View Full Version : Balancing and portraying a character with different personalities in one body

2018-09-21, 09:32 PM

My DM allowed me to play a character based off of the story of Disney's Cinderella.

For those who aren't familiar with Disney's adaptation of Cinderella (please skip down if needed):
Nol, or Nolash because soot covered his body from cleaning the house, was abused and humiliated by his stepmother and stepsisters, eventually forced into the servant's role. Because life wasn't really that great in the real world, Nolash retreated into dreams where one day he'd be able to find a good family and a better life.

Another personality, named Kal, was created in order to bring cheer. Kal, aged 23, is pretty much a drama kid and happy-go-lucky. There's something fun about bringing joy to other people.

When a religious festival came, an invitation was sent for all the citizens of the town to come, which included to Nolash. Happily, he prepared an old suit from his father's wardrobe and cleaned it up. However, when he down to see the festival, his sisters tore apart the clothes, save the boots.

He fled to the garden. There, soft light gathered around and Titania, (his believed fairy godmother), offered to help him go the festival in exchange for Nolash's service. With joy, he agreed and power flowed into him. His torn clothes turned into a beautiful suit, and he was able to enjoy the festivities. Partway through the festival however, Kal took over and had fun, eventually returning to see Titania. He also wanted to negotiate a pact, but was given a wooden recorder instead.

Unknowest to them, one of the stepsisters caught him, and Nolash/Kal was sold off into a mercenary camp, where 80% of wages are given back to his stepmother. There he meant the campaign.


So, the problem is this:
Nolash is a Archfey Warlock and I plan for Kal to become a lore bard, so I thought of multiclassing.
My DM proposed that instead, I treated them as two different characters. For example, when the body gains another level, both Nolash and Kal would gain a level in their respective classes. I had wanted Kal to pursue mainly focus on utility, and Nolash as warlock might be useful in other areas, so you can see how annoying it might be for other players if I just conveniently switched between combat and roleplay.

The thing is, I was wondering if you guys would have any ideas on how to either:

1) Roleplay such a character
2) Suggest ways on dealing when each character should take over. While I'd like some control over that choice, the DM wanted to place some limits as well as have some control over switching, and I agree.

I'm interested in hearing your ideas


2018-09-21, 10:21 PM
Roll percentile each day? High is the lock lock is the bard. Also you can have traumatic or stressful situations cause a roll?