View Full Version : Tiefling PC Pathfinder

2018-09-16, 07:02 PM
I'm a little puzzled. What are the rules for using races with higher than normal RP.

I understood how this worked in 3.5 pretty well. But I don't really know how it works in Pathfinder.

We're supposed to create level 2 characters for a Pathfinder game. How do I make a teifling?

2018-09-16, 07:11 PM
Race points (RP) is just Paizo's measure of a race's power level. As such it's more of a guideline for DMs to help determine which races are suitable for their game.

The only time RP is really used is if you're creating a custom race, which the tiefling is not. So really all you have to do is follow the same procedure for making any other race, but with tiefling stats.

EDIT: Most DM's allow tieflings into their games, so don't worry about how their RP compares to say, a dwarf.

2018-09-16, 07:21 PM
I'm a little puzzled. What are the rules for using races with higher than normal RP.

I understood how this worked in 3.5 pretty well. But I don't really know how it works in Pathfinder.

We're supposed to create level 2 characters for a Pathfinder game. How do I make a teifling?

Tieflings are a standard PC race, just like humans. There is no adjustment of any kind.

And just to note, dwarves have as much RP as tieflings, and both have less than aasimar and gnomes. RP is a vague ballpark estimate that gets ignored unless you fall into centaur/drow noble territory.

2018-09-17, 09:57 AM
And just to note, dwarves have as much RP as tieflings, and both have less than aasimar and gnomes. RP is a vague ballpark estimate that gets ignored unless you fall into centaur/drow noble territory.
A small correction: Dwarves are 10 RP, Gnomes are 11 RP, Tieflings are 13 RP and Aasimar are 15 RP. In general the core races are 10-11 RP and I feel the RP system was forced to give those results. Not that it matters, but I like to be rule accurate.

For official guidelines, there is a small sidebar (here (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/creating-new-races/)) that advises the DM to treat classes above 20 RP as higher level for the APL, but that is a far cry from level adjustment. Also Tieflings are less then 20 RPs anyways...

Also while Aasimar and Tiefling tend to be called overpowered, that is because both races come with alternative versions with alternate ability score modifiers, ensuring most classes can 2 fitting ability scores. In addition they have a list of race abilities that are lot less specific then the core races (like dwarves and mining), but alternate race traits fixes that problem.
If your DM allows everything about tieflings, but limits core races to the core rulebook, then tieflings are slightly better and look powerful the first few levels, but anything that race offers kinda fades out as you level up.

In short:

Tieflings are a standard PC race, just like humans. There is no adjustment of any kind.