View Full Version : Lvl 2 fighter/ lvl + sorc or wiz idea help

2018-09-23, 01:22 PM
Im going to play either high Elf (Wizard) or 1/2 Elf (sorcerer) I want to be mainly spell caster.
But I want a sword off hand for secondary. No shield as I don’t want warcaster feat nor dropping picking up to cast spells.
I want my first 2 lvls to be fighter.
Main purpose action surge. I want to be able to cast 2 full spells. A simple example is fire ball then action surge fireball. I prefer more creative options but that’s the jist of it.
Second purpose early armor level but ready to drop armor if needed in below.
Third reason get defense fighting style. +1 AC
Fourth reason Constitution saves for concentration spells.
2. I then max spell caster as either
A. sorcerer
B. Blade singer Wizard
C. Some other Wizard subclass.

1. Yes, it’s legal. 1 main spell per action with action surge so don’t argue that point
2. Don’t say sorcerer can quicken or twin already. So you don’t need fighter action surge.
If I go that route I will still go 2 lvls Fighter for action surge

If I go 1/2 elf sorcerer I’m guessing I can twin or quicken and action surge to redo again?

If I go high elf blade singer, that gives me more out of spells go melee ability such as high ac 2 attack’s and haste for melee?

Or if I go wizard other subclass ?

Anyone know what’s better option for A,B,C
and to go asi or feat

2018-09-23, 01:57 PM
Hello power gamer. I'm Rule Lawyer.

"Most spells require a single action to cast, but some spells require a Bonus Action, a reaction, or much more time to cast.

Bonus Action

A spell cast with a Bonus Action is especially swift. You must use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to cast the spell, provided that you haven’t already taken a Bonus Action this turn. You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a Casting Time of 1 action."

I suggest you play a sorcerer for the Metamagic which will get you close. But what you want to do by RAW& RAI. Is impossible

2018-09-23, 02:32 PM
Hello Rule lawyer. I’m just trying to play a concept of being able to cast 2 spells every so often. Still far off from the cheese fighter archer sharpshooter or with rogue or etc paladin sorcerer paliock etc etc

Actually it’s already been discussed by Jeremy Crawford and action surge does allow a new action to cast another full spell. But not if u cast a bonus action spell

@JeremyECrawford Can an Action Surge be used to cast an additional spell?

Jeremy Crawford
@jeffjohnsonio "Can an Action Surge be used to cast an additional spell?"

Yep! But watch out for bonus action spells (PH, pg. 202).


So getting back on topic.

Anyone know what might be a good option out of ABC

2018-09-23, 05:46 PM
I would fighter 1 / caster 5 before getting action surge, unless you have an earlier spell you want to double-cast.

Sorcerer's quicken loses some value if you plan on action surging those important rounds. There are enough other metamagic that sorcerer is still good enough.

Half-elf allows you to start Str8 Dex14 Con16 Int10 Wis12 Cha16, which seems an optimal start. You'll never get extra attack but can fake it with twin BB. Because of the limited spells known, you might want a later dip into warlock to hold the lower level spells. Or early for hexblade's use of Cha. But that double-MC delays spell advancement further.

Bladesinger is the only pick that cannot use medium armor, which forces you to boost beyond Dex14. It's also the only choice with extra attack. You almost need tough or a high Con to stay in melee.

It all depends on your RP concept, is your martial stance mostly faking it out or will you dance into melee? If you fake it out, Dex14 might be enough to cover it and you can stay in medium armor for protection. If you'd rather go melee than plink cantrips, bladesinger sounds better.

2018-09-23, 06:02 PM
Thanks bid. I was thinking lvl 2 fighter to get that melee combat rolling early lvls. But lvl 1 might be good enough until my spell class is higher lvls for fun spell casting with lvl 2 fighter

As for sorcerer, yes the spells are less but meta magic can be colorful.

But wizard will give more versatility.

I’m thinking bladsinger for early game fits the fighter early lvl. But prefer it to be secondary.
Maybe saving that shadow blade or that mordekenein? Spell to go fighter at high lvl for desperate measures

2018-09-23, 09:54 PM
If having action surge isn't that important going something like a mountain dwarf immediately gives medium armor and war hammers if you can get past no cha boost

2018-09-24, 11:45 AM
I like playing dwarves but going either high elf fighter wizard or 1/2 elf fighter sorcerer

2018-09-24, 05:32 PM
I would suggest Fighter 2/ Abjuration Wizard X. This keeps you coolly combat competent while also better defended than expected. Later levels, like 8, let you lend defense to your friends while fending off foes.

2018-09-25, 01:37 PM
Thanks Minty&Bin
So my options are
1. high elf fighter 1 start then Wizard 1-5 then fighter 2 and switch to Wizard X. If I go bladesinger more dex based and abjuration con base
2. 1/2 elf fighter 1 then sorcerer 1-5 then fighter 2 and switch back to sorcerer X. With focus on meta 2 at 3rd 1 at 10th 1at 17 careful , quicken, twin , heightened, subtle. as options
Divine subclass sorcerer would be best or if the limited spell choice will be to hindered

Just found out it’s the water deep module