View Full Version : Fusion Monster/Class needed for a "Sometimes" Group

2018-09-18, 12:13 PM
To elaborate on the wonky title:

We are setting up one "Sometimes" Group or every player, so that our Schedule only gets disrupted if half or the total Group (4 Players plus GM) are unaccounted for (^^).

For one of these Groups we are thinking about allowing a Monster/Class Gestalt (the other Player is playing a Wizard so....yeah, not many Power Problems^^) for 2 Players.

The Rules for this Gestalt are: All Monster HD count and advancement is limited to"More of them", all LA is halved, round down, and can be "bought off" if lower than 4 at the following Levels: 6, 10, 14 and 17. Other sie must be a single Class or at most (only if its really necessary or fits the mood exceptionally) 2 Classes.
Also it is unlikely that full Caster Classes above "unmodified" Sorcerer or Favoured Soul will be allowed, to keep the Wizard clearly the most "castery".

Now the questions I ahve for the Forum are the following:

1.: Assuming we start at Level 8, what Monster/Class Combo would you recommend for the remaining 2 Players (Group wants to be "greyish") and why?

2.: Do the abovementioned rules sound workable in the level area (it is ulikely we will ever get abve Level 12, again its a "sometimes" group)?

This will likely not start until late October, so I have lots of time to enjoy all your contributions!

Thank you in advance.