View Full Version : (IC) Expedition to the Demonweb Pits! (Tales From The Blood War #IV)

2018-09-20, 07:28 PM
Having seen the seer, you return with a bounty of knowledge predicting a drow uprising on the material plane, which could having some serious inter-planar consequences. Having begged you to do so, the seer convinces you to go off and stop it, even if you doubt the seer to be right.

Having returned to the portal to the material plane, you make the necessary preparations...

(What do you do?

@Archmage/Dimers: Do you want to search for spell vendors?)

2018-09-20, 10:03 PM
The half-drow sorcerer Verik Karn was rather surprised that the waters of the Singing Fountain bore news of trouble brewing among the drow, but Black Marian had seemed honestly to believe in what she did, so he had to assume that the seer was on the level. Back to the Underdark? I'm not sure I'm ready for that ...

With this new problem taking priority, the quest to find the prophetic scroll and the glabrezu who stole it had to be abandoned or at least put on hold.

Along with four of the others from that job, and his animated wolf skeleton Biter the Mighty, Verik went through the portal the seer had spoken of, back to the material plane. But is this really my home plane? Is this Faerun?

The group was fortified by the heroes' feast produced by Verik's horn of plenty for breakfast this morning. He also cast mage armor on himself and on Biter.

He tells his companions "I have to admit, I am curious. The drow are usually a cautious people."

OOC: heroes' feast (immune to poison & fear; +1 morale to attack & Will; [roll0] temp hp, 12 hr)

2018-09-21, 05:06 PM
With the news of a devastating drow attack in the works, Eilyra takes steps to ensure that their current task remains in limbo, so that they might claim the reward later. After a bit of research, she contacts an archmage, and bribes him to hold Ashiethema in a summoning circle, presenting him as a potential threat.
Alas, when the summon failed, she had no alternative, but to depart, leaving troubles in her heart.

With their current mission handled, Eilyra rejoined her companions, and passed through the portal, and looks around the overgrown forest surrounding the portal with a slight frown. It looks like we're in the middle of nowhere, but looks can be deceiving. Time for me to take a little trip, I think. We'll need to find the drow, before we can kill them all, after all. Foul things that they are, that's all they deserve. After I know what's around, I'll be able to plan. Risky, but better than simply floundering about on the ground.. "I'll take a look about, see what's around, so we can pick a direction. Killing the foul things is always worthwhile." Her voice is thick with hatred, but before anyone can really respond, she leaps into the air, before flapping her wings savagely, launching herself above the treeline, to take a look around.

2018-09-21, 05:50 PM
Verik stares in surprise at Eilyra's remark.

"Hold on! I may be only half drow but I think you had better explain your meaning."

He draws his rod of viscid globs to show that he means business.

2018-09-21, 05:56 PM
Will sighs as he steps through the portal and Eilyra is causing more havoc, by merely talking, that was his job, not hers! But she always grandstanded him!

[[Now now Eilyra, be nice and don't be rude.]] he chides her as she instinctively insults one of their companions.

2018-09-21, 05:56 PM
Alas, the scattering of dirt and leaves, along with a faint smell of brimstone were the only answer Verik received from the fast flying half-fiend. To Will, she directs a single dry thought: He's still alive, isn't he?

2018-09-21, 05:57 PM
Will looks to Verik and smiles, "I'm sure she didn't mean a word of it, you know deamons and their spawn, especially elven spawn...they can't be trusted." he finishes, with a knowing smile. He did love wordplay.

2018-09-22, 11:05 AM
"Since she can't be trusted it would've been better not to bring her. Most of my experience with surface elves was in Sigil, but I got the distinct impression that the drow tales of their evil were false. Was I wrong?

In any case our mission is stop this war, not to wage it. We may kill those who stand against us, but don't seek out trouble. Any of you have a problem with that?" Verik asks of the others around him.

2018-09-23, 12:48 PM
As Eilyra shoots up into the air, she sees naught but a continuing country road (OOC: ♩Take me home, country roads...♩), up until a small dot on the horizon. She can't quite tell what it is (OOC: Make a spot check, DC 15 Basic, DC 26 Advanced), but it's probably the only source of civilization around, save for the possibility of intelligent life amongst the trees...

2018-09-23, 01:09 PM
Dropping down again almost immediately after cresting the trees(And sending a scattering of twigs and leaves falling from her rough flight, as well as sending frightened birds scattering in all directions), Eilyra returns with a grin, content with the knowledge that she had done right. Moments after landing, and shaking her wings(Sending more leaves/twigs free), she speaks. "There's a road to the west of here, with what looks to be an inn. We'll be able to pick up more information there." Without waiting for a response, Eilyra starts walking to the west, and as she does so, her form seems to blur as her wings, tail, and horns vanish, and her skin loses it's red tint, becoming a pale gold instead. After a few moments, she pauses, before looking back at Will and Verik, and speaking abruptly. "It might be safer to not mention my heritage, all things considered. Or my name." With that said, she resumes working her way through the woods.

2018-09-23, 01:46 PM
Shrugging, Verik follows.

"Code names are a good idea. I'll call you Helen. I'll be Rick. Will, you can be Kant. As for Biter the Mighty, he can be Biter the Obedient."

2018-09-23, 02:48 PM
Eilyra frowns, but doesn't turn to face Verik as she answers calmly. "It might be better for Biter to keep out of sight all together. He's too memorable. And Helen would be an unusual name for an elf. Perhaps Laurel might be better?"

2018-09-23, 03:11 PM
Verik replies "But Helen works because of the whole ... Eh, whatever. Biter can wait in the woods."

2018-09-24, 09:16 AM
Soliton follows without comment, picking a loose leaf from the edge of his cloak, and sending it on a spiraling path to the bushes that line the road. He seems somehow less at ease, now that he's back on the Prime Material. I'm not sure I'd be entirely welcome in an inn or travel house. He volunteers. I could brood menacingly in the background, if you think I'd pass muster as a bodyguard? Or would you prefer me to wait in the forest with the other animals?

After a moment he continues. It's hard to imagine the drow, of all peoples, posing a threat. They don't seem to have the numbers. They consort with demons, of course. Maybe they're arranging something extra-planar?

2018-09-24, 09:28 AM
Verik says "Soliton, you can be Gregory. I don't think you'll have much trouble at an inn, though I might.

Don't underestimate the Drow. Though small in number, many of them are skilled warriors and spellcasters. Even so, yes, it would be extremely strange if they plan to bear the brunt of the fighting themselves rather than using demons or tricking others to do it, that is very much standard practice."

2018-09-24, 09:40 AM
Eilyra frowns thoughtfully at Soliton's question, but Verik speaks up before she does. After Verik finishes, she chimes in as well, her voice cool and collected. "I don't believe it will be a problem, Soliton. Fharlanghnites should be willing to host you, as a traveler. And I'll echo Verik. Don't underestimate the drow. They're fanatical, obsessed with plots and secrecy, and use slave soldiers extensively, while their own troops act as spies, saboteurs, and magical support. Expect ambushes, and flanking maneuvers, and a certain disregard for the lives of their slaves. Don't expect a room full of slaves to encourage them to not cast fireballs, or other similar spells." She pauses, and frowns once more as something occurs to her. "But a large scale attack is very much out of character for them. They're usually fairly objective based, using hit and run tactics. Destroy a village, withdraw. Take slaves, withdraw. A sustained campaign would be very unusual for them, and a very bad sign. They're extremely fragmented, so it generally takes a command from their demon goddess, Lloth to get them to act in an organized fashion."

2018-09-24, 11:17 AM
Oh, I don't underestimate them. He says mildly, picking more bits of twig from his robe. I'm just questioning the logistics of it all. It seems that Oerth is too large for them to take, ah, in person, as it were. Maybe with vast slave armies? hm...

He stops, looks around, sees mainly trees, and then carries on walking.

Does anyone know where we are? Geographically, I mean?

2018-09-24, 12:49 PM
Verik says "True, it's not a realistic goal for drow to occupy the surface. Some might talk big, but everyone knows that. Most drow hate to leave the Underdark. This 'drow uprising' must be far more localized. There must be some other factor involved if the seer was so concerned about it.

As for where we are, I don't even know what plane this is."

2018-09-24, 01:37 PM
Will raises an eyebrow as they move towards the only settled area in this neighborhood, they were talking about how much more they knew about drow than the other, he was amazed they didn't unsheathe their weapons and compare sizes, it was the ludicrous to him, and he ignored the lot of them.

Drow, they were annoying, and tended to like spiders, or so he'd heard, dammit, there he want, joining in without even thinking about it.

Shaking himself, he steeled his will, and carried onwards, ignoring his companions.

2018-09-24, 03:23 PM
This looks like the Prime Material plane. Or at least the parts I'm familiar with. It's quite distinctive, but probably not unique.

Soliton shrugs.

It's strange. I was expecting to be sent to investigate the planes, to see if any threat from there would come here. Instead I appear to be back home, seeing if this Oerth-like place could pose any threat to a city full of the full panoply of the Outer Heavens. He continues ponderously Funny how things turn out.

2018-09-24, 03:40 PM
Verik says "Thing is, there are many Prime Material planes. I am from a planet known as Abeir-Toril. I am not familiar with Oerth. But it is similar, I guess. This place could be on either, or neither."

2018-09-24, 06:48 PM
Grinning wickedly, Eilyra chimes in again, with perhaps the thickest Sigilese accent you've ever heard. "We've blitzed our way onto the Prime, cutters. Now, to the bub, and maybe to the burg, so we can find the dark of it, go for a ride, and not end up in the dead book."

After a few moments, she speaks again, this time, without the atrocious accent. "We'll find out once we reach the Traveler's Rest."

2018-09-24, 08:56 PM
Upon appearing at the building, true enough to Eilyra's word, a sign hangs from up top picturing the words "Traveler's Rest" and the holy symbol of Fharlanghn. It looks relatively abandoned, though it appears to be well stocked from the outside.

Roll Initiative! JUST KIDDING! :smalltongue:

The inside is also similarly stocked, and devoid of creatures. It contains
-Three sets of bunk beds (and can thus sleep 6 travelers)
-14 days worth of food
-20 days worth of fodder
-A fenced-off corral
-An enclosed privy
-Plenty of firewood and a handaxe
-Enough supplies for all your cooking/hygiene needs
----Adventurer's Gear
--2 50ft coils of hemp rope
--20 Torches
--2 Waterskins
--2 sets of flint & steel
--3 flasks acid
--2 vials alchemist's fire

Nothing else happens

(What do you do?)

2018-09-25, 06:44 AM
Looking around the well stocked, if empty room, Eilyra quickly counts the supplies present, even as she thinks furiously. No one here? So this is a waystation. Unfortunate, as I was hoping for rather more people. But it looks like the standard stock is 20 days worth of food and supplies, but only 14 remains, so someone's been here since it's last resupply, so it isn't abandoned. And since the presence supports a strong Fharlanghn background, we're probably on Oerth. So we know where we are. No maps is a little disappointing. Frowning, she turns back to Will, Soliton, and Verik. "It looks like we're probably on Oerth; No where else really has the supporters of Fharlanghn to set up waystations like this one. And it looks like it's in active use, as there's about a week's worth of supplies missing, so a group came through since the last restock. Since it's probably quite early here, we should keep moving. Typically, roads mean farms, or trade, and either one tends to result in small villages every few hours along roads, so we should find someone by noon." With what information that could be found in the waystation gathered, Eilyra turns to leave, careful to keep enough space for her hidden wings and tail to not cause issues as she does. Walking out, she offers once last comment, as an afterthought. "Oh, and if you're thinking of emptying the waystation, don't. That's a fairly fast way to earn the wroth of a god."

2018-09-25, 07:38 AM
Verik says "Damn it! We don't even have riding lizards. And how can we know which direction to take? Or even ... is that sun rising or falling?"

2018-09-25, 07:58 AM
Eilyra smiles toothily at Verik. "That's half the fun! Let's go..." She reaches into her bag, and produces a copper coin(Marked with the coronal's seal on one side, and the Dlardrageth seal on the other), before flipping it. It lands Dlardrageth up, and Eilyra's grin continues. "Right, and as for the sun... we'll find out in an hour or so, I'd imagine. There'll be plenty of light regardless." With a plan in place, she starts along the road once more, taking a right after leaving the waystation.

2018-09-25, 12:50 PM
Shrugging, Verik follows her. Eventually he points out "I'm pretty sure the sun is sinking. We could travel at night, stop, or go back to the empty inn."

2018-09-25, 12:56 PM
Having noted the passage of the sun as well, Eilyra frowns thoughtfully, before she speaks, her words made perhaps a bit sharper from frustration. "You're right. Judging by how far it's moved, We should have another hour or so of light. If we're lucky, the moon might be out. I'll try going up, to see what I see. If I can see the village within an hour or two's walk from here, we should keep moving. If not, we'll turn back. Seems reasonable?" Without really giving anyone a chance to respond, Eilyra takes off again, circling up as she looks around, for signs of a village up ahead, or other points of interest.

2018-09-25, 01:18 PM
Will sees the waystation and nods, it was getting close to dark, and unlike most of his companions, he couldn't see in the dark.

ignoring them " Well, I'm going to stop here, is a good place and as far as we know, we're not in a hurry"

2018-09-25, 04:14 PM
Coming back down, Eilyra hits the ground heavily, but straightens easily afterwards. "And there's nothing within easy walking distance either way that I could see. So, waiting here until morning seems reasonable. I can take the first watch."

2018-09-25, 06:12 PM
Soliton nods. I'm happy to take whatever watch is needed. We're unlikely to find anything at night, when we can only see landmarks nearby

2018-09-25, 06:27 PM
Eilyra nods in agreement with Soliton's words. "There aren't really any landmarks around in any event. Just trees. And this waystation." She frowns for a moment, before speaking again. "More importantly, do any of you know how to cook? It seems a shame to not use any of the gear here."

2018-09-25, 09:05 PM
She'll take first watch? I'll bet. Leaving our sleeping, helpless throats in easy reach of the half-fiend's sword … Well, I could cast a rope trick to create a safe space for sleeping, but one way or the other, at some point our lives will depend on her actions. Might as well let that test be sooner rather than later.

He does take the precaution of stationing Biter to guard the bed he plans to sleep in.

Verik says "I don't know that much about cooking, but I can cast a prestidigitation spell to flavor the food. I can make it taste like anything. How about rothé and mushroom stew? That's hard to beat.

In the morning of course we can have better fare, courtesy of my horn of plenty."

2018-09-26, 06:25 AM
Soliton looks at the foodstuffs with a grave expression. Not.. with any great expectations of success. I can put everything into a pot and stew it until it's all cooked. But I doubt it will taste very good. He looks embarrassed. I'm sorry, where I come from, it was not considered seemly for me to cook. I'm willing to try, though...

2018-09-26, 06:50 AM
Looking quite disappointed by the responses she received, Eilyra sighs. "I suppose it was a thin hope, really. My experience involves more flavorings than cooking, and I rather doubt you'd want to eat the resulting food." It takes her a few moments to finally bite the bullet before she speaks again. "Rations, and prestidigitation it is. At least there's an enclosed privy."

2018-09-28, 04:53 PM
Will looks inside, 14 days worth of food?

"Should be able to rummage something up, I'm no cook, but I think I can do better than a little prestidigitation."

2018-09-29, 07:10 AM
Eilyra smiles at Will. "Wonderful! I'd appreciate it."

2018-09-30, 09:11 AM
Verik says ”Thanks Will. Of the surface animals I’ve tried, goat meat is my favorite. If we could catch a goat and roast it, I’m sure that would make the time pass faster. Oh well, we’ll see.”

He looks around for anything of entertainment value, such as cards or something to make a tossing game out of.

2018-09-30, 09:13 AM
Eilyra makes a show of looking around the small waystation, before she speaks up, her voice rather dry. "It seems that we're short on goats. Perhaps rats, or mice might be more to your taste?"

2018-09-30, 09:48 AM
”You were right that we wouldn’t want to eat your food.”

2018-09-30, 10:07 AM
Eilyra simply offers him a smile as her insult goes over his head, as she makes her way to the privy.

2018-09-30, 01:55 PM
As Eilyra makes her way to the privy, and everybody else goes about their respective activities, Eilyra and Solition both hear the unmistakable sound of clanking armor and weapons and spot a group (6) of ogre zombies making their way down the path towards the rest area. Everybody else remains oblivious to the sight...

(OOC: MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18f5vneDGVYQu3PFa39ML0SPindpCMC5bv3M0ehRt48o/edit?usp=sharing)

I need initiative rolls from everybody (Eilyra/Solition get a surprise round as well), and your starting position on the map.
L: [roll0]
V: [roll1]
V: [roll2]
Z1: [roll3]
Z2: [roll4]
Z3: [roll5]
Z4: [roll6]
Z5: [roll7]
Z6: [roll8]
Average: 10.22...
I've decided to also use block initiative instead of normal. Make any objections in the OOC thread.)

2018-09-30, 02:06 PM
Hearing and seeing a group of six undead ogres heading their way, Eilyra aborts her trip to the privy, instead choosing to call out in alarm, her voice cool and calm, but quite audible. "Undead ogres attacking!"

With the alarm spoken, her voice dips quickly into elven, chanting as she casts mage armor.

[roll0] Knowledge(Religion): What does Eilyra know about these zombie Ogres
Also, for knowledge devotion.

2018-09-30, 03:27 PM
Soliton nods and moves in a single motion, taking a step out to where he can see as many people as possible. His hands move in sharp economical movements, as his guttural syllables call upon the power of extraplanar forces in curiously abstract terms.

Only then does he look around to see what might be attacking.

5ft step to where he can see as many party members as possible, then casting divine protection. All allies within a 20' burst (so goes around corners) get +1 morale bonus to AC and saving throws for 12 minutes.

2018-09-30, 03:49 PM
Will sighs as he hears the warning, [[eilerya has seen some zombies]], he sends out to the whole group.


On phone can't see map until I get home

Getting up, he moves outside and casts haste on everyone

2018-09-30, 06:10 PM
Player Average: 18.4
Monstrous Average: 10.2

Everybody now start your actions for the first round of combat
(OOC: Will did not get a surprise round. Instead just confirm whether or not you'll still be casting Haste

Still need starting positions for Will and Verik)

2018-09-30, 07:36 PM
Her cry still echoing, Eilyra quickly darts into the air, and lands on the roof, taking cover from enemies as she surveys the situation, the words of a simple spell already flowing as she considers where to target it. By the time she finishes her chant, and scatters the ground glass required, her decision had been made, and three of the zombies find themselves coated in glittery light.

Move up onto the roof, behind the crest, and cast Glitterdust(DC 23 Will or Blind, take a -40 penalty to hide either way) centered on VW 18 19

AC 21, plus cover.
Immediate action is available.

2018-09-30, 09:59 PM
Verik thinks to Will We need information. If it's a drow raid, we must try to capture the leader alive.

Uttering draconic-sounding syllables he casts arcane fusion: shield + dragonskin (red) and quickened protection from evil.

Peaceful contact? Unlikely with the others around, especially the flying "elf". Well, lets see what the others can do. Or should I show them just what it means to fight a Blood War veteran?

He then heads outside, towards the zombies. In case there are any nearby drow he calls in Undercommon "I am no surface dweller! State your business!"

OOC: start I12, end P15

mage armor (+4 AC, 12 hr) self + Biter
heroes' feast (immune to poison & fear; +1 morale to attack & Will; 9 temp hp, 12 hr)
shield (+4 AC, 12 min)
protection from evil (+2 AC vs evil, 12 min)
dragonskin (red; +5 AC, fire resist 20, 130 min)
divine protection (+1 morale to AC & saves; 12 min)
haste (+1 to AC & Reflex; move 60'; extra attack)

AC 27 (29 vs evil). If targeted by a hostile spell, he'll cast wings of cover (immediate action).

2018-10-01, 02:26 PM
Will moves out after casting his spell, looking at what he can see.

Start in I10 move to H9
Cast haste on everyone before move.

Will (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1567690)
AC: 17 (16 T, 12 FF)
HP's: 37
Status/effects: +6 vs mind-affecting spells and abilities

2018-10-01, 03:02 PM
Soliton moves to stand on the bed next to the door, keeping close to the wall, so as to inconvenience any long armed creatures trying to reach in. Catching sight of the zombies approaching, he takes an deep breath, and draws his long black sword. He glares at the blade, a stream of alien syllables spilling from his lips, invocations to holiness without the naming of holy a patron, mixed with evocation of positive energy, so abstract as to be almost mathematical. In response, the spikes around the handle melt away as the blade starts to ripple with a silver luminance, shining not just with light, but with goodness, manifest, the harsh light flickering over his tusks and glittering in his eyes, and staining his fancy silk kimono a deep, deep black.

Move to L12, take a peak outside to see if he can spot anything that no one has mentioned, and casting Holy Sword.

2018-10-02, 03:54 PM
A voice calls back to Verik (in undercommon) "Then revel with me as we make sacrifices to the spider-queen!"

-Eilyra attempts to blind the zombies, succeeding versus two of them (who have been bolded on the map)
-Everybody else readies their weapons and/or moves towards the oncoming threat.

-The zombies take a few steps back. (putting some of them partially off of the map)

(What do you do?)

2018-10-02, 05:13 PM
Without missing a beat, Eilyra casts a third spell, grimacing as as her skin grows blue scales, before she continues moving, heading over the ridge of the thatch, and dropping onto the ground in front of the waystation, with her black flaming greatsword in hand, and her golden eyes burning with inner flames.

Casting dragonskin(Blue), Moving to J17(Via flight), and drawing her weapon along the way.
AC 25, Resist Electricity 14.

2018-10-02, 05:25 PM
Moving into the window, he utters a word in draconic, and points at the zombies between the trees, sending a glob of white to land with a splat between them, which promptly explodes into a mess and tangle of white webbed substance.

5ft to L11
Cast Web (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/web.htm) at intersection V,W/13,14 (20ft spread radius)
DC 18 Reflex save

Will (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1567690)
AC: 17 (16 T, 12 FF)
HP's: 37+9 temp
Status/effects: +6 vs mind-affecting spells and abilities, heroes feast

2018-10-02, 07:25 PM
Verik casts a glitterdust spell aimed between two zombies.

ooc: U,V 18,19; Will DC 18 neg

He thinks to Will Diplomacy may yet work.

He says in Undercommon "These few surface dwellers are useful to me. We could have destroyed your zombies, but instead chose to temporarily disable them.

Come here and let's talk, face to face. I really want to know more about your mission to the surface."

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18f5vneDGVYQu3PFa39ML0SPindpCMC5bv3M0ehRt48o/edit#gid=0)

2018-10-03, 05:45 AM
Soliton winces. Diplomacy, the bane of ordered tactics.

He settles into a rhythm of tensing and relaxing, keeping his sword against the wall so it's radiance doesn't shine forth and alarm their adversary. Now there would be discussions and posturing. He felt it unlikely that anyone who attacked a holt without warning would end up approaching with an empty hand. But stranger things had happened. He listens carefully, for signs that there would be a fight, and that he would need to unleash the fury of steel. After a moment, he fastens the shutters securely back. He'd been quite impressed with the workmanship of the cottage, and saw no reason to let the shutters get damaged just because people might be trying to kill them.


2018-10-05, 08:59 AM
-Eilyra moves down to F17
-Will would've sent his glob to V/W;13/14, but sees the path blocked. He instead aims towards T/U;11/12, possibly entangling the beast
-Verik, too, notices a lack of enemies. Whether he had been fooled by an illusion or murky-eyed, he instead attacks the nearest brute.
-Solition stays his hand.

-Verik receives no response, instead becoming the target of a Confusion spell (Will DC 18 negates)
-Will and Solition both gaze out the window of the building, but are soon shrouded in darkness as an arrow hits the frame. Two drow become visible right before it hits. They also hear another being nearby, but can't see it.
-The last unaffected zombie charges Verik, swinging hard with its club!
--Atk: [roll0] Critical Hit!
--Dmg: [roll1] (34)

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18f5vneDGVYQu3PFa39ML0SPindpCMC5bv3M0ehRt48o/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-10-05, 05:56 PM
Soliton mutters a few words to himself in an unearthly tongue. Then he dives through the window, rolls to his feat amidst a welter of debris, and keeps on running, his headlong rush ending in a mighty leap, a blood curdling scream, and the swing of his shining blade.

Swift action - Casting expeditious retreat, swift

Charge, using Combat acrobat feat to dive through the open window as part of the charge, and leap attack feat to leap the last 10 feet or more.
DC 20 Jump check 1d20+27
Ending the charge at Q9 to attack V1
Attack with 5 points of power attack is +15-5+1(haste)+2(charge)+4 (for using what's now a +5 sword) is +17 to hit
Damage is 2d6+12 plus 5 for power attack, times three for leap attack is 15, plus 2 for armbands of might, plus 2d6 if V1 is evil
Damage is 2d6+29[roll] plus [roll]2d6 if evil.
Damage is good cold iron slashing.

Soliton is now AC 16

2018-10-05, 06:40 PM
In a dazzling display of communication, and team cohesion, Eilyra moves to M21, with a rather toothy grin on her face. When she speaks, it's backed by a rather vicious swing of her sword, still wreathed in blackened flames. Her voice sounds rather cheerful, and more than a little frightening "I see you."

Almost as an afterthought, a mental communication reaches Will. The tone seems to be almost delighted. Coincidentally, there is an invisible drow next to me.

Move to M21, attack the invisible enemy in N22. Rolled a 65 against concealment.
+5 mod on knowledge devotion.
[roll0] Attack!
[roll1] Physical damage + [roll2] Fire damage
Additionally, Vampiric Touch triggers.
[roll3] SR roll(DC=enemy SR)
[roll4] * 1.5 damage(Empowered by Bloodstone enchantment)(16 total)
AC 25
HP 43

Immediate: If attacked, cast greater mirror image.(3 images)

2018-10-05, 06:55 PM
Swift action - Casting expeditious retreat, swift

Charge, using Combat acrobat feat to dive through the open window as part of the charge, and leap attack feat to leap the last 10 feet or more.
DC 20 Jump check [roll0]
Ending the charge at Q9 to attack V1
Attack with 5 points of power attack is +15-5+1(haste)+2(charge)+4 (for using what's now a +5 sword) is +17 to hit
Damage is 2d6+12 plus 5 for power attack, times three for leap attack is 15, plus 2 for armbands of might, plus 2d6 if V1 is evil
Damage is [roll]2d6+29[roll] plus [roll2] if evil.
Damage is good cold iron slashing.

Soliton is now AC 16

2018-10-06, 06:07 PM
ooc: Could use an updated map

Verik is disoriented for a split second, but he exerts an effort of will that is strong enough to resist the Confusion spell.

When a giant zombie charges him, he reacts quickly, with an arcane word and gesture producing translucent wings of force that come together in front of him, blocking the monster's giant club.

In Undercommon he says "So that's how it is? No more Mister Nice Guy!"

He heads closer to where the drow that he can now see appeared, and utters three quick words in Draconic.

The wings of force spread from his shoulders again, but this time they suddenly expand and lash out to strike the two drow and the zombie that tried to attack him!

Move to within 30' of the three targets. Kind of hard to tell where the zombie would be but I'd guess QR 16-17. So Verik moves to maybe O12.

Cast AF: True Casting + Wings of Flurry.
[roll0] vs SR; [roll1] damage, Reflex half DC 20.
Those that fail the save are also dazed for 1 round.

2018-10-08, 10:23 AM
Hearing the mental message from Eilyra, he gives her a mental nod, and casts his own protective spell defensively, given the fact that invisible foes were about.

Defensively cast Mage Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageArmor.htm)
[roll0] vs DC 16 (can't fail)

Will (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1567690)
AC: 21 (16 T, 16 FF)
HP's: 37+9 temp
Status/effects: +6 vs mind-affecting spells and abilities, heroes feast, haste [11/13], Mage Armor [13 hours]

2018-10-09, 09:56 PM
-Solition finds it tricky to exit the building, but he manages to get to one of the drow and smack it, hard. On his way out, he notices a third one.
-Eilyra finds her target, and debilitates it with a swift strike.
-Verik manages to carefully position himself to hit a few targets, dropping V1.
-Will hides within the structure... like a wimp :smalltongue:

-Eilyra's target casts a spell defensively (Discord Result: 33), and flies up (20'), barking commands to the zombies.
-V2 attacks Solition. Atk: [roll0] Dmg: [roll1]. Critical Hit! Ironically, the confirmation (on discord) rolled a 1...
-V3 charges Solition. Atk: [roll2] Dmg: [roll3]
-Z4 charges Verik. Atk: [roll4] Dmg: [roll5] All dazed. :cry:
-Z1/2/3 moves forward aimlessly
-Z6 attempts to escape the webs. STR: [roll6]
-Z5 evades the webs, making his way to Verik

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18f5vneDGVYQu3PFa39ML0SPindpCMC5bv3M0ehRt48o/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-10-10, 06:20 AM
This is assuming that she doesn't get the AoO(She probably doesn't. Total concealment should prevent it.)

Sensing her target moving off, Eilyra quickly chants another spell, before she starts to fly up, after the drow, with her flaming sword at the ready, and a wide grin on her face.

Casting See invisibility. She goes up 13 feet, and over 7.5 feet, so I'm going to consider that as moving 10 feet up, and 5 feet over, so she ends up in M22, with an altitude of 10 feet. Eilyra's more maneuverable than the drow, so she can just move to stay adjacent to him.

Immediate: If the drow she's fighting takes any action that would normally allow her an AoO(And where she wouldn't get one because she's too far away), she'll use an abrupt jaunt to teleport closer, so she can take it.(For example, he five foot steps, and casts a spell not defensively). If her teleport distance(10 feet) isn't enough, she won't.

2018-10-10, 12:16 PM
”Did I mention that I fought in the Blood War as a mercenary?”

Verik casts empowered wings of flurry, targeting V2, V3, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5.

To Will he thinks Remember, capture the leader alive if possible

In Undercommon “Surrender, drow!”

OOC: CL vs SR [roll0]
Damage [roll1] x 1.5 = 75
Reflex half DC 20, daze 1 round on failed save

2018-10-11, 11:11 AM
Hearing Verik, he nods, Right, time I should do something.

With that, he heads out of the building, and seeing Eilyra, he thinks to her Apparently we need take the leader alive. dryly, as if he was bored which side is t on? I'm going to outline him for us to see, and then we can deal with it

Once she tells him, he throws a handful of magical energy, which transforms as it flies into a glittering cascade of golden starlight.

Move to L17
Cast glitterdust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glitterdust.htm) so as not to hit Eilyra.
DC 18 will or be blinded, regardless of save, will be outlined in glitter for 13 rounds.
No SR applies.

Will (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1567690)
AC: 21 (16 T, 16 FF)
HP's: 37+9 temp
Status/effects: +6 vs mind-affecting spells and abilities, heroes feast, haste [10/13], Mage Armor [13 hours]

2018-10-11, 11:16 AM
Eilyra telepathically responds with the drow's location.

2018-10-13, 03:30 PM
Since Soliton seems to be MIA...

Soliton Charges Z6, with all his might!

(See post here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23418176&postcount=59)for details. Except no expeditious retreat, since he's hasted)
[roll0] Attack!
[roll1] Damage + [roll2] if evil

2018-10-13, 05:33 PM
-Solition Charges Z6, successfully jumping the web and not getting stuck in it.
-Verik decimates most of the remaining enemies
-Will successfully outlines one of the last stragglers, who Eilyra pursues

-Z1 charges towards the nearest hint of combat, going to F14 and attempting to hit Verik! Atk: [roll0] Dmg: [roll1] Miss Chance (51+ Hits): [roll2]
-Z6 furiously attempts to escape the web (DC 20) [roll3]
-"L" rapidly attempts to escape (but likely provoking an AoO from Eilyra), flying 120ft south.

(OOC: The one thing has flown away! Unless anybody has something long-range enough, is fast enough, or can stop it, the creature escapes.)

2018-10-13, 05:49 PM
With the request to keep the last surviving drow alive still singing in her head, Eilyra stifles her instinctive reaction to simply slaughter the drow, instead striking out with her fist, seeking to render the drow unconscious when it turns to flee.

[roll0] Attack(Nonlethal penalty included)
[roll1] nonlethal damage.

Since Eilyra's action is fairly dependent on what happens here...

2018-10-13, 06:55 PM
With the last surviving drow unconscious, Eilyra grabs it, and starts flying back towards the waystation, to prevent any unfortunate accidents from happening to the prisoner.

Move action to pick up the drow, standard to fly back to L16

2018-10-13, 08:55 PM
The battle looks all but over, but Verik still has a giant zombie swinging a club in his general direction, a situation that he would prefer to put a stop to.

He backs off and casts another spell, unleashing a trio of translucent unicorn shapes to pierce the foe.

Melf's Unicorn Arrow: Bull Rush DC 21 if 1 hit, DC 23 if 2 hit, DC 25 if 3 hit
attack [roll0] ranged touch, damage [roll1]
attack [roll2] ranged touch, damage [roll3]
attack [roll4] ranged touch, damage [roll5]

2018-10-14, 08:06 AM
After another swing and miss from the blinded zombie, Verik finishes it off with a magic missile spell. Meanwhile, Soliton cuts down the final zombie.

Verik searches the fallen drow and the prisoner for items of value, especially any records of who they worked for. The prisoner he helps disarm, including removing any spell components pouch.

He tells the others ”Good work. We should bury them. As for the prisoner, my plan is to interrogate her by turning on the old charm. In particular a charm spell. Any better ideas?”

2018-10-14, 08:34 AM
Eilyra, watching Verik search the drow she'd dropped off, frowns at his words. "First, I think we need to be sure that she won't be casting any spells. No holy symbols, and she should be bound." As she speaks, she searches the prisoner rather more thoroughly, including removing any holy symbols. Additionally, she shreds the prisoner's clothing with her nails, and uses the resulting cloth to bind the prisoner's hands, splaying them together behind the drow's back, and tying the mostly naked drow's now bare feet together as well. That done, Eilyra steps back, and looks over her work, before nodding in satisfaction.

Hm... interrogations. I always avoided those, since I disliked losing control. At least he doesn't seem to be planning to torture the drow, however fun that would be. Now, charming a drow cleric... isn't going to be too likely to succeed, between most cleric's mental defenses, and the drow tendency to resist magic. So, perhaps we arrange a little show. A play, so to speak. Our main interrogator could disguise themselves as a rather angry drow priestess, and see what the drow will say to save her life. I should be able to understand her language, and read her mind, which might reveal a bit more information. This is going to be fun.
Looking over at Verik, Eilyra starts speaking again, her voice now holding a slight edge of enjoyment. "Now, since the drow was speaking undercommon, I suspect that she might not know common, which might present difficulties. I can understand undercommon with a little magical help, but I can't do so for others. Hopefully, you have your own solutions? Additionally, Charm isn't likely to work reliably against her, since most clerics tend to be resistant to mental effects, elves tend to be resistant to charms, and drow tend to be resistant to magic. Instead, why don't we put on a bit of a play? If you or Will can manage to be a convincing drow priestess, while I, at least, play dead... we should be able to get her to report in. With a little acting, probably a bit more than that. Convince her that we're a follow up group, and we found her captured... and are strongly considering killing her for her failure. See what she's willing to reveal under those circumstances. I might be able to pick up a little more than she's meaning to reveal as well."

Taking 20 on a search for any hidden weapons and equipment, for a 32 total.
+16 mod on the use rope check.

2018-10-14, 09:46 AM
Verik says ”I think I could get my charm spell to work. But I have to admit, your plan has a certain twisted appeal. First let’s see what she had on her.”

2018-10-15, 12:58 PM
I should be able to handle that. he thinks to both of them at once.

He moves toward Eilyra "Can I borrow your hat of disguise, I'm not able to change my clothes, might look a bit weird." he says, Tongues would work, but i'll just speak directly to him.

2018-10-15, 04:22 PM
Eilyra smiles graciously at Will's question, and nods. "Certainly. In that case, it might be best for Verik or Soliton to play "dead", so we can sell the rescue side of the plan. I'll keep out of sight, behind the shutters behind the drow, and see what I can pick up."

Without another word, she starts casting to recharge her sword, before casting detect thoughts and casting greater invisibility, before passing the silver circlet to Will(At which point it becomes visible), and hiding out of sight. Shortly thereafter, she casts another spell, and starts to focus on the drow on the other side of the window.

Since the hat is combined with her circlet, she loses a 1st level, an a 4th level spell slot. Since she hasn't cast any 4th level spells yet, this seemed to be an ideal time to cast the bottom spell on her list.

[roll0] Hiding out of sight.
[roll1] Move silently(Although since she isn't moving...)
DC 21 to resist the detect thoughts

2018-10-15, 09:05 PM
"Will, you think your tongue is smoother than mine? Perhaps it is, but do you know much about drow? Well, she has heard my voice ... I guess you can ask me questions by telepathy as needed. Who do you plan to disguise yourself as?"

Verik prepares to play dead.

2018-10-16, 07:54 AM
”Oh, and she hasn’t seen Biter the Mighty yet. Biter, come here and stand next to him. Intimidating, right? Just don’t call him Biter the Mighty. Coming from a drow leader that could be seen as ... could be seen as ... well, kind of silly.”

2018-10-16, 07:56 AM
Will shrugs By all means you do it, I'm not too familiar with Drow and how they act he thinks, hading the hat to Verik.

(if verik takes it, he'll go hide in the building.)

2018-10-16, 08:22 AM
As the drow's invisibility fades, it becomes apparent that it is a Female Drow Cleric. Other than her spell component pouch and holy symbol (both removed), she has some items, which are:
-3 Doses Drow Knockout Poison
-A partially charged wand, with an engraving of a plant on the side. (Knowledge (Nature) to identify)
-+1 Light Steel Shield
-Masterwork Dagger
-Light Mace
-Gloves of Dexterity +2
-Periapt of Wisdom +2
-Ring of Protection +1
-350 GP worth of Onyx Stones

And finally, what would otherwise be a +1 Mithral Shirt, except it is of exceptionally fine texture and quality. Among the fabric, threads of spider silk appear to have been woven in. The item has web-like designs covering the entirety of it and appears rather... daunting.

Searching the drow corpses (save for the cleric), you find...:
-6 potions, each with a number line graph (http://img.sparknotes.com/figures/5/50ca5e784bb7e4242910d5b8a571d103/number_line.gif) (4 markings, the middle left one is emphasized) and a word in Infernal (either speak the language, or have ranks in speak language and make a DC 17 check) etched onto the cork.
-6 potions*, each with a "no symbol (https://www.google.com/search?q=no+sign&safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS725US725&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpgL-xhIveAhUp6YMKHad0A_0Q_AUIDigB&biw=1242&bih=569)" overlaying an arrow dripping in what's apparently poison drawn on the cork
-3 +1 Breastplates
-3 +1 Greataxes
-3 Masterwork Composite Longbows (+2 STR bonus)
-12 Adamantine Arrows
-12 Cold Iron Arrows
-12 Silver Arrows
-[roll0] SP

The zombie bodies contain
-6 Large-sized Greatclubs
-6 +1 Javelins

2018-10-16, 10:11 AM
Having discussed the plan, Will casts several spells upon himself, takes the brooch of disguise, transforming into a female Drow priestess, and with Verik and Eilyra in his mind, touches the unconcious drow waking her up with a jolt of positive energy....

Cast tongues, and alter self into a drow female
Hat of disguise to change appearance and clothes to female drow cleric (using Verik and Eilyra to make sure it looks good)
Take 20 on disguise check: +6 charisma +3 circlet of persuasion +10 from disguise self, +2 from bluff synergy, -2 from different gender, -2 for different race = 37
using one charge from belt of healing to heal her for [roll1]

2018-10-16, 12:49 PM
touches the unconcious drow waking her up with a jolt of positive energy....

One... two... three jolts, and she's awake!

The drow sleepily opens her eyes, noticing her bonds, and struggles against them
If she fails, then she lies there, facing the wall.

2018-10-16, 05:27 PM
Verik partially suppresses a chuckle as Will takes on the form of a female drow. "You're a natural, Will."

He then closes his eyes and attempts to lay still so as to appear dead.

He thinks to Will Go on, question her. Find out who sent her to the surface, is she part of a larger force, stuff like that.

2018-10-16, 07:10 PM
Soliton looks a little lost now that the battle is over. He sticks to the background, clearing up corpses, and trying not to interfere with the interrogation.

2018-10-17, 07:47 AM
Will watches as the drow priestess wakes up, struggles, and then gives up.

"Of course." he whispers, "it figures that you would give up, having been defeated by a few surface dwellers." he coos, gently, almost softly, "Tell me, what was your plan upon failure?" she asks with a wicked smile upon her face.

2018-10-18, 03:59 PM
"You snake! Betraying me to aid the surface dwellers! Lolth will surely have your head!"

Eilyra can detect the drow thinking of hatred and the spider queen.

2018-10-18, 04:01 PM
Eilyra relays the information to Will, along with a brief comment. Perhaps leading her to believe you're considering betraying her because she's useless? She's so focused on her hate, and her devotion to her goddess it's hard to pick anything else out.

2018-10-18, 04:28 PM
Will smiles wickedly, "Oh dear darling, you think I would aid the surface dwellers?" she says as he runs his fingernails ever so gently from her head to her nose, she clucks, "No my dear, I would never do such an atrocity, but betraying you, to...oh, I don't know, cull the weak ....well" she lets that linger "that would be something might come to mind, no?" she grins, but looks like she is answering a question "Your family would have you killed for such a failure....but..." she lets that play out, as if to suggest, she could help her...for a price.

2018-10-20, 01:58 PM
"But?" The drow croaks, "Cut it out with the petty games. Either slay me right now or let us continue in our celebration for our queen!"

Eilyra can sense the drow having a desire to help (should her goals align with Will's), but is having restraint.

2018-10-20, 02:02 PM
Eilyra relays that tidbit to Will. Hm... looks like she might be willing to help, but she doesn't seem to be quite getting that she needs to give you a reason to keep her alive. A dead rival is better than a live one, or some such?

2018-10-22, 03:02 PM
Verik mentally suggests to Will Perhaps you should admit to her that you came from very far to heed a vague call to action and could use a guide to the local drow surface raiding scene ...

2018-10-23, 06:35 PM
"Oh, but they are so much fun" she tsk's grinning from ear to ear, "How about I keep you around, I am in need of a guide here about's, I recently came back from a long endeavor, and someone who knows whats going on will be helpful...but you have to be helpful first" she says, walking her fingertips up the drows neck.

2018-10-24, 05:04 PM
Listening, the drow replies. "Likewise. Either serve our mistress, or die for her honor, but I am no mere guide. Do you understand?"

Eilyra, listening in, clearly knows the drow isn't referring to Will as the mistress, and isn't willing to be Will's pet of all things.

2018-10-24, 05:07 PM
The telepathically spying Eilyra frowns as she considers the implications of the drow's thoughts. She soon contacts Will. We're losing her. She's either not getting that we're threatening her, or she doesn't care. Being more direct might help. If not, I'm not sure we're going to get anything from her. Then again, you're the expert here, not me. Her voice is cool, and calm, like a cat watching a mouse.

2018-10-24, 10:35 PM
Verik suggests You might want to show her some respect for having a backbone.

2018-10-25, 10:14 AM
"But of course, you are so much more"

She cranes her head sideways, "You will show me how you got to the surface, and then I will let you free."

Will was getting tired of this.

[Can we not just kill her and hire a cleric to interrogate her head?]

When i say Will, i mean me.

2018-10-25, 10:30 AM
Eilyra quickly responds. If we had access to one, I would agree. As we don't, getting her to talk may be more useful. I could give it a go, and see if I could get anything out of her before she dies, but I'm not a professional. You can sense a certain amount of glee in her final sentence.

2018-10-25, 10:52 AM
Verik sends No, if this doesn’t work, I could still try to charm her. Should have done that anyway.

2018-10-26, 04:52 PM
"Thank you for your, ah, cooperation. Now untie me from these bonds and let us continue."

Eilyra senses that the drow is willing to show the party to the hole in the ground she came from.

2018-10-26, 04:55 PM
Eilyra frowns. She seems to be willing to show us where she came from. Well, you, at least.

2018-10-26, 05:25 PM
Will nods in feigned appreciation, and moves to untie her, thinking to Verik [[please have Biter stand close to her...can I ask him...it?]] he then thinks to Biter [[please stand close to her, and bit her if she attacks me]], he then unties her.

"Lead the way then." he says with a charming smile.

2018-10-26, 06:26 PM
The wolf skeleton makes no response.

Verik tele-tells Will It doesn’t work that way. An animated skeleton only follows voice commands from the caster who animated it.

She’s willing to lead you into an ambush, most likely. I’m coming with, at least.

Verik opens his eyes and stands up. He tells the prisoner

“Don’t be alarmed. I am the one who told the others not to kill you. If your side had not attacked, we could have done this peacefully. Tell me, was this a routine surface raid?”

2018-10-28, 08:19 PM
Scoffing, the drow says the Verik "A half-breed such as yourself is of offense to your priestess back there. If you haven't already groveled at her knees already, I'd suggest you do so that you may amend the travesty of your existence"

If Verik does not stop her, she'll walk past him, grinning, and lead "Will" to the cave that she exited from.

2018-10-29, 08:26 AM

Come, Biter. Looks like we’re headed back to the Underdark.

After we grab the loot, of course.”

He helps to do so, grabbing in particular one of the greataxes from the fallen drow, and of course making sure that the party has taken all of the potions and other valuables. Only the giants’ clubs are left untaken.

OOC: Goaty, please keep us informed on how much time has passed since the battle, as various spells have particular durations.

2018-10-29, 10:34 AM
Eilyra, still concealed out of sight, sighs. If we're going to be following her, this will get interesting. How long will your shapeshifting last, Will?

2018-11-02, 11:07 AM
Will follows the drow priestess thinking to Eilyra [For about an hour, we should be good, unless she was further than that, and I find it hard to believe.]

Lead on

2018-11-02, 11:15 AM
Eilyra remains hidden while Will, Verik, and the drow leave, and she continues to focus her mind reading on the drow for as long as she can. After they get ~200 feet from her, she stealthily follows.

[roll0] hide.
[roll1] move silently.

2018-11-02, 12:39 PM
Will will guide her as he goes.

2018-11-02, 12:58 PM
If the walk goes on long enough for Verik’s Dragonskin to expire (about 129 min), Verik will renew it then telepathically warn Will

Will your Alter Self is about to expire; I’m a little impressed that it hasn’t already.

2018-11-04, 12:23 PM
Later, the drow leads you to the cave. Walking ahead into it, she walks into something and falls over, giving out a yelp!
(Roll Initiative!
Drow Ally: [roll0]
Enemy (???): [roll1]

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit?usp=sharing) Please note which square you start in.)

2018-11-04, 12:56 PM
Eilyra, following behind the drow party, finds herself two hundred feet west of the cave entrance as she watches the drow fall.
[roll0] init

HP: 50
AC 22
Active spells: Mage Armor(Extended)
Spell slots remaining: Lots.

2018-11-04, 03:06 PM
I assume that Will has twice renewed his Alter Self after timely warnings from Verik, who has twice renewed his Dragonskin during the 5 hour march. I also assume that despite the obvious reasons that Will should have tried to engage the drow in banter, we have gained no additional information. I also assume that Soliton would have accompanied us. I also assume that we have encountered no one along the way and have seen no dwellings or other points of interest.

I should not have had to assume any of that :smallannoyed:

Verik's initiative [roll0], Biter's initiative [roll1]

Verik would be at A9 on the map, with Biter at A10. Verik has 60' darkvision.

Spot [roll2], Listen [roll3]

Verik's AC is 21 (flat-footed 19); Biter's AC is 19 (flat-footed 16)

Verik follows closely behind, keeping an eye on the 'helpful' drow.

2018-11-05, 01:14 PM
Will thinks back to Verik [Thank you]

Startgin point: B10

Will (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1567690)
AC: 20 (15 T, 16 FF)
HP's: 37+9 temp
Status/effects: +6 vs mind-affecting spells and abilities, heroes feast, Mage Armor [13 hours], alter self:drow

2018-11-06, 09:12 PM
Verik notices what appear to be riding lizard tracks … a good sign … but then the drow trips for some reason.

"What happened? If you mean to trick us into a trap, drow, you may come to regret it" Verik says. Well, unless it totally works …

Not sure what lies ahead, Verik casts see invisibility on himself.

2018-11-06, 09:58 PM
The drow, looking confused, gets up and dusts off her clothes and says, "What? There shouldn't be anything here!". Waving her hand out towards her front, she doesn't feel anything. Looking back at her "allies", she says "That's odd. Keep up the pace already. The slug in particular" with emphasis on the latter statement, she points at Verik.

(What do you do?)

2018-11-07, 05:46 AM
Yeah, going to go with not in combat IC, despite being in rounds.

Having walked for hours through the damp forest, with the leaves and mud slipping beneath her feet as she follows the drow prisoner. Occasional bouts of moonlight illuminate the fog, and the thick moss coating many of the ancient trees, their leaves a rich mix of oranges, reds, and yellows.It'd almost be beautiful, if it weren't for the dampness. The forest seems to conceal a danger behind every tree, and a root to trip on whenever she's slightly distracted. Finally, however, a small cliff face comes into view, the damp grey stone concealing a far darker hole. With a grin, and a mental Finally!, Eilyra approaches, this time, moving faster, to catch up to the party.

Moving forward 55 feet, towards the cave.
[roll0] hide
[roll1] Move Silently
-5 penalties for moving quickly have been applied.

2018-11-07, 09:37 AM
Is a second one of those monsters trying to sneak up on us from behind? ... Probably just the winged woman; I knew that we were probably not rid of her.

Verik warns ”A weird eyeless invisible monster tried to bite you, drow! Best retreat!”

2018-11-08, 11:23 AM
Will thinks to the others, seeing the entrance to the cave, he finds himself nodding with satisfaction <this is good enough most likely, let's kill her and be done with it, i cannot see in the dark, so this ruse has gone as far as i can take it.

Will stops. Frowns and looks at the priestess. "You wouldn't be trying to lure me into a trap now would you?" she/he says with a smile.

And with that, Will says a single, powerful word, he pulls on the universe, as if he were making a suggestion, and for a moment, it resisted, but then acquiesced, as if his suggestion had merit, and would allow it.

Casts Power word Nauseate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)
No save, SR though:

Depending on HP's of the priestess
50 or less [roll1] rounds
51-100 [roll2] rounds
101-150 1 round

2018-11-09, 12:44 AM
Eyes going wide at Verik's statement, and then nearly going limp from Will, the drow priestess turns back and says ever so quietly (though loud enough to hear) "Retreat, yes, I think that's a rather good idea...". Her mouth nearly quivering, she staggers further into the cavern.

Verik can see the monster snap after her, landing one on her side, only giving her a burst of renown vigor to continue. The others can notice the blood dripping from her side. The monster follows her into the dank cavern.

Murmurs can be heard further within the cave... (What do you do?)
MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-11-09, 06:04 AM
Eilyra continues her approach.

Another 55 feet moved, so 110 total, 90 remaining to the cave entrance.
[roll0] Hide
[roll1] move silently

2018-11-09, 09:15 AM
As a precaution Verik casts shield.

”Why did you have to say that? Ah well.

So are we done here? We defeated a drow raiding party, we established that there are no locals around to be in immediate danger, and whatever that crazy monster is, it stands in the way of the drow. The so called drow uprising appears to be a bust. Should we call it a day and find a way back to Sigil?”

2018-11-09, 11:21 AM
Will materializes from his drow from in a cascade shift of his form which moves over hims slowly, as if he were some kind of chameleon. Once fully back, he shivers slightly, and then nods to Verik.

"Apologies, but i am no fighter, and alas, i also cannot see whatever it is thats going....on in there" he gestures wildly with his left hand.

"Let's wait for Eilyra, I'm sure she'll have some choice words," he switches over to telepathy <Oh dear, I may have voided our ploy, Verik here want's to go back to Sigil, but I think a cursory inspection of this cave warrants checking. Thoughts?>

And with that, he looks down and finds a pebble, then casts a cantrip with the wave of a hand, holding the light infused pebble towards the cave.

2018-11-09, 11:26 AM
Finally in range, Eilyra heads Will's comment, and quickly responds. We should recapture the drow, at a minimum. There doesn't seem to be anything else in the nearby area, so an invasion here seems fairly pointless.

2018-11-09, 02:08 PM
The cavern's gaping maw remains open, beckoning forth the travelers outside. The murmurs have not stopped, and a few new ones are emergent other than the drow priestess. A few clangs of metal ring the air, and just as it seemed to be the opportune moment to strike at the heretics inside, 'twas naught but silence...

A few stalactites drip water upon the icy cold floor below, as illuminated by Will's light, though it doesn't quite penetrate into the cave that far, it's enough to show the rudimentary surroundings.

Nauseate Rounds: 8
Rounds Till Death: 3
Rounds Till Revival: 3

2018-11-09, 04:32 PM
Taking a chance that whomever was in the cave was busy, Eilyra breaks into a full run as she heads down the path, trying to keep a little quiet, but knowing that wasn't going to cut it. As she arrives, she communicates with Will once more. There's another drow in there, casting spells. If we want more information, we need to head inside, and put a stop to that.

Moving to C11 via run.
[roll0] hide
[roll1] move silently

MAP! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit#gid=0)

2018-11-09, 10:00 PM
Damn it.

So, you again? I didn't hear anything. Do you know what spell it was?

Verik casts protection from evil on himself.

2018-11-09, 10:12 PM
Eilyra's responde, as relayed by Will, was almost instant. Mage armor.

2018-11-12, 01:11 PM
Will mentally nods and casts Haste on all of them.

2018-11-15, 07:03 PM
The cave awaits you, beckoning no challenge nor invitation. All is silent, for not even a bird sings in the area, nor the surrounding glade. A keen ear might hear a small whisper further within.

Haste: 12 Rounds
Nauseate Rounds: 8
Rounds 'till death/revival: 2

Make a DC 0 Listen check with a -19 penalty if you'd like. If you beat DC 10, then make a DC 17 Spellcraft check.

2018-11-15, 10:38 PM
"Biter, go ahead of me, and prepare to attack."

With the wolf skeleton in front of him, Verik follows Eilyra into the cave, relying on his darkvision and still able to see the invisible should the monster await.


For now Verik moves to H12 (45' of 60' move) with Biter at H13 (50' of 80') and sees what's to be seen.

Note: Until further notice, if attacked by a spell, Verik will use Ruin Delver's Fortune as an immediate action to bolster his defenses.

2018-11-16, 09:03 PM
Verik proceeds onward.

ooc: To F14, Biter in F15; Eilyra's now in G16; standard actions still available

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit#gid=0)

2018-11-17, 07:41 AM
Rushing through the dark, dripping cave, with it's glistening walls, and stalactites resting from the low ceiling, Eilyra hesitates as she reaches a larger, open area, taking cover behind a nearby stalagmite. The size of the cavern is belied by the many stalactites and stalactites, the small puddles of water forming from the steadily dripping ceiling, the light from her burning hair and eyes reflects from the crystal flakes in the walls, giving the cavern an otherworldly appearance.

She looks around, taking it in, before she tries thinking at Will. Was there anyone or anything else in sight when you made the drow sick? She should be in sight in this cavern, and she isn't. That suggests allies. The spellcasting I heard was also in this cavern, and I see nothing. So someone's definitely helping her escape, and I'm not enthralled at the prospect of charging further underground with no maps, few supplies, no directions, and even attempting to follow known enemies. Her mind voice is cool, that of someone imparting information, without sarcasm, or anger.

As she pauses behind the stalagmite, her pristine leathers damp and muddy from the dash, helpfully illuminated by the burning gold of her hair, she tries to see what she can see.

[roll0] Spot(Can she see any signs of the drow's passage, such as vomit, or something? Or else can she see any signs of others in the cave?)
[roll1] Listen(Does she hear anything of interest?)
[roll2] know: Dungeoneering(Does this seem like a natural cavern? Is she correct in her belief that she heard the spellcasting from this chamber?

2018-11-17, 10:17 PM
Verik sends via Will I saw riding lizard tracks outside; perhaps her allies here took her away on one.

2018-11-19, 12:55 PM
Relaying the info, Will moves into the cave and keeps back, not wanting his light to ruin their darkvision.

I saw nothing else, or sensed it otherwise, it would be logical for her to have allies in here, damnit, i shouldn't have let her go!

As he does, he cast's a spell and his feet lift off the ground.

Move to H12

cast's fly

2018-11-19, 04:56 PM
All right. We can check this cavern, but if there isn't anything here, then I say we leave. This "invasion" seems to have been nothing more than a small raiding party. Her voice sounding rather frustrated at the situation, Eilyra continues forwards, moving to I18, and continuing to look around for anything other than stark grayness.

Standard is to move, 45 feet of movement remaining.

2018-11-23, 10:56 AM
Throwing caution to the dank stagnant air, Verik proceeds onward.

ooc: Verik to N13 M15, Biter to P13 M14

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit#gid=0)

2018-11-23, 04:40 PM

In the distance, a high pitched raspy voice can be heard yelling. "TRAITORS! Deceitful liars and cowards! You have no right, no right! How dare you resemble Her! She will smite you! OW! Many smitings, all for you!"

2018-11-23, 06:35 PM
Darting around the stony corner, her boots barely gripping, Eilyra doesn't hesitate as she spots the drow prisoner, another drow, presumably, the mage, and a ratling. Curious. Perhaps the ratling might be the local dominant race? Now, to see if the drow would like to live, or... not.. Almost simultaneously, she thinks at Will. Looks like we may have interrupted a prisoner transfer of some sort. Only one drow, most likely a wizard, the cleric, and a bound ratling. He might know more, and might be willing to speak with his rescuers.
She pauses in M15, and points her black flaming greatsword at the drow wizard, before her melodic voice rings out harshly with her golden eyes blazing with confidence. "Surrender. Or die." As she speaks, she spreads her wings, both to appear larger, and to limit the drow's line of sight.

2018-11-23, 08:53 PM
Verik tells Biter "Attack that guy if he moves more than his mouth" indicating the new drow.

ooc: Letting Biter know to take the AOO if the drow casts a spell or moves more than 5'.

2018-11-24, 01:35 PM
Never! The drow female ("DS") shrieks. Preposterous! Nobody shall challenge I, the great wizard Zestra! and with that, this "Zestra" directs a small bead of fire towards Verik and misses as it veers far to the right. This "Zestra" must be bad at aiming Orbs of Fire...

...Had she cast that spell. No, from your impeccable understanding of the arcane, you observe that she had cast a fireball, whereupon it detonates on the wall behind you, catching Verik and Eilyra in the blast (OOC: [roll0] damage, DC 16 Reflex save for half. Fireball concentration rolled in discord, result 23).

Next, a drow riding a Riding Lizard jumps up and over the nearby hill and shouts in rage. "Lady Zestra, these mongrels haven't hurt you, have they?" he audibly voices. "Lady Zestra" rolls her eyes as the drow slams his spiked chain into Verik's side (OOC: 2 attacks: [roll1] ([roll2]), [roll3] ([roll4])). The rider emanates a stone-cold gaze upon Eilyra and Verik. It seems that they cannot cast defensively in his presence.

The drow cleric attempts to gather herself together, and moves to F13, provoking an attack of opportunity from Biter.

OOC: Haste: 11 Rounds, Nauseate Rounds: 7, Death 1.

2018-11-24, 02:48 PM
Not hesitating, Eilyra's sword swings around, lashing at the wizard-like drow, intending to keep her word.

PA for 3
[roll1] + [roll2] fire + [roll3](15) empowered negative energy([roll4] SR)
[roll6] + [roll7] fire
[roll9] + [roll10] fire

Note: if the first attack misses, the vampiric touch remains relevant for later attacks, as it only triggers on a hit.

2018-11-24, 03:29 PM
Biter attempts to bite the drow cleric as she flees past him.
ooc: attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

Verik dodges the fireball as best he can, but his red dragonskin protects him from the flame.

He flinches as the drow's chain strikes his side, but he isn't really hurt, though the blow removes the damage protection he had from the horn of plenty's heroes' feast he ate in Sigil.

Then Eilyra flashes her blade around and the two drow foes topple down.


Well now, that's a nice mount he had. Nice lizard!"

Verik step back 5' from the lizard and casts a charm monster spell at it.

ooc: Will negates DC 20

2018-11-24, 03:48 PM
Biter pursues the drow cleric and again attempts to bite.

ooc: Biter to O13; attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2018-11-24, 04:43 PM
Eilyra looks over the bloody wreckage of the drow. Unfortunate. The female may have been a noble, and might have been worth taking prisoner. And there may be more, down the passage. She soon thinks to Will. Sounds like there's something trying to be sneaky down the passage, to the east.

2018-11-24, 06:58 PM

”Yes yes yes! All the smiting, all of it! Divine justice, immediate prompt and timely!”

2018-11-24, 07:20 PM
Verik addresses the tied up ratling.

”Great. Care to, uh, rat out the drow? What forces remain? And can you help us fight?”

2018-11-25, 03:07 PM

The grey-furred Nezumi shifts in a heavy rattle of bones. Although bound hand and foot with heavy shackles, it is clear that the creature is a mighty warrior. The armor it wears is of particular interest, a heavy plate armor crafted from what appears to be the shoulder blades of immense beasts, bound with sinew and supported with a dazzling array of rib bones, arm and leg bones, and even finger bones and claws. The accompanying helm, currently cast to one side, is crafted from a single lizard skull that has been hollowed out and fashioned to articulate with the elongated jaws of the Nezumi.

”Rat? Not rat, Nitrick Nezumi! Was living in cave here when not-goddess traitors came through shimmery wall! Lying, bad bad not-goddesses tricked Nitrick, put chains! You take off chains? Hey, you have wings! You come through shimmery wall too? Nitrick see curvy winged person come out after filthy lying not-goddesses. Nitrick powerful warrior! You free Nitrick, Nitrick help!”

2018-11-25, 05:04 PM
Ignoring the chanting down the passageway for the moment, Eilyra looks down at the protesting ratling. Hm... heavy armor, so it might be useful as a distraction. And apparently it considers drow to be goddesses? Or perhaps they tricked it? But why? The drow goddess is fairly jealous, so not likely. And another winged woman, working with the drow? Or not? No mention of conflict, so most likely. Half fiend, probably, since he immediately considered me like her. Regardless... trust does need to flow both ways, so... With hardly a sign of hesitation, her sword lashes out at the ratling, once... twice... thrice, striking at the bindings with her sword.

PA for 6. Assuming Nitrick is willing, so probably deal damage automatically.
[roll0] Attack 1
[roll1] Damage 1
[roll2] Attack 2
[roll3] Damage 2
[roll4] Attack 3
[roll5] Damage 3

The flame haired curvy winged woman nods at Nitrick as her sword slices through the heavy chains. Her voice is melodic, but it contains an inner hardness, and her accent is odd, sounding almost like something you might see in a historical play. It is also filled with confidence. "Then you'll have your chance. It sounds like they're preparing something unpleasant for us, so we've got some time to talk. What did you see, in the room? Drow, something else? Was the winged woman still there when you were captured? And why did you consider the drow goddesses?"

2018-11-26, 01:16 PM
Will hovers slightly behind them, and is thankful at the fact as the fireball erupts just before them, he hears some back and forth, and then all is quiet. Moving inwards, he sees the drow at the feet of his companions and smirks. [[well done, as usual]] he thinks off handedly

[[who is this?]] he asks, but he already heard everything.

He listens to the chanting as Eilyra questions the nezumi, he had not seen one before, it was an interesting combination, a humanoid rat? who knew. He looked strong, they could use him, he mused to himself. [[we could probably use him, a warrior in full armor should not be wasted]], he thought to the others.

2018-11-27, 07:23 PM
The drow cleric, of whose name has never been found out, keeps her haste up further into the reaches of the cavern, ignoring the skeletal wolf. Turning the corner, though, her jaw drops and she bends down in prayer. Before her knees hit the ground, however, her body is engulfed in scorching flame and (OOC: *turns over bucket of dice onto the battlemap*) dies instantly.

As the new-found allies converse with each other, and the nearby blast shakes the foundation of the cave itself, sending stalactites (the ones that are droopy from the ceiling) dropping down upon everybody! (OOC: REF DC 15 for half versus [roll0] damage)

Everybody is otherwise unharmed, though the chanting seems to have stopped as the blast released itself...

...and has started again... (What do you do?)

2018-11-27, 07:37 PM
Eilyra looks up, her golden eyes going wide as she sees the wave of energy, and, remembering Will's request, she immediately contacts Will mentally. Vrocks! At least three of them, dancing waves of ruin. Eighteen seconds until the next wave, unless we stop them. And they're going to bring the whole cavern down. Demons, so don't bother with lightning or poison, and they're resistant to fire, cold, and acid. Can summon more, but not overly likely.. Of course, this distracts her from the falling rocks, and she takes quite the pounding, but she doesn't allow it to distract her.

With that thought sent, Eilyra starts advancing, her movements unnaturally fast.(P14, for 15/60 move.)

35 hp, AC 22

MAP! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit#gid=0)

2018-11-28, 12:43 PM
When the rocks fall from the top of the cavern, they crush the skeletal wolf.

Verik thinks Not Biter! That thing cost me two hundred gold! Ah well, at least he got to actually bite an enemy before he re-died.

He shouts to the lizard ”Scaler, go wait outside! Go! Get!” and points the way towards the cave entrance. ‘Cause he’s scaly and he scales walls.

OOC: I’ll post actual actions for the round later.

2018-11-28, 01:06 PM
Will flies over the ground along with them, and fails to avoid any of the damage, he scowls but heeds Eilyra's words, casting a spell to disrupt the demonic Vrock from their work.

Move to P14

Cast Flurry of Wings at intersection of V-W, 13-14
[roll1] Ref save DC 21 for half damage no daze for 1 round.

HP's: 15/37
AC: 20
T: 15 FF: 16
Effects: Mage armor, flight

2018-11-28, 03:41 PM
As Eilyra comes around the corner, and sees numerous enemies, she pauses, and considers her options, casting haste almost instinctively, re-enhancing the party, as well as their newest potential ally, Nitrick. As soon as she finishes the spell, she seems to blur, almost vibrating in place. Not missing a beat, she continues casting, her fingers flickering through the well known shapes needed for the shield spell(And extending it), as she moves forward, her sword at the ready.

Swift: Casting Haste(CL 9), targeting herself, Nitrick, Verik, Will, Biter, and Verik's new pet.
Standard: Casting Shield
Move: 40/60 used.(Ending on S13)

Immediate action: If attacked, cast Greater Mirror Image(4 images).

35/50 hp, AC 29(For the moment.)
Mage Armor
30% miss chance(Via Blurred Alacrity)(Counts as concealment)
Expeditious dodge

2018-11-28, 04:35 PM

Having risen from his position on the floor, the broad-shouldered Nezumi picks up the helmet and slips it over his head, the lower jaw-portion fitting neatly over the underside of his jaw. "Ngee, ngow we ngan..." The words are curiously distorted until the Nezumi shifts the apparatus, realigning the leather strap to sit under his tongue instead of over it. "Better, better. Now..." *CRASH*

Caught unawares by the falling rocks, Nitrick shivers as the magic of the winged ally washes over him. Chanting two incantations, he calls on his Goddess' strongest magics to show his might and strike his enemies. Even as the spells complete he is moving, dashing towards the dancing demons as his own form grows and an immense burst of radiant flame sprouts in the demons midst, casting mad shadows of their dancing forms before billowing to envelop them.

Cast Righteous Might (Standard Action) + DMM Extend (2 turn attempts used)
Swift Action, Spontaneously cast Flame Strike using the prepared Righteous Wrath of the Faithful slot.
Flame Strike Damage: [roll0] damage (1/2 fire 1/2 radiant), Reflex for half. Centered on the bottom right corner of V13.
Rolled SR on Discord, results: 27, 31, 25.
Now Large, move to occupy S14-T15.

Nitrick (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1745869)
Male LN Nezumi Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 5 / Bone Knight 3 , Level 12, Init -1, HP 80/102, Speed 20
AC 20, Touch 9, Flat-footed 20, Fort 11, Ref 4, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus +10/+5
Flaming Adamantine Longsword +1 +17/+12 (1d8+6+1d6 Fire, x2 19-20)
Frost Lance +1 +16/+11 (1d8+6+1d6 Frost, x3)
Restful Crystal Bone Full Plate, +1 Heavy Steel Shield (+8 Armor, +3 Shield, -1 Dex, +1 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 9, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 14
Condition Haste: +1 Attack, Reflex and AC, +30' move (not included in above block)
Righteous Might: +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 NA, DR 6/Good, Large Size (not included in above block)

2018-11-29, 12:10 AM
The riding lizard nudges Verik (using its nose), and maneuvers its saddle next to Verik's torso.

(In Undercommon) "No. Later, lizard. Too risky now." He motions for it to stop.

The human sorcerer is braver than I would have thought. The talking rat is good at magic too. I thought I was supposed to be the demonwrecker around here …

Like the others, he rushes further in to the cave. He then unleashes a powerful wings of flurry spell targeting the three vrocks and also the other demon he sees.

Move to S12
Perfect Breach: automatically beat SR of CE outsiders
Empowered wings of flurry: [roll0] x 1.5 = 72 damage + 1 round daze, Reflex DC 20 for half damage and no daze

2018-11-29, 08:24 PM
Verik's Lizard stops, and sits down on its belly, and seems to remain there until further orders.

As the party rounds the corner, the drow cleric's charred corpse can be seen, though nearly all of the flesh rests in ashes around the thin bones of the humanoid shape. Three vrock (https://www.aidedd.org/dnd/images/demonVrock.jpg)s stood in a circle, though after the recent bombardment, only two are left standing, and one of them is upon shaking legs. Further south, what looks to be a succubus stands in awe, though her wings would be burnt and in tatters, and four tails spring out behind her, each tipped with a barb and squirming wildly. She speaks "Oh my. I knew the poor thing failed, but by another demon? Truly a mistake. Now would be time to apologize, weaklings" (OOC: The "succubus" moves 5' SE and casts Flame Strike at P/Q:13/14 for [roll0] 1/2 fire, 1/2 divine, REF DC 25 negates. Hits everybody but Verik's lizard) "Now, you, demon. Drop the sword into the chasm. It doesn't quite suit your looks for me :smallamused:" (OOC: Quickened Suggestion targeted at Eilyra. DC 23 WILL negates)

The remaining vrocks charge casually stroll (to prevent confusion as to whether or not it's a mechanical charge, or just fluff text) relentlessly into battle! The closer one charges casually strolls into Q/R:12/13 and releases its spores upon Eilyra, Will, Verik, and Nitrick and then screeches! (OOC: Spores are no-save [roll1], +1d4 for 10 rounds after. DC 22 FORT or be stunned) The further one makes haste a bit further out, screeching towards the intruders. (OOC: movement to Q/R:14/15. Spores Damage: 3 to Will, Nitrick, & Eilyra. Screeches, FORT save DC 22 against all non-demons vs Stunning). Both of their faces are scowled with a mixture of anguish and pure, seething hatred, though no words are spoken from either.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tvk8UXbnegCLDDfc_1ws86lDWxpGMnlAAEK_FbQPwG4/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-11-29, 09:20 PM
Note: Nitrick gets an AoO against V3.

Her red skin slightly redder in the aftermath of the succubus spawned flame strike, Eilyra remains focused, gracefully spinning as she brings her sword up and around over Verik's head as the dark red flames of her sword flaring purple as it crashes into the back of the demon with all the force her momentum can provide, slicing through the Vrock's carapace, and almost out the other side, small arcs of purple lightning discharging into the twitching remains.

She smoothly draws it out, ignoring the burning smell of the ichor dripping from her sword as she turns to face the succubus, a derisive sneer on her face. Her voice, when she speaks, is just a bit too sarcastic to be called apologetic. "Oh, I'm afraid your toy broke. Don't worry, you won't miss it. And I have far better uses for my sword." She shakes her head, slowly. "No, definitely not."

Rolled in Discord, 24 attack, for 34 damage(-10 for DR), putting it to -1.
Made the save vs Flame strike, for 9 divine damage taken, resisted the suggestion, and one screech.

Arcane Strike(Enervation)(Until end of the round)
Haste(8 rounds)
Shield(15 minutes, 9 rounds)
Mage Armor(A long time)
Knowledge Devotion(Outsiders)(+3)
AC 27
26/50 hp

Actions remaining: Move, standard, swift.

2018-11-30, 12:50 PM
Seeing Nitrick's well timed strike drop the remaining Vrock as she completes her spin, Eilyra considers what she had observed for a moment. Nitrick and Verik seem intact, if a little singed. Will, on the other hand, is more problematical. Can't cluster up for another flame strike, so can't heal, so elimination/distraction it is. Almost instantly, quick flap of her wings has her spinning around Nitrick, ducking under the sword in the Vrock as she slides past to the demoness, her sword causally flicking out at her even as Eilyra nimbly crosses back over the chasm, and grins tauntingly at the demoness, showing her rather pointy teeth.

Moving around Nitrick, over the chasm, then down to U18, using wraithstrike and spring attack, then crossing back over the chasm, to end up in R19.
PA for 4 and Arcane strike are still active, so...
[roll0] Touch attack.
[roll1] + [roll2] fire + [roll3] Untyped.

Haste(7 rounds)
Shield(15 minutes, 8 rounds)
Mage Armor(A long time)
Knowledge Devotion(Outsiders)(+3)
AC 29(Expeditious dodge)
26/50 hp
Immediate: GMI if attacked.

2018-11-30, 03:29 PM

As the unholy flames wash over him, the bone-armored Nezumi laughs. "Hah! My fire strong fire! Your fire weak!" A quick look around however shows that not all of his new allies found the strike so easily endured. With a moment of concentration, his form flickers and suddenly he is standing over the fallen sorcerer, laying a hand on him to channel healing energy into his battered body.

With life now given, it is now time to take. Turning with a growl, the over-sized over-sized rat stalks forward, gleaming adamantine blade flickering with flames that give ghostly life to the bones that encase him. "No more, demon. Now you face Nitrick!" Looming over the succubus, Nitrick prepares to exact his revenge!

Swift - Anklets of Translocation, to stand on the corpse of V3.
Standard Action - Belt of Healing (3 charges) for Will: [roll0]
Move Action - Move to U-V 16-17

Free Action - smack-talk!

Nitrick (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1745869)
Male LN Nezumi Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 5 / Bone Knight 3 , Level 12, Init -1, HP 66/102, Speed 20
AC 20, Touch 9, Flat-footed 20, Fort 11, Ref 4, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus +10/+5
Flaming Adamantine Longsword +1 +17/+12 (1d8+6+1d6 Fire, x2 19-20)
Frost Lance +1 +16/+11 (1d8+6+1d6 Frost, x3)
Restful Crystal Bone Full Plate, +1 Heavy Steel Shield (+8 Armor, +3 Shield, -1 Dex, +1 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 9, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 14
Condition Haste: +1 Attack, Reflex and AC, +30' move (not included in above block)
Righteous Might: +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 NA, DR 6/Good, Large Size (not included in above block)

2018-11-30, 10:16 PM
Verik dodges the worst of the flame strike. He prepares to cast a spell that he hopes would help protect him if the vrocks screech, but it becomes a moot point as his companions fell the oncoming vrocks.

Instead, he takes the offensive, casting a spell that will help him target the lady demon (the one with the tails, not Eilyra) with missiles and whips of magical force.

Whew, I thought Will was a goner for a moment there. He still might be, if that demon gets a chance to cast another flame strike.

Cast arcane fusion: magic missile + smiting empowered scourge of force

magic missile damage [roll0]

smiting empowered scourge of force: 4 attacks
touch attack [roll1], damage [roll2] x 1.5 = 25 (with Empower not adding to Smite bonus)
touch attack [roll3], damage [roll4] x 1.5 = 9
touch attack [roll5], damage [roll6] x 1.5 = 19
touch attack [roll7], damage [roll8] x 1.5 = 12

If the demon isn't down yet he'll cast a quickened smiting scourge of force at her:
touch attack [roll9], damage [roll10]
touch attack [roll11], damage [roll12]
touch attack [roll13], damage [roll14]
touch attack [roll15], damage [roll16]

2018-12-01, 12:18 AM
Eilyra's blade strikes true, fulfilling the creature's wish... by dropping the sword into her soul. Verik follows up with blasting many lashes of pure force from his fingertips, killing the foul demon.

Nitrick never did get to exact his revenge, much less let the demon face him. I'd say there might even be a tear rolling down his cheek, if I knew how ratfolk cried.

Will has stabilized on the ground (HP: 13), but is still affected by the potentially fatal spore attack, dealing [roll0] damage to him.

The cavern settles over with an unusual quietness... Naught but a simple breeze flowing in from the outside can be heard.

Searching the bodies, you can find (from):
-Fine-Looking painting, depicting a herzou fashionably bathing in mortal blood (Vrock 1, Worth 400 GP)
-Ticket to a free lunch at The Styx Oarsman in Sigil (Unidentified Demon, Worth ???)
-+1 Glamered Chain Shirt (Unidentified Demon)
-Masterwork Bastard Sword (Unidentified Demon)
-Pearl of Power (3rd), (Unidentified Demon)
-Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 (Unidentified Demon)
-Incense of Meditation (Unidentified Demon)
-Elixir of Truth (Unidentified Demon)
-Magically-Enchanted Golden Bangles (Unidentified Demon, Worth 3000)
-A children's doll, of craftsmanship suitable for nobility. A small amount of blood is stained on the dress, but it's nothing a prestidigitation can't fix. (Vrock 3, Worth 250 GP)
-+3 Spiked Chain (Lizard Rider)
-Dispelling Cord (Drow "Wizard" (who was actually a sorcerer))

Eilyra gains 2888 XP
Everybody else gains 2138 XP

2018-12-01, 08:22 AM
In the sudden silence that falls upon the room in the aftermath of Verik's spellcasting, Eilyra takes a moment to calm her bloodlust, for all of her foes were slain. As she does, she chants once more, casting Vampiric touch back into her sword, the flames flaring black for a moment, before fading away, as a quick incantation cleans the blood from her sword, and the mud and dirt from her leathers. Well now, that was certainly interesting. Having done this, her glowing eyes, visible despite the low light seem to flicker across each of her companions. "I think that's the last of them. Nitrick, do you have any more healing spells available? I think, after that, we're all injured to a degree."

As she waits for Nitrick to come down from the adrenaline rush, Eilyra casually hops back across the chasm, and searches Verik's victim, pocketing a wide collection of items, before she cleans her hands, and walks back to Will and Verik, hopping back across chasm with ease, looking to them for a moment, before she speaks, before she starts searching the remains of the vrocks as well. "Will, Verik, are you able to continue? It would be wise to fully explore these caves, or determine that we can't, before leaving."

2018-12-02, 09:05 AM
Verik says ”Don’t even think about cheating us out of our share of the loot, Eilyra. We should divide what the demons had among the four of us.

I’ve fought a lot of demons in my time, but I’ve never seen one like her. Hopefully she was the ringleader of this planar invasion. If so our job may be over. I hope so. Because there’s a reason that I retired from being a mercenary. There are always more demons. You fight enough of them, no matter who you are, sooner or later you will lose.

After we get healing if we can, then we’d best explore the cave, yes.

And most importantly! I’ve lost Biter but will take the lizard! Come on over here, Scaler. You’re hurt too, but hopefully the rat can fix that.”

He tries mounting the lizard and riding it.

2018-12-02, 09:15 AM
Eilyra gives Verik a Look. It isn't a kind one, and her voice is coolly flat. "Verik, have I ever, at any point, suggested that I wasn't intending to partition things in a fair fashion? Until I don't do so, show some respect. Or some trust. If not me, then in my ability to not be a short sighted buffoon. A reputation for betrayal, for deceit, for double dealing... does not help me achieve my goals. And the only practical way to avoid such a reputation is simple." She sighs, and tries to continue, in a more normal tone. "Regardless, I rather doubt that she was a ringleader. Ringleaders, whether demonic, or drow, are rarely on the front lines. She might have been a local commander. She was like a succubus who had been changed, which argues against that. Succubi tend to get... distracted." She shakes her head, and looks around the room once more. "Regardless, the portal Nitrick found needs to be found, and either disabled, or identified." Having said that, she looks to Verik. "Since you're heading that way, perhaps you can search the dead drow? The male called the female lady, so she may have been one of their nobility, and may be carrying something of interest."

2018-12-02, 12:47 PM
Verik says "Eilyra, we've spent less than an hour together not counting the walk when you were out of sight, and all I really know about you is that you fight well and don't like drow. Trust? We'll see.

Search the drow? Alright." He does so.

2018-12-02, 01:39 PM
Eilyra shakes her head. "Trust, but verify, I believe, is the terminology? I've done nothing to earn your distrust. And for any effective group, the default state must be trust. Otherwise, infighting will destroy the group. If you believe I intend to betray you, you shouldn't be working with me at all. If you have concerns, ask."

2018-12-02, 01:59 PM
"So if someone were planning to skim from the loot, they wouldn't deny it if asked, eh? I may have been raised by drow and then worked with fiends, but somehow, that tidbit of common knowledge escaped my notice" Verik says.

2018-12-02, 02:08 PM
Eilyra calmly shakes her head as she continues speaking, her voice cool, and calm. "If you feel that someone is planning on skimming from the loot, you give them their chance to do so, and watch, to see if they take it. You don't simply accuse them of planning on doing so while in a non-safe area. If you're concerned about how the acquired items are split, you might choose to discuss how you'd like them split, or offer to help value them, or help sell them, or, well, really anything positive. Put yourself in a position to confirm or deny your fears. What you don't do is, for example, right after a battle accuse an ally who fought to prevent enemies from reaching you of stealing from you. Be proactive about it. Positive action, not negative action." She pauses for another moment, before smiling at Verik, her voice quite dry, someone simply reciting a fact. "Did you know that people have a tendency to project their fears onto others? For example, someone who is worried about theft is more likely to steal, given the opportunity. It's quite fascinating, really."

2018-12-02, 02:13 PM
"Well, if you're saying that you don't trust me, that's the first smart thing you've said today. I wouldn't trust an unknown half drow either. I didn't accuse you of anything, though. Let's just heal if we can, explore the cave, then deal with the loot."

2018-12-02, 02:20 PM
Eilyra shrugs. "I don't have any reason to trust you, true. However, I also don't have any reason to distrust you. I'm not one to blame someone for their parents. So, trust, but verify. However, regarding what we've found... I'd suggest that we finish exploring this cave before spending the time to study and identify what we've found. I recognize some of it, and, for the most part, it isn't anything overly useful. Armor that will interfere with spellcasting, weapons, an amulet to improve unarmed combat, and a few other things. Now, the pearl of power is potentially useful, and I don't know what the bangles are, but none of it is worth getting into an argument over before we find that portal."

2018-12-02, 07:04 PM
Will ignores the two arguing, he was happy nothing was trying to kill them, and he was honestly a little shook up, for once, he stayed quiet.

2018-12-03, 12:25 PM
Having finished searching the remains, and cleaning the recovered items, Eilyra looks around the cavern once more as silence falls, before she looks to Will, speaking in a less logical fashion, almost kindly, even. "Will, would you be able to return my circlet? And would you like a few more minutes to rest, before we move on?"

2018-12-03, 02:00 PM
Will, takes a few seconds to register he was being talked to, "yes, yes" he hands the circlet back. "No, I'm fine..."

2018-12-03, 02:08 PM
Eilyra accepts the circlet, subtly running prestidigitation over it to clean it, before she places it back on her head. "Thank you, and if you're sure you're ready to continue, then let's be off. But as I've had enough of scrambling to raise my defenses in the middle of a fight..." As her voice trails off, it's rapidly replaced by arcane chants and gestures, as she rapidly casts Extended Heart of Air, Heart of Earth, and Extended Dragonskin(Red). Once the spells settle, she leaps back across the chasm, ready to continue exploring the cave, before she turns her glowing eyes back on Will and Verik, waiting for them to follow, as well as glancing over at the silent Nitrick.

2018-12-04, 12:41 PM
”Good to see you’re back, Will. And it’s thanks to our new ally, who brought down the vrock and healed you. Well done, Nitrick. Now, don’t get the wrong idea about our little squabble. We aren’t always at each others’ throats. Just half the time” Verik says.

2018-12-04, 03:36 PM

With the last enemy fallen, Nitrick had turned to his rescuers to share a moment of celebration. What he instead found was a flurry of conflict and accusations that left his head spinning, and even more so when he found himself included in the division of the takings!

"You include Nitrick? Very nice, very nice! Not nice to each other, but very nice to Nitrick!
Nitrick protect new friends, keep all safe. Now, everyone look burned. Not worry, Nitrick ask Black Statue Lady to gift healing!" The nezumi utters a brief incantation, and a wave of natural healing energy washes over the party causing their wounds to slowly close and their burns to heal.

Cast Mass Lesser Vigor. Everyone heals 22HP.

2018-12-04, 05:29 PM
As Eilyra approaches the next room, she is met with a wide, open, area that also happens to be the end of the cave. At the north, south, and West areas of the room, are large hills some 10' up from the ground. On top of the west wall sits a small pile of luggage consisting of rations, arrows, and small trinkets (worth 30 GP total), on top of which are a book and a scroll case. Upon further examination, a letter is entombed within the scroll-case:

Styx Oarsman,

It is as you expected. A source here confirms that the goddess is on the move. Attack and kill her enemies without pause or mercy.

I’ve learned the location of a portal for you. It leads from the marketplace of this great city into a set of caverns situated in an underpopulated area of the Material Plane. I do not know if it works both ways.

I shall continue to find out more information and leave it for you at the Oarsman. Have your messenger present this letter.

A small note is hastily written in between the second and last paragraphs. It reads:

A bent piece of ironworks -- a horseshoe or a lizard’s bridle.

The book nearby seems to be a very detailed journal, likely from the drow priestess encountered earlier, as it describes all sorts of things such as: the worship, religion, rites, and services of Lolth, and details about the political and social upper-class life amongst drow. A manner of pictures sometimes dots the pages -- a four-legged monstrosity with nothing but a mouth, the bloody remnants of a gladiatorial fight between captive surface-dwellers, or the various floor-plans of houses belonging to higher drow priestesses. The last entry set to yesterday in particular seems intriguing. It reads:
Rule of Three of Sigil intrigues me as few others have. As he would say: a riddle, an enigma, a puzzle. Regardless of his ultimate loyalty (impossible to determine), he would make a fine sacrifice to honor the Spider Queen.

Nitrick's skeletal warhorse is also tied down nearby the pile. It whines softly as it sees Nitrick enter.

Lastly, a rather large archway dominates the eastern side of the room. It glows a soft gray.

2018-12-04, 05:42 PM
Will strides in after Eilyra, "Well, I'm pretty sure thats a portal, else my uncle is a monkey. Wait..that actually could be a possibility" all trace of his recent shock gone.

2018-12-04, 06:14 PM
As Nitrick casts his healing spell over her, Eilyra almost sighs in relief as the divine burns she had suffered start to fade. Not wanting to risk alienating the ratling, she offers a soft, closed-lip smile to it. "You have my thanks, Nitrick. But who is the Black Statue Lady? Is she like the drow who came here?" Intending to walk and talk, as it were, she continues walking, her usually graceful motions seemingly more so, even as her feet seem to strike the earth with more force than usual. Reaching the next chamber, Eilyra pauses momentarily in the entrance, quickly surveying it for hidden enemies.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

However, seeing the small pile of goods stacked on a wall, with a scroll case and a book, Eilyra starts towards them, ignoring the obvious portal to the left as she goes. Reaching them, she quickly opens the case, and glances at the letter, before leafing through the book. Interesting. The Styx Oarsman... seems like a common place, considering the coupon we found on the vrocks. Perhaps she recruited them there? But none of this supports the idea of an invasion. A journal of a noble drow priestess, well, perhaps best to not mention what happened to her without knowing more. But drow are not common visitors to Sigil, and Lloth being on the move... interesting times are ahead, and, with some knowledge, I'm sure I can turn that to my advantage. Moments later, she speaks, her thoughtful words easily carrying through the cavern. "Interesting. It looks like our drow friend came from Sigil, and sought to serve her goddess. Said goddess, well, she might be planning something, but we do have a couple of leads, should we continue." She then looks at Will, her eyes almost entirely amused. Her words seem sarcastic, in an almost friendly sort of way. "Of course your uncle's a monkey, ape. What else would you expect?" Eilyra pauses for a moment, before continuing, her tone returning to it's normal cool self. "Especially since you're right. This is a portal, almost certainly to Sigil, in the marketplace, so we probably won't be attacked immediately on the other side." Her eyes quickly turn to the riding lizard, still innocently following Verik as her voice fills with determination. "The lizard should work as a key, activating it, and allowing us through. From there, well, I'd suggest the Styx Oarsman, as we have a coupon. And we know the vrocks, and likely the succubus, came from there, so it's a start."

2018-12-04, 11:03 PM
"Thanks, Nitrick."

With the lizard now healed, Verik practices riding around on it, jumping over the chasm and climbing up the walls and using the straps to ride hanging from the ceiling.

Suddenly, he hears Eilyra talking about the lizard. "Wait, what? The lizard activates the portal to Sigil? Alright. Shall we gather up the loot and try it?

Oh, I almost forgot. Nitrick, where are you from? The rest of us live in Sigil. It's kind of a big city with people of all races, including those who are often considered monsters. You'd fit right in, and we could use your help if violence breaks out again. Actually we know of another portal that could lead you back here if you want."

2018-12-05, 05:43 AM
Having finished looking through the notes by the time Verik speaks up, Eilyra looks over at him. "Seems like a plan to me, if perhaps a bit risky. It could be that these books and notes are a trap, bait, as it were, but that's not really the drow style. I'd have expected goblins, orcs, ogres and the like, not demons and drow, if it were. So it probably leads us to the marketplace."

2018-12-05, 09:36 AM
Before attempting to guide the lizard through the portal while riding it, Verik casts mage armor on it. He also uses it to help carry the loot.

If all are agreed, he’ll try going through.

2018-12-05, 03:04 PM

Carefully removing his helmet, Nitrick smiles a toothy smile at the questions.

”Nitrick answer questions, yes? Many times ago, Nitrick left colony on vision quest, as is done always by growing Nezumi. Nitrick not excellent at directions, so Nitrick got lost in the deep dark. Alone for long time, Nitrick wandered until found strange room with flat floor, not bumpy like floors should be. In middle of floor, Nitrick see tall lady made of black stone. Lady wears bone armor like mine, have fancy sword like mine on hip, hold long spear in hand. Behind lady is big black stone bone horse. Nitrick very impressed, and ask pretty black stone lady for help. Not expect much of answer from stone... but hear voice! Black Stone Lady showed me power, showed me way back home.

When Nitrick go home, tell family about Black Stone Lady. All Nezumi family... but family not like Black Stone Lady. Nezumi believe in family, in ancestors, not strange stone that not look like us. Nitrick told cannot stay with family, have to leave. Travel far. Travel up into bright land, then find this place here.

Nitrick not have much family anymore. Instead of vision quest, now growing Nezumi hunt Nitrick. Nitrick still here though, now mighty warrior bathed in family blood. Growing Nezumi never get to go home... because dead. Black Stone Lady say Nitrick have purpose, wait for sign. Think evil lying not-goddesses sign... they not sign. Now Nitrick think you are sign. Hopefully Black Stone Lady show meaning.”

Nitrick falls silent, and looks at his new friends.

2018-12-05, 05:07 PM
Pausing momentarily as she packed away the priestess's diary, Eilyra quickly finishes, and looks to Nitrick as he speaks. Interesting. Vision quests, perhaps either a strong divine connection, or overpopulation is common, so risking the young as scouts? Not ideal, but workable. And he got lost, I suppose he'd be one of those who never reported back, but for a goddess. And black stone... perhaps that's why he felt the drow were goddesses? Their skin? And his family not accepting... that does suggest a strong divine connection, but perhaps druidism, as he was simply driven out. Fools. Change often brings short term problems for long term gains. So, he went wandering, without a real goal, found his way to the surface, and then to this cave, where he was tricked. Except... hm... sending the young after him? That also sounds like a divine decision. Perhaps their patron was offended by Nitrick choosing another way? Or else the other children took the same route, and opposed the wishes of the elders? Or perhaps the elders simply refused to risk losing their power. Regardless, this is someone who was willing to kill his family, rather than disabling them, and getting them to report his death, so not a lot of guile, but a commitment to his word. Also, killing his kin, so likely to respond with violence should he be threatened. But he misses his family, so he may be looking for a replacement, so fostering a sense of kinship will be a viable strategy. And I don't even need to lie to do it. But considering us a sign... neutrality, I think. Don't want to insult a goddess, and claiming to be when not, or claiming to not when yes might both work, but being non-committal? Probably safe. Although maybe I should pick a goddess? Hm... thoughts for later.
Once Nitrick falls silent, Eilyra nods, her expression almost grim. Her quiet voice is grim. "I'm sorry to hear of your family. I know what it's like, to have your family seek your death, as well as your people, for the decisions of others. My sister trapped me in a personal hell for five thousand years, before leading our house down a path of ruin that it may never recover from. And I'm all that's left." She sighs, and shakes her head. "I don't know if we're a sign from your goddess or not, but it's possible. The drow goddess is moving, which could lead to almost anything. And we're aiming to be right in the middle of it all, so we'll find out." As she finishes speaking, she moves down, standing near the portal, to wait.

2018-12-05, 08:40 PM
Verik says "That's a sad tale, Nitrick. Did it ever occur to you that you could have solved most of your problems by forgetting about the black stone lady? I mean, power is cool and all, but real power is being able to just do stuff you want, which I think includes not having to slay your family.

Since we're sharing, I have family issues too. Basically I was forced to slay a priestess of the Spider Queen in self defense, which made the drow want to kill me, my family included. But I found a portal to Sigil and escaped that way. Now I don't have to slay the drow. Well, except for special cases like our current situation, but you know what I mean.

Nitrick, that could be your answer too. Come to Sigil, and I doubt your family will follow you there.

But no, we're not a divine sign. We're just here based on the words of a mysterious oracle, who sent us on a mission to preserve some kind of cosmic balance between the planes. Well, maybe … Maybe you should ask the oracle about your sign.

Anyway … let's see where this portal leads."

With that, he guides the lizard in.

2018-12-06, 12:02 AM
As the lizard sticks its face (and thus the bridle) between the arches, the arches extend their shimmering glow between each other, catching the poor creature and Verik into it and transporting them out of sight. Will can no longer telepathically communicate with either of them, leaving their companions all alone, with but a single portal to comfort them.

Verik drops out of the side of a building in a marketplace, landing upon a pottery stand, and smashing the jars within. The gnome behind the stand looks up and curses. "Again!? Must my wares attract drow so eagerly and often!" Pulling a small knife out of his pocket (which is likewise made of clay) and pointing the blade towards Verik, he says "I won't be intimidated by you twice, lizard-rider! Begone before I etch the name Widdly Pullbrick into your skull!". He's quite clearly outraged, and perhaps mistaking Verik for somebody else?

Aside from the poor gnome's outrage, Verik can quite clearly notice that he's back in Sigil, City of Doors.
(What do you do?)

2018-12-06, 08:40 AM
Seeing that her interpretation of the note was correct as Verik heads through the suddenly active portal on the lizard, Eilyra looks to Will and Nitrick for a moment, before she speaks up again. "It won't last long." Without another word, she steps through the portal.

2018-12-06, 09:25 AM
Verik dusts himself off and glances around.

”Hold on, Pullbrick. Some of my allies are coming too. And if you hurt me, my lizard won’t take too kindly to that, and he’s been known to bite.

But I’ll tell you what. I want to know more about the other drow who came this way. Demons too. Tell me about their comings and goings, and I’ll more than compensate you for the jars.”

2018-12-07, 04:00 PM

Nitrick chuckles. "Not know if sign, know not sign, but sent by Oracle so maybe sign. Answer very clear, of course. We go through shimmery wall now, yes?"

Slipping the helmet back on, he gives a strange warbling chirp towards what at first glance was a strange bone reconstruction of a warhorse. The beast then throws back its head in what is clearly a silent whinny and trots over to Nitrick, who swings into the saddle and gathers the reigns in his shield hand. Checking to ensure that his lance is still secure in its couch, the Nezumi casually adjusts his seat as the skeletal warhorse walks through the portal.

2018-12-14, 11:46 AM
Will, sighing, and tired of it all, turns to look at them, "I'm sorry, I'm going to head through, and let a friend of mine know whats going on, I think he can help out here....more than me, and I need....some time. He'll meet you at The Styx Oarsman" he looks morose, and sad, but sucks it up, walks through the portal and takes off.

2018-12-20, 12:19 AM
The gnome stares back up at Verik, eyeing him and the lizard carefully. Whilst slowly sheathing the knife, he says "Ah well, ther' was un' on a lizzard, like you, and had a real nasty voice, and kept bickering over some lady or some-one. Thar was a woman in fine clothes. She only talked about a... lizard queen? Som kinda queen. Two reel nasty 'uns, all big and bird-like, see." For an added visual effect, Widdly stretches his arms wide, trying to imitate a large, bipedal, bird-monster. "Then one more, frayed wings an' demonic body, like auhhhhh... suxxibis? No, auhhh...."

Whilst pondering what he saw earlier, Eilyra drops down from the portal. The gnome sceams "Me jars!"
[roll0] (DC 12)
Dashing forward, poor Widdly finds himself unable to save his next group of pots from being smashed from Eilyra's fall. Staring at her body in shock, he yells "It be her! I knew you was them all along!" He grabs a pack nearby, and attempts to flee as the rest of the party drop in behind his fleeting steps.

(What do you do?
Note: Widdly has only really moved 20' away at this point. You could probably catch up and block his path if you so wished)

2018-12-20, 01:22 PM
Seeing a gnome running screaming, and sensing that this would lead to issues, Eilyra instinctively lashes out, and grabs the gnome by the throat, holding him tightly enough to prevent escape as she slams him up against the wall. When she speaks, her voice is low, and full of threat, with her golden eyes burning with intensity, and small sparks of flame scattering from her hair. "And who, exactly, might we be?"

2018-12-20, 08:27 PM
Verik says "I'd say it's best to leave him be. He only knows the ones we met, and I doubt he'll give us servants of the Lizard Queen any more trouble."

2018-12-20, 08:43 PM
Eilyra glances over at Verik, before looking back at the gnome, clearly waiting for a response.

2018-12-28, 01:05 PM
The gnome replies to Eilyra's devilishly fast reflexes "Ye- ye be that suxxibis! She sed shed come back an' cut me throat if I told anybody! First ye come smash me pots, now ye smash me li-"

Eilyra's grip seems to have knocked the poor gnome into unconciousness. A few moments later, Will and Nitrick drop into the marketplace, only smashing the pots even further.

(What do you do?)

2018-12-28, 01:09 PM
Eilyra just shakes her head at the gnome's patheticness. "Well. That's certainly a case of mistaken identity." As she speaks, she drops the gnome, and turns away, to depart. "Now, I believe we're seeking The Styx Oarsman?"

2018-12-28, 10:07 PM
Verik says "Before we go there, let's find a place for all this stuff we're carrying. If we can't sell it yet, then we need to store it.

I also want to find a stable for Scaler. While the idea of riding him into combat is certainly appealing, it might not be great for his life expectancy. Besides, there can't be that many riding lizard stables even in Sigil, and that could give us a lead on finding out more about the drow.

We might want to check out Will's friend, too.

As for mistaken identity, it could work in our favor when we do go to the Oarsman. Eilyra, you could disguise yourself as a drow. So can I, although only for a limited time, unless I buy a hat like yours. Nitrick, you could probably pass as someone who hangs out with drow. Maybe it will help us find out what's going on."

2018-12-29, 09:26 AM
Eilyra, having forgotten the weight of the gear she was carrying, sighs as Verik raises an excellent point. "You're right. We'll visit the market. I only know of one stable in Sigil, the Green Stone Stables, but I wouldn't recommend them. Use Scaler as a beast of burden until then?" Eilyra doesn't sound overly happy about it, but her form soon flickers, revealing a drow lady, rather than an elven one. Her transformation complete, she starts walking away from the ruins of the pots. "It would be best if we were away from here, before the gnome wakes up."

2019-01-03, 06:36 PM
Oculali, or Smeregerant as he was calling himself these days *He had a habit of never using his real name, and changing it every few days, occupational hazard. Was at the bar, talking it up with a bunch of strangers he had met, one an Azer, a dour sort of fellow, went by the name I inn shh vshhi trrivelss, Ignan for something about traveling or some such, his companion, a Duergar wasn't much better, he couldn't even remember his name, let alone pronounce it. It didn't matter however, as they both had imbibed a special concoction served at the The Styx Oarsman: the cornea of a beholders eyestalk, brined in the venom of a dying Couatl. No joke, Not something he would drink.....ever. Mostly because it was expensive as the days are long in Sigil, and the Lady would probably take advantage of him.*He wishes

Anyway, Here he was talking it up with these two fine gents. "Well, I tell ya, this one" he points behind him, to the towering Glabrezu, thankfully allowed inside the bar at this particular establishment, "Wouldn't have any of the fun, and that's saying something, she was particularly juicy, if i might add" he finishes with a wink.

The hulking demon begins to speak, but Oc...Smeregerant hushed him with a quick "shhh" and the motion of his right hand closing his fingers together...

2019-01-05, 10:40 AM
Departing the ruins of the gnome's poorly placed market stall, Eilyra walks out, past the hecklers, and the varied merchants and customers, ignoring them with the ease of long practice as she walks to a different, more up-market market. If we're going to get paid in gold, we'll need the wealthier stores. These here deal in barter, and small amounts. Gone were the colorful fabrics, the hecklers, the sizzling of food carts, the slight squishiness of the cobblestone beneath her boots. Instead, cool marble, solid storefronts, and wealthier clientele met her golden eyes as she walked from merchant to merchant. It took a couple of hours, but she was able to find buyers for the various goods she carried, who were willing to pay then and there.
With her concealed coin pouch bulging in her pack, Eilyra splits the gains fairly among Will, Verik, Nitrick, and herself, before waiting calmly for them to finish and purchases they desired.
While they handle their purchases, I can take a moment to eat something light, as it'll be hours yet before we reach the Oarsman. Now, the Hive, or the Lady's Ward. The Hive... we might be attacked by thugs, but I doubt it. The wings and horns should mark me as not someone to be messed with, and anyone dumb enough to do it anyway should be entertaining. But the Lady's Ward, well, the wealthy tend to have issues with adventurers, and I'd prefer to avoid any mention of old Dlardrageth debts. So, the Hive route it is.
Once they returned(And she finished lunch), she sets off once more, for the Hive, trusting in her demonic appearance to keep predators away as she walks through the grimy, poorly lit streets toward the Lower Ward, and the Styx Oarsman.

2019-01-05, 08:11 PM
Verik is pleased by the large amount of gold the loot fetches, though still not completely trusting Eilyra’s honesty.

With his share he purchases a real find, a Hat with the powers of Disguise and which also acts as a Circlet of Mages.

He also buys a masterwork longspear, masterwork crossbow, and ten bolts. He also took the drow poison that the group had found.

He uses the hat to disguise himself as a full blooded drow man wearing studded leather armor.

After taking his leave from the others he searches for an exotic stable to keep Scaler in. While there he inquires about any other drow who might have similar lizards.

Leaving Scaler there with a nice meal, he heads to the Oarsman, still in disguise.

2019-01-07, 12:28 PM
As the party gathers their new belongings and set off for the Styx Oarsman through the Hive, not much is to be seen in its streets. Commoners of Sigil rush about, wary of what could be lurking for them if they stopped. On one road a religious procession passes by, with rats scurrying past to bother some other unwitting travelers. Turning into another street, you can see a halfling wearing torn rags escaping from a dark figure on a skeletal warhorse. The rider briefly stops and stares a masked face at Nitrick before continuing its hunt.

((These are the events that happen on your way to the Styx Oarsman whilst in the Hive. You can ignore them or just continue on your way, as they aren't your problems anywho. Just tell me that you pass by these things if you choose not to do anything))

Smeregerant thought that his fellow Glabrezu wouldn't be welcome in the Oarsman. He presumed much, as he was in Sigil, after all. Outside of the two monk brothers he'd met "Punch" and "Kick"*, a variety of Githzerai, tieflings, and demons gather as patrons (some other races exist, but are in so few number it's not worth mentioning). A Martlith is behind the counter, mixing multiple drinks with her many hands, passing the finished ones to one of three humans, of which serve them to the clientele. Loud squawking can be heard as several vrocks leave the establishment drunkenly, nearly stumbling over the steps out into the street.

This is not the average tavern Smeregerant is used to.

Back in front of him, Punch and Kick detail a recent fight they got into with an unruly customer, reluctantly admitting that all they really did was drag away the body into the street after the other customers dealt with him. Noticing his drink has been finished, Punch calls back "Hey Marlith! Mebbe ya could pass us some more drinks?". Marlith responds "Well!? What'll you have?"

((Please make a Know (Local) and a Know (The Planes) check. Marlith is looking at you for an answer, given that Punch and Kick are merely asking for refills.))

*Punch is the Azer, and Kick is the Duergar.

2019-01-10, 01:38 PM
Verik normally doesn’t stick his nose into places that he can’t pry gold out of, but the sight of the halfling being chased down by a masked rider apparently doesn’t sit well with him: He casts a haste spell, including the halfling in the effect, as well as Verik himself and his current companions.

2019-01-10, 02:00 PM
Seeing the haste take effect, Eilyra sighs, and subtly prepares to defend herself, if the knight comes after her.

2019-01-11, 05:16 PM

Having companions is a new experience for Nitrick, and one that leads the nezumi to hang back and follow quietly along in the wake of his more charismatic companions. The process of selling their equipment enraptures the bone knight. Nitrick tries to guess the value of one item as opposed to the next when they're being sold, and were he a betting man he would have found himself penniless quite quickly with how often he is wrong.

At the appearance of some sort of disturbance or chase, Nitrick senses the sudden urgency in some of his companions. Mentally spurring his bone steed into the path of both hunter and prey, he calls out in a strong voice: "HOLD, in the Lady's Name!" He levels his lance as he speaks, his bone armor stark in the light of the road.

2019-01-22, 04:36 PM
Smeregerant smiles and nods, "Welll, I'm not really sure, whats on tap today?" he asks with a grin.

planes - (1d20+16)[26]