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View Full Version : Cat's Eye Rings

brian 333
2018-09-19, 11:20 AM
The vast majority of Cat's Eye Rings grant the wearer Low Light Vision. Lesser versions limit vision to 30', normal versions allow vision up to 60', and Greater versions extend this range to 90'. While using this vision enhancement colors are extremely muted, appearing as shades of grey, but peripheral vision is enhanced, granting a +2, +4, or +6 bonus to Spot checks if the object or creature moves. (The bonus does not apply to stationary objects or creatures.)

A small percentage of these items also grant additional powers. These special Cat's Eye Rings grant a +5/+25% bonus to Reaction checks when dealing with feline creatures. This drops to a +2/+10% bonus vs. monsters which are only partially feline, such as chimera or sphinxes.

Some of the powers granted by special Cat's Eye Rings include:

Bonuses to Listen checks, (+2, +4, or +6)
Bonuses to Hide or Camouflage checks, (+2, +4, or +6)
Bonuses to Move Silently checks, (+2, +4, or +6)
Bonuses to Reflex Saving Throws, (+1, +2, or +3)
Cat's Claws which grant +1, +2, or +3 Enhancement Bonus to unarmed attacks and 1d3, 1d4, or 1d6 Slashing Damage Bonus
Scent Monstrous Ability
Speak With Animals, (Felines only)

Lesser rings generally have only one of these special powers, normal rings up to three, and greater rings up to six.

Special Cat's Eye Rings may also grant reaction penalties to canines of -1/-5%, -3/-15%, or -5/-25%, with partially canine monsters reacting at 0, -2/-10%, or -4/-20%.

A very few of the Greater Cat's Eye Rings are also Rings Of Nine Lives. The morning after their death by any means which leaves the ring intact, the wearer will awake in the last place he considered home. If the ring was still on his body, (not looted, for example,) it will still be on him. If looted, the dead wearer will still be resurrected, but will no longer have the ring. Treat this as a Resurrection for all rules purposes.

There are nine Cat's Eye Ring Artifacts known as The Rings Of The Cat Lords. Each of these rings grants 120' Low Light Vision, +10/+50% Reaction Checks vs. Felines, (+5/+25% vs. partial felines,) +8 to skill checks, +4/+1d8 Enhancement/Damage Bonus to unarmed melee attacks, and -8/-40% Reaction Checks canines, (-6/-30% vs. partial canines.)

Each Ring Of The Cat Lord also grants the wearer the ability to shapechange into a particular kind of cat. The color of the chrysoberyl cat's eye gem determines which kind of cat. In addition to all the abilities of the cat type, the ring allows all armor and equipment to transform as well, retaining their magical bonuses and effects, (but excludes non-magical benefits such as is granted by non-magical armor,) while in feline form. Equipped and readied weapons only grant bonuses if they are superior to those offered by the Cat's Claws property, but effects which are distinct will apply if they do not duplicate the Cat's Claw power.

Example: The wearer readies a dagger with a +1 Enhancement Bonus before shapechanging. The Cat's Claws power is superior to this, so the dagger has no effect. If the readied dagger was +1 Enhancement Bonus vs. Evil, the To Hit Bonus does not apply, but the +1 Damage Bonus vs. Evil does apply.

Gem Color / Type Of Cat
Pink / Cheetah
Red / Jaguar
Orange / Tiger
Yellow / Puma
Green / Lynx
Blue / Domestic Cat
Purple / Ocelot
Brown / Lion
Grey / Leopard

The Ring Of The Queen Of Cats is a relic unique to the feline demigod, and its properties can only be guessed, though it is known to have a multicolored cat's eye gemstone. The Queen or King of Cats is able to shapechange into any feline or partially feline form.

Any of the Rings Of The Cat Lords transform the user's eyes to match its color when shapechanged. Each time the user changes back to his native form, a bit of the gem's color remains, progressively altering the eyes to the gem's color. This is harmless, but permanent.

When shapechanging the wearer may choose any color-phase or breed demonstrated by cats of its type. For example, the Domestic version allows grey or orange tabby, marmalade, jellicle, (black-and-white,) Siamese, Persion, calico, and any other pattern displayed by Felix Familaris. Jaguars have a much more limited palatte ranging from black to white across the golden spectrum, but will always have spots.

The Queen Of Cats will only pass her ring on to her successor, though not all successors pass her rigorous testing process. Sometimes nine lives is not enough!

2018-09-21, 08:17 PM
Marking this thread so I can find it later, I love the idea dude!