View Full Version : Help with Sharn Skymage

2007-09-15, 11:27 PM
I am going to be playing an AE witch* going into the Sharn Skymage prestige class from City of Towers, but do not have the book readily available. Anyone know what the prereqs are? I am also interested in general build advice.

*AE witch is a "3/4 caster" class, with progression faster than bard, but slower than sorcerer. I get 3rd level spells at level 7.

My build so far: (AE gives an extra feat at first level, with some restrictions as to what it is)
1:Spell Affinity: Fly
(I can cast fly as a second level spell once I gain access to it at 7th level)
1:Air Mage
(adds spells to my spell list, specifically fly)
3: ??
Starting at level 4

As a woodwitch, I have the ability to use Greenfire, which is a 2d6+1d6/2lvls blast of positive energy that strikes one target within 50 ft. Reflex for half, wisdom modifier times per day.

I'm also wanting to be the 'gypsy fortune teller' type. Con-artist or genuine spiritualist, I haven't decided.

I should probably also note that the setting is not Eberron, I just managed to sell the Skymage class, as I've wanted to play one for awhile. Generally, Eberron classes are out, and AE uses Hero Points, not action points, which are a much more significant benefit, but harder to get.

2007-09-15, 11:45 PM
Why not a Wind Witch?

2007-09-16, 12:09 AM
Two reasons:

1) I want to use greenfire, and wind witch does not get an equivalent power.
2) I feel silly taking Air Mage as a Wind Witch, when I would eventually get the feat for free (but would have to delay my entry into Skymage by two levels)
3) Also, wind witch kinda sucks.
Also, I am playing a halfling, which in the setting have a natural affinity for the woods.

2007-09-16, 12:27 AM
After asking, I went and found my copy of AE and looked.. wind witch is kinda meh..

2007-09-17, 01:22 AM
I'm also wanting to be the 'gypsy fortune teller' type. Con-artist or genuine spiritualist, I haven't decided.

FRCS introduced the Prophet of the Divine feat in Powers of Faerun. The neatest thing about the feat is when your PC uses divination spells they get "Special Notable Public Effects" with a Visible Manisfestation (Booming voice, lights....) from the God or Power. Most diviners use incense and bones, sticks or similar tokens for Auguries and Sacrifices for Divinations.

In ECS the Dragon Phrophecy could speak or be channeled through your PC in a similar fashion booming voice speaking through a Siberys or other Dragon Mark.

Dragon Marked also introuduced the Medani Prophet which I liked as it wasn't penalized caster levels and associated the PC with a Dragon House.

Taking a level in the Divine Oracle PRC would get your PC the Oracle Domain.