View Full Version : Who would win?

2007-09-15, 11:12 PM
Here is something.

Protoss Vs. Zerg. Vs. Terrans Vs. Empire Vs. Autobots Vs. the Twelve Colonies of Kobol Vs. Babylon 5 Vs. Cylons Vs. Borg Vs. Federation Vs. Goa'uld.

My money is on Zerg. Or Autobots.

2007-09-15, 11:30 PM
Pun Pun would show up, having allied with Chuck Norris, they would destroy them all in the blink of an eye.

2007-09-15, 11:43 PM
Mr. Rogers. (http://www.ultimateshowdown.org/)

The Vanishing Hitchhiker
2007-09-15, 11:44 PM
Mr. Rogers.

Oh, you're right. Guess I shouldn't've bet on the Doctor.

2007-09-16, 06:24 AM

Just because.

Emperor Tippy
2007-09-16, 06:33 AM
Here is something.

Protoss Vs. Zerg. Vs. Terrans Vs. Empire Vs. Autobots Vs. the Twelve Colonies of Kobol Vs. Babylon 5 Vs. Cylons Vs. Borg Vs. Federation Vs. Goa'uld.

My money is on Zerg. Or Autobots.

Protoss > Zerg, Terrans, Goa'uld, Federation, Twelve Colonies of Kobol, Cylons
Empire > Terrans, TCoK, Cylons, Federation, Goa'uld

I don't know enough about Babylon 5 or the Autobots to place either of them. It's hard to place the Cylons because they are like the Borg but no where near as superior (highly mobile, huge numbers).

If the Empire doesn't find the Protoss homeworld then the Protoss win (superior FTL travel, superior ground forces and a willingness to Base Delta Zeror any hostile planet).

The Zerg can beat pretty much anyone who isn't capable and willing to glass anything they touch, quickly.

The Borg could win agaisnt most of the above (lack of planets makes attacking them difficult). But that is far to dependent on many things we don't know.

So Protoss or Empire, largely for the same reasons. Superior FTL capabilities and an ability and willingness to glass populated worlds.

2007-09-16, 06:46 AM
Does Babylon 5 refer to Babylon 5 with the associated faction itself (as in, Earth Alliance, or maybe Interstellar Alliance), or anything from the B5 universe?
Because, if it's the former, B5 will be one of the weakest contestants. If it's the later, I'm pretty confident the Ancient Ones will dominate all of the mentioned opponents without breaking a sweat.

Otherwise, I pretty much agree with Emperor Tippy's assessment, except I'd include the Borg as possible victors as well, and while we never determined definitely who'd win in a fight between the Empire and the Protoss, I think the chances are slightly better for the Empire (due to vastly superior numbers).

Emperor Ing
2007-09-16, 06:55 AM
Why Borg would be one of the first to die...

Their cubes are about 2 miles in length. 2 FRICKIN MILES!!! (or so i'm told!) with possibly hundreds of those phaser thingies on the sides. One cube supposedly ripped through a federation fleet (WHICH IS THE WEAKEST CONTESTANT BY FAR!!!) But I was also told that ONE 30-meter federation ship took on 8 of those 2 mile childs blocks. Now if a puny 30-meter ship with the power of the Slave-1 (Boba Fett's ship) can take on things larger than an Imperial Star Destroyer, what chance do Borg Cubes have against actual Imperial Star Destroyers? Turbolasers are far more powerful than phasers, hell, send a few TIE fighters after the cube! Problem solved! Now wait a few seconds as the unshielded pieces of armor and guns take out a huge ass super high tech capital ship.

Star Trek vs anything = the anything wins.

edit: Hell, braveheart would kick Borg Ass (proven fact)

2007-09-16, 07:24 AM
The only trouble with the entire Star Trek universe is that unlike most of the other universes Star Trek ships are capable of fighting while moving with FTL speed. Technically, B5 is able to do that, too, but they move to a completely different space to do that; I am not sure about the Goa'uld and the Autobots. That's a pretty major advantage.
Due to inferior FTL speeds they would still lose against the Empire or the Protoss (who maybe wouldn't be able to destroy the Federation ships, but would just destroy their worlds instead - provided their ships could survive the fire of any defensive fleets present long enough, which at the very least the Imperial vessels should be able to pull off), but it's hard to imagine how the other races would hope to win.

Anyway, here's how I see it in detail.

Autobots: The ones I know the least about, but the little I know does not exactly suggest they could measure up to galaxy-spanning empires with ships travelling through the entire galaxy in a matter of few days or less and capable of glassing or destroying planets on a regular basis.

Babylon 5 (the younger races), the Kobol colonies and the Cylons are all extremely low tech if compared with the other SciFi universes - they do not even have something like energy shields. Plus their numbers are negligible compared to a galaxy-spanning empire. They won't win.

Babylon 5 (the Ancient Ones), on the other hand - these are races who evolved beyond anyone's comprehension, beings of pure energy, who have existed for millions or even billions of years. Nobody knows what they are capable of. And herein lies the problem - neither do we. They appear rarely throughout the show and are always shrowded in mystery. We can only speculate on their real limits. My personal speculation is that they beat every other contestant at ease, but that's just a feeling.

The Federation is significantly weaker in terms of numbers and strategic speed than, say, the Empire, but they have the aforementioned advantage of fighting at superluminal speeds. That counts for something.

The Borg even more so - I have always maintained that, fair writers provided, the Borg would easily dominate the Star Trek universe. They are like the Federation plus sufficient numbers to measure up even to the Empire; however, they possess very distinct weaknesses, which could be exploited. It could go either way.

The Terrans strike me as the weakest StarCraft fraction, by far. They are pretty low tech, just like B5 and Battlestar Galactica, so I'm afraid our crazy marines would not be on the victorious side of this contest.

The Zerg and the Protoss have roughly similar power level; the Protoss have about the highest tech level of these universes, impressive fleets, psionics and elite warriors at their side, the Zerg have incredible numbers and the ability to infest worlds undetected. Both are strong contestants.

The Empire has almost ridiculously powerful weapons and armour, millions of worlds and gargantuan fleets. If we do not include B5 Ancient Ones, they are the favorites in this battle.

Have I forgotten anyone? Ah, yes, the Goa'uld - well, I don't know that much about their capabilities, either, but their numbers seem much lower than the Empire's, and while their technology is capable of a few quite impressive stunts - especially in the field of medicine - their fleets and soldiers are not sufficiently superior to tear modern Earth technology to shreds instantly. I realise that's mostly a writer thing again, but nevertheless I got the impression their tech level is, overall, inferior to that of the Protoss or the Empire, and possibly not even en par with the Federation.

That's about it.

Emperor Ing
2007-09-16, 07:36 AM
The Federation is significantly weaker in terms of numbers and strategic speed than, say, the Empire, but they have the aforementioned advantage of fighting at superluminal speeds. That counts for something.

Star Trek ships move across the galaxy in a hundred years. In star wars, its a matter of hours. Dont forget that The Enterprise is about 30 meters long. Not exactly the size of an Imperial Star Destroyer. :\

2007-09-16, 07:47 AM
Star Trek ships move across the galaxy in a hundred years. In star wars, its a matter of hours. Dont forget that The Enterprise is about 30 meters long. Not exactly the size of an Imperial Star Destroyer. :\You're either kidding or forgot one zero, right? :smalleek:

The original series Enterprise is almost 300 metres long. They only get larger from there (640 metres for Galaxy class, for instance).

And, yes, they need this long to move around the galaxy; it doesn't change the fact it's not possible to attack them for most of these other groups unless they drop out of warp.
Anyway, you may have noticed that I hand the victory to the Empire, Protoss, Zerg or Borg (who have no such speed limitations) for that very reason (assuming the Ancient Ones are excluded).

2007-09-16, 07:52 AM

Just because.

Haha i agree

2007-09-16, 10:09 AM
Star Trek ships move across the galaxy in a hundred years. In star wars, its a matter of hours. Dont forget that The Enterprise is about 30 meters long. Not exactly the size of an Imperial Star Destroyer. :\

Size doesn't matter. Also, your ST always loses meme is kinda irritating.

Also, goku would lose because his opponents don't spend years bulging their muscles before a short 10 second fight.

Emperor Tippy
2007-09-16, 10:40 AM
Size doesn't matter. Also, your ST always loses meme is kinda irritating.

Also, goku would lose because his opponents don't spend years bulging their muscles before a short 10 second fight.

Yes, i find his ST always loses position annoying (it would crush anything from the Battlestar Galatica universe).

2007-09-16, 10:50 AM
As much as it hurts me to say, it would devastate anything save for the old races from Babylon 5 as well.

Emperor Tippy
2007-09-16, 10:55 AM
As much as it hurts me to say, it would devastate anything save for the old races from Babylon 5 as well.

I have never seen Babylon 5 so I can't comment on that one.

2007-09-16, 10:58 AM
I have never seen Babylon 5 so I can't comment on that one.It's by far my favorite science fiction series, entire leagues above either Star Trek or Star Wars; however, its strengths lie in a thrilling continuous story, not in the power of the ships therein.

Emperor Tippy
2007-09-16, 11:35 AM
I think we should put the Covenant from Halo into consideration. If we did so they would be up their with the Protoss and Empire.

A major advantage for the covenant is that they have a fully mobile military structure. They are a lot less dependent on stationary planets than pretty much anyone except the Borg while still possessing capable ground forces, excellent FTL travel, and extremely powerful weapons.

2007-09-16, 12:06 PM
Not having played Halo I know next to nothing about the Covenant, but didn't this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53400) arrive at the conclusion the Empire would crush the Covenant due to superior numbers?

2007-09-16, 12:15 PM
The Empire. Superior numbers, and superior technology. All because Writers have no sense of scale. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.SciFiWritersHaveNoSenseOfScale)

Let me elaborate: I saw "technical charts" for ships from the Star Wars universe. I forgot the link, but they are findable in the internet. And these figures are TOTALLY unrealistic - I suspect that the Star Wars creators simply didn't have much experience when it gets to things like this, so they made all the technical data up. Using big numbers. REALLY big numbers. Thanks to this, we have monstrosities such as Slave I being superior in its stats to Enterprise, or one shot from a turbolaser having greater energy than a nuclear blast.

It's like DBZ. Battle power comparison:
Normal human - 5
Goku - 360. on)000.003

Conclusion #1: Don't compare SW to anything, because Star Wars is broken.
Conclusion #2: Star Wars is Dragonball Z of Sci-Fi.

2007-09-16, 12:17 PM
Except Star Wars can actually tell its plot in a concise manner, and the protagonists in Star Wars don't exponentially gain power; the whole universe is just higher powered than ours.

2007-09-16, 12:20 PM
Except Star Wars can actually tell its plot in a concise manner, and the protagonists in Star Wars don't exponentially gain power;
Star... I mean, straw man tactics!

the whole universe is just higher powered than ours.

As in, "so absurdly higher powered that comparison to other media is pointless". That I can agree with.

Note: I actually like Starwars.

2007-09-16, 12:23 PM
Conclusion #1: Don't compare SW to anything, because Star Wars is broken.
Conclusion #2: Star Wars is Dragonball Z of Sci-Fi.We have one huge collective thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52666) for precisely that and we actually found a few universes which could hold their own against Star Wars (Warhammer 40k, for example, and a few others).

Except Star Wars can actually tell its plot in a concise manner, and the protagonists in Star Wars don't exponentially gain power; the whole universe is just higher powered than ours.Out of interest, as opposed to what?
Anyway, this holds true only if you limit "Star Wars" to the movies - as soon as you go to the Expanded Universe, that's precisely what happens, more and more super-powered stuff begins appearing left and right which makes Anakin Skywalker look like a beginner and the Death Star like a crappy toy.

2007-09-16, 12:50 PM
What about some other factions from other sci fi books? How about the Confederation from Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy (if anyone read it). Those guys used wormholes to zap through space, firing dozens of fusion/anti matter missiles, and wormholed away while the missiles obliterated half the solar system. Take that Protoss!

2007-09-16, 01:08 PM
Here is something.

Protoss Vs. Zerg. Vs. Terrans Vs. Empire Vs. Autobots Vs. the Twelve Colonies of Kobol Vs. Babylon 5 Vs. Cylons Vs. Borg Vs. Federation Vs. Goa'uld.

My money is on Zerg. Or Autobots.
I'm surprised you didn't mention the Imperium of Man, which would win if it could spare its entire force for the conflict. But since its always fighting off The Necrons/Tau/Orks/Chaos/Eldar/tyranids/Rebels/anybody else it proably wouldn't do too well with the troops it could spare.

2007-09-16, 01:14 PM
Zombie Jesus (http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Zombie_Jesus)

2007-09-16, 02:41 PM
Actually, over at that other thread, we have determined that no matter what, the Culture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Culture) from Iain M. Banks fiction dominates everything and is vastly more superpowered than the Empire or anything else imaginable.

2007-09-16, 04:20 PM
The Empire. Superior numbers, and superior technology. All because Writers have no sense of scale. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.SciFiWritersHaveNoSenseOfScale)

Let me elaborate: I saw "technical charts" for ships from the Star Wars universe. I forgot the link, but they are findable in the internet. And these figures are TOTALLY unrealistic - I suspect that the Star Wars creators simply didn't have much experience when it gets to things like this, so they made all the technical data up. Using big numbers. REALLY big numbers. Thanks to this, we have monstrosities such as Slave I being superior in its stats to Enterprise, or one shot from a turbolaser having greater energy than a nuclear blast.

It's like DBZ. Battle power comparison:
Normal human - 5
Goku - 360. on)000.003

Conclusion #1: Don't compare SW to anything, because Star Wars is broken.
Conclusion #2: Star Wars is Dragonball Z of Sci-Fi.

Keep in mind, those stats were written by a Astrophysicist.

2007-09-16, 04:56 PM
Keep in mind, those stats were written by a Astrophysicist.

They still are unbelievable enough to look more like an a**pull than realistic data.
But since my ignorance has just been proved, I'll shut up.

warty goblin
2007-09-16, 06:29 PM
I'm going out on a limb here and saying that the Mimbari (B5) should be able to destroy the Galactic Empire fairly easily simply because no empire ship can actually manuever in a Newtonian universe, so as soon as the Empire invades Mimbari space their much vaunted Star Destroyers will only be able to move in a single plane, and only shoot upwards and forwards. Tie fighters are even worse, by their engine placement they would only be able to move in a straight line and not even be capable of turning around. Put one Mimbari cap ship under a Star Destroyer and it can kill it at its leisure, since the star destroyer has nothing that can touch it from that angle and lacks the maneuverability to actually bring any of its weapons to bear.

2007-09-17, 06:01 PM
My vote goes for the Alliance of the Firefly verse...

Just kidding, the empire is so overpowered due to writers just making random big sounding numbers up...

2007-09-17, 06:56 PM
Warhammer 40k would annihilate just about anything. With the exception of the ubercheesy Culture, which makes SW and the Necrons look realistic. However, the Necrons themselves would easily mop the floor with virtually all of the factions named in the first post. And that's before you bring in the Tau/Eldar/Imperium of Man/Orks/Forces of Chaos/Tyranids. And since the Zerg were horribly ripped off from 'Nids, and 'Nids are more powerful then Zerg, 40k will quickly make a large and bloody mess out of just about anything, including the Protoss, Zerg, Covenant, Borg, and whoever else you care to name.

Good luck adjusting to block the frequency of bolters, lance batteries and massive cannons, Borg.:smalltongue:

2007-09-17, 10:30 PM
Bad writing isn't the reason the Borg haven't taken over the galaxy. They just have other things to amuse themselves with. (The 'absorb your enemy' trick is pretty powerful, too.)

Bad writing is the reason Voyager WTFPWN'd them.

2007-09-17, 10:34 PM
My vote goes for the Alliance of the Firefly verse...

Just kidding, the empire is so overpowered due to writers just making random big sounding numbers up...

I guess you haven't heard of Dr. Curtis Saxton?