are the majority of the reason why Half-Elves exist.

My idea, if I decide to do it and if it's not too melodramatic, is to have my character have an Elven child's name (Elves traditionally have a name as a child and then replace it with an adult name when they come of age), which he then replaces with an Elven name (Mindartis Moonwhisper) or a Human name (Grim Hornraven), as he adapts to the life of an Urchin in a Human city. In addition, I like the idea of him having a deity look out for him (Corellon or the Raven Queen for example) and I can make it one of the main reasons behind his survival. What do you think?