View Full Version : Prediction regarding next story-arc [Spoiler]

2007-09-16, 02:58 PM
So i've been thinking, now that the story arc's ended, where do we move on? So i figured, we know that the next gate Xykon'll be after is Girard's gate, on the western continent. Know what's else on the western continent?

Discuss away =)

2007-09-16, 03:04 PM
I want to know why Haley's a Northerner if she's from the West.

2007-09-16, 03:13 PM
We already know which gate Xykon will visit next. The oracle told Roy.

But the story-arc will call for a reunion of the OotS first, probably including Roy's ressurection, and also some fiddling with azure city and the lords and their dark boss. I would also assume that Xykon and Redcloak hang a bit longer around, at least until they did something to O'Chul.

2007-09-16, 03:16 PM
I want to know why Haley's a Northerner if she's from the West.

Wait, what? Haley's a Westerner? I thought her father was just imprisoned in the West. Considering he's a thief, he may get around a bit. Also, if she's a Northerner, it may just be in comparison to the Southerners.

2007-09-16, 03:40 PM
Wait, what? Haley's a Westerner? I thought her father was just imprisoned in the West. Considering he's a thief, he may get around a bit. Also, if she's a Northerner, it may just be in comparison to the Southerners.

Then what is Roy? I would have thought that Roy would be considered a Northerner and Elan & Haley Westerners.

2007-09-16, 03:47 PM
Yeah, i also kinda think that when the 'azurites' refer to humans as 'Northereners', they simply mean they are northern when compared to the Southern Azure City. Anyway, it's a popular rumor that Lord Tyrinar is in fact Nale and Elan's warlord father, i think that on strip 50 there's a big T on one of the banners in Nale's Flashback. Come to think of it, i wonder what did Nale and Elan's parents ever found in each other??

2007-09-16, 03:53 PM
But Hinjo used the word "Northerner" to tell Captain Axe how to identify Haley. While Axe could identify Haley' region of origin by her clothing, it most likely refers to her ethnicity. However, Roy, who's from the Northern city of Cliffport, obviously is of a different ethnic background than Haley or Elan, who have connections to the Western Continent. Thus, if the word "Northerner" was used to refer to people who were simply north of AC, then Hinjo wouldn't have used it as way to identify Haley since the good Captain could be expecting someone with a different appearance.

2007-09-16, 04:23 PM
Haley is a Northerner, but her dad was imprisoned on the Western continent. Just like the OotS were imprisoned in the Southern lands, but none of them are from there. Haley's dad was "a first edition thief" and likely is still an adventurer. (Remember, Haley's 24, and Ian Starshine seemed fairly young in a flashback to when Haley was in her mid to late teens.)

That said, I do believe that Tyrinar is Elan and Nale's dad; here are the facts:

A) In strip 50, Nale and Elan's dad's flag has a yellow "T" on it.
B) In strip 50, Nale and Elan's dad's helmet has a T-shaped opening.
C) Elan and Nale haven't been given last names, most likely for a reason.
D) Elan and Nale's dad is a conquerer; Tyrinar is a conquerer.
E) The ground in strip 50 is brown and the sky is yellowish; this implies a desert.
F) The Western Continent is known to have a Babylonian-theme, or at least Babylonian gods. Babylon and the rest of the Middle-East are all desert.

Therefore we know that, Elan and Nale's dad, whose banner and helmet bear a "T", conquered at least part of the Western Continent. We also know that Tyrinar, whose name starts with a "T", conquered a part of the Western Continent.

Plus, it could lead to some complications a la Romeo and Juliet, with Elan dating Haley, and Elan's dad holding Haley's dad prisoner.

2007-09-16, 04:47 PM
Hate to burst your bubble, but both On the Origin of PCs AND Start of Darkness also utilize characters with that exact same helmet. :smallamused:

2007-09-16, 05:15 PM
Babylon and the rest of the Middle-East are all desert.

That is not true. There are a lot of non-desert-areas around. :)

2007-09-16, 05:21 PM
But we do know Girard's Gate, on the Western Continent, is in the middle of a desert.

2007-09-16, 05:26 PM
But we do know Girard's Gate, on the Western Continent, is in the middle of a desert.

http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0277.html mentions a desert gate and looks fairly deserty.

2007-09-16, 06:41 PM
But Hinjo used the word "Northerner" to tell Captain Axe how to identify Haley. While Axe could identify Haley' region of origin by her clothing, it most likely refers to her ethnicity. However, Roy, who's from the Northern city of Cliffport, obviously is of a different ethnic background than Haley or Elan, who have connections to the Western Continent. Thus, if the word "Northerner" was used to refer to people who were simply north of AC, then Hinjo wouldn't have used it as way to identify Haley since the good Captain could be expecting someone with a different appearance.

Most cultures tend to divide the world into two separate groups: Them, and Us. Think about terms like Infidel, Foreign Devil, Forigner, Outlander, ect. No one cares precisely where you are from, if you're not from where they are from.

the point is that Azurites probably refer to everyone that isnt an azurite as "northerner."

2007-09-16, 08:45 PM
Yeah, i also kinda think that when the 'azurites' refer to humans as 'Northereners', they simply mean they are northern when compared to the Southern Azure City. Anyway, it's a popular rumor that Lord Tyrinar is in fact Nale and Elan's warlord father, i think that on strip 50 there's a big T on one of the banners in Nale's Flashback. Come to think of it, i wonder what did Nale and Elan's parents ever found in each other??

They liked the same music. And opposites attract.

I hadn't noticed the banner before. It also has a bat, seems Tyrinar-ish to me.

David Argall
2007-09-16, 09:17 PM
Not to be discouraging, at least not too much, but It seems we have a full book of AC still ahead of us before we reach Western lands. 180 strips/3 =60 weeks, minimum. So you are making predictions for about 2 years from now.

You might want to predict on points more immediate.

Grey Watcher
2007-09-16, 09:28 PM
Haley is a Northerner, but her dad was imprisoned on the Western continent. Just like the OotS were imprisoned in the Southern lands, but none of them are from there. Haley's dad was "a first edition thief" and likely is still an adventurer. (Remember, Haley's 24, and Ian Starshine seemed fairly young in a flashback to when Haley was in her mid to late teens.)

That said, I do believe that Tyrinar is Elan and Nale's dad; here are the facts:

A) In strip 50, Nale and Elan's dad's flag has a yellow "T" on it.
B) In strip 50, Nale and Elan's dad's helmet has a T-shaped opening.
C) Elan and Nale haven't been given last names, most likely for a reason.
D) Elan and Nale's dad is a conquerer; Tyrinar is a conquerer.
E) The ground in strip 50 is brown and the sky is yellowish; this implies a desert.
F) The Western Continent is known to have a Babylonian-theme, or at least Babylonian gods. Babylon and the rest of the Middle-East are all desert.

Therefore we know that, Elan and Nale's dad, whose banner and helmet bear a "T", conquered at least part of the Western Continent. We also know that Tyrinar, whose name starts with a "T", conquered a part of the Western Continent.

Plus, it could lead to some complications a la Romeo and Juliet, with Elan dating Haley, and Elan's dad holding Haley's dad prisoner.

Actually, it doesn't necessarily point to Elan and Nale's father being Tyrinar himself. He could simply have been a general in Tyrinar's service. Or they could be completely unrelated, and Elan's dad serves the city of, I dunno, Thebes?

Tempest Fennac
2007-09-18, 05:01 AM
Does anyone else think that there's a possibility that Roy couls go back to veryone else as an Archon or Angel? It would give him more of a chance against Xykon , and there's a possibility that the gods would let him go back if he became one due to what's at stake if Xykon succeeds.

2007-09-18, 05:05 AM
Most cultures tend to divide the world into two separate groups: Them, and Us. Think about terms like Infidel, Foreign Devil, Forigner, Outlander, ect. No one cares precisely where you are from, if you're not from where they are from.

the point is that Azurites probably refer to everyone that isnt an azurite as "northerner."

Then why say "a halfling and a Northern woman" rather than "two Northerners"?

Why is the word "Northern" capitalized? If it was simply referring to any peoples living north of AC, than Northern would probably not be capitalized.

David Argall
2007-09-18, 02:24 PM
Then why say "a halfling and a Northern woman" rather than "two Northerners"?

Why is the word "Northern" capitalized? If it was simply referring to any peoples living north of AC, than Northern would probably not be capitalized.

Probably because casual conversation is full of inconsistencies if you look closely. "Northern" here likely merely means "weird types, which does not currently include obvious hostiles".