View Full Version : Best non-prc multiclass combo

2018-09-17, 04:42 PM
So I'm going to be playing in a friends game where there are 3 classes very similar to the generic class rules in the DMG where we can cherry pick abilities from other prcs and classes I wanted to make a melee focused caster using self buffs to increase my chance to hit to compensate for my lower than average bab. Using the Genric class system what is the best casting / bab / skill ratio I should get to ensure I can function independently because the added caveat is all players start separately and gain renown and eventually meet after several levels. So I want to be able to make a decent number of attacks and cast self buffs but I don't really think I can go past 5th level spells without sacrificing a lot.

The generic caster class uses the sorcerer casting progression and I can use a feat to gain a spellbook as a wizard would and can choose from the druid wiz/sor and cleric spell lists.

What would be the best combination of classes to maximize my bab, casting and utility to be able to function as a one man party I am not worried about the action economy as encounters will be balanced around me and any npcs I may have.

Also you can't take more levels in another casting class so you only get 1 spell list.

The classes are effectively non-ability expert warrior and sorcerer but I don't want to go full caster and the reqs for class abilities are unknown at this point saves are customized. we are using fractional BAB.

2018-09-17, 04:51 PM
Wait, you can cherry-pick PrC and class abilities? Why not pick double-casting, a la mystic theurge?

2018-09-17, 06:54 PM
This seems to be a heavily houseruled game. Is there anything we should know about class stacking? Like, how often can you get a class feature? Can you choose different class features from different levels?

Full caster seems to benefit the most from this arrangement, as you can effectively be a Wizard with any spell list and Sorcerer spells per day. It's the best of all worlds, except for the one level late for spell levels. But you don't want that, so we need more rules, because while spellcasting is an unified system tied to classes, martial progression is not - there's no real rule for when martials get powers and buffs, other than BAB. A Barbarian's rage and reflexes are not balanced against Fighter feats or Monk unarmed attacks. They are given out pretty randomly, to be honest.

As a general rule, more spellcasting will make your life easier. BAB is useful, but if you can get an extra attack with Haste and has Bull's Strenght to boost your to-hit, it can be a second priority. Your first level should go into the most tanky martial you can be, hopefully d10 HD and medium+ armor so you don't die easily. Try to keep close to 3/4ths BAB and decent health while keeping the most spellcasting you can, so you can be like a common Cleric that prepared all buffs.

2018-09-17, 07:39 PM
I suppose I said jack of all trades but I mean more like a non prc unseen seer. I want ideally to have average bab some spells and be able to scout via divination and have some utility spells + shocking grasp for sneak attacks.

I want to be able to get in gather information get out and drop someone in a round if necessary.

My spell lists for example might look more like this:

Disguise Self
Caster little skill investment in Socials means it's a cloak of anonymity, allows pre contact for further operations, sow disinformation

Shocking Grasp
-Direct Effect
Best Damage to spell level ration with crit ability and cost effective for wand, economical main hander for caster

-Direct Effect
Earliest SoD, stealth capability

Windy Escape
Better than healing, Mitigate on hit effects

Expeditious Retreat
1st defense is retreat, dual capability- full movement plus action each turn

-Direct Effect
Shuts down low dex, area denial, versatility when applied to objects (NONFLAMMABLE, why do some many people dumb so hard)

Alter Self
Better than Illusion -physical change, versatile ability buffet, Combo with Disguise self for further misdirection

-Direct Effect
Basically SoD, permanent, Spellcaster shutdown, brute force stealth

False Life
Long duration preemption, Ask Cleric for Shield Other,

Countless applications

Arcane Sight
Detection is second defense, targeting for high magic encounters, traps, anti illusion/obfuscation

Dispel Magic
-Direct Effect
Anti magic can swing a fight as easily as magic, Countering spells

Gaseous Form
Versatile mobility and defense spell, slip past areas you can't fit, scouting

-Direct Effect
force multiplier, Slow requires Saves

Arcane Eye
Why risk anyone when unlimited magical probing is available

Dimension Door
"And the Mage Dimension Doors Away . . ."

Black Tentacles
-Direct Effect
standard area denial

Obvious scouting potential plus tracking and limited communications over vast distance

Whats the optimal combination of classes to get just enough spells and bab to be able to decently hit at my level on average.