View Full Version : Spell list help

Nick B.
2018-09-16, 02:41 PM
In an upcoming campaign my Dm agreed to let me play Nicol Bolas the God-Pharoah. I get to have 7 spells known at 3rd level playing a custom sorcerer who can pick any spells for his list. What are the best 7 1st and 2nd level spells for a sorcer to have?

2018-09-16, 03:10 PM
>Nick B.

I see what you did there.

Anyways, the first thing you would need is some degree of mind control. Suggestion is good at 2nd level, and charm person is at least passable at 1st. Mind spike (from xanathar's) could also be pretty on flavor. next, we know from his cards that he often does damage/destroys objects, so shatter is probably a good option that can do either of those at this low of a level. Past that we know he does reanimation from the flip version, but you aren't high enough level to manage that just yet.

So that's 3 second and 1 first level spell, and I can't really come up with anything else specific at that low of level. Probably just fill the rest with generally good spells; for example, I'd take inflict wounds, shield, and maybe cause fear (xanathar's again) or tasha's hideous laughter.

2018-09-16, 05:14 PM
>Nick B.

I see what you did there.

Anyways, the first thing you would need is some degree of mind control. Suggestion is good at 2nd level, and charm person is at least passable at 1st. Mind spike (from xanathar's) could also be pretty on flavor. next, we know from his cards that he often does damage/destroys objects, so shatter is probably a good option that can do either of those at this low of a level. Past that we know he does reanimation from the flip version, but you aren't high enough level to manage that just yet.

So that's 3 second and 1 first level spell, and I can't really come up with anything else specific at that low of level. Probably just fill the rest with generally good spells; for example, I'd take inflict wounds, shield, and maybe cause fear (xanathar's again) or tasha's hideous laughter.

Isn't this... just a duplicate of the other post?

Seriously, man. Uncool.

2018-09-16, 07:23 PM
In an upcoming campaign my Dm agreed to let me play Nicol Bolas the God-Pharoah. I get to have 7 spells known at 3rd level playing a custom sorcerer who can pick any spells for his list. What are the best 7 1st and 2nd level spells for a sorcer to have?

I know nothing about this Nick Bolas character so all of this is divorced from the character.

Does this include cantrips?

Eldritch Blast (twin, quicken, distant)
Booming Blade (twin, quicken, distant) [if you end up in melee a lot]
Guidance (Twin, Subtle, distant, )
Shillelagh [if you end up in melee a lot]
Thorn Whip (twin, quicken, distant)

First Level

Absorb Elements [no better way to survive a dragon attack]
Wrathful Smite (extended, heightened) [if you end up in melee a lot]
Hex (Twin, Distant, Extended)
Healing Word (Twin, Distant, subtle) [you're now a better healer then anybody but maybe the death cleric]
Entangle (Quicken, Extended, Heightened) [after the first save it's a check from there which is harder to succeed on]
Fog Cloud (subtle) [easiest way to prevent any caster from targeting.]

Second Level

Enlarge/Reduce (extended, twinned)
Healing Spirit (extended) [Hey now you can heal 20d6 per person in between fights]
Heat Metal (Twinned, Extended) [consistent damage and disadvantage to 2 targets.]
Hold Person (Twinned, Heightened) [obvious reasons]
Levitate (twinned)
Pass without Trace (Extended)[super stealth]
Phantasmal Force
Spiritual Weapon (Subtle, Distant, Extended) [what a great way to use a BA without wasting spell points]
Spike Growth (Distant, Subtle, Extended) [Bottleneck something without anyone knowing it was you.]