View Full Version : Form of the X question

2018-09-16, 12:19 PM
If I use form of the dragon I, it notes that I get a bite, 2 claw and 2 wing attacks. What attack bonus do these use?

2018-09-16, 12:39 PM
I found this on the d20pfsrd website in the description of the polymorph subschool:

In addition to these benefits, you gain any of the natural attacks of the base creature, including proficiency in those attacks. These attacks are based on your base attack bonus, modified by your Strength or Dexterity as appropriate, and use your Strength modifier for determining damage bonuses.

Silly Name
2018-09-16, 01:22 PM
Seeing as those are melee attacks, you should use your Strength bonus (unless you have Weapon Finesse).