View Full Version : What would a worshiper of Loki's spell list look like?

2018-09-17, 10:08 AM
For my groups next campaign, I am playing a trickster cleric/ arcane trickster of Loki. I am working on the spell list but I don't know too many great spells for him. The spells I'm giving him are all going to be illusions, fire spells and charms like hold person, sugestion, or mislead. I'm interested to see what you think. Some of the spells I chose/considered were:
sacred flame
cure wounds
detect magic
Inflict wounds
continual flame
hold person
mass healing word
flame strike
mass cure wounds
Antimagic field
Charm person

(This is unfinished)

2018-09-17, 12:17 PM
For my groups next campaign, I am playing a trickster cleric/ arcane trickster of Loki. I am working on the spell list but I don't know too many great spells for him. The spells I'm giving him are all going to be illusions, fire spells and charms like hold person, sugestion, or mislead. I'm interested to see what you think. Some of the spells I chose/considered were:
sacred flame
cure wounds
detect magic
Inflict wounds
continual flame
hold person
mass healing word
flame strike
mass cure wounds
Antimagic field
Charm person

(This is unfinished)

While Loki is said to be charming, I don't believe they mean Charming. He doesn't control people, he tricks them. I'd avoid enchantment spells.

If I had to give Loki schools of magic, I'd say Illusion and Transmutation.

Depending on your source for Loki, he's probably also a bitchin' warrior. Given he's to lead the giants to war in Ragnarok, that makes sense. He's also the son of Odin and brother of Thor. He's picked up some tricks.

Warlock with the Mask of Many Faces would be *perfect* for Loki. It might be a worthwhile dip for you. So would the Actor feat.

I don't know that any of your chosen spells fit, for me anyways. Minor Illusion, Major Arcana, Phantasmal Force, Creation, Alter Self/Disguise Self, Polymorph, Blur/Mirror Image... And the Illusionist subclass seems to have all the tricks a budding Trickster needs to fool his enemies and confuse his allies.

Darth Ultron
2018-09-17, 03:47 PM
Illusion and Fire spells fit.

Don't forget shapechanging spells too.

2018-09-17, 05:46 PM
While Loki is said to be charming, I don't believe they mean Charming. He doesn't control people, he tricks them. I'd avoid enchantment spells.

If I had to give Loki schools of magic, I'd say Illusion and Transmutation.

Depending on your source for Loki, he's probably also a bitchin' warrior. Given he's to lead the giants to war in Ragnarok, that makes sense. He's also the son of Odin and brother of Thor. He's picked up some tricks.

Warlock with the Mask of Many Faces would be *perfect* for Loki. It might be a worthwhile dip for you. So would the Actor feat.

I don't know that any of your chosen spells fit, for me anyways. Minor Illusion, Major Arcana, Phantasmal Force, Creation, Alter Self/Disguise Self, Polymorph, Blur/Mirror Image... And the Illusionist subclass seems to have all the tricks a budding Trickster needs to fool his enemies and confuse his allies.

That's a solid looking list to me.

2018-09-17, 11:54 PM
Watch Tom Hiddleston. Be Tom Hiddleston. Go from there.

Falcon X
2018-09-18, 12:16 AM
Not sure if you care, but in 2nd Edition Planescape, Pandemonium, the plane that Loki held his hall, had the following effects:
Limited Wish, Wish, and Find Familiar did not work.
Fire spells did not work (apparently, fire as an element did not exist on this plane. Only water, Earth, and air)
Divination spells and healing spells (positive energy) were hindered.

Of course, Loki himself split his time between there and Ysgard, but his followers would have gone to Pandemonium when the died, probably.

In the 3.5 book Deities and Demigods, Loki’s avatar had the following Sorcerer spells:
Dancing Lights, arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, prestidigitation
Cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages
Rope trick, see invisibility, Tasha’s hideous laughter
Suggestion, vampiric touch
Arcane eye, bestow curse, confusion, charm monster
Animate dead, contact other plane, dream, nightmare
Flesh to stone, geas
Mass charm, ottos irresistible dance
Trap the soul, gate, wish

He also had a slew of roguish 3.5 only spells like obscure object, erase, hypnotism, misdirection, shrink item, secret page, circle of death, shadow walk, temporal stasis, and vanish

His spell-like abilities which he could use at will included:
Animate objects, blasphemy, invisibility, change self, confusion, contagion, create undead, desecrate, desentigrate, earthquake, false vision, harm, inflict wounds, magic circle against good, mislead, nondetection, polymorph any object, shatter, summon monster 9, time stop, unholy blight, and word of chaos.

Blacky the Blackball
2018-09-18, 03:26 AM
Watch Tom Hiddleston. Be Tom Hiddleston. Go from there.

That's generally good advice in any context.

2018-09-18, 06:07 AM
I think I need to ask first actually, which Loki are you worshipping? A D&D mythical one printed in a book? The one from Snorre Sagas? The Marvel Loki? The Loki from this comic strip or another comic strip entirely?

Cause all of these are kinda different, especially since the Snorre Saga Loki can't really be nailed to a single template, while for purposes of D&D, he has to be, and in the Marvel continuity he's a charming devil, rather than a guy who transformed himself into a woman to have sex with Ettin and giving birth to horses and the like.

Look, it's really freaking weird, but you can't go wrong with a bunch of polymorph abilities and acting really out there in terms of alignment. Make chaotic neutral look like lawful good.


2018-09-18, 06:26 AM
I think I need to ask first actually, which Loki are you worshipping? A D&D mythical one printed in a book? The one from Snorre Sagas? The Marvel Loki? The Loki from this comic strip or another comic strip entirely?

Cause all of these are kinda different, especially since the Snorre Saga Loki can't really be nailed to a single template, while for purposes of D&D, he has to be, and in the Marvel continuity he's a charming devil, rather than a guy who transformed himself into a woman to have sex with Ettin and giving birth to horses and the like.

Look, it's really freaking weird, but you can't go wrong with a bunch of polymorph abilities and acting really out there in terms of alignment. Make chaotic neutral look like lawful good.


I'm worshiping sort of a combo of both Marvel and Myth. Some of the abilities from Marvel with the trickery of the Myths

2018-09-18, 07:32 AM
I'm worshiping sort of a combo of both Marvel and Myth. Some of the abilities from Marvel with the trickery of the Myths

I had a Loki-based character at one point, Lore Bard with a 2-level dip in Warlock (Raven Queen UA) for Misty Visions and Mask of Many Faces. He was a lot of fun and the Bard list works well with what you’re looking to do. My favorites:

Viscious Mockery
Silent Image (at will)
Disguise Self (at will)
Calm Emotions
Detect Thoughts
Phantasmal Force
Modify Memory

Take Persuasion and Deception as your Expertise. One thing my character liked to do is cast Silent Image to make a warrior-looking dude appear. Next round cast Spiritual Weapon as the “warriors weapon.” As your Action control the SI to look like it’s holding and using the SW to attack and parry, as your Bonus Action control the SW to attack, move and appear to be held by the SI.

You get to stay out of harm’s way while appearing to be a commoner, while your illusion is fighting (and doing damage even if it’s found to be an illusion, which, if others are playing right, should blow the minds of some characters). Can also play this off as an effect from an “artifact” you found to maintain the facade of not being a powerful caster, hence why you otherwise sit back and insult the enemy (using VM and Cutting Words of course)

Then as a fall back, cast Fear to route the enemy.

Also, feel free to steal this as well: at night while on watch, use Modify Memory on your sleeping companions to give them visions of their diety visiting them and asking them to assist you (just for RP purposes). This helps keep everyone wanting to help you/keep you around if maintaining that your character isn’t an “adventurer” like the others.